"Celebrations": Special Days Birthdays Birthdays Special Days

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Unit 4 Lesson A & B Edwin Didier Chávez González

Lesson A & B Unit 4

Lagunas Vega Aglael


"Lesson A“ “Lesson B”

Talk about gift giving and birthdays Talk about how you celebrate special days.
using be going to and indirect objects Talk about plans using the present
continuous or be going to

Birthdays Birthdays Special days Special days

be going to
Remember, you can also use isn't (= is not)
Gramar: Future with be going to and aren't (= are not), especially after Grammar: Present continuous for You can use be going to is often
names and nouns: the future; be going to used to talk about plans:
To talk about your future plans, you can
use be going to + verb. Marcos isn't going to have a party You can use the present continuous A What are you going to do for
or be going to to talk about plans. New Year's Eve?
In affirmative statements, use subject + My parents aren't going to have a party.
be + going to + verb: B We're going to go somewhere
for dinner. We're going to meet
Questions some friends at a staurant.
Examples: I'm going to buy something Present continuous for the future
special. To ask questions about someone's future
The present continuous is often used to talk
plans, you can use be going to. about plans with specific times or places:
You can also use be going to to talk
In negative statements, use subject To ask Yes-No questions, use be + subject + about predictions for the future:
A: What are you doing for New Year's Eve?
+ be + not + going to + verb: going to + verb . . . ?:
B: We're going to The Sea Grill for dinner. It's going to be fun.
You're not going to get a present. A : Are you going to have a party? We're meeting friends there at 8:30.
It's going to snow tomorrow.
She's not going to be 50. B Yes, we are. / No, we're not.

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