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Language Analysis (LA)

If your lesson introduces and/or practises new language (grammar/vocab/function), this section must be filled in.
Analysis Anticipated difficulties Solutions
Analyse the language to be taught in terms of meaning, form and In light of the analysis, detail any Suggest solutions to the difficulties.
pronunciation. anticipated difficulties the learners
will have with the language items.

2nd conditional

Meaning It is often confused with the 1st CCqs: Is it possible? No

- To talk about less likely/unreal/hypothetical/imaginary conditional, which expresses a real Is it about the past? No
situations in the present or future situation/a possible one. Students Do I have the money? No
- If I were you, I’d… - used to give advice often think 2nd conditional is used to Can I buy a house? No
talk about the past
If I was you – commonly used by
native speakers but not in formal
writing or speech
Form Controlled practice followed by freer
If + subject + past simple, subject + would/wouldn’t + base verb practice and error correction. Contrast
Sts might use simple present or with 1st conditional
avoid would/overusing of would
Auxiliaries are left out
Wrong conjunctions/leaving
Pronunciation conjunctions out: *I had the money. I
buy the house
If I had more money, I’d buy a bigger house Avoidance in general Drilling (back-channelling)/use fingers
to demonstrate contractions
Sentence stress on
Would is difficult for speakers of
many languages
Weak forms


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