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Subject: HISTORY Max. Marks: 30

Date: 28-2-2022
Max. Time: 1 hr

SECTION A (Objective)

Question 1 Fill in the blanks: [4]

a) A member of Vidhan Sabha should not be less than _25_____

years of age.

b) Vidhan Parishad is the Upper House of state legislature. [1]

c) The Governor of a state is appointed by the President. [1]

d) Aurangzeb failed to subdue the Marathas. [1]

Question 2 State True or False: [6]

a) One of the significant contributions of Akbar’s reign was the
establishment of a weak administrative system. FALSE

b) Humayun founded the Mughal School of Painting. FALSE [1]

c) The Chief Minister is appointed by the Prime Minister. FALSE [1]

d) A state having one house in the legislature is called bicameral

legislature. FALSE

e) During Aurangzeb’s reign, the Mughal Empire had reached its

maximum size. TRUE

f) The executive power of the state is vested in the Chief Minister.


Question 3 Multiple Choice Questions: [5]

a) Aurangzeb died in __________ in 1707 AD.

1. Pune
2. Bijapur
3. Delhi
4. Ahmednagar
b) A member of the Vidhan Parishad is known as _________.
1. Chairman
2. Speaker
3. Governor
4. Member of Legislative Council

c) Head of the military department in Akbar’s administration was

1. Qazi
2. Mir Baksh
3. Wakil
5. Mir Saman

d) To qualify as a member of Vidhan Parishad a person

1. Must be less than 25 years of age
2. Must be less than 35 years of age [1]
3. Must not be less than 35 years of age
4. Must be less than 28 years of age.

e) The new religion founded by Mughal emperor Akbar was ______ [1]
1. Diwan-i-khas
2. Ibadat Khana
3. Diwan-i-aam
4. Din-i-ilahi

Question 4 Complete the following sentences: [5]

a) The Marathas lived in the hilly regions around Pune and Konkan [1]
in the Deccan.

b) The Governor is the executive head of the state. [1]

c) The two types of bills are ordinary bill and money bill. [1]

d) Aurangzeb assumed the title of ‘Alamgir’ meaning conqueror of

the world

e) The Chief Minister is the link between the Governor and the [1]
Council of Ministers.


Question 5 Picture study: [2]

a) Identify the person. NUR JAHAN

b) Write about her role in the administration of Jahangir’s Empire.

Jahangir made her his chief queen and gave her the title of Nur
Jahan. He consulted her on all the matters. Once when Jahangir
fell ill for a long period, she took over the administration and
became the virtual ruler of the empire. During the last 16 years of
his reign, Jahangir left the entire administration in her hands.
Even coins were issued in her name.

Question 6 Answer the following questions: [8]

a) Mention two powers of the Governor. [2]
• The Governor has the power to summon or prorogue
the state legislature.
• He addresses the first session of the state legislature
after the elections.
• He appoints one sixth of the members of the
legislative council.
• Gives assent to the bills passed by the state
• The Governor administers the Contingency Fund of
India and can advance money out of it to meet the
unforeseen expenditure in the state.
• The Governor is consulted by the President while
appointing Chief Justice and the other judges of the
High Court of the state. (any 2)

b) Describe the Mansabdari system. [2]

Mansab is an Arabic word which means rank or position.
Every officer or noble was given a mansab or rank and was
called a mansabdar. It was a graded system. A mansabdar
was required to maintain a stipulated number of horsemen
and was appointed the king. There were 33 categories of
mansabdar, the lowest being the commander of 10 horsemen
and the highest commanding 10,000 soldiers. Mansabs of
above 5000 were reserved for princes and close relatives.

c) Briefly explain any two categories of council of ministers and their [2]

• Cabinet Ministers- They hold important portfolios in

the government.
• Ministers of State- Assist the Cabinet ministers in the
functioning of the government.
• Deputy Ministers- They are appointed by the Governor
to support a minister. (Any two)
d) Write a short note on Aurangzeb’s Deccan campaign. [2]
• Aurangzeb was successful in annexing Bijapur and
Golconda but it proved to be harmful to the Mughal
empire. It became too vast to control and brought
them in direct contact with the Marathas.
• After Shivaji’s death, his son Sambhaji fought for the
control of the kingdom. Sambhaji was captured and
executed whereas his brother Rajaram escaped and
continued the struggle. After his death his brave
widow Tarabai took over and carried on the struggle
against the Mughals.

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