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Class test No: 2 / AY 2020-21

Centre Code & Name: vh10116 Kharghar Board & Grade: Grade 7
Subject: Geography Max. Marks: 30
Date: 00/00/2021 Unit:2,4 Max. Time: 1 hour

Q1. Fill in the blanks. [4]

i) The solid crust of rocks forming the surface of the earth is called lithosphere

ii) The amount of energy received and lost by the atmosphere is called the heat
iii) The biosphere is filled with millions of life forms in an astonishing range is called
Bio diversity
iv) The removal of the fertile top soil by rain water, river, wind and waves or any kind
of human activity is termed as soil erosion

Q2. Answer in one word: [6]

i) The ability of soil to retain water -Soil retention

ii) The sphere of the Earth in which life exists. - Biosphere
iii)The outer most layer of the atmosphere from the Earth. -Exosphere
iv)The process of management of soil to prevent or reduce soil pollution and erosion. -
Soil conservation

v)The cold, dry air which blows from land towards the sea during night. -Land breeze
vi) The narrow boundary between stratosphere and mesosphere. Stratopause

Q3. Choose the correct option and write in answer sheet [4]

i)The layer of atmosphere where dust particles, water vapour and other impurities are
a. Troposphere

ii) The word ‘Laterite’ means.

c. Brick

iii) The atmosphere is mainly composed of

b. Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon

iv)The thinnest layer of the Earth.

a. crust

Q4. Complete the following sentences: [4]

i) Laterite soil has got its red colour due to the presence of …
Class test No: 2 / AY 2020-21

Centre Code & Name: vh10116 Kharghar Board & Grade: Grade 7
Subject: Geography Max. Marks: 30
Date: 00/00/2021 Unit:2,4 Max. Time: 1 hour

potash and high percentage of iron…

ii) Meteorology is the study of different process and phenomena of atmosphere along
with …. forecasting of weather

iii) The soils are categorized into six main types depending upon their …origin and

iv) Air pollution leads to the depletion of the ozone layer.

Q5. With reference to the diagram given below, answer the following question:

i) Write two characteristics of subsoil [2]

Class test No: 2 / AY 2020-21

Centre Code & Name: vh10116 Kharghar Board & Grade: Grade 7
Subject: Geography Max. Marks: 30
Date: 00/00/2021 Unit:2,4 Max. Time: 1 hour

Ans. The two characteristics of subsoil are:

a. Subsoil is not rich in humus thus lighter in colour.
b. It is also known as zone of accumulation
c. Here leached material like clay, minerals and silicates gets
accumulated. (any two)

Q6. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences: [4]

a. Distinguish between Land breeze and Sea breeze.

Ans: Sea Breeze: I) Day time the land gets heated up faster than the
water. Ii) Air above the land rises. Iii) The cold breeze above the sea
blows towards the land to take the place of hot air and bring the
temperature down.

Land Breeze: I) At night the land cools faster and the air above it cools
and sinks. ii) The sea is warmer causing the air above it to rise. iii) The
cold air from the land blows toward the sea.

b. List any four major types of soil found in India

Ans. The major soil types of India are: [½ marks]

Alluvial soil
Black soil
Mountainous soil
Red soil

Q7. Give reasons: [3]

a) Loamy soil is considered to be the best soil for cultivation.

Ans. This soil holds enough water and air therefore considered best soil for

b) The oceanic crust is also known as Sima.

Ans. Oceanic crust is also known as Sima because it is mainly composed of
silicon(Si) and aluminum (Al).

c) The inner core is in solid state.

Ans. The inner core is in solid state because of the high pressure of the
overlying layers keeps this layer firm.
Class test No: 2 / AY 2020-21

Centre Code & Name: vh10116 Kharghar Board & Grade: Grade 7
Subject: Geography Max. Marks: 30
Date: 00/00/2021 Unit:2,4 Max. Time: 1 hour

Q8. State the measures to control air pollution. (any three) [3]

a. Tall chimneys must be made over the furnaces to reduce the harmful effects of
coal, dust smoke etc.
b. Regular pollution check of vehicles
c. Afforestation
d.Use of alternative source of energy or fuel like CNG, hydroelectricity, solar
energy etc.
e. Avoid burning fire crackers
f. Use more of public transport, carpooling etc.
g. Avoid burning of garbage and other waste.
Class test No: 2 / AY 2020-21

Centre Code & Name: vh10116 Kharghar Board & Grade: Grade 7
Subject: Geography Max. Marks: 30
Date: 00/00/2021 Unit:2,4 Max. Time: 1 hour

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