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Smart Bus Management System

Smart Bus Management System

Muhammad Farhan Ahmed Farhan – 42416
Muhammad Owais – 42501
Ahssan Shah – 44060

Dr. Raja Asif



Smart Bus Management System

Smart Bus Management System


Muhammad Farhan Ahmed Farhan – 42416

Muhammad Owais – 42501
Ahssan Shah – 44060

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

BS. Computer Science

Thesis Supervisor:

Dr. Raja Asif

Assistant Professor, Department of IT, BUITEMS

Supervisor Signature:

FYP Coordinator Signature:

Chairperson Signature:



24 September 2020

Smart Bus Management System


I certify that project titled “Smart Bus Management System” is my work. The work has

not been presented elsewhere for assessment. Where material has been used from other

sources it has been properly acknowledged/referred.

Signatures of Group Members:

Farhan Ahmed 42146

Muhammad Owais 42501

Ahssan Shah 44060

Smart Bus Management System


I want to offer my true thanks to a few people and associations for supporting us all through our

Project. To begin with, I wish to offer my genuine thanks to my supervisor “Dr. Raja Asif”, for his

excitement, tolerance, astute remarks, supportive data, useful counsel, and endless thoughts that have

consistently helped us immensely in my exploration and composing of this proposition. His colossal

information, significant experience, and expert aptitude in Data Quality Control have empowered us to

finish this task effectively. Without his backing and direction, this venture would not have been


Smart Bus Management System

Table of Contents

Undertaking ................................................................................................................. iii

Acknowledgment ......................................................................................................... iv

Table of Contents ......................................................................................................... v

List of Figures ............................................................................................................. vii

List of Tables ............................................................................................................. viii

Abstract ........................................................................................................................ ix

Chapter 1: Introduction .............................................................................................. 1

1.1 Problem Statement...........................................................................................................1

1.2 Problem Solution .............................................................................................................1

1.3 Motivation .......................................................................................................................1

1.4 Objectives ........................................................................................................................2

1.5 Product Scope ..................................................................................................................2

Chapter 2: Literature Review ..................................................................................... 3

Chapter 3: Design ........................................................................................................ 5

3.1 Methodology ...................................................................................................................5

3.2 Software and Resources ..................................................................................................5

3.2.1 Kotlin ........................................................................................................................5

3.2.2 Node JS: ....................................................................................................................6

3.2.3 MySQL .....................................................................................................................6

Chapter 4: Software Requirement Specification ...................................................... 7

4.1 User Classes and Characteristics: ....................................................................................7

4.2 Product Functions ............................................................................................................7

4.3 Assumptions and dependencies: T .....................................................................7

Smart Bus Management System

4.4 System Features ...............................................................................................................7

4.4.1 Driver Management System .....................................................................................7

4.4.2 View Bus Routes ......................................................................................................8

4.4.3 Add User ...................................................................................................................8

4.5 Other Nonfunctional Requirements .................................................................................9

4.5.1 Performance Requirements: ......................................................................................9

4.5.2 Safety Requirements: ................................................................................................9

4.5.3 Security Requirements: ...........................................................................................10

4.5.4 Software Quality Attributes ....................................................................................10

Chapter 5: Logical Design & Implementation ........................................................ 11

5.1 Use Case Actor ..............................................................................................................11

5.2 Descriptive Use Case .....................................................................................................11

5.3 Activity Diagram of System ..........................................................................................15

5.4 Data Flow Diagram .......................................................................................................15

5.4.1 Context Level/ Level 0 DFD of system ..................................................................15

5.4.2 Level 1 DFD ...........................................................................................................16

5.5 Entity Relationship Diagram .........................................................................................16

Chapter 6: Results...................................................................................................... 17

Chapter 7: Conclusion ............................................................................................... 24

Chapter 8: Future Work ........................................................................................... 25

REFERENCES........................................................................................................... 26

Smart Bus Management System

List of Figures

Figure 1: Model for the System. .................................................................................... 5

Figure 2: Use Case 01 .................................................................................................. 11
Figure 3: Activity Diagram of the Implemented System. ............................................ 15
Figure 4: DFD (0) of the System. ................................................................................ 15
Figure 5: Level 1 Data Flow Diagram of System ........................................................ 16
Figure 6: ERD of the System ....................................................................................... 16
Figure 7: Registration form for User............................................................................ 17
Figure 8: Registration form for Driver ......................................................................... 17
Figure 9: Theme Page of the System. .......................................................................... 18
Figure 10: Login Page .................................................................................................. 18
Figure 11: Landing Page of Passenger Module ........................................................... 19
Figure 12: Passenger Sidebar. ...................................................................................... 19
Figure 13: Bus Selection .............................................................................................. 20
Figure 14: Route and ETA of Bus ............................................................................... 20
Figure 15: Landing page of Driver Module ................................................................. 21
Figure 16: Drivers screen after clicking "Start Driving" ............................................. 21
Figure 17: Driver's Status............................................................................................. 22
Figure 18Admin Panel ................................................................................................. 22
Figure 19: Sign out from the system ............................................................................ 23

Smart Bus Management System

List of Tables

Table 1 – Login Procedure ........................................................................................... 11

Table 2: Route of the Bus ............................................................................................ 12
Table 3: Selection of Bus ............................................................................................. 12
Table 4: Active Status .................................................................................................. 13
Table 5: Admin View................................................................................................... 13
Table 6: Forgetting Password of the user. ................................................................... 14
Table 7: Creating a new user ...................................................................................... 14

Smart Bus Management System


Our nation is on a path to becoming a superpower soon, and to be one finest nations,
things need to be in proper order. To initiate this idea, we need to begin with the public
services, and first comes the public transport services. For ages, public transport isn't
performing well. So, this system proposes a prototype to develop a real-time system
that can monitor the arrival, departure timings, and bus data at every bus junction.

Key Words: Smart Public Transport, GPS, Google Maps

Smart Bus Management System

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Problem Statement:

In our universities, many students and staff members are not aware of the exact location
and_time ofa the college bus. As we know that increasing students in the university, the number
of students traveling by bus is also increasing and the number of students opting for their vehicles
is also increasing rapidly because of reasons such as inflexibility, time constraints, uncertainty,
waiting time, over-crowding in bus, incidents, etc. Therefore, there are major traffic congestions
at rush hours on daily basis in the city. And another problem is also arising as the vehicles are
increasing is that pollution level is also increasing in the city.

1.2 Problem Solution:

In our project we are developing an application on smart phones to monitor location
and timing of the bus. It works utilizing GPS innovation intended to persistently screen a moving
transport. This application will be useful to students and staff members for suitable transport
system. In this system the passengers are automatically counted. This system can reduce efforts
of conductor who is appointing for that bus. The main goal of this project is to design and
implement smart bus transport system using GPS.
1.3 Motivation:
The main motivation for this project is to develop a system that is easy to use, portable and
convenient to provide ease to the students especially, new students when they are using this
system. As they don’t know the timing of the bus, routes of the buses.
As we are developing this project for our university right now. So, our institute has around
20 buses approx. Which run across various routes of the city every day and it is difficult for the
Transport officer to keep track of all buses manually. So, this system will take care of this bus
fleet management to keep track of all buses at a desk.

Smart Bus Management System

1.4 Objectives:
• To propose a suitable student bus tracking for awareness about the timing of buses.
• It provides real-time information about the various specification of buses like
location, route.
• The main goal of this project is to design and implement a smart bus transport
system using GPS.

1.5 Product Scope:

The scope of the Smart Bus Management System is that it should be able to be
accessed easily through the android app which can provide ease to faculty members/Students. The
scope of the product is further divided into three modules:
1. Route of the Bus:
In this module, we are using Global Positioning System (GPS), we are designing a module
that will use the location of the bus and provide its location to students. The system gives
output in the form of bus details which includes information about bus routes, bus arrival time,
real-time location of the bus.
2. Driver management system:
This module is responsible to keep the relative information about drivers which can be
very helpful for the Administrator/Organization to keep track of drivers. we will develop a
management system for drivers which includes their personal information, the workload of
drivers, and workload distribution between the drivers.

Smart Bus Management System

Chapter 2: Literature Review

As we are discussing the literature review of the project called “Smart Bus Management System".
Many exceptional works have already been done in this project like Using GPS and GSM modules,
IoT, RFID Technology, and many more to complete this project. In this section of the thesis, we
will discuss some of these technologies and discuss those features that we are enhancing in the

Existing Systems:

A framework which offers expects to give constant transport following and show of
the assessed season of appearance of transports at different stops. At present, when an individual
has no chance of knowing at what time their normal transport will show up at their stop. He should
stand by till the transport shows up, and if it had quite recently left, should stand by till another
shows up. An answer for this is proposed here, with the assistance of RFID innovation.

RFID technology: RFID represents radio recurrence ID. RFID labels are little chips that are
utilized in our everyday life for opening lodgings, entering vehicles, and so on This little chip
alongside a RFID per user structures the RFID framework. A RFID framework comprises of two
sections 1) RFID Reader 2) RFID Tag.

• RFID Reader: The RFID reader has a radio transmitter and recipient inside. The reader
communicates radio recurrence flags ceaselessly after driving. It is likewise called an
examiner. At the point when a RFID tag is set inside the reach region of a reader, it
stimulates the tag through electromagnetic enlistment and gathers the information from it.
Information is put away in the RFID tag electronically. Labels can store a couple of kilobytes
of information. This information is recovered by the reader utilizing electromagnetic waves.
• RFID Tag: RFID tags are accessible in various kinds of shapes and sizes. The Tag
contains an IC for putting away the data, a radio wire for communicating and getting, and a
modulator. Labels are little and they can hold a couple of pieces of information. The activity
of a reader is like the scanner tag filtering strategy which utilizes Universal Product
Codes (UPC) codes. In certain applications, RFID Tag and Reader enjoys upper hands over
the standardized tag framework.

Arduino Based Vehicle Tracker using GPS and GSM: GPS is the framework for working out
positions from the sign sent by an organization of satellites. Constantly checking the transport by
perusing boundaries like the speed, the course, and the geographic area progressively I transferred
Smart Bus Management System

to the server by the microcontroller and saw through a versatile application. Vehicle Tracking
frameworks are ordinarily utilized in armada the executives and resource following applications.
Today these frameworks would not just track the area of the vehicle be able to however can
likewise report the speed and even control it from a distance. As a rule, following vehicles is an
interaction wherein we track the vehicle area in type of Latitude and Longitude (GPS organizes).
GPS Coordinates are the worth of an area. This framework is extremely proficient for open air
application purposes. This sort of Vehicle Tracking System Project is generally in following
Cabs/Taxis, taken vehicles, school/school transports, and so forth This Vehicle Tracking System
can likewise be utilized to follow a vehicle utilizing GPS and GSM and can likewise be utilized
as Accident Detection Alert System, Soldier Tracking System and some more, simply by rolling
out a couple of improvements in equipment and programming.

Proposed Systems:

Our framework gives the applicable data in regard to all the transport numbers going from
the client's source and objective alongside the course subtleties, constant area. For the most part,
our framework will work by GPS which is connected to the transport. First and foremost, GPS
gets the satellite signals and afterward the position arranges with scope and longitude are
controlled by it. The area not really set in stone with the assistance of GPS and a transmission

Smart Bus Management System

Chapter 3: Design

3.1 Methodology:

Figure 1: Model for the System.

3.2 Software and Resources

3.2.1 Kotlin: Kotlin is cross platform, statically typed, general purpose programming language
with type interface. It is designed to interoperate fully with java and the JVM version of
kotlin, but it depends on the “Java Class Library”. The User Interface of the system is
designed in this programming language.
3.2.2 Node JS: Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime
environment that runs on the V8 engine and executes JavaScript code outside a web
browser. It is used in development of API of the system.
3.2.3 MySQL: MySQL is an open-source RDBMS (Relational Database Management
System). It delivers very fast, multithreaded, multi-user, and robust SQL (Structured
Query Language) database server.

Smart Bus Management System

Chapter 4: Software Requirement Specification

4.1 User Classes and Characteristics:
The fundamental objective of this venture was to work on the availability of the
understudy travel arrangement of the college. New understudies deal with numerous issues
as they don't realize which transport going towards their home or they don't realize transports
timing. These difficulties were defeated using existing innovations like GPS, remote
correspondence conventions, and cell phone application advancement. The framework is
likewise valuable to the college as it assists them with monitoring their transports course
and timetable their transports appropriately.

4.2 Product Functions:

This system aims to provide:

o Real-time Location of the bus.
o Estimated Time of Arrival of the bus
o An integrated environment for both student and driver
o Driver management system for maintaining the record of the Drivers.

4.3 Assumptions and dependencies:

The module of the GPS unit worked accordingly. The camera must have a wired
connection to the power supply. The camera should be located where the camera covers the
whole bus's inner area. Driver mobile should be on and have cellular data or a Wi-Fi
connection for real-time tracking. Driver must log in to the application before going on the

4.4 System Features

4.4.1 Driver Management System: Description and Priority:
This module is concerned about the drivers it contains all the Personal
Information about the Drivers. Also, their locations will be tracked with GPS to
get the real-time location of the bus so that students/passengers can get to know
the location of the bus.

Smart Bus Management System Stimulus/Response Sequences

o First, Drivers will have to create an account in the Application.
o They must be online when they are in their respective routes.
o The Drivers can update the routes that they are following.
o If they are not online, students cannot track the location of the bus. Functional Requirements

REQ-1: All the drivers should have an Internet Connection.
REQ-2: App should be installed on their mobile devices.
REQ-3: They must turn on the “Location” So that, the buses can be tracked.
4.4.2 View Bus Routes: Description and Priority: This module is responsible for the current location of
the bus. Which is used to show the Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) to the
passengers that are waiting for the bus Stimulus/Response Sequences
o After logging in to the system, first must turn ON their locations.
o Then they must select the bus by selecting the bus number.
o The Estimated Time of Arrival of the bus will be shown to the passenger. Functional Requirements
REQ-1: Passengers should have an Internet Connection.
REQ-2: App should be installed on their mobile devices.
REQ-3: They must turn on the "Location" So that, they can view the ETA of the
4.4.3 Bus Selection: Description and Priority: In this feature, passengers can select the bus that is
going on their desired route Stimulus/Response Sequences:
o Passengers have to log in to the application.
o Then select the bus which will give the Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) of the
bus. Functional Requirements:
REQ-1: Passengers must log in to the application.
REQ-2: Location of the user’s device must be ON

Smart Bus Management System

4.4.4 Add User: Description and Priority: This module is responsible to add the user to the
system there are two types of users in the system Student and Driver. Stimulus/Response Sequences
o If a user doesn't have an account in the system. First, they must create an account
by filling a form that contains Username Email Password, and Bus Number (In
drivers' case).
o After signing up they can easily log in to the system by providing an Email and
Password. Functional Requirements
REQ-1: The user must have a valid email.
REQ-2: Driver must provide Bus Number at the time of sign up.

4.5 Other Nonfunctional Requirements

4.5.1 Performance Requirements:
Execution necessity is worried about the speed of activity of a framework, it is
isolated into reaction, throughput, and accessibility.
• Response: contingent upon the current processors the framework gave
yield quickly input is being handled.
• Throughput: This is a proportion of the number of units of data a framework
could process in each measure of time.
• Availability: Since it is on the web, the framework is accessible for
administration when mentioned by the end-client paying little heed to
the time.

4.5.2 Safety Requirements:

The following module, which is finished by driver versatile through GPS,
didn't interact with any of the vehicle's frameworks or with the typical working of the vehicle.
Notwithstanding, to acquire specific data about and from the vehicle, the association of the
GPS beacon to the vehicle framework is obligatory. Subsequently, unique consideration is
taken, for example, the GPS beacon having the option to peruse data from the vehicle's
framework without cautioning the first readings.

Smart Bus Management System

4.5.3 Security Requirements:

SQL information base Authentication utilizes an inside adjusted adaptation of the
content to hash account passwords. In any event, when a record is transferred with a secret
word utilizing an alternate calculation, SQL data set Auth will repeat the secret word
whenever that account first effectively signs in.

4.5.4 Software Quality Attributes:

This Application contains the following Quality Attributes:
• Portability: As it is known that, this product is an Android-based application so it
was portable for all users.
• Reliability: The product contains real-time tracking which provides real-time
locations of the bus which makes this product reliable for the potential user of the
• Maintainability: The product is easily manageable for the users.
• Interoperability: This application can exchange and make use of

Smart Bus Management System

Chapter 5: Logical Design & Implementation

5.1 Use Case Actor:

Figure 2: Use Case 01

5.2 Descriptive Use Case

Table 1 – Login Procedure

ID: Use Case 1

Title: Login

Description: This use case allows the user to log into the application.

Primary Actor: Registered User.

Preconditions: The user must be registered.

Postconditions: The user will be able to use the application features.

Main 1. The use will provide the username and password

Success Scenario: 2. The system will verify whether the information is correct.
3. The user will be logged in.
Alternative Scenario: • No internet connection.
• Wrong username or password.
Frequency of Use: Whenever the user will sign out his account from the application

Smart Bus Management System

Table 2: Route of the Bus

ID: Use Case 2

Title: Routes of Buses

Description: The route which is taken by the bus

Primary Actor: Driver

Preconditions: The app should be opened when the driver is on the route

Postconditions: The passengers will successfully be able to get the location of the
Main 1. The driver should have an internet connection
Success Scenario: 2. The app should be installed in it. And enabled GPS to
get the location of the bus
Alternative Scenario: • If the driver doesn’t have a smartphone.
• If the GPS is disabled in the mobile device
Frequency of Use: This use case will be used at every cycle when the bus is on the

Table 3: Selection of Bus

ID: Use Case 3

Title: Bus Selection

Description: Passengers will select the bus

Primary Actor: Passengers

Preconditions: The passenger should have a bus number.

Postconditions: Passengers have the right to select the Bus

1. They will have the Estimated Time of Arrival of the
Main Success Scenario:
bus at their current location
• If passengers have selected the wrong bus, then they
Alternative Scenario:
must select the bus again.
This use case will be used when a passenger wants to know
Frequency of Use:
ETA of their buses.

Smart Bus Management System

Table 4:Active Status

ID: Use Case 4

Title: Bus Active Status

Description: This use case will show the status of the bus.

Primary Actor: Passenger, Driver

Preconditions: Drivers should start driving.

Postconditions: The passenger can see active buses in the application.

Main Success Scenario: The passenger can select the bus whose status is active
If all the drivers are offline, then passengers must wait
Alternative Scenario:
until they are online.
This use case will be used when a passenger wants to know
Frequency of Use:
the active buses.

Table 5: Admin View

ID: Use Case 5

Title: View User

Description: This use case is for the admin to view all the users of the system

Primary Actor: Admin

Preconditions: Login with admin credentials

Postconditions: The credentials will be checked in the database.

Admin can view all the users that were created in the
Main Success Scenario:
If the credentials are wrong admin can not log in to
Alternative Scenario:
the application
This use case will be used when an admin wants to check the
Frequency of Use:
users in the system

Smart Bus Management System

Table 6:Forgetting Password of the user.

ID: Use Case 6

Title: Forgot Password

Description: Users can reset the password with provided email.

Primary Actor: Passenger, Drivers

Preconditions: Must know the email to reset the password

An email will be sent to the user's mail through which the user
can reset the password.
Main Success Scenario: The user reset the password by entering the new password.
If the user forgot the email address, then they cannot reset
Alternative Scenario:
the password.
The frequency of this use case is when users forgot their
Frequency of Use:

Table 7:Creating a new user

ID: Use Case 7

Title: Add User

Description: Creating a profile of the users

Primary Actor: Passenger, Drivers

Fill the form properly and insert a valid email ID which can be
useful at the time of resetting the password
The application will check the credential will the existing
Postconditions: database
Main Success Scenario: The user’s profile will be created
The application will check the email will the existing
Alternative Scenario: database entries. If entries match with each other then the
user will
have to enter another email
The frequency of this use case is when the new user is added in
Frequency of Use: the

Smart Bus Management System

5.3 Activity Diagram of System:

Figure 3: Activity Diagram of the Implemented System.

5.4 Data Flow Diagram:

5.4.1 Context Level/ Level 0 DFD of system

Figure 4: DFD (0) of the System.

Smart Bus Management System

5.4.2 Level 1 DFD

Figure 5:Level 1 Data Flow Diagram of System

5.5 Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 6: ERD of the System

Smart Bus Management System

Chapter 6: Results

Figure 7:Registration form for User

Figure 8:Registration form for Driver

Smart Bus Management System

Figure 9: Theme Page of the System.

Figure 10: Login Page

Smart Bus Management System

Figure 11:Landing Page of Passenger Module.

Figure 12: Passenger Sidebar.

Smart Bus Management System

Figure 13:Bus Selection

Figure 14: Route and ETA of Bus

Smart Bus Management System

Figure 15: Landing page of Driver Module

Figure 16: Drivers screen after clicking "Start


Smart Bus Management System

Figure 17: Driver's Status

Figure 18Admin Panel

Smart Bus Management System

Figure 19:Sign out from the system

Smart Bus Management System

Chapter 7: Conclusion
In our project, we develop a system that is used for tracking the bus position, giving information
about the route, bus number. The future enhancement is developing a system by using a server and
ticket collecting machine. The main goal of this project is to design and implement a smart bus
transport system using GPS. We feel that a lot of modifications must be carried over to design a
sophisticated engineering module. By implementing this idea, we can improve transportation
safety and the quality of services to the buses. The system may focus on the accurate arrival time
and position of the bus.

Smart Bus Management System

Chapter 8: Future Work

There are several additions we can add to the current system which are very useful to improve its
features. Some of the additional features are as follows:
1. Bar Code:
We can further add the Bar-Code system with this it's easy to collect bus fare from students.
How its work? The Bar Code is posted at the bus entrance and by smart bus android mobile
application students will scan the bar code and the exact bus fare will be cut from the student
mobile account. This Bar Code system will save from fraud means those students travel free in
a bus and save from fraud by bus conductors and loss of money.
2. Online seat booking:
Online seat booking in the smart bus system will make it easy for students, especially female
students. They will check the seat availability and book the seat by smart bus android mobile
application. The seat will be reserved by their CMS ID and seat number.
3. Sensor system:
In the future, we can detect the total passengers in the bus by the sensor placed at the entrance
of the bus, and by the sensor, it will be easy to count the total passengers at the bus when some
students leave the bus the sensor will do -1 from the total passengers.

Smart Bus Management System


[1] Smart Bus System, Retrieved March 24, 2021.

[2] Intel School, Retrieved March 27, 2020
[3] Sudhir Divekar, Sagar R. Patil and Satish Shelke Smart Bus System March
[4] K Sridevi, A Jeevitha, K Kavitha, K Sathya, and K Narmadha Smart Bus
Tracking and Management System Using IoT, Volume 1, Issue 2, Pages 148-
150, March 2017.


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