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Slide 4: Is a method of mechanical process in which cutting by hand or using human power with the tool
being a benchwork tool and the workpiece not being heated.
has been around for a long time (about the 12th century)

Slide 5: after two methods of casting and forging processing it was born to provide mechanical products in
the form of mechanisms, equipment and machines that both methods the previous machining method
could not be performed.


Slide 6: There are 2 major types of materials to be considered:

+ Metal: metals that have lustrous sheen when cut, good heat conductor, electrical conductor

Ex: aluminum, copper, iron

+ Non-metal: can be elements or compounds of elements and mixtures of compounds.

Ex: wood, rubber, plastic, ceramic, glass


Slide 7: According their purposes, we divide them into several groups presented here:

Slide 8: First of all, let talk about marking tools: Scriber is a very handy tool used for marking with the
structure alike a pen including two different ends shaped sharp point.

These two pictures as a description of how to use scriber to mark properly. As you can see, the right way
is to line the scriber along the straight edge.

Slide 9: Here are other types of scriber: For example, vernier caliper with a pen or using compass to
create a line marked parallel with edge.

Slide 10: Another way to mark is to create dots using dot punch, here we use the punch with a edge of
60 or 90 degree continue with the procedure to make dot marked: (đọc slide)

Slide 11: đọc slide

Slide 12: Next is measuring instruments (đọc slide)

Slide 13: We continue with cutting tool, beginning by hacksaw (đọc slide)

Slide 14: Other saws used in benchwork: đọc slide

To fix the blade, loosen one end and passing through a hole drilled in the work, then re-fix it in the frame

Slide 15: Cutting tools also include knives: đọc slide

Slide 16: A specific tool for cutting pipe: đọc slide

Slide 17: Đọc slide

Slide 18: Continued with the three steps

Slide 19: Lapping tool is also classified as cutting tool when it comes to cutting metal. (đọc slide)

Slide 20: Next part is about chipping. Chipping use involves forcing the blade into some material to cut it.
The driving force may be applied by pushing by hand, or by using a mallet or hammer. Chipping is a term
for wood while chiselling is used for metal.

Đọc slide

Slide 21: These pictures illustrate steps for chiselling (đọc slide)

Slide 22: The common types of chisels are:

+ flat chisel: it used for general – purpose chiseling

+ Cross-cut chisel: used for cutting grooves such as keyways, and for chipping

+ half – round round – nosed chisel: used for cutting grooves (which are either curved or half-round)

+ diamond – pointed chisel: used for working into corners and cutting small grooves

+ cow-mouth chisel

+ side cutting chisel: Where other types of chisel cannot be used easily, side cut chisels are used. The
keyway and cotter way is cleaned with this chisel. It is almost similar to the flat chisel but the part which
performs the function of cutting is turned to one side. It is turned at an angle and then forged. Its cutting
angle is generally at and forging angle at an angle.

Slide 23: (đọc slide)

Slide 24: (đọc slide)

Slide 26: Here are several example of the file: File teeth are either single cut or double cut

Slide 27:


Slide 28: Next is drilling, boring, counter boring, spot-facing:

Slide 29: Different types of drilling machine. Due to its convenience, electric hand drill is the most
common used of all.

Slide 30:

Slide 31: With such big flat screw, we have to use countersinking and counterboring to create such hole
for fitting the triangle shape of it

Slide 32: (đọc slide)

Slide 33: (đọc slide)

Slide 34: Let ‘s me introduce several types of joint

Slide 35: Finally after all the mechanical process like weld or cutting, polish is the crucial step to produce
a shiny product. Mechanician use electrical polish tool to complete the workpieces.

+ Tool quenching: bench work in which the worker only does one job, which is to use cutting tools
to make details in accordance with the technical requirements of the detailed drawings, the details can be
used to assemble into a structure, device or machine, those details can also be a finished product such
as mold making, when it comes to mold makers, it is people who refer to tool coolers.
             + Assembly cold profession: bench work in which the worker only does one job is to use
manufactured parts to assemble them together into a structure, equipment or machine in accordance with
the technical requirements of the assembly drawing. , in the process of performing work, assembly
workers sometimes need to repair and recalibrate details to suit the technical requirements of equipment
or machines. One can see a lot of cold assemblers in assembly companies and often refer to them as
   + Repairing benchwork jobs: benchwork jobs where workers only work to maintain working
equipment of a certain production facility. The job of the repair cold worker is to maintain, repair and
restore the equipment: oiling, adjusting parameters, replacing damaged parts, disassembling the machine
and repairing and restoring damaged parts. In production facilities with technological equipment, there are
cold workers to repair in electromechanical groups and electromechanical rooms.
             In addition, in order to serve the people, there are also cold-art crafts, it includes silversmiths,
locksmiths, motorcycle repairmen, gutters, buckets, buckets, etc. .


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