Rectification and Dep

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Rectify the following errors:
(i) A credit sale of an old machine to sohan for rs.6000 was
omitted to be recorded
(ii) Good sold for rs.16500 to sandeep was not recorded at all
(iii) Salaries outstanding at the end of the month for rs.120000
were not recorded
(iv) Good costing rs.400 taken by proprietor for personal use were
not recorded at all
(v) Sales return of rs.4800 by jagat, a customer were not recoded
(vi) Goods costing rs.1100 were given as charity but no entry was
passed for this transaction
(vii) Goods costing 500 given as free sample to the customers were
not recorded
(viii) Raw material costingrs. 2000 was used in repairing the machine
but no entry was passed
Question:2 asghar sold goods to bhola on march 12 2020 for rs. 50000
and new bill on him for the amount for three months on march 25
asghar endorsed the bill in favour his creditor chaman in settlement of
the amount due to him. On due date chaman informs that the bill has
been dishonourd and that he had to pay nothing charges of rs.200 give
entries in the books of asghar bhola and chaman?

Question: 3 a company purchased a machine on January 1 2020 for rs.

300,000.on april1 2022 a part of the machine costing rs. 20000 was sold
for rs. 11,800 and new machine costing rs. 40000 was purchased on the
same date the company was charging depreciation at 10% p.a show
machine account depreciation provision account and machine disposal
account according to (i) straight line method
(ii)diminishing balance method
Question:1 Aneesh sold goods to biman for rs.16000 on credit on may 5 2020.
He also drew a bill for the same amount for three months which biman
accepted. Biman accepted. Before the due date biman agreed to retire the bill
at a rebate of rs.400 at the request of aneesh on june 15, 2020.
Give entries in the books of aneesh and biman

QUESTION:2 RAJA owed rs 40000 to rani on January 1,2020 raja accepted a

bill for 3 months drawn by rani for the amount. On the date of maturity the
bill was dishonourd by raja and the nothing charges were rs. 2000 give
journal entries in the books of rani and raja under the following situation:
(i) When the bill is with rani till maturity.
(ii) When the bill has been discounted at 6%p.a from the bank
(iii) When the bill is endorsed in favour of soni is settlement of his claim.

Question:3 Bhagat owned rs.15000 to saran on January 1 2021. Saran draws a

bill on bhagat for this amount for two months. Bhagat accepts it and returns it
to saran. Saran discounts it at 6% p.a
Before the due date of the bill,bhagat approached saran and told him that he
is not in a position to pay the full amount on due date. He requested saran to
accept a part payment of rs.5000 and to draw another bill upon him for the
balance for further period of one month along with interest @12%p.a saran
agreed to his request. The second bill was duly met on maturity.
Give entries in the books of both saran and bhagat.

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