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Learning Activity 1

Assuming that you are already in the right industry and that you’re thinking about
your development within it, complete the SWOT form taking into consideration the
points identified.

Personal SWOT Analysis Worksheet


- My height as I am around 5’7 feet - I am not that good in different

tall. language.
- I am a good speaker. - I have carsick and I guess that will be
- I am sociable. a big problem once I get in the plane.
- I have an experience serving the - I tend to be too empathetic.
public which I can use when I am in
the field of work.
- I know that I am happy while doing
the job.


- I am very interested in language so - I do not have time to enroll in

I think I will be able to overcome language class as I have another
my weakness. work too.
- I can be more comfortable in plane
if my body adjusted to it.
- I can understand the passengers
concerns whenever there is a
problem regarding their flight.
Learning Activity 2
Complete the PEST Analysis worksheet, then identify the potential opportunities
and threats that these present.

Personal PEST Analysis Worksheet

Political Factors: Economic Factors:

 Implementation of new policies due  The decrease of peso and dollar

to the ongoing pandemic. exchange rate
 Minimum height requirement for  Rapid loss of economic growth
aspiring flight attendants.

Opportunities: Threats: Opportunities: Threats:

Men and women Men and women that Export our own Cost of living is
that are above the are below the height products to other higher than the
height requirement requirement might countries annual income
has the option to not be able to have a resulting in less
pursue a career of career in the Airlines expenses for
being a flight industry. travel and a
attendant smaller number of

Socio-Cultural Factors: Technological Factors:

 The increase of the unemployment  Cybersecurity

rate due to the pandemic.  Robotics and Automation

Opportunities: Threats: Opportunities: Threats:

Job openings for Continuous loss on Assurance of a more System will be

areas in the the air line industry secured and more prone to
country that make due to the decreasing advanced flight for hackers and
the most of the number of booked travelers technical
unemployment flights. difficulties.
Learning Activity 3
Pick your top opportunities, and list them in the first column of the Opportunity
Analysis worksheet on the next page. Then, look over your strengths and
weaknesses (as well as the trends that you identified in your PEST Analysis), and
mark down the supporting and opposing factors for each opportunity. You should
also include your personal interests in here. After all, you want to pursue a
development plan that you are excited about!
Then, narrow these options down until you have just one or two preferred
opportunities that you can really commit to. (The more you pare things down at
this stage, the more effort you can devote to your best choice.)

Opportunity Analysis Worksheet (use a separate sheet if necessary)

Identified Opportunity Supporting Factors Opposing Factors

(Strengths, (Weaknesses,
PEST Trends and Events, PEST Trends and Events)
Personal Interests)
 Learning through  The matriculation fee
online or through required for enrolling
Learning new languages face-to-face classes if in a specific language
allowed course
 Learning through  Lack of time to fully
websites who offer learn because of
teaching for free. another work

Learning Activity 4
Think about the Career Mission Statement you wrote earlier, and draft five SMART
goals that you’ll need to achieve to fulfill it. Aim to make these compelling and

Major Career Goals Worksheet (use a separate sheet, if necessary)

SMART To finish my studies

Skills, Qualifications, and Experience Needed
Skill/s – productive, responsible, and resourceful
Qualification/s – maintaining good grades
Experience needed – willing to study till or past midnight

SMART To become a flight attendant

Skills, Qualifications and Experience Needed

Skill/s – ability to entertain passengers, serve and assist them with care.
Qualification/s – able to meet the physical requirements, college graduate, and have
passed all the training required.
Experiences needed – should have passed all training required and should have great
grades in OJT.

 What do you intend to accomplish?

- Finish studies and become a flight attendant
 Why is this important to you?
- It is important as this is my goal since senior high school, and I need to provide and
support my family.
 What values are at the core of your decision?
- My responsibilities to the family, my goal in life, love for travel, and love to interact with
 Does this make you feel that you’re making a significant contribution to other
- Yes. The fact that I will be able to provide for my family is what makes me feel that I’m
making a significant contribution and I also believe that with a great flight attendant
around, the passengers will feel safe and comfortable in their trips.
 What deep emotional value or meaning does this have for you?
- For me, the essence of becoming a flight attendant is that have the opportunity to travel
around the world and meet new people along the way.
 How do you want other to perceive you?
- I want people to perceive me not only as a random flight attendant but also as a friend
that they can count on.

Learning Activity 5 Create your Personal Development Plan

 To do this, start by reviewing the weaknesses and threats that you identified in
your SWOT and PEST analyses. Do you need to develop or improve any skills to
counter or manage these?
 From the Skills, Qualifications, and Experience Needed sections identify the
most important skills. Write these down in the Skills Audit section of the Personal
Development Plan skills – try to list fewer than this!)
 Next, you need to identify gaps between the skills you have and those that you
need. Rank your current ability using the following scale, and record this in your
Personal Development Plan:
A. I demonstrate high levels of competence in this skill.
B. I have this skill/competency, but some improvements could be made.
C. I need to improve this skill/competency.
D. I need to put in considerable work to develop this skill/competency.
E. I have almost no experience with this competency.
Learning Activity 6 Create an Action Plan

 Choose the planning period that best fits your circumstances, and add this to your
Action Plan. Typically, your planning period will be the next six to 12 months.
 For each Major Career Goal, think about what you need to achieve within your
planning period. Next, carefully evaluate each of the skill gaps you identified in
your Skills Audit, and consider how you intend to close it. Add these Development
Goals to your Action Plan.
 For each Development Goal, think about the specific actions you will take to
accomplish it.
 Depending on the nature of the goal, there may be actions that depend on other
people’s involvement. Factors to consider include:
 What training or education do you need?
 What experience do you need?
 How will you get that training and/or experience? (For example, job share,
on-the-job training, courses, e-learning, or experience through voluntary
 What kind of support do you need?
 What will others do to help you? (Mentor, coach, evaluate.)
 Include the date by which you intend to accomplish them.
 Use the Obstacles and Solutions column to list any difficulties that you foresee.
Think about how you’ll overcome these, and, if necessary, add more goals.
 As you start working on your Development Goals, add the challenges that you’ve
had to overcome, and write down your planned and actual solutions.
 Make a plan for evaluating your progress and add it to your Action Plan. What
criteria will you use to determine whether you have succeeded, and when and
how will you measure this?

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