Lesson Plan Template For Student Teaching and The Caltpa: Preparation To Teach

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Lesson Plan Template for Student Teaching and the CalTPA

Grade Level      8th Grade Subject Math Lesson Title: System of Equations-
Area: Substitution Part 1

Preparation to Teach
Unit Theme System of Linear Equations
(Where within the unit
is your lesson?) Beginning
Content Standard(s):
ELD Standards: 8.EE.8b - Solve systems of two linear equations in two variables algebraically, and estimate
solutions by graphing the equations. Solve simple cases by inspection. For example, 3x + 2y = 5
and 3x + 2y = 6 have no solution because 3x + 2y cannot simultaneously be 5 and 6
Learning Goal(s) or I can solve a system of linear equations by substitution. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to solve a system of linear equations
Objective(s): using substitution on an exit ticket.
Materials, Resources, Math notebooks, stamp sheet, whiteboards, printed notes, dry erase marker, pencil
or Tools:
Technology Teacher: Doceri, ipad, projector, smart notebook slide deck,
Integration: Student:

Adaptations/ Accommodations
Three Focus Students
Focus Student 1: English Learner n/a
Focus Student 2: IEP, 504, GATE,
or other identified need

Focus Student 3: A student who

has had life experience(s) either
inside or outside of school, that
may result in a need for additional
social- emotional and/or academic

Instructional Plan
Activating Background Knowledge
Instructional      Warm Up: Students are presented with 4 two step equations in two variables. The
Strategies instructions specify which variable they need to solve for. Teacher will demonstrated #1. Students
will solve #2-4 independently while the teacher checks homework and stamps their sheets.
Student Grouping
Time Estimate 10-15 minutes
Instructional Input
Instructional   Whole Group: Yesterday we learned how to solve a system of equations by graphing. Our goal
Strategies was to find the coordinate pair where the linear equations intersected. Today our goal is to find the
ordered pair algebraically to do this we will use substitution.

Students will review the learning objective. Teacher will explain that the goal is to get an ordered
pair. (x,y).

Think- Pair- Share

In a linear equation, what variables are present? (Students turn to their partner and identify the
variables used in a linear equation)  

Whole Group
Explicit instruction: example 1

Teacher will explain the steps to solving a system of equations by substitution. Students will write
the steps in their printed notes.

Equity sticks: Teacher will pull several sticks and identify the person sitting in that seat. These
students will be asked to answer a question about example 1 after they share with their partners

Partner Share (A&C explain)- explain how we got from two equations to the first line

Partner Share (B&D explain)- explain how we got from the first line to x=0

Sample questions: How many equations do we have?

What variables are in our equations?
How will I know that I have the answer?
How do I get a value for the 2nd variable?

Informal     Teacher will walk around the room and listen to student explanations of the steps. 
Student Grouping Whole Group for explicit instruction. Partner groups for explaining content in their own words.
Equity sticks are used so various voices are heard in class discussion responses.
Time Estimate
Student Grouping
Time Estimate

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