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Overview of the Agile Process

The Agile Process refers to a set of software application development methods that are based on
iterative development. In this procedure, the options and requirements both evolve mutual partnership
between cross functioning teams. These teams are self-organizing in nature. A few popular agile SDLC
methods include the following:

 Crystal
 Extreme Programming (XP)
 Scrum
 Lean development
 Atern
 Unified process
1.1.Extreme Programming

This is a software development methodology with an intention to boost software responsiveness and
quality to the unstable requirements of consumers. This introduces checkpoints and enhances the
performance in a way that the new requirements from customers can be adopted.


Scrum is a deft improvement utilized in the advancement of software dependent on an iterative and
gradual procedures. Scrum is versatile, quick, adaptable and powerful spry structure that is intended to
convey an incentive to the client all through improvement of the venture.

1.3.Lean development

The lean methodology in software development focuses on improving overall process efficiency through
elimination of various things that cause waste of work and introduce delays. Work that does not add
value to the customer is considered to be waste.

2. The SCRUM Framework

Delivering a project in accordance with the requirements of various stakeholders is an inherently

challenging task. However, Scrum has made that challenge easier to navigate by prescribing a
framework for conducting the project management process. The Scrum framework revolves around
some basic values that practitioners must adhere to, including:

 Commitment
 Openness
 Focus
 Courage
 Respect

Within these values, complex projects can be delivered though collaboration and effective teamwork.
The main focus of successful Scrum is to try and effectively manage a Product Backlog of deliverables
that represent the whole. This, in turn, is done by breaking up the whole into smaller deliverable
backlogs known as Sprint Backlog. As each Sprint is completed, it adds value to the deliverables
produced by previous Sprints, so that the final Sprint makes the culmination of the project.
Within this framework, Scrum uses Scrum Teams that are governed by predetermined Roles, Events,
Artifacts, and Rules.

Scrum can help teams deliver great products on time if the team members, the Scrum master, and the
product owner already have the right skills and abilities to create the product. Scrum is not a magical set
of rules that any organization could just follow like a cookbook recipe and expect instant results.

Scrum is flexible in a sense that after several projects, it can morph into a completely different
framework, perhaps with more effective tools, artifacts, and roles. It has no marked finish line. There is
no end goal, that means you can stop learning.

3. Arguments for and against the adoption of Scrum

According to (Schwaber, 2004) to exploit Scrum benefits, one has to trust in observation, discover
progressively about the Scrum structure by utilizing it, and persistently review and adjust your execution
of scrum. He outlines the benefits of Scrum as follows:

i. Better quality of work: Scrum gives systems nonstop criticism and presentation to ensure
that quality is as high as could be reasonably expected. Scrum guarantees quality by:
a. Normal and ceaseless improvement of scrum group yield through run audits with
b. Characterizing and explaining on necessities without a moment to spare, so information
on item includes is as significant as could be expected under the circumstances.
ii. Expanded degree of profitability: Scrum ventures understand a better yield on speculation
(ROI). Since income and other focused on benefits start coming in sooner, prior aggregation
implies higher absolute return after some time. This is an essential precept of net present
worth (NPV) computations.

(Schwaber, 2004) outlines arguments against Scrum as:

i. Scrum is not agile: Scrum is all about project management and not the software. Scrum is
simply an addition to agile and not a substitute for it.
ii. Because Scrum is about project management and not software, development teams are
more likely to incorporate anti-agile methods into their projects. This in turn leads to failure.

4. Projects that would benefit and not benefit from Scrum

4.1. Projects that require small teams: due to the flexibility of agile methodology, Scrum is suitable
for teams of small sizes. E.g. planning a function, shifting offices. It’s not just software projects.
Also projects that medium to large size can benefit.
4.2. Projects that require large teams: for instance, in the aerospace industry, the sheer number of
people involved makes agile methodology extremely difficult. They require a rigid structure to
keep order.

5. Two aspects of Agile methodologies

5.1.Lean Development
This is an iterative methodology that focuses the team on delivering value to the customer through
value stream mapping. It is a highly flexible, evolving methodology without rigid guidelines, rules, or

5.2.Extreme Programming (XP)

This is a disciplined approach for high quality agile software development, focused on speed and
continuous delivery. It is intended to improve software quality and responsiveness in the face of
changing customer requirements. It promotes high customer involvement, rapid feedback loops,
continuous testing, continuous planning, and close teamwork to deliver working software at vert
frequent intervals, typically every 1-3 weeks.


1. Schwaber, K. (2004). Agile Project Management with Scrum (1 st ed.). Microsoft Press.

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