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Lesson Plan based on Grammar Translation Method (GTM)

Assoc. Prof. Ayman Elesery

Subject Matter: Unit ......, Lesson......

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the period, Ss will able to:
1. use past simple verbs,
2. use past continuous verbs,
3. talk about incidents in the past,
4 give meanings to words

Resources: Ss' books, drawings etc.

Methodology: Grammar Translation Method (GTM)
Anticipatory Set:
Ss arc seated in rows. They are told to be willing to read one or two
sentences given in the reading passage and translate these sentences into
their mother tongue (Arabic). T is to supply the most suitable translation
when possible.

Activity I: Reading Comprehension

The class begins with the reading passage.
Step 2
(a) Each S is called upon to read a few lines from the passage, then they
translate into their mother tongue (Arabic) the few lines they have
Just read.
b) T helps them with suitable translations in case they lack the required



Step 3
After finishing reading and translating the passage. T asks them in Arabic if
they have any questions. Questions and answers are communicated using
T asks Ss to write down answers to the comprehension questions at the
beginning of the passage. The questions are in English and answers should
in English as well (the written mode is dealt with in English while the
spoken mode questions are dealt with in Arabic. (see step 3 ).

Step 5
After answering the questions, T asks Ss one by one to read the question
their answer to that question. If the answer is not correct, T selects another
to supply the correct answer, or T him/herself gives the "right answer.

Activity II: Vocabulary

Step 1:
Ss turn to a list of words taken from the passage, and are asked to give
Arabic equivalent for each one of them. This is conducted as a whole class
activity. If no one knows the equivalent of a certain word, T provides it.

Step 2:
Ss are given another list of words from the passage and are asked to provide
the opposites of these words (antonyms)
Step 3:
(a) The same procedure is repeated with words that look the same English

and Arabic (cognates)


b) Ss are asked to search the passage lor examples of cognates and to
translate hem into Arabic.

Activity III: Grammar

Step 1:
(a) T reads sentences from the passage based on simple past tense
b) T then gives sentences based on past continuous tense

Step 2:
students are asked to translate them into Arabic
Step 3:
T explains the rule ad asks S to produce sentences based on the two tenses.

Activity IV; Writing

Students are asked to write a composition in the target language applying the
information in the passage to some similar topic.

Prepare a detailed lesson plan according to Grammar Translation Method, be
ready to teach it to your colleagues in the next lecture.


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