College of Information Technology and Engineering (Affiliated To Purbanchal University) Tinkune, Kathmandu

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“Online Job Portal”








March 2022

The project paper entitled “Online Job Portal” prepared and submitted by Jeena Subba and
Urja Dhungana, as partial fulfillment for the requirement of the Bachelor’s degree in
Information Technology has been accepted as a bonafide record of work independently carried
out by the group in the department.


Mr. Bhanu Bhakta Niroula

Head of Department

Department of Science and Technology

College Of Information Technology and Engineering

Purbanchal University, Nepal


The undersigned certify that they have read and recommended to the department of Information
Technology for acceptance, a project report entitled “Online Job Portal”, submitted by Jeena
Subba and Urja Dhungana in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the bachelor’s degree in
Information Technology



Ram Chandra Poudel

External Examiner


The project entitled “Online Job Portal” prepared and submitted by Miss. Urja Dhungana and
Miss. Jeena Subba in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Bachelor’s Degree in
Information Technology comprise of original work and acknowledgement have been made
material used in this report.

…………………………………… …………………………….

Miss. Jeena Subba Miss. Urja Dhungana

BIT 5th semester BIT 5th semester

CITE college, Kathmandu CITE college, Kathmandu

March, 2022 March, 2022

We have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind
support and help of some individuals and our college. We would like to extend our sincere
thanks to all of them. We are highly indebted to our college ‘College of Information Technology
and Engineering (CITE)’ for the guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing
necessary information regarding the project and also for their support in completing the project.
We would like to express our gratitude towards our teacher for kind co-operation,
encouragement and giving us all such attention and time, which help us in completion of our
respective projects.

We would like to express our special gratitude and thanks to Purbanchal University for giving us
the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on user interface design, which also helped
us in doing a lot of Research and we came to know about so many new things we are really
thankful to them


The purpose of Online Job Portal is to automate the existing manual system by the help of
computerized equipment and full-fledged computer software, fulfilling their requirements, so
that their valuable data/information can be stored for longer period with easy accessing and
manipulation of the same. The required hardware and software are easily available and easy to
work with. In this current scenario, there is a rat race in each and every professional field. It is
also true for job market. A job portal is a website dedicated for online information about
recruiters as well as job seekers. A job portal helps both the job seekers and recruiters finding the
right organization for the employees. In this case of job seekers, according to their educational
qualification, experience and their preferences, the job portal shows the list of companies to the
job seeker. And to the recruiters, provides the suitable candidates from a pool of lacks. So, a job
portal is the perfect online arena, where both the job seekers and the employers find their goal in
the pursuit of getting a top-notch company for the suitable candidates.

Table of Contents

LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE...............................................................................................................................i
CHAPTER 1 : Introduction............................................................................................................................5
1.1 Background........................................................................................................................................5
1.2 Problem statement............................................................................................................................6
1.3 Purpose of the study..........................................................................................................................7
1.4 Objectives..........................................................................................................................................7
1.5 Project Features.................................................................................................................................7
1.6 Scope.................................................................................................................................................8
1.7 Overview of Project...........................................................................................................................8
1.8 Modules of Online Job Portal............................................................................................................9
CHAPTER 2 : Literature Review..................................................................................................................10
2.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................10
2.2 Literature Survey: Existing System...................................................................................................11
2.3 Literature Survey: Proposed system................................................................................................13
CHAPTER 3 : Methodology........................................................................................................................15
3.1 System Model..................................................................................................................................15
3.1.1 Requirement gathering.............................................................................................................16
3.1.2 System Design...........................................................................................................................16
3.1.3 Implementation........................................................................................................................16
3.1.4 Testing......................................................................................................................................16
3.1.5 Implementation........................................................................................................................16
3.1.6 Maintenance.............................................................................................................................17
3.2 Software Requirement Specification...............................................................................................17
3.3 Feasibility Study...............................................................................................................................18
3.3.1 Economic feasibility..................................................................................................................18

3.3.2 Technical Feasibility..................................................................................................................18
3.3.3 Operational Feasibility..............................................................................................................18
3.4 System Design..................................................................................................................................19
3.4.1 Primary design phase:...............................................................................................................19
3.4.2 Secondary design phase:..........................................................................................................19
3.5 Entity Relation Diagram...................................................................................................................20
3.6 Data flow Diagram...........................................................................................................................21
3.7 Use Case Diagram............................................................................................................................23
3.8 Gantt chart.......................................................................................................................................24
CHAPTER 4 : Result and Conclusion...........................................................................................................25
4.1 Result...............................................................................................................................................25
4.2 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................25
4.3 Limitations and future enhancement..............................................................................................25
CHAPTER 5 : Screenshots and References.................................................................................................26
5.1 Screenshots.....................................................................................................................................26
5.2 References:......................................................................................................................................32

Figure i: literature survey: existing system....................................................................................11
Figure ii: literature survey: proposed system.................................................................................13
Figure iii : Waterfall Model...........................................................................................................15
Figure iv: ER-Diagram..................................................................................................................18
Figure v : 0-level DFD.................................................................................................................19
Figure vi : 0-level job seeker DFD...............................................................................................20
Figure vii : Use Case Diagram.......................................................................................................21
Figure viii : Gantt Chart.................................................................................................................22

List of Abbreviation

CSS= Cascading Style Sheets

DFD= Data Flow Diagram

E-R= Entity Relationship

JS= JavaScript

PHP= Hypertext Preprocessor

SQL= Standard Query Language

CHAPTER 1 : Introduction

1.1 Background

Job search Portal is a web application, which serves jobseekers to find available job vacancies
and employers to identify eligible job seekers with the prospects of seeking the most qualified
candidates. It is an application which connects employers and job seekers where employers are
the source of the resources and the job seeker can find and apply for their targeted jobs. This
website can also be providing information about online jobs. The only way to select best-
qualified candidate is to have a pool of eligible applicants, which is possible by drawing the
interest of individual in the market. The customer can get the online registration. Job search
portals best serve this purpose. With the online job search portals, the recruitment process is
speeded up at every stage from job postings, to receiving applications from candidates. The cost
of searching/posting jobs will be much less compared to the traditional way of advertising. Job
search portal stands as an effective means for employers to outline the job vacancies,
responsibilities and qualifications to attract the job seekers. Using the portal jobseekers can
extensively search for jobs in companies, organizations and regions they may otherwise have not
learnt. The aim of this project is developing an online search portal for the placement details for
the job seekers. The job portal web application can be used by any employee to apply job and
any employer are to post job.

1.2 Problem statement

The traditional mode of employment takes a lot of steps from advertisement, application, verify
application and conduct interviews therefore consuming a lot of time. The old system approach
was tedious and requires much effort and resources, most time employers need to advertise the
vacancies and sort all applicants ‘details, conduct selections procedures based on qualifications.
Applicants were required to search through print and visual media for opportunities, most times
the jobs were limited to the applicant’s location, application were submitted using the
conventional methods which weren’t effective and efficient based on loss of document during
transit and many more. It is also expensive for the job seeker to submit the application form in
person to the company. In this current time where technology is also advancing most job
recruitment process has bit changed. The job portal will help job seekers who don’t know various
companies and other employers unlike in the current system where websites are used where few
people are aware of existing company.

1.3 Purpose of the study

The purpose of the study is to solve and develop an Online Job Portal where applicants easily
find jobs and employer can find suitable candidate for the jobs.

1.4 Objectives

The main objectives of the project are as follows

 To develop a user-friendly job portal system.
 To provide information about new job.
 To provide resume tips and sample.
 To manage all the information about employer, employer registration, post job,
search job.
 To show the information and description of the jobs, resume.
 To improve editing, adding and updating of records which results in proper
resource management of job data.

1.5 Project Features

Admin Side:

 Manage Companies

 Manage Job Vacancies

 Manage Employee

 Manage Applicants

 Manage Category

 Manage Users

Job Seeker Side:

 Job Search

 Popular Job

 Company

 Hiring Now

 Apply for Job

 Job Seekers Profile

 About Us

 Contact Us

1.6 Scope

The scope of online job portal system is to provide the members with jobs information, online
applying for the jobs and many other facilities. The job seeker can apply for the match jobs and
many other facilities.

The basic scope contains

 It satisfy the user requirement

 Be easy to understand by the user
 Be easy to operate
 Have a good user interface
 Be expandable
 Dynamic

1.7 Overview of Project

As we realize that with the reckless transformation in technology, it is our responsibility to move
our self with the technology. The innovation of computing devices such as Smart Phone or
Mobile Application services, it changes the face of future service providers. And with the
development of such a magnificent application such as Uber, Facebook, WhatsApp and Food
Panda is affecting every individual’s life positively. We are also indulging our self in to this
technology and similarly we are working on Web Application Development. The idea is to
approaching to the solution of a basic problem of hiring an employee in an effective manner
which can be done by using the technology. With the help of our application, it will build a
platform through which job seeker and recruiter can easily communicate. Which will increase the
job factor and also make both job seeker and recruiter life simpler and easier.

1.8 Modules of Online Job Portal

 Job management Module: Used for managing the job details.

 Vacancy management Module: Used for managing the information and details of the
 Resume Module: Used for managing the resume details.
 Jobseeker Module: Used for managing the Job seeker information.
 Login Module: Used for managing the login details.
 User Module: Used for managing the users of the system.

CHAPTER 2 : Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

The “Online Job Portal” has been developed to override the problems prevailing in the practicing
manual system. This software is supported to eliminate and in some cases reduce hardships faced
by the existing system. Job seeking usually involves different ways to look for jobs such as
through personal contacts, direct phone calls to employees, job agency office, scanning online
job listing etc. Before the internet, became widely used as a method of seeking jobs, jobseekers
spent lots of time using various methods to look for jobs. Today, jobseekers use the online
methods which are very convenient and save a lot of time. This recruitment process through the
online job portal can also be termed as e-recruitment, or online recruitment (M kerrin, 2003).
There are hundreds of job portals, social media channels, networking groups and staffing
company websites to choose from. Nepal’s top online job portals are: Mero job, Jobs Nepal,
Kantipur Job, Kumari Jobs,etc. It should be noted that although the internet has facilitated the
process of job-seeking, it has not replaced the traditional methods completely.

2.2 Literature Survey: Existing System

Job seeker Company

Login login

Chosen field (I.T) company recruitment



Registration Table Records Table

M Match

Details of candidate’s
sent to company

Figure i: literature survey: existing system

“”, “”, etc. brought the revolution of transforming traditional way of job
search into technological advancement called “online job portal”. Initially, a smaller number of
trusted clients and improvements through advertisements and branding.


1. No value for money services.

2. More man power.
3. Time consuming.
4. Consumes large value of paper work.
5. Lack of preferred advance search option.

2.3 Literature Survey: Proposed system

Job seeker

Login login

Chosen Field Company requirement

Registration filtering for
Table Record Table
job seekers

Details of candidates sent

to company

SMS module ( (yes/no)

Email response for the

job seeker

Figure ii: literature survey: proposed system

 Simple and professional GUI for users of all qualification groups.
 Increased filtering for employees seeking job as a fresher or as an experienced

1. Low-cost, Cost-effective service.
2. Ensure data accuracy.
3. Minimize manual data entry.
4. Greater efficiency.
5. Better service.
6. User friendly and interactive.
7. No duplication of Jobs.

CHAPTER 3 : Methodology

3.1 System Model

As our project had straight forward goal and simple requirement, waterfall model was the best
for us. Waterfall model is simple while also providing the distinct steps that are to be followed
along the way until the completion of the project. So, we decided to go with the waterfall model.

Requirement gathering

System Design




Figure iii : Waterfall Model

3.1.1 Requirement gathering

We gathered the data on what the requirements are for making the Online Job Portal systems.
We also gathered what are the basic and defining characteristics of the system. We did so from
looking different websites.

3.1.2 System Design

After gathering all the requirements, we listed each task that are to be performed by the system.
After listing them, we thought of solutions on how to solve them. We also estimated the time that
will be taken to complete each task. We also mapped out a 'Gantt Chart' after figuring the time.

3.1.3 Implementation

 With inputs from the system design, the system is first developed in small programs called units,
which are integrated in the next phase. Each unit is developed and tested for its functionality,
which is referred to as Unit Testing.

3.1.4 Testing 

All the units developed in the implementation phase are integrated into a system after testing of
each unit. Post integration the entire system is tested for any faults and failures.. 

3.1.5 Implementation

Once the functional and non-functional testing is done; the product is deployed in the customer
environment or released into the market.

3.1.6 Maintenance

There are some issues which come up in the client environment. To fix those issues, patches are
released. Also to enhance the product some better versions are released. Maintenance is done to
deliver these changes in the customer environment Methodological Approach.

Because of the situation at the time, we were not able to collect the needed data by ourselves. So,
we relied on a lot of secondary data which we were able to finding. In one instance, we were also
able to gain some insight from the point of a Job portal website owner who also had a system
incorporated in his own business. 

3.2 Software Requirement Specification

The Software Requirement Specification is produced at the culmination of the analysis task. The
function and performance allocated to software as part of the system engineering are refined by
establishing a complete information description, a detailed functional and behavioral description,
an indication of performance requirements and other data pertinent to requirement.

The proposed system has following requirements:

 System need to store information about new entry of job.

 System needs to help the internal staff to keep information of vacancy and find them as
per various queries.
 System needs to maintain quantity record.
 System needs to keep records of resume.
 System need to update and delete record.
 System also needs a search area.

3.3 Feasibility Study

After doing the project Online Job Portal, study and analyzing all the existing or required
functionalities of the system, the next task to do is feasibility study for the project. All projects
are feasible – given unlimited resources and infinite time.

Feasibility study includes consideration of all the possible ways to provide solution to the given
problem. The proposed solution should satisfy all the user requirements and should be flexible
enough so that the future changes can be easily done based on the future upcoming requirements.

3.3.1 Economic feasibility

This is very important aspect to be considered while developing a project.

 All the hardware and software cost has to be borne by the organization.
 Overall we have estimated that the benefits of the organization is going to receive from
the proposed system will surely overcome the initial costs and later on the running cost
for the system.

3.3.2 Technical Feasibility

This included the study of function, performance and constraints that may affect the
ability to achieve an acceptable system. For this feasibility study, we studied complete
functionality provided in the system, as described in the System Requirement Specification
(SRS), and checked if everything was possible using different type of frontend and backend

3.3.3 Operational Feasibility

No doubt the proposed system is fully GUI based that is very user friendly and all inputs
to be taken are self-explanatory even to a layman. Besides a proper training can be conducted to
let know the essence of the system so that they feel comfortable with new system.

3.4 System Design

In this phase, the logical system is built which fulfills the given requirements. Normally,
design is performed in the following two steps:

3.4.1 Primary design phase:

In this phase, the system is designed at block level. The blocks are created on the basis of
analysis done in the problem identification phase. Different blocks are created for different
functions. Thus, all activities which require more interaction are kept in one block.

3.4.2 Secondary design phase:

In the secondary phase the detailed design of every block is performed.

The general task involved in the design process are the following:

 Design various blocks for overall system processes.

 Design smaller, compact and workable modules in each block.
 Design various database structures.
 Design the form inputs and outputs of the system.
 Perform documentation of the design.
 System reviews.

3.5 Entity Relation Diagram

Figure iv: ER-Diagram

3.6 Data flow Diagram


Figure v : 0-level DFD

Level: 1

Figure vi : 1-level job seeker DFD

3.7 Use Case Diagram

Figure vii : Use Case Diagram

3.8 Gantt chart

S.N Week job description W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8

1. Problem Identification

2. Analysis

3. Design

4. Coding

5. Implementation and testing

6. Documentation

Figure viii : Gantt Chart

CHAPTER 4 : Result and Conclusion

4.1 Result

Online Job Portal is used to connect employers and job seekers where employers are the source
of the resources and the job seeker can find and apply for their targeted jobs. With the online job
search portals, the recruitment process is speeded up at every stage from job postings, to
receiving applications from candidates. The cost of searching/posting jobs will be much less
compared to the traditional way of advertising.

4.2 Conclusion
In this project, attempt has been made to create fully functional online job portal. This system
was built with the objective of making both job seeking and recruiting easy. The Online job
portal system is developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MYSQL fully meets the
objectives of the system for which it has been developed. The system solves the problem. It is
especially useful for college graduates, who are more likely to search for jobs on the internet.

4.3 Limitations and future enhancement

Some limitations are as follows:
 The size of the database increases day-by-day, increasing the load on the database back
up and data maintenance activity.
 Employers are unable to post about jobs.

Some future enhancements are as follows:

 Addition of job posting features.
 This system being web-based and an undertaking of cyber security Division, needs to be
thoroughly tested to find out any security gaps.

CHAPTER 5 : Screenshots and References

5.1 Screenshots

5.2 References:
1. JOOMLA 25 A Beginner’s Guide by ERIC TIGGELER

2. PHP and MySQL by W Jason Gilmore, Appress Publication


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