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Company name : PT. Imecon A.P________________________________________ _

Business Service : Kontraktor _________________________________________ _

Business Category : Multi National National Local BUMN Startup

Contact Person : Mr./Ms./ Mrs. Paijo Gumelar ________ __

Position : Project manager & head legal___ __

Email Address : Paijogumelar.imecon@gmail.com________________________ __

Business Address : Pulogadung Trade Center Blok A/31, JL Narogong, Km 21,

Pulo Gadung, Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
City : DKI Jakarta

Postal Code : 13260


Phone Office : 021 461 6199__________ __

Ext : ________ __ __

Fax : 021 461 6199__________ __

Cell Phone : +62 856 520 30388 ______ _____ __

Business Homepage:

How to register :
1. Please fill this registration form
2. Send the registration form to email / / / /

After we received this form, we will contact the person in charge in this form for any further discussion.
Internship Basic Information

1. Offered position and job description must be inline with student faculty.

2. Internship period within 4 months – 12 months (depends on internship period)

3. Working hour : 8 hours / day (40 Hours / week), 5 Days per week.

4. Company assigning one person as company supervisor during internship period.

5. Company expected to give monthly meal and transportation allowance to students

(could be inform to the student during interview) *optional based on company

6. Intellectual property and rights could be arranged between the company and students.

7. Company will do the performance evaluation based on university schedule include with
logbook activity monitoring, scoring, final report enrichment.

I acknowledge that I have read and agree to above Internship Basic Information

(Location, Date of signed)

( )

*Min Manager Level

Intern Requirement
Legal intern staff
Position Name
4 month
Number of Intern Needed

 Batch February
Internship Periode 4 / 5 / 6 / 10 / 11 / 12 months
*please tick your joining batch and
circle one of the duration  Batch September
4 / 5 / 6 months

WFO Shifting
Job Description
*please specify the detailed job
information and internship scheme

Segala sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan hukum,

membuat perjanjian, meneliti berkas hukum,
mengupas hukum ketenaga kerjaan,
memberikan upaya agar perusahaan dalam
posisi yang menguntungkan dalam hukum,
Qualification mentranslate berkas hukum ke bahasa inggris
dan sebaliknya, mininjau ulang perjanjian, ikut
melakukan arbitrase, dll

Faculty Needed

Allowance *optional based

on company regulation
DKI jakarta
Working location
Note : this sheet can be copied per position or per internship needs

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