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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT Ges Semis USN 20EVE/ESP/ED A First Semester M.Tech. Degree Examination, Jan/Feb. Advanced Engineering Mathematics ‘Time: 3 hes. x Marks: 100 i Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full, ich module. : Module-1 3B 1 a Provethar W= (x 9,2) /x-2y+32 is a subspace of VaR). i (06 Marks) Show thatthe system of three vectors (1, 3, 2) 1, -1) of vs(R) Is linearly Be ‘dependent (07 Marks) S Find the linear transformation TR? > R? wi 2,-3.7 0-011) ig and T(, 1.2) =@, 2,4). (07 Marks) a Ee A] 2 + Mastmcomi waorot@, othe vectors (1,1, 0), (2, 3,0) and (0,0, 1). Ges mevmttemenas nC Ra ineoarimnatv. as i €. Find the matrix representa mation. ae TVR) —> VaR) defi h Te Y= 04H x 3e) ect standard basis of V.(R) and Vi(R). (7 Marks) aE pos to tridiagonal form by Given’s method and hence find a a (10 Marks) H b. Applythe! mit orthogonalization proces to find the orthonormal basis fr the sub Hy xo (1,2, 3,0) (2, 0,0) and (1,0, 0, (Qo Marks) ae u on i 124 cee 1 Given’s method to find the eigen values of the matrix A=|2 1 2) 10 Marksy ae 421 2 b. Apply Gram-Sehmidt orhogonalization process to find orthonormal basis fr the subspace QE spanned by the vectors %, = (1.1.1), 8, =(1,2,4,5)" and %, =(L=3-4,-2)' 10 Marks) tof S BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT 20EVE/ESPETE/LD| fest!) (0) =O, y= 06° Myris) | Modules Sa. Solve the variational problem fy? +x°yydx = b. Find the extremal ofthe following functional C= ff16y* —(y")! +x) )ax subleee to the ‘4 x o cone 0920, 9(5) 1.4 omy ©. Find the extremal of 1= ff? <7)? +ay"}ex win subject to the constraint fy’dx =2. (or Maris) or em (06 Mars) b. Find the extremal of O= 3)-o. 6 Find the extrema of he Fi? +2y}t under the end condions x0) = 0 x)= 1,90) = Lys, 7 Maris) ‘Modute-4 7 a Thepafota iveBPby the following table: Mori tzista 6 LK [3K | $i [7K [9K | 11K | 13K does it represent a valid probability distribution? Also find P(x <4), < (06 Marks) mitted by a radio active source at an average rate of 5 in a 20 minute (07 Marks) iain type of electrical lamps follows Gaussian distribution, with mean 2040 60 hours. na consignment of 2000 lamps, find how many would be expected 4332 and A(1.83) e ; (07 Marks) 20f3 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT 20E VE/ESP/EIE/E oR 8 a, Arrandom variable X has the probability function 1) f(x) =x+ 2, i) 2x. Fit ks 3) Mprnent {generating function il) Mean. saris) +. Obtain the mean and standard deviation of Poisson distribution. orks) ©. Ina Gaussian distribution 31% ofthe items are under 45 and 89% are over 6, ‘mean and standerd deviation ofthe distebution @ mar) 9° &. A cam process X¢) i bed on eterno oftoning « Mfhotbving te mumber ‘on the fe Oucomer [TF PSTS Xe: —[-7]-1 [1 Parte Give the diagrammatic represenation ofthe Compute the following: POC) =-1) PX) 50) 0 Mares) ees defined by X(t) = A cos(wt ~ a) do. is uniform in the interval [-, x]. ‘a0 Marks) Find the auto conelation Ris) ofthe dl ‘where the random variable A and «t 10a. Define: ili) Wide-sense station 9 (06 Marts) pregani@d by the ensemble (+k, -2k, -3k, ky 2k, 3k) (K > 0) "corresponding to Of an event which are equally probable. Show that the random process is strict sense (SSS). (07 Marks) & A stochastic -mble functions are assumed to have equal probabilities are given by (0 X(t, a(t) = Boost, sft) = ~Jeost, elt) = -3. Show 7 Marks) 30f3 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative

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