VCE Summer Internship Program 2021: Smart Task Submission Format

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VCE Summer Internship Program 2021

Smart Task Submission Format

Intern’s Details


Smart Task No. 01

Project Topic Green building

Smart Task (Solution)

Task Q1 :
What are Green Buildings? Definitions, Detailing and Benefits.

Task Q1 Solution :

GREEN BUILDING- Green building is the practice of creating structures and using processes that are
environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building’s life-cycle from siting to design,
construction, operation, maintenance and renovation.

There are a number of features which can make a building ‘green’. These include: 
 Efficient use of energy, water and other resources. 
 Use of renewable energy, such as solar energy. 
 Pollution and waste reduction measures, and the enabling of re-use and recycling. 
 Good indoor environmental air quality. 
 Use of materials that are non-toxic, ethical and sustainable. 
 Consideration of the environment in design, construction and operation. 
 Consideration of the quality of life of occupants in design, construction and operation. 
 A design that enables adaptation to a changing environment. 

BENEFITS- Benefits of green building are :-

 Reduction of natural resource consumption
 Reduction of operating costs
 Health, comfort and safety for all residents
 Energy optimization and reduction of energy consumption
 Increased productivity of the occupants
 Better indoor air quality

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VCE Summer Internship Program 2021
Smart Task Submission Format

500 Words (Max.)

Task Q2 :
How does green building save the environment? Explain.

Task Q2 Solution :

Green building is one of the cost effective and energy saving method in any residential or
commercial buildings. Insulation in the house can reduce the heat loss in buildings in cold weather
and reduce heat in calm climate.

1. Reduces Wastage of Water and Energy

Green buildings certified by the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) results in water savings of 20
– 30% and energy savings of 40 – 50% compared to conventional buildings in India.Green
buildings achieving the Green Star certification in Australia have been shown to save 51% less
potable water and produce 62% fewer greenhouse gas emissions than if they had been built to
meet minimum industry requirements .Green buildings achieving the Green Star certification in
South Africa have been shown to save between 20 – 30% potable water every year, and to save on
average between 30 – 40% energy and carbon emissions every year, when compared to the
industry norm .Green buildings achieving the LEED certification in the US and other countries have
been shown to consume 11 percent less water and consume 25 percent less energy than non-
green buildings
2. Conserves Natural Resources
The building sector has the largest potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions significantly
compared to other major emitting sectors. This emissions savings potential is said to be as much
as 84 gigatonnes of CO2 (GtCO2) by 2050, through direct measures in buildings such as energy
efficiency, fuel switching and the use of renewable energy. 
3. Improves Air and Water Quality
Research suggests that better indoor air quality that is low concentrations of CO2 and pollutants,
and high ventilation rates can lead to improvements in the performance of up to 8 percent.
4. Protects Biodiversity and Ecosystems
Green building supports ecosystems by promoting the efficient use of energy, water and other
resources. It also uses renewable energy, such as solar energy. Measures are usually taken for
reducing pollution and waste and also enabling re-use and recycling of the materials. Materials that
are used are non-toxic, ethical and sustainable. 
5. Reduces Costs and Increase Value
These buildings lower construction costs and higher property value for building developers; global
energy efficiency measures could save an estimated €280 to €410 billion in savings on energy
spending. Green buildings, whether new or renovated – command a 7 percent increase in asset
value over traditional buildings. 
6. Improves Occupant Productivity
Green Building focuses on creating buildings that are not only good for the environment but also
support healthier, happier and more productive lives. These include cost savings on utility bills for

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VCE Summer Internship Program 2021
Smart Task Submission Format

tenants or households through energy and water efficiency. 

7. Creates a Market For Green Product and Services
Different countries and regions have a variety of characteristics such as distinctive climatic
conditions, unique cultures and traditions, diverse building types and ages, or wide-ranging
environmental, economic and social priorities, all of these shapes up the green building and make
green buildings best suited to their own markets.

500 Words (Max.)

Task Q3 :
Are Green Buildings expensive? How to do cost benefit analysis?

Task Q3 Solution :
Green buildings, on average, are 14 percent less costly to operate than traditional buildings, with
most new builds today achieving significantly more energy savings than that. Market demand for
green building is doubling every three years.
Green buildings offer numerous advantages for landlords and tenants in the affordable housing
sector — including safer structures and healthier lives. Upgrading existing buildings to fit current
green building codes often costs less than forming new structures.
Green Buildings provide financial benefits that conventional buildings do not. These benefits
include energy and water savings, reduced waste, improved indoor environmental quality, greater
employee comfort/productivity, reduced employee health costs and lower operations and
maintenance costs.
Green building does not necessarily have to be more expensive than traditional construction. ...
Less comprehensive green building projects, such as the reuse of existing buildings or materials,
should not involve additional costs and can still provide significant environmental benefits.
Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) is a toolkit to 
determine the economic feasibility of an individual 
project that compares the benefits and costs for the 
whole society. CBA provides consistent and 
objective criteria of project selection from a social 
welfare point of view.  
Step 1: Define the Objective and Scope of the Project: Before evaluating the objective of the
has to be clearly defined.
Step 2: Identify Cost and Benefits Items: The project's direct cost and benefits are identified.
Indirect impacts such as social, environmental, and economic 
should be taken into consideration. 

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VCE Summer Internship Program 2021
Smart Task Submission Format

Step 3: Analyse the impacts of the project 

(Quantification of costs and benefits): CBA estimates welfare changes of difference between with-
the-case and without-the-case scenario. It replicates the world without the project and imagines the
world with the project. It forecasts the main changes to the counterfactual.
Step 4: Monetize the Impacts: A key prerequisite of any CBA modelling is that the costs and
benefits associated with any chosen intervention must be easily identifiable and monetized where
possible, to maximize the robustness of the analysis undertaken.

Step 5: Aggregate Benefits and Costs: The benefits and costs project is aggregated to a lifetime. In 
the time horizon calculated costs and benefits will need to cover the entire economic/functional
lifetime of a project. The number of years adopted for this will largely depend on the nature of the
intervention being chosen, with benchmarks often varying depending on the sector in question. The
time horizon chosen for CBA will play a large role in determining the overall reliability and outcome
of model outputs. This is due to the decline in the direct effect of an intervention over time
Step 6: Calculate NPV, B/C, and IRR: The criteria for CBA analysis are B/C (Benefit-Cost Ratio),
NPV (Net Present Value), and IRR (Internal Rate of Return).
Step 7: Conduct Sensitivity Analysis: It is the technique to determine the robustness of CBA results
by accounting for different levels of uncertainties. Sensitivity analysis is performed to determine the
overall effect that changes in input data and model assumptions have on CBA outputs [16]. It
analyses how sensitive the CBA model is to changes in assumptions of the analysis such changes
in the discount rate, and changes in assumptions on demand. 
Step 8: Interpret results and make a decision: The results of CBA are interpreted with the help
standard economic evaluation parameters that help in effective decision making.

500 Words (Max.)

Task Q4 :
Write down a list of 20 new terms you studied and learned in this module.

Task Q4 Solution :
 Life cycle Assessment
 EPA program
 Advanced Framed Ceiling
 Adaptive Reuse
 Active solar

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VCE Summer Internship Program 2021
Smart Task Submission Format

 Daylight Sensing Control

 Earth Air Heat Exchangers (EAHE, )Energy Analysis
 Green Roof
 Green Label
 Greenwash
 Ground-Coupled Heat Exchanger
 Heat Island Effect
 IAQ.

500 Words (Max.)

Task Q5 :
Are you satisfied with your knowledge of the Basics of GB? If yes then explain the gist of it.

Task Q5 Solution :
Yes, i am satisfied with my knowledge on the basis of Green Building. 
Green building is a response to a demand for energy and resource efficiency.Now a days the green
building is much more than the energy efficiency .Now designers understand That fresh air ,
improved in door environment ,and water savings is also important.

Gist of Green building:-

Green building, also called sustainable design and development, is the practice of using healthier
and more resource-efficient land planning, construction, renovation, operation, maintenance and
demolition. Today, it's much more than the original understanding of simply incorporating recycled
materials into a home. Green building focuses on five key areas: sustainable site development,
water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection and indoor environmental quality.

It's important to build green to minimize the huge impact that the construction, operation and
maintenance of homes has on the environment. Building green can ease the residential sector’s
water use, energy consumption and emission of carbon dioxide by requiring less resource
consumption throughout the home's life cycle. In addition to environmental benefits, green building
has potential economic and social benefits, such as reduced operating costs, improved occupant
productivity, minimized strain on local infrastructure and improved overall quality of life.

All homebuilding-industry professionals from site planners to architects to general contractors have
the ability to increase the use of green-building practices as they select locations, design buildings
and specify materials and construction methods. Additionally, home buyers can drive green building
by requesting or requiring green building practices. It's important for industry professionals to inform
home buyers about the benefits of green building and make green options available to them.

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VCE Summer Internship Program 2021
Smart Task Submission Format

500 Words (Max.)

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