Quadratic Inequalities Solved Questions

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Question 1.

i) Draw the graphs of 2x + 3y = 24 and x + y = 9 (IMP-2011)

ii) Solve the following system of inequalities graphically;
2x + 3y ≤ 24,
x + y ≤ 9, x, y ≥ 0

Question 2.
i) Solve 4x – 5 < 7, when x is a real number. (IMP-2012)
ii) Solve the following system of inequalities
graphically. 3x + 4y ≤ 12, x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0
i) 4x – 5 < 7 => 4x < 12 => x < 3
ii) 3x + 4y ≤ 12, x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0

Question 3.
Solve: 4x + 3 < 3x + 7 represent the solution on the real line. (MARCH-2013)
ii) Solve the following system of inequalities graphically.
3x + 2y ≤ 12;
x,y ≥ 0
i) 4x + 3 < 3x + 7 => 4x – 3x < 7 – 3 => x < 4

Question 4.
i) Represent the inequality x ≥ – 3 on a number line. (IMP-2014)
ii) Solve the following inequalities graphically:
x + y≥5;
x – y≤ 3

Question 5.
The interval representing the solution of the inequality 3x-1 ≥ 5, x∈R is (MARCH-
a) [5,∞) b) [2, ∞)
c) [3,∞) d) (— ∞, ∞)
ii) Solve the system of inequality graphically
x + 2y ≤ 8,2x + y ≤ 8,
x ≥ 0,y ≥ 0

Question 6.
i) Which among the following is the interval corresponding to the inequality – 2 <
x ≤ 3 . (MARCH-2016)
(a) [- 2,3]
(b) [- 2,3)
(c) (- 2,3]
(d) (- 2,3)
ii) Solve the following equation.
2x + y ≥ 4;
x + y ≤ 3;
2x – 3y ≤ 6.

Question 7.
i) Which among the following inequality represents the intervals [2,∞)
a) x – 3 ≥ 5, x∈R
b) 3x – 3 ≥5, x∈R
c) 3x – 1≥ 3, x∈R
d) 3x – 1 ≥ 5, x∈R
ii) Solve the following system of inequalities graphically. 3x + 2y ≤ 12; x ≥ 1; y ≥ 2

Maths Linear Inequalities 6 Marks Important Questions

Question 1.
i) Solve the inequality 3(x – 1) ≤ 2(x – 3)  (MARCH-2010)
ii) Solve the following system of inequalities graphically. 5x + 4y ≤ 20; x ≥ 1, y ≥ 2
i) 3(x – 1) ≤ 2(x – 3) =>3x – 3 ≤2x – 6
=>3x – 2x ≤ 3 – 6
=> x ≤ – 3
ii) 5x + 4y = 20

Question 2.
i) Arathi took 3 examinations in an year. The marks obtained by her in the second
and third examinations are more than 5 and 10 respectively than in the first
examination. If her average mark is at least 80 find the minimum mark that she
should get in the final examinations? (IMP-2010)
ii) Solve the following system of inequalities graphically 2x + y ≥6; 3x + 4y ≤12
Let x denote the marks of arathi in first examination. then mark in second exam
and third exam are x +5 and x + 10 respectively. Given average in three
examinations is atleast 80.

Question 3.
i) Solve the inequality
2(2x + 3) – 10 < 6(x – 2) (MARCH-2011)
ii) Solve the following inequalities graphically. system of
x – 2y < 3;
3x + 4y ≥ 12; x,y ≥ 0
i) 2(2x + 3) – 10 < 6(x – 2)
=> 4x + 6 – 10 ≤ 6x – 12
=> – 2x ≤ -12 + 4
=> – 2x ≤ – 8
=> x ≥ 4
Question 4.
i) Find all pairs of consecutive odd natural numbers, both of which are smaller
than 10, such that their sum is more than 11. (IMP-2012)
ii) Solve 2x + y ≤ 6 graphically.
i) Consecutive odd natural numbers be x and x+2. Then,
x + x + 2 > 11;
x + 2 < 10
=> 2x > 11 – 2;
x < 10 – 2
=> x > 9/5 = 4.5;
5 ≤ x < 8 Therefore x can take values 5,7.
Hence the pairs are (5,7),(7,9)

Question 5.
i) Solve the inequality: 3(2 – x) ≥ 2(1 – x)  (MARCH-2013)
ii) Solve the following system of inequalities graphically.
2x + y ≥ 4;
x + y ≤ 3;
2x – 3 ≤ 6
i) 3(2 – x) ≥ 2(1 – x)
=> 6 – 3x ≥ 2 — 2x
– 3x + 2x ≥ 2 – 6
=>- x ≥ – 4
=> x ≤ 4

Question 6.
i) Solve: 5x – 3 < 3x + l (MARCH-2014)
ii) Solve the following inequalities graphically.
x + 2y ≤ 8;
2x + y ≤ 8;
x,y ≥ 0

Question 7.
i) Raju obtained 70 and 60 marks in first two examinations. Find the minimum
mark he should get in the third examination to have an average of atleast 50
marks. (IMP-2013)
ii) Solve the following system of inequalities graphically.
3x + 2y ≤ 12;
x ≥ 1;
i) Let x be the mark obtained by Raju in third exam. Then,

Question 8.
i) Solve: 5x + 3 < 2x + 7 represent the solution on the real line. (MARCH-2014)
ii) Solve the following system of inequalities graphically.
x + 2y ≤ 8;
2x + y ≤ 8;
x, y ≥ 0

Question 9.
i) Solve: 7x + 3 < 5x + 9 represent the solution on the real line. (MARCH-2014)
ii) Solve the following system of inequalities graphically.
x + 2y ≤ 8;
2x + y ≤ 8;
x, y ≥ 0

Question 10.
i) Solve 10x – 23 < 3x + 5
ii) Solve the following system of inequalities graphically: 3x + 5y ≤ 15; 5x + 2y ≤
10; x,y ≥ 0 (IMP-2014)

Question 11.
i) Solve; 7x + 3 ≤ 5x + 9; x∈R . Express the solution on a number line.  (IMP-
ii) Solve graphically; 3x + 4y ≤ 60;
x + 3y ≤ 30;
x,y ≥ 0.

Question 12.
Solve the inequality x3>x2+1 (MARCH-2017)
Solve the system of inequality graphically
2x + y > 6,3x + 4y ≤ 12
i) 2x > 3x + 6
=> – x > 6
=> x < – 6

Solve for xx: x2−5x+6≥0
Factorise the quadratic

Determine the critical values of x
From the factorised quadratic we see that the values for which the inequality is equal to
zero are x=3 and x=2. These are called the critical values of the inequality and they
are used to complete a table of signs.
Complete a table of signs

We must determine where each factor of the inequality is positive and negative on the
number line:

 to the left (in the negative direction) of the critical value

 equal to the critical value

 to the right (in the positive direction) of the critical value

In the final row of the table we determine where the

inequality is positive and negative by finding the product of the factors and their
respective signs.

From the table we see that f(x)f(x) is greater than or equal to zero

for x Critical values x=2 x=3 ≤2x≤
2 or x ≥3x≥
3. − −− − 00 +
A − − + rough

− + +
x−2x−2 00 ++
− + +

+ 00 − 00 +
+ − +

sketch of the graph

The graph below does not form part of the answer and is included for illustration
purposes only. A graph of the quadratic helps us determine the answer to the inequality.
We can find the answer graphically by seeing where the graph lies above or below
the x-axis.
 From the standard form, x2−5x+6, a>0 and therefore the graph is a “smile” and has
a minimum turning point.
 From the factorised form, (x−3)(x−2) we know the xx-intercepts are (2;0)
( and (3;0)(
The graph is above or on the xx-axis for x≤2 or x≥3.
Write the final answer and represent on a number line

x2−5x+6≥0 for x≤2 or x≥3

Interactive Exercise 2.18

Question 1 (4132)

Solve for xx: 4x2−4x+1≤04x2−4x+1≤0
Factorise the quadratic

Determine the critical values of xx
From the factorised quadratic we see that the value for which the inequality is equal to
zero is x=12x=12. We know that a2>0a2>0 for any real number a,a≠0a,a≠0, so
then (2x−1)2(2x−1)2 will never be negative.
A rough sketch of the graph

The graph below does not form part of the answer and is included for illustration
purposes only.

 From the standard form, 4x2−4x+14x2−4x+1, a>0a>0 and therefore the graph is a

“smile” and has a minimum turning point.
 From the factorised form, (2x−1)(2x−1)(2x−1)(2x−1), we know there is only one xx-
intercept at (12;0)(12;0).

Notice that no part of the graph lies below the xx-axis.

Write the final answer and represent on a number line

4x2−4x+1≤0 for x=124x2−4x+1≤0 for x=12
Interactive Exercise 2.19

Question 1 (4132)

Solve for xx: −x2−3x+5>0−x2−3x+5>0
Examine the form of the inequality

Notice that the coefficient of the x2x2 term is −1−1. Remember that if we multiply or

divide an inequality by a negative number, then the inequality sign changes direction.
So we can write the same inequality in different ways and still get the same answer, as
shown below.
Multiply by −1−1 and change direction of the inequality sign
From this rough
sketch, we can see that both inequalities give the same solution; the values of xx that
lie between the two xx-intercepts.
Factorise the quadratic

We notice that −x2−3x+5>0−x2−3x+5>0 cannot be easily factorised. So we

let −x2−3x+5=0−x2−3x+5=0 and use the quadratic formula to determine the roots of
the equation.

Therefore we can write, correct to one decimal place,

x2+3x−5as (x−1,2)(x+4,2)<0<0x2+3x−5<0as (x−1,2)(x+4,2)<0
Determine the critical values of xx
From the factorised quadratic we see that the critical values
are x=1,2x=1,2 and x=−4,2x=−4,2.
Critical values x=−4,2x=−4,2

− 00 + ++ +
− + +

− − +
x−1,2x−1,2 −− 00
− − +

f(x)=(x+4,2)(x−1,2)f(x)=(x+4,2) + − +
00 00
(x−1,2) + − +

Complete a table of signs

From the table we see that the function is negative for −4,2<x<1,2−4,2<x<1,2.

A sketch of the graph

 From the standard form, x2+3x−5x2+3x−5, a>0a>0 and therefore the graph is a

“smile” and has a minimum turning point.
 From the factorised form, (x−1,2)(x+4,2)(x−1,2)(x+4,2), we know the xx-intercepts
are (−4,2;0)(−4,2;0) and (1,2;0)(1,2;0).
From the graph we see that the function lies below the xx-axis
between −4,2−4,2 and 1,21,2.
Write the final answer and represent on a number line

x2+3x−5<0 for −4,2<x<1,2x2+3x−5<0 for −4,2<x<1,2

Important: When working with an inequality in which the variable is in the denominator,

a different approach is needed. Always remember to check for restrictions.

Solve for xx:
2x+3=1x−32x+3=1x−3, x≠±3x≠±3
2x+3≤1x−32x+3≤1x−3, x≠±3x≠±3
Solving the equation

To solve this equation we multiply both sides of the equation by (x+3)(x−3)(x+3)

(x−3) and simplfy:
Solving the inequality

It is very important to recognise that we cannot use the same method as above to solve
the inequality. If we multiply or divide an inequality by a negative number, then the
inequality sign changes direction. We must rather simplify the inequality to have a
lowest common denominator and use a table of signs to determine the values that
satisfy the inequality.

Subtract 1x−31x−3 from both sides of the inequality

Determine the lowest common denominator and simplify the fraction


Keep the denominator because it affects the final answer.

Determine the critical values of xx

From the factorised inequality we see that the critical values
are x=−3x=−3, x=3x=3 and x=9x=9.
Complete a table of signs
Critical values x=−3x=−3

x+3x+3 −− undef ++

x−3x−3 −− −− −−

x−9x−9 −− −− −−

f(x)=x−9(x+3)(x−3)f(x)=x−9(x+3)(x−3) −− undef ++

From the table we see that the function is less than or equal to zero
for x<−3x<−3 or 3<x≤93<x≤9. We do not include x=−3x=−3 or x=3x=3 in the
solution because of the restrictions on the denominator.
Write the final answer and represent on a number line


Interactive Exercise 2.20

1) Consider the graph here, which shows the
parabola y=2x2−3x+1y=2x2−3x+1. The parabola has two roots at
points A(12;0)A(12;0) and B(1;0)B(1;0).
For what value(s) of xx is y≤0y≤0? Choose your answer from the options in this list.
x≤12 or x≥1

B 12≤x≤1

C x<12 or x>1

D No solution


Begin by looking at the roots of the parabola: these are the values of xx which
make yy equal to zero. Points above the xx-axis have positive yy values (y>0y>0),
and points below the xx-axis have negative yy values (y<0y<0).
In this question, we need to find the section of the graph where y≤0y≤0. This region of
the graph is highlighted below in green. The region is the entire space below the xx-axis
as well as the horizontal axis itself.

Any part of the parabola in the green area is a solution to the inequality.

In this case, the correct choice is option B: 12≤x≤1.

2) Consider the graph here, which shows the parabola y=−3x2+ x −2. This parabola
has no real roots.

For what value(s) of xx is y≥0? Choose your answer from the options in this list.

x<0 or x>16

B No solution

C x=0

D 0 or 16
Begin by looking at the roots of the parabola: these are the values of x which make y
equal to zero. Points above the x-axis have positive y values (y>0), and points below
the xx-axis have negative y values (y<0).
In this question, we need to find the section of the graph where y≥0. This region of the
graph is highlighted below in green. This region covers the first and second
quadants and includes the horizontal axis.
Any part of the parabola in the green area is a solution to the inequality.

In this case, the correct choice is option B: No solutionNo solution.

3) Solve for x in the following inequality:


Which of the options below shows the correct solution?


X > -5 or x<0

X< -5 or x >0

0< x < -5

-5 <x <0

Factorise the quadratic to determine the roots

So the roots of the quadratic expression are x=−5x=−5 and x=0x=0.
Identify the correct answer
Now that we have the roots of the equation, we need to determine the values of xx that
make the inequality true. To do this we look at the coefficient of x2. Since it is positive,
the graph opens upwards. We can now identify the sections where the parabola is less
than zero by drawing a sketch.

So the correct answer is −5<x<0

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