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MCU Basic Education Department SHS FIRST CYCLE, 1ST SEMESTER, SY 2021-2022

WORKSHEET IN LPW 012 – 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the
Worksheet No. 06 Week No: 7
Student’s Name:_Manapat,Sharmaine Marie_Strand/Gr. and Section STEM 12-7

Learning Tasks Instructions: Create a PLOT DIAGRAM about the story read “The Dead
Men’s Path´written by Chinua Achebe, a famous African author. Refer to the picture below
for your guidance. After creating the plot diagram, answer the guide questions below.


The climax of
the story is that
Mr. obi’s
actions have
now met fface
to face with the
Mr. Obi woke
village and
RISING ACTION up the next
CONFLICT when the
Obi trying to morning and
Nancy built a teacher said
shut down the saw the the
garden at ‘’the path’’ it
ancient path in ruins of his
school, which means the they
order to make work.
EXPOSITIONT happened to be want to build
built on the top the school look
the road that
The mission good for the
of an old was already
authoritites government
pathway that there..
hired a young officer.
connect the
and energetic
villages to the RESOLUTION
headmaster to
burial shrine.
run the school The white
because it has supervisor came
always been to inspect the
and school and wrote
unprogressive a nasty report. In
school. part of misguided
zeal of the new

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Students will accomplish tasks in handwritten/manual form. Thank you.
MCU Basic Education Department SHS FIRST CYCLE, 1ST SEMESTER, SY 2021-2022

GUIDE QUESTIONS (2 points each)

1. What is the problematic situation in the story?

The problematic situation in the story is where a newly appointed headmaster of a

school, Micheal Obi, and his efforts to bring modern education into the village of Ndume.

2. Compare the stand taken by Michael Obi and the village priest regarding the problematic

Mr. Obi refuses to open the school to the villagers in order for the school to innovate and
grow.It was suggested that a new walkway be built to the burial shrine. Meanwhile, the
village priest wishes to open the ancestral road since it is a traditional culture with a
strong importance for community .

3. What is Obi’s motivation for wanting to improve the school?

Mr. Obi aims to modernize the school with the primary goal of ensuring a higher standard
of academic performance.To make his supervisor proud, he is teaching and building the
school into a lovely area. Before they inspect.

4. When the village priest explains the tradition and the purpose of the path, Obi replies by
saying that “the whole purpose of our school… is to eradicate just such belief as that.”
Why does he declare that as the purpose of the school?

Mr. Obi claims that the school's goal is to prevent youngsters from believing in such
things.Mr. Obi feels it was merely full of makeup stories or to accept modernity because
he believes it was full of myths and to welcome modernity.Superstition and the notion
that the dead don't require a road were ludicrous to him.

5. What is the village priest’s suggestion to solve the problem and why is Obi not amenable
to it? What counter suggestion does he offer?

The priest suggested to Mr. Obi that route should be reopened because it connects the
two worlds.Villagers to their loved ones who have already died in order to bring calm and
tranquility to the community. Mr. Obi, on the other hand, rejects the idea and suggests
that a new path be created, which he will leave to his own devices.It is constructed with
the assistance of men.

6. What does the priest mean when he said “…let the hawk perch and let the eagle perch”?

Even if two individuals disagree and hold opposite perspectives, the priest's expression
implies that there is no reason why they cannot cohabit peacefully.

7. If Obi respected the traditions of the people, what would have happened?

Mr. Obi could make things a lot easier if he merely accepted the villagers' traditions.
the school's improvement without infringing on their cultural beliefs and causing a major
disruption .Dispute with the townspeople, who are angered by the pathway's closure.

8. What is the author saying in the resolution of the conflict?

The author of "Dead Men's Path" contends that activities should be motivated by mutual
benefit.Rather of selfish desires or personal goals, show respect for others. When a
person's judgment is cloudedThe author describes what happens, yet his explanation is
muddled by arrogance. Michael Obi sets out to make the world a better place.
By criticizing traditional ways from the outset, the "unprogressive school" is established.

9. Whose side do you sympathize with more, Obi’s or the village’s priest’s? Why?
I symphatize with the villagers since respect is a two-way street, and Mr. Obi disobeyed
it.because he considered the community to be antiquated and in need of development In
order to achieve his goal, he Disrespect the villagers tradition..

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Students will accomplish tasks in handwritten/manual form. Thank you.
MCU Basic Education Department SHS FIRST CYCLE, 1ST SEMESTER, SY 2021-2022

10. What perspective on change and development is presented in the story? Cite lines to
support your answer.
"but we follow the practices of our fathers’’if you reopen the path, we will have nothing to
do. I often say, "Let the hawk perch and let the eagle perch," and I mean it "This sentence,
in my opinion,The one who changes the story's perspective is the one who expresses
their opinion. It states that no matter what generation you are from,
You must always respect the traditions and practices that our forebears instilled,
regardless of historical everyone of us Rather than destroying people's beliefs,
we should value and nurture them.

This is intended for OFFLINE Learning. Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of this is not allowed.
Students will accomplish tasks in handwritten/manual form. Thank you.

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