North South University: ENG 103 Final Assignment: Spring 2021 Time Allowed: 24 Hours

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ENG 103
Final Assignment: Spring 2021
Time Allowed: 24 hours 
Instructions for students:

 You must submit a typed version of your exam script through Google doc. 
 You must NOT plagiarize- any such act will have severe consequences and might
result in the cancellation of your exam.
 Late submissions will NOT be accepted. 

Please fill out the following:

Name: Rafi Bin Iftekhar

ID: 2021542630
Section: 09
Instructor: Ashrafun Nahar ma’am (MANA)

                                                                                                                              15 points

Essay Writing
Choose one topic from the following types of essays: Word Limit (350-400)
1. Write a compare essay between being sad and being lonely.
2. Effects of watching excessive television at an early age.
3. Narrate fun filled study tour that you experienced
Effects of watching excessive television at an early age
Television is one of the latest and most wonderful achievements of modern
science. Television is a monitor containing everything about the whole world.
Children at an early age mostly like watching cartoons and movies. However,
excessive Television watching has negative consequences for children such as
obesity, loss of creativity, and build up sexual sense, etc.

An important effect of watching excessive television is obesity. Obesity can

arise in children who watch television so much. When a child is addicted to
watching television for a long time, they became very lazy, inactive, and always
found themselves either seated or lies down on the sofa. They completely lost
interest in doing something other than television for the whole day. Even they also
spend the entire day sitting or lying down. They do little at home and still depend
on others to support them. As a result, they will face fall to cope up with the
running world in their future life.
Consequently, excessive television watching effects creativity and
imagination skills. A child’s creativity hampered while he/she spends too much
time watching television instead of going outdoors and seeing the real world.
Although, many things and knowledge of the whole world are introduced in front
of a monitor, children who watch too much television are unable to inspire their
minds or generate new ideas to do something different or innovate something on
their own. Creativity and imagination skill is very important in life, especially in
the practical field. Children who lose these qualities as a result of watching so
much television will suffer the consequences.
Another result of watching excessive television at an early age is a build-up
of a sexual sense. Watching obscene scenes on television is a bad impact on a
child’s life. Even if he/she doesn’t want to, it still happens in his/her mind. It is a
very bad impact and this is also kind of a threat to teenagers. Unfortunately,
children are getting very addicted to watching this kind of obscene scene, and they
destroy their thoughts by this. Consequently, this will lead to sexual harassment in
several terms of his/her life.
Television is a powerful mass media which plays a significant role in our
daily life. But there are also some drawbacks of watching excessive television
especially for children which effects their regular lifestyle, effect their thought and
growth. In consideration of the merits and demerits of Television, the invention of
Televisions is a scientific blessing for mankind.

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