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Such a dirty checking step obviously becomes unnecessary when we only perform select queries.

flush mode to manual

prevents automatic flushing at the end of the transaction commit, and this will bring us a slight performance
improvement, in

addition to preventing unintended data modifications in the application.


public class SecurityServiceImpl implements SecurityService {


private SecurityDao securityDao;



public User findUserByUsername(String username) {



1.17 Be aware of false positives in transactional ORM integration tests

Spring TextContext Framework helps us to create transactional integration tests so that it becomes easier to
test data access

operations. It rollbacks the transaction created at the end of the test method in order not to cause side
effects to other tests to

be run next. If you are using JPA or Hibernate in your data access operations, JPA/Hibernate won’t flush as
the transaction rolls

back, and SQL statements won’t hit the database therefore. Hence, you won’t be aware of any problems
like constraint violations

caused by those data access operations as no SQL is executed actually.

In order to overcome this problem, you need to inject SessionFactory or EntityManager, and perform flush
before assert state-

ments in the test methods.



public class SecurityIntegrationTests {

private SessionFactory sessionFactory;


private SecurityDao securityDao;



public void shouldCreateNewUser() {

User user = new User();





1.18 Do not use DriverManagerDataSource

DriverManagerDataSource class is mostly used one to exemplify dataSource bean configurations throughout
Spring related

examples. However, DriverManagerDataSource causes a new physical connection to be opened each time
you ask for an SQL

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