Cfas Chapter 2

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History of the Framework Nothing in the conceptual framework

overrides any standard or any requirement in

April 1989 Framework for the a standard
Preparation and requirements in the standards may depart
Presentation of from the conceptual framework
Financial revisions of the concept or framework will not
Statements (the automatically lead to changes to the
Framework) was standards
approved by the
IASC Board In the absence of a Standard or an
Interpretation that specifically applies to a
July 1989 Framework was transaction, management must use its
published judgement in developing and applying an
April 2001 Framework adopted accounting policy that results in information
by the IASB. that is relevant and reliable. In making that
judgement, IAS 8.11 requires management to
September 2010 Conceptual consider the definitions, recognition criteria,
Framework for and measurement concepts for assets,
Financial Reporting liabilities, income, and expenses in the
2010 approved by Framework. This elevation of the importance
the IASB of the Framework was added in the 2003
revisions to IAS 8.
March 2018 Conceptual
Framework for The Framework is not a Standard and does
Financial Reporting not override any specific IFRS. [SP1.2]
2018 (the
Framework) If the IASB decides to issue a new or revised
published pronouncement that is in conflict with the
Framework, the IASB must highlight the fact
and explain the reasons for the departure in
the basis for conclusions. [SP1.3]

Status and purpose and status of the

The Framework
The purpose of the conceptual framework is Scope
to The Framework addresses:
 assist the international accounting
standard board to develop IFRS the objective of general purpose financial
standards that are based on reporting qualitative characteristics of useful
consistent concepts financial information financial statements and
 assist preparers to develop the reporting entity the elements of financial
accounting policies we know standard statements recognition and derecognition
applies to a particular transaction or measurement presentation and disclosure
other event, or when a standard concepts of capital and capital maintenance
allows a choice of accounting policy
 I set all parties to understand and Chapter 1: The Objective of general purpose
interpret the standards financial reporting
The conceptual framework is not a standard
(7) The primary users of general purpose
financial reporting are present and potential
investors, lenders and other creditors, who A reporting entity's economic resources and
use that information (8) to make decisions claims are reported in the statement of
about buying, selling or holding equity or debt financial position. [See IAS 1.54-80A]
instruments, providing or settling loans or
other forms of credit, or exercising rights to Changes in economic resources and claims
vote on, or otherwise influence,
management’s actions that affect the use of Changes in a reporting entity's economic
the entity’s economic resources. [1.2] resources and claims result from that entity's
performance and from other events or
The primary users need information about the transactions such as issuing debt or equity
resources of the entity not only to assess an instruments. Users need to be able to
entity's prospects for future net cash inflows distinguish between both of these changes.
but also how effectively and efficiently [1.15]
management has discharged their
responsibilities to use the entity's existing Financial performance reflected by accrual
resources (i.e., stewardship). [1.3-1.4] accounting

(9)The IFRS Framework notes that general Information about a reporting entity's
purpose financial reports cannot provide all financial performance during a period,
the information that users may need to make representing changes in economic resources
economic decisions. They will need to and claims other than those obtained directly
consider pertinent information from other from investors and creditors, is useful in
sources as well. [1.6] assessing the entity's past and future ability to
generate net cash inflows. Such information
The IFRS Framework notes that other parties, may also indicate the extent to which general
including prudential and market regulators, economic events have changed the entity's
may find general purpose financial reports ability to generate future cash inflows. [1.18-
useful. However, these are not considered a 1.19]
primary user and general purpose financial
reports are not primarily directed to The changes in an entity's economic resources
regulators or other parties. [1.10] and claims are presented in the statement of
comprehensive income. [See IAS 1.81-105]
(11) Information about a reporting entity's
economic resources, claims, and changes in Financial performance reflected by past cash
resources and claims flows

Economic resources and claims Information about a reporting entity's cash

flows during the reporting period also assists
Information about the nature and amounts of users to assess the entity's ability to generate
a reporting entity's economic resources and future net cash inflows and to assess
claims assists users to assess that entity's management’s stewardship of the entity’s
financial strengths and weaknesses; to assess economic resources. This information
liquidity and solvency, and its need and ability indicates how the entity obtains and spends
to obtain financing. Information about the cash, including information about its
claims and payment requirements assists borrowing and repayment of debt, cash
users to predict how future cash flows will be dividends to shareholders, etc. [1.20]
distributed among those with a claim on the
reporting entity. [1.13] The changes in the entity's cash flows are
presented in the statement of cash flows. [See
IAS 7]
Changes in economic resources and claims not
resulting from financial performance

Information about changes in an entity's

economic resources and claims resulting from
events and transactions other than financial
performance, such as the issue of equity
instruments or distributions of cash or other
assets to shareholders is necessary to
complete the picture of the total change in
the entity's economic resources and claims.

The changes in an entity's economic resources

and claims not resulting from financial
performance is presented in the statement of
changes in equity. [See IAS 1.106-110]

Information about use of the entity’s

economic resources

Information about the use of the entity's

economic resources also indicates how
efficiently and effectively the reporting
entity’s management has used these
resources in its stewardship of those
resources. Such information is also useful for
predicting how efficiently and effectively
management will use the entity’s economic
resources in future periods and, hence, what
the prospects for future net cash inflows are.
What is the difference between predictive and
confirmatory value?
 The predictive value and confirmatory
value of financial information are
 Financial information has predictive value
if it can be used as an import in a process
to predict future outcomes as it has a
confirmatory value if it provides feedback
on previous evaluations.
CHAPTER 2: Qualitative
characteristics of useful financial Materiality
information  is an entity-specific aspect of relevance
based on the nature or magnitude (or both)
15. What are the qualitative characteristics of of the items to which the information
useful information? relates in the context of an individual
entity's financial report.
 The qualitative characteristics of useful
financial reporting identify the types of Faithful representation
information are likely to be most useful to
users in making decisions about the  General purpose financial reports
reporting entity on the basis of information represent economic phenomena in words
in its financial report. The qualitative and numbers.
characteristics apply equally to financial  To be useful, financial information must
information in general purpose financial not only be relevant, but it must also
reports as well as to financial information represent faithfully the phenomena it
provided in other ways. purports to represent.
 Financial information is useful when it is  Faithful representation means
relevant and represents faithfully what it representation of the substance of an
purports to represent. economic phenomenon instead of
 The usefulness of financial information is representation of its legal form only.
enhanced if it is comparability,  A faithful representation seeks to
verifiability, timeliness and maximize the underlying characteristics of
understandability. completeness, neutrality, and freedom
from error.
FUNDAMENTAL QUALITATIVE  Information must be both relevant and
CHARACTERISTICS faithfully represented if it is to be useful.

 Relevance and faithful representation WHAT ARE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF

are the fundamental qualitative FAITHFUL REPRESENTATION?
characteristics of useful financial  Completeness, Neutrality, and Free
information. from error

Relevance Completeness
 A complete depiction includes all
information necessary for all user to
 Relevant financial information is capable
understand the phenomenon being
of making a difference in the decisions
depicted, including all necessary
made by users.
descriptions an explanation
 Financial information is capable of making
a difference in decisions if it has
What we consider as the minimum and
predictive value, confirmatory value, or
therefore sufficient for some assets:
What constitutes a completely depiction of a the process. Even in high level of
group of assets? measurement uncertainty does not
 A description of the nature of the asset in necessarily prevent such as estimate from
the group providing useful information
 A numerical depiction of all the assets in
the group and
 A description of what the numerical
depiction represents
 Needed for some type of assets especially Important concept in Faithful
those that requires estimates or representation is the:
 Explanations of significant facts about the Substance over form principle - normally
quality and nature of the items the substance of each transaction conforms to
 Factors and circumstances that might the form of the transaction but there are
affect the quality and nature instances in which the form tells us one thing,
 The process used to determine the well the substance tells us another
numerical depiction
 Without bias in the selection or
presentation of financial information, not Step 1: Identify an economic phenomenon,
slanted, weighted, emphasize, de- information about which is capable of being
emphasize, or otherwise manipulated to useful to users of the reporting entity's
increase the probability that financial financial information.
information will be received favorably or
unfavorably by users Step 2: identify the type of information about
the phenomenon that would be most relevant
On order to achieve neutrality, entities must
exercise Prudence Step 3: determine whether the information is
available and whether it can provide a faithful
representation of the economic phenomenon
Prudence - is the exercise of caution when
making judgment under condition of
uncertainty  A neutral depiction is supported by the
exercise of prudence. Prudence is the
ASYMMETRIC PRUDENCE VS exercise of caution when making
CAUTIONS PRUDENCE judgements under conditions of
Asymmetric Prudence: uncertainty
 A need for systematic asymmetric:
 A need to be cautious when making ENHANCING QUALITATIVE
judgments under conditions of uncertainty, CHARACTERISTICS
but without needing to be more cautious in
judgments relating to gains and assets then  Verifiability, Comparability,
those relating to losses and liabilities Understandability and Timeliness
(VCUT) are qualitative characteristics that
Present Framework- may have adapted enhance the usefulness of information that
cautious prudence is relevant and faithfully represented.

Free from error Comparability

 Does not mean accurate in all respects this  Information about a reporting entity is
only means there are no errors or more useful if it can be compared with a
omissions in the description of the similar information about other entities
phenomenon, and the process used to and with similar information about the
produce reported, and information has same entity for another period or another
been selected and applied with no errors in date.
 Can be viewed as the goal
 Comparability is the qualitative Indirect verification –
characteristic enables users to identify and  Means checking the inputs to a model,
understand similarities in, and differences formula or other techniques and
among, items recalculating the outputs using the same
methodology. Ex: verifying the inventory
cost estimation of a company

DIFFERENT KINDS OF  Timeliness means that information is

COMPARABILITY: available to decision-makers in time to be
capable of influencing their decisions.
 Intra Comparability – a single entity of
different periods UNDERSTANDABILITY
 Inter Comparability – different entities in a
single period  Classifying, characterizing, and presenting
information clearly and concisely makes it
TWO IMPORTANT CONCEPTS ARE: understandable. While some phenomena
are inherently complex and cannot be
Consistency – made easy to understand, to exclude such
 They are the same and related with information would make financial reports
comparability incomplete and potentially misleading.
 It refers the use of the same methods,  Financial reports are prepared for users
procedures, and other policies throughout who have a reasonable knowledge of
multiple periods or throughout entities in business and economic activities and who
the same industry review and analyze the information with
 Is the means towards achieving diligence.
 Not the same with comparability  Applying the enhancing qualitative
 Limit the demand for uniformity only for characteristic is an iterative process that
those items or entities that should actually does not follow a prescribed order.
be uniform. Enhancing qualitative characteristics
should be maximized to the extent
Verifiability necessary. However, enhancing qualitative
characteristics (either individually or
 Verifiability helps to assure users that collectively) cannot render information
information represents faithfully the useful if that information is irrelevant or
economic phenomena it purports to not represented faithfully.
represent. Verifiability means that
different knowledgeable and independent
observers could reach consensus, although
not necessarily complete agreement, that a
particular depiction is a faithful


Direct verification –
 Means verifying an amount or other
representation through direct observation,
for example, by counting cash

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