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1 Introduction

Autowiring is method of creating an instance of an object and "by concept" injecting that instance on a
specific class that uses it.

By that, therefore creates a "wiring" of an instance to a class that will use it’s attributes. In Spring, when the
application server

initialize the context, it creates a stack/heaps of objects in it’s JVM container. This objects are available for
consumption at any

given time as long as the application is running (runtime). Now once these objects are ready, they can now
be injected to different

classes that belongs on the same application context. In a standard Java application, we can use the

cationContext class to create instances of the beans on the IoC container (JVM), making them available to
be injected Or

wired on any Java objects that needs it.

2.2 Usage of Autowire

In this example, I will show you how a bean is wired by create the classes (beans) inside the

and using ClassPathXmlApplicationContext to create the object instance that will be used by our class.

2.3 Step by Step Implementation

2.3.1 Create the Application

Create the Java project. I would suggest using Maven so that we can easily get the dependency if needed.

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