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Healers and psychics will benefit from the following downloads:

‘I know what it feels like to live without taking on other people’s


‘I know what it feels like to live without taking on other people’s


‘I know what it feels like to live without taking on other people’s


‘I know what it feels like to live without taking on other people’s

programmes and beliefs.’

‘I know what it feels like to live without taking on people’s



‘I know how to convert sickness, emotions, programmes and

beliefs into love and light, which are sent to the Creator and

returned to me.’

‘I know what it feels like to be of service to others and be

appreciated for it.’

‘I know how to be of service without being taken advantage of.’

‘I know how to permit others to know they are important to the


‘I know what it feels like to be at peace with myself.’

‘I know what it feels like to enjoy the breath of life.’

‘I know what it feels like to enjoy every moment.’

‘I know what it feels like to be connected to everything, always.’

‘I know what it feels like to discern between the feelings of

others and my own.’

‘I know how to work with others in the highest and best way.’

‘I know how to accept others for the way they are.’

‘I know how to live my life in acceptance without resenting


‘I know what it feels like to live without the negative thoughts of

others affecting my life.’

‘The most important thing in my life is my connection to the


‘I know how to tap into the Creator of All That Is of the Seventh

Plane of Existence easily and effortlessly.’

‘I know how to stand in my truth.’

‘I know how to be accountable for my words.’

‘I know how to live my life without unreasonable fear.’

‘I know how to create a kingdom of heaven within myself.’

‘I know how to create a heaven on Earth.’


‘I know what it feels like to appreciate and love people who are

close to me.’

‘I know it is possible to have peace, happiness and joy without

being bored.’

‘I know it is possible to use my experiences with wisdom.’

‘I know it is possible to be thankful for every experience in my


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