Guidelines - Division Journ Exhibition Contest 2021

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Caloocan City
NOVEMBER 15-19, 2021


The Conference aims to:

a. capacitate learners, school paper advisers and relevant field personnel with understanding of
the importance of journalism by expressing it through different journalistic endeavors and
b. sustain advocacy on social consciousness and environmental awareness;
c. provide a venue for an enriching learning experience for students interested in Journalism as
a career or those who intend to use skill sets learned through campus journalism to give
them a better edge in their chosen careers;
d. promote responsible journalism and fair and ethical use of social media;
e. introduce the new NSPC events and its alignment with the Special Program in Journalism;
f. showcase the campus journalistic skills of students across discipline

General Instructions:
1. There will be 2-3 hour seminar to discuss the chosen topic/ category and to give participants
final instructions for their output.
2. The CESPAA; CSSPAA, together with chosen TWG, shall orient and provide final
instructions to the contestants before the “exhibition” contest. Participants should have
internet access since the contests shall be done remotely.
3. Links of needed inputs such as press conferences, helpful news sources (if there are any),
and sports coverage of the specific event will be provided to become the basis for the writing
of the articles; or depending to the preference of the speakers/ judges.
4. Students must be pre-enrolled in the assigned Google Classroom on the category they are
participating in.
5. The contest committee will provide an official downloadable writing paper.
6. Contestants must write their articles in either English or Filipino, depending on which medium
they are registered with.
7. Contestants shall not put any identifying mark on the contest entry, codenames to be
provided by the committee will be used instead.
8. Contestants shall submit Portable Document File (pdf) along with the raw copy of their entry.
Specifications: Title: Arial Bold, 14 | Body: Arial, 10, Single-space
9. Should there be any questions and assistance needed, the participants can only raise their
concerns to the contest committee.
10. Entries shall be uploaded on the Google Classroom provided by the contest committee
following the respective contest schedule.
11. Any school or contestants or school paper found to have copied and published tests, images
and other materials without duly acknowledging their sources shall be disqualified in the
12. Judges’ decision is final and irrevocable.


1. News Writing/Pagsulat ng Balita

1. Each school can ONLY submit two (2) entries; 1 for English and 1 for Filipino.
2. Participants must be pre-enrolled in the Google Classroom assigned in this category prior to
the exhibition contest.
3. Fact sheets or other sources of information shall be given to the contestants as bases in
writing an output.
4. The contestants shall submit the required format.
5. The participants have at least one hundred fifty (150) minutes to accomplish their outputs.
6. Participants shall submit their final outputs in Portable Document Format (PDF)
7. Follow the file name format (in ALL CAPS):
Category_Elemetary or Secondary_School Name (no abbreviation)_LN,FF,MN
8. Links would automatic closed after the given time.

2. Feature Writing/Pagsulat ng Lathalain

1. Each school can ONLY submit two (2) entries; 1 for English and 1 for Filipino.
2. Participants must be pre-enrolled in the Google Classroom assigned in this category prior to
the exhibition contest.
3. Fact sheets or other sources of information shall be given to the contestants as bases in
writing an output.
4. The contestants shall submit the required format.
5. The participants have at least one hundred fifty (150) minutes to accomplish their outputs.
6. Participants shall submit their final outputs in Portable Document Format (PDF).
7. Follow the file name format (in ALL CAPS):
Category_Elemetary or Secondary_School Name (no abbreviation)_LN,FF,MN
8. Links would automatic closed after the given time.

3. Copyreading & Headline Writing/Pagwawasto at Pag-uulo ng Balita

1. Each school can ONLY submit two (2) entries; 1 for English and 1 for Filipino.
2. Participants must be pre-enrolled in the Google Classroom assigned in this category prior to
the exhibition contest.
3. The contestants shall be provided with the pdf and image file (jpeg/png) of the contest piece /
4. The contestants have to print the piece and do the traditional markings using black-inked
pens. If so, the scanned output shall be submitted as an entry.
5. The contestants may also do the necessary markings digitally using any image editing
software. Please make sure that the editing marks are legible.
6. The contestants shall use the 2018 Associated Press (AP) copy editing symbols and follow
directions given in the contest piece. 
7. The contestants shall submit the required format.
8. The participants have at least one hundred fifty (150) minutes to accomplish their outputs.
9. Participants shall submit their final outputs in Portable Document Format (PDF).
10. Follow the file name format (in ALL CAPS):
Category_Elemetary or Secondary_School Name (no abbreviation)_LN,FF,MN
11. Links would automatic closed after the given time.

4. Editorial Writing/Pagsulat ng Editoryal

1. Each school can ONLY submit two (2) entries; 1 for English and 1 for Filipino.
2. Participants must be pre-enrolled in the Google Classroom assigned in this category prior to
the exhibition contest.
3. Fact sheets or other sources of information shall be given to the contestants as bases in
writing an output.
4. The contestants shall submit the required format.
5. The participants have at least one hundred fifty (150) minutes to accomplish their outputs.
6. Participants shall submit their final outputs in Portable Document Format (PDF).
7. Follow the file name format (in ALL CAPS):
Category_Elemetary or Secondary_School Name (no abbreviation)_LN,FF,MN
8. Links would automatic closed after the given time.

5. Column Writing/Pagsulat ng Kolum

1. Each school can ONLY submit two (2) entries; 1 for English and 1 for Filipino.
2. Participants must be pre-enrolled in the Google Classroom assigned in this category prior to
the exhibition contest.
3. Fact sheets or other sources of information shall be given to the contestants as bases in
writing an output.
4. The contestants shall submit the required format.
5. The participants have at least one hundred fifty (150) minutes to accomplish their outputs.
6. Participants shall submit their final outputs in Portable Document Format (PDF).
7. Follow the file name format (in ALL CAPS):
Category_Elemetary or Secondary_School Name (no abbreviation)_LN,FF,MN
8. Links would automatic closed after the given time.

6. Science Writing/Pagsulat ng Balitang Agham

1. Each school can ONLY submit two (2) entries; 1 for English and 1 for Filipino.
2. Participants must be pre-enrolled in the Google Classroom assigned in this category prior to
the exhibition contest.
3. Fact sheets or other sources of information shall be given to the contestants as bases in
writing an output.
4. The contestants shall submit the required format.
5. The participants have at least one hundred fifty (150) minutes to accomplish their outputs.
6. Participants shall submit their final outputs in Portable Document Format (PDF).
7. Follow the file name format (in ALL CAPS):
Category_Elemetary or Secondary_School Name (no abbreviation)_LN,FF,MN
8. Links would automatic closed after the given time.

7. Sports Writing/Pagsulat ng Balitang Isports

a. Each school can ONLY submit two (2) entries; 1 for English and 1 for Filipino.
b. Participants must be pre-enrolled in the Google Classroom assigned in this category prior to
the exhibition contest.
c. Contestants shall watch an actual game where they can gather adequate data.
d. Additional information shall be provided by the organizers.
e. The contestants shall submit the required format.
f. The participants have at least one hundred fifty (150) minutes to accomplish their outputs.
g. Participants shall submit their final outputs in Portable Document Format (PDF).
h. Follow the file name format (in ALL CAPS):
Category_Elemetary or Secondary_School Name (no abbreviation)_LN,FF,MN
i. Links would automatic closed after the given time.

8. Photojournalism/ Pagkuha ng Larawang Pampahayagan

j. Each school can ONLY submit two (2) entries; 1 for English and 1 for Filipino.
k. Participants must be pre-enrolled in the Google Classroom assigned in this category prior to
the exhibition contest.
l. Contestants may use either English or Filipino for the captions and cutlines depending on the
medium they are registered in.
m. Contestants shall submit the raw copy of their photos.
n. Strictly NO DSLR or other high-end cameras to be used. Mobile phones are ALLOWED but
NO FILTER shall be used with the photos.
o. Pictures will not be judged according to the gadget used but on the basic elements like angle,
adherence to the theme, content and the like.
p. All photographs must have been taken during the contest time frame.
q. Participants shall choose six (6) photos to be put in a collage. And raw photos SHALL be
submitted as well, together with the final collage output.
r. Outputs shall be laid out in Word / Powerpoint or any software available with the
specifications: Letter (8.5x11 inches / short / landscape); Title: Arial Bold, 18 | Captions: Arial,
s. Participants shall submit their final outputs in Portable Document Format (PDF).
t. Follow the file name format (in ALL CAPS):
Category_Elemetary or Secondary_School Name (no abbreviation)_LN,FF,MN
u. The participants have at least one hundred fifty (150) minutes to finish their outputs.
v. Links would automatic closed after the given time.

9. Editorial Cartooning/Paglalara-wang-tudling
w. Each school can ONLY submit two (2) entries; 1 for English and 1 for Filipino.
x. Participants must be pre-enrolled in the Google Classroom assigned in this category prior to
the exhibition contest.
y. Contestants may use either English or Filipino for the captions and cutlines depending on the
medium they are registered in.
z. Topic shall be given to the contestants as basis of their output.
aa. The participants have at least one hundred fifty (150) minutes to finish their outputs.
bb. Participants shall submit their final outputs in Portable Document Format (PDF).
cc. Follow the file name format (in ALL CAPS):
Category_Elemetary or Secondary_School Name (no abbreviation)_LN,FF,MN
dd. Links would automatic closed after the given time.

1. Radio Scriptwriting and Broadcasting

a. Each school can ONLY submit two (2) group entries; 1 for English and 1 for Filipino.
b. Each team must be composed of seven (7) members: 2 Main Anchors, 3 Field reporters, 1
Sound Editor, 1 Scriptwriter.
c. Participants must be pre-enrolled in the Google Classroom assigned in this category prior to
the exhibition contest.
d. The participants have at least two hundred and seventy (270) minutes to be allotted for data
gathering and script writing, video recording and editing, and rendering and publishing of the
TV Broadcast produced.
e. Written script (in PDF file) shall also be submitted together with the not less than five (5)
minutes and not more than six (6) minutes pre-recorded broadcast in MP3 format.

1. The students will be given 1 1/ 2 hours to prepare a script for a 5-minute radio
broadcast, that includes an infomercial, which may depict health, environment,
politics and social issues, and four (4J news articles, which may be based on press
releases, raw data, or any other option given by the judges.
2. The infomercial shall have a maximum length of (1) minute and shall use the language
that the group is competing in.
3. Contestants shall submit Portable Document File (pdf) along with the raw copy of
their entry. Specifications: Title: Arial Bold, 14 | Body: Arial, 10, Single-space
4. The script should not bear any information that may identify the school, division or region,
but it should include the names of the members of the team with their job assignment/
contribution (i.e. anchor, news presenter, etc.).

1. Each team shall be given five (5) minutes for the actual broadcast
2. The produced broadcast must be not less than five (5) minutes but not more than six
(6) minutes.
3. A team that delivers the broadcast over or under time will also be given a
corresponding deduction.

2. TV Scriptwriting & Broadcasting

a. Each school can ONLY submit two (2) group entries; 1 for English and 1 for Filipino.
b. Each team must be composed of seven (7) members: 2 Main Anchors, 3 Field reporters, 1
Video Editor, 1 Scriptwriter.
c. Participants must be pre-enrolled in the Google Classroom assigned in this category prior to
the exhibition contest.
d. The participants have at least two hundred and seventy (270) minutes to be allotted for data
gathering and script writing, video recording and editing, and rendering and publishing of the
TV Broadcast produced.
e. Written script (in PDF file) shall also be submitted together with the not less than 6-minute and
not more than 7-minute pre-recorded broadcast in MP4 format.

1. The team shall have the following components in their script:
a. Cover page: This shall contain the group’s name (mock TV network name)
b. News Articles: The contest organizers will provide five news articles. The team
may cover five (5) of these articles. Each news script should have video and audio
component and must not exceed 45 seconds when read during the contest proper.
c. Infomercial/Developmental Communication:
The team is required to produce one (1} infomercial or developmental communication
plug which shall not exceed 30 seconds. This shall be pre- produced during the actual
contest and should be relevant to the topic which wlll be given by the judges. The
script should contain video and audio component.
d. Field Report: To be included in the production is a live field report with canned video
e. Headlines: This will contain a brief lead/ summary of the news articles.
f. OBB/CBB: Opening Billboard and Closing Billboard will contain the group’s
assumed TV network name. The script for the OBB /CBB should be included in the
main script which will be submitted to the judges.

2. Contestants shall submit Portable Document File (pdf) along with the raw copy of their
entry. Specifications: Title: Arial Bold, 14 | Body: Arial, 10, Single-space
3. The script should not bear any information that may identify the school, division or region,
but it should include the names of the members of the team with their job assignment/
contribution (i.e. anchor, news presenter, etc.).

1. The TV broadcast must be delivered in six minutes.
2. The produced broadcast must be not less than six (6) minutes but not more than (7)
3. A team that delivers the broadcast over or under time will also be given a
corresponding deduction.

3. Collaborative and Desktop Publishing

a. Each school can ONLY submit two (2) group entries; 1 for English and 1 for Filipino.
b. Each team must be composed of seven (7) members: News writer, Editorial writer, Editorial
cartooning, Feature writer, Sports writer, Photojournalist and Lay-out artist.
c. Participants must be pre-enrolled in the Google Classroom assigned in this category prior to
the exhibition contest.
d. Fact sheets or other sources of information shall be given to the contestants as bases in
writing an output.
e. The participants have at least two hundred and seventy (270) minutes to be allotted for data
gathering, writing, lay- outing, editing of articles.
f. Each team must be able to published 4-page output: 1 for News page, 1 for Editorial page, 1
for Feature page and 1 for the Sports page.
g. Participants shall submit their final outputs in Portable Document Format (PDF).
h. Finished work shall be passed in the Google Classroom link, which would automatic closed
after the given time.

4. Online Publishing
a. Each school can ONLY submit two (2) group entries; 1 for English and 1 for Filipino.
b. Each team must be composed of five (5) members: News writer, Editorial writer, Feature
writer, Sportswriter, and Lay-out artist.
c. Participants must be pre-enrolled in the Google Classroom assigned in this category prior to
the exhibition contest.
d. Each team must be able to published 4-page output: 1 for News page, 1 for Editorial page, 1
for Feature page and 1 for the Sports page.
e. The participants have at least two hundred and seventy (270) minutes to be allotted for data
gathering, writing, lay- outing, editing of articles online after the creation of an online
publication using the official platform determined by the organizers- either Adobe Sparks or
Word press.
f. Specific instructions on the number of articles to be produced will be given during the
g. Fact sheets or other sources of information shall be given to the contestants as bases in
writing an output.
h. Each group shall submit their URL to the assigned examiner.

5. Documentary Film (Investigative Report, Science Discovery, Advocacy Journalism)

a. Each school can ONLY submit two (2) group entries; 1 for English and 1 for Filipino.
b. Each participating team shall field a team of five (5) members. Each team can ONLY submit
one (1) entry.
c. There will be seminar to discuss the what the topic is all about and to give participants final
d. The team can either choose one (1) among Investigative Report, Science Discovery or
Advocacy Journalism they will produce.
e. The documentary film shall not exceed three hundred (300) minutes, credits included.
f. The submitted short films must be shot with a smartphone, and it is essential to indicate the
smartphone brand and model to be used. 
g. It is allowed during the filming the use of external elements (microphones, lighting, dolls, etc.)
and in the post-production the use of any software for editing or treatment of images.
h. Entries must be completed during the event’s schedule: November 15-19, 2021.
i. The documentary film must have a quality no lower than 1080p and should be in MP4 format.
j. In accordance with the copyright laws, music used in any entry must be original, licensed or in
the public domain.
k. Display of any brands in the video is strongly discouraged.
l. Dialogues may be in Filipino or English, depending on the medium used by your team. 
m. All persons or private spaces that appear in the short films must do so under their consent.
Short films that contain discriminatory material and/or violate the dignity of persons shall not
be accepted.
n. The documentary film must be reported using “observational narrative” journalism ethics. e.g.
no staging, no scripting, and no casting allowed.
o. All entries shall be uploaded to the google drive link to be given by the TWG.

6. Journalism Vlog (180-second Documentary)

a. Each school can ONLY submit two (2) group entries; 1 for English and 1 for Filipino.
b. Each participating team shall field a team of three (3) members. Each team can ONLY submit
one (1) entry.
c. There will be seminar to discuss the what the topic is all about and to give participants final
d. The submitted short films must be shot with a smartphone, and it is essential to indicate the
smartphone brand and model to be used. 
e. It is allowed during the filming the use of external elements (microphones, lighting, dolls, etc.)
and in the post-production the use of any software for editing or treatment of images.
f. Entries must be completed during the event’s schedule: November 15-19, 2021.
g. The short films must have a quality no lower than 1080p and should be in MP4 format.
h. In accordance with the copyright laws, music used in any entry must be original, licensed or in
the public domain.
i. Display of any brands in the video is strongly discouraged.
j. Dialogues may be in Filipino or English, depending on the medium used by your team. 
k. All persons or private spaces that appear in the short films must do so under their consent.
Short films that contain discriminatory material and/or violate the dignity of persons shall not
be accepted.
l. The documentary film shall not exceed one hundred eighty (180) seconds, credits included.
m. The documentary film must be reported using “observational narrative” journalism ethics. e.g.
no staging, no scripting, and no casting allowed.
n. All entries shall be uploaded to the google drive link to be given by the TWG.
7. Mobile Vlog (Mobile Newscasting)
a. Each school can ONLY submit two (2) group entries; 1 for English and 1 for Filipino.
b. Each participating team shall field a team of three (3) members. Each team can ONLY submit
one (1) entry.
c. The entry shall not exceed one hundred twenty (120) seconds.
d. There will be seminar to discuss the what the topic is all about and to give participants final
e. The submitted output must be shot with a smartphone, and it is essential to indicate the
smartphone brand and model to be used. 
f. The participants have at least two hundred and seventy (270) minutes to be allotted for data
gathering and script writing, video recording and editing, and rendering and publishing of the
TV Broadcast produced.
g. The team shall have the following components in their output:
a. At least three (3) news reports (local/community, national, and strange odd / news). 
Each news should have a video and audio component and must not exceed 45
b. Infomercial/Developmental Communication: The team is required to produce one (1)
infomercial or developmental communication plug which shall not exceed 30 seconds. 
c. OBB/CBB: Opening Billboard and Closing Billboard will contain the group’s assumed
network name. Customize your own OBB and CBB
h. Submission of the copy of script is also required.
i. Entries must be completed during the event’s schedule: November 15-19, 2021.
j. The submitted outputs must be shot with smartphones.
k. It is allowed during the filming the use of external elements (microphones, lighting, dolls, etc.)
and in the post-production the use of any software for editing or treatment of images.
l. The outputs must have a quality no lower than 1080p and should be in MP4 format.
m. In accordance to the copyright laws, music used and videos in any entry must be original,
licensed or in the public domain. Please observe fair use policy and attribution.
n. All entries shall be uploaded to the google drive link to be given by the TWG.

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