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Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria de Ingeniería

Campus Guanajuato (UPIIG)

Pharmaceutical engineering


Teacher: Hurtado Padilla Juan.


Group 2FV1

Villalpando Serna Daniela.



The World Health Organization defines depression as a mental disorder, where there is a lack
of self-esteem, interest, sadness, disorders involving lack of appetite and sleep, lack of
concentration and also physical fatigue. Depression is not considered a pathology caused by a
single factor, that is, more than one factor intervenes that has different origins that are caused
due to social, biological or psychological interactions in an internal or external environment
to which a person is related.


It is important that depression is treated by a specialist as soon as possible and he determines

the type of depressive disorder. These can be classified into different types:

Recurrent depressive disorder: It refers to frequent episodes of depression. The symptoms are
poor concentration, sleep, appetite and decreased energy, low self-esteem, etc. The episodes
can be considered severe, moderate, and mild. The serious ones are those in which the person
will not be able to carry out their daily activities and will have many limitations to the point
of not doing them, mild and moderate episodes refer to when the person will be able to do
their activities as they normally do without having so many limitations.

Bipolar affective disorder: They are those where irritability, hyperactivity, very high
self-esteem, lack of sleep can occur and it occurs for different intervals of time, and suddenly
changes from one mood to another.

Seasonal affective disorder: This is a disorder that occurs in winter, in countries where there
is little light during daylight hours. People have more incidences of suicide.

The most common types of depression are:

Postpartum depression: It is one that is diagnosed after the woman undergoes childbirth and
presents an episode of depression.

Psychotic depression: It occurs together with a psychotic pathology, where the person
undergoes hallucinations, and everything that is out of reality.
According to the World Health Organization, depression affects 300 million people in the
world and attacks both women and men. It is also considered one of the main causes of
disability and due to this increases morbidity in the world . In more serious cases, it can cause
the death of the person who suffers from it.


Today there are different types of medications for this condition and they are antidepressants.
Antidepressants are effective medications that relieve the symptoms of depression, however,
they are medications that must be administered carefully, the duration of treatment will
depend on each person and the conditions they have, it is something that should be consulted
with a doctor specialized. The efficacy of antidepressants is known, however most of these
drugs after ingesting them have side effects (Unwanted Effects caused by the drugs) that
affect patients in different ways, making their treatment more difficult. Although it is
important to mention that these effects can disappear over the weeks.

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