Klasa 6 Właściwe

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1 Uzupełnij brakujące litery w nazwach

u _____________ this film before. (see)

katastrof naturalnych.

flood kreśl właściwą formę.

1. t _ r _ _ _ o you ever been / gone scuba diving?
2. _ r _ _ g _ t s Jane drunk / drank pineapple juice?
3. t _ _ n _ _ r _ n _ l _ _ _ t _ _ _ g ich countries has / have they visited?
4. _ u _ _ _ c _ _ e s Carl been / gone to school?’ ‘Yes, he
5. v _ _ c _ _ _ c e _ _ p _ _ _ n 10 minutes ago.’

ve you swam / swum in the ocean?

2 Zakreśl właściwą formę.
ve they taken ever / ever taken photos
I wasn’t / weren’t studying this morning.
heir phone?
1. Were you listening / Did you listened to

music five minutes ago? upełnij dialog wyrażeniami

2. Were Sam and Ben playing / play football at 4 mki.
p.m. today? 5 Uzupełnij wyrażenia wyrazami i
wyrażeniami z ramki.
3. Ella was walking / walked to school this
write print click on scroll switch on
listen to
4. I wasn’t / weren’t watching TV yesterday!
___print_________ a document 1
5. Were / Was Jamie writing an email? ________________ up and down 2
________________ a blog 3
________________ podcasts 4
3 Wpisz w zdania czasowniki z ________________ an icon 5
________________ your computer
nawiasów w odpowiedniej formie

czasu present perfect. 6 Zakreśl właściwe wyrażenia.

I’ve done___________ my homework. (do) I was eating ice cream why /
1 Lily _____________ Indonesian food. (eat) while I was doing my homework.
2 He _____________ famous people. (meet) 1. You wasn’t / weren’t listening while I was talking
3 They _____________ to lots of places. (fly) to you.
4 We _____________ across Europe. (travel) 2. While you were sleeping, – / while I was cooking

3. John was singing while / and while Jen was

playing the guitar.

4.. Danny was writing something

5. While we / We were walking in the park, and

looking at people.

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