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FIRST VID (DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A partnership is created.

And the manner or the

PARTNERSHIP AND A CORPORATION) form by which it is created as a general rule. It
could be written or it could be verbally made. Of
Hi, I'm attorney Maricris Bathan Lasco. This is my
course, there are exceptions. But let's not talk
virtual classroom. Welcome to my YouTube
about that in this video.
channel. In this channel, we shall aim to simplify
the law. We shall explain concepts and principles What we will need to know is that in creating a
of law in under 10 minutes. partnership, again, as I mentioned, it's very easy.
It's just by mere agreement of the partners. On
the other hand, the corporation is created by
Hi, for this video, will talk about the difference operation of law. What does that mean? Of
between a partnership and a corporation. course, at the onset, you will have to agree with
other people if you want to create a corporation,
Why is it important to know the difference if you want to create a corporation, then you will
between a partnership and a corporation? have to apply for your registration before the
It's important to know the difference between Securities and Exchange Commission. And after
the two, especially when you want to put up a complying with all the requirements that are
business. required by law under the Revised Corporation
code. That is the time when the SEC or the
Is it easier to put up a partnership? Is it easier to Securities and Exchange Commission will give
put up a corporation? If you want to put up a you a Certificate of Registration, and that is the
partnership? How do we do it? If you want to put time when the corporation is created.
up a corporation? How do we do it? So there are
so many things to look into to decide as to what So you see the difference?
would you want to make. If you want to put up a In a partnership is created by mere agreement.
business? Is it a partnership on one hand? Or is it While in a corporation you are not yet
the corporation on the other? considered a corporation, up until the state
So let's begin with the manner of creating a through the Securities and Exchange
partnership and the manner of creating a Commission grants you that registration grants
Corporation. you that being a corporation because the law,
the revised Corporation code treats a
First off, you have to know the law that governs corporation of course, as an artificial being that
the partnership and the law that governs the is created by operation of law.
So if you are into doing business, and you would
The partnership is governed by the civil code, now ask which is easier to create, then of course,
while the corporation is governed by the revised the obvious answer is that the partnership is
Corporation code or the RA 11232. This revised easier to create than the corporation.
Corporation code is quite new, this was enacted
in 2019. So there are several changes from the Now how about the number of partners and the
old Corporation code. number of incorporators? Is there a difference
between a partnership and the corporation?
Now let's get into the manner of creation. As I Now remember, I mentioned that our
mentioned, the partnership is created by mere corporation code was revised just very recently.
agreement of the parties. In other words, if A and Now before the revision of the corporation code,
B will agree to create a partnership, then the there was a minimum number of incorporators
and a maximum number of incorporators. It natural person but as juridical persons. But what
should not be less than five incorporators but not is the difference between the two? The
more than 15. After the revision however, of the difference now comes as to when the juridical
corporation code, the Revised Corporation code person begins, or when the juridical personality
now does not give a minimum number of of the partnership begins? And when will the
incorporators. However, it still has a maximum juridical personality of the corporation begin?
number, it must not be more than 15. Now, why For a partnership the juridical personality begins
do I see there's no longer a minimum number? at the time of the execution of the contract,
In other words, you can create a corporation meaning once there's a meeting of the minds
with just two incorporators. In fact, you can even once they agree, the partnership is created the
create a corporation with you just being the juridical person of the partnership is created vis-
incorporator. We call it the OPC, or the One a-vis a corporation. When will the juridical
Person Corporation. personality of a corporation begin? It begins
when you have already the Certificate of
Now let's look at the partnership. Can you create
Incorporation that is being granted to you by
a partnership with only one partner? The answer
your Securities and Exchange Commission. Why?
is no. Why not? Because the civil code clearly
Because we said earlier that the corporation is
defines what a partnership is. And it says that a
created by operation of law.
partnership is an agreement where two or more
persons agreed to contribute money, property Another difference between a partnership and a
or industry to a common fund. In other words, a corporation are the powers that may be
partnership should have at least two partners, exercised by both a partnership can exercise any
you cannot create a partnership with just power or powers or acts that are authorized by
yourself, with just one person unlike now. Again, the partners, while a corporation can only
prior to the revision of the corporation code, the exercise powers, as authorized by law, or as
minimum number of incorporators if you want to allowed by their registration, or those that are
form a corporation was five. That was the incident to its existence.
minimum maximum of 15. But now with the
How about as to management, who manages the
revised Corporation code, you can in fact, create
affairs of a partnership and who manages the
youe own corporation with just yourself just you
affairs of the corporation for a partnership if
being the incorporator and you call it the OPC or
there is a managing partner that is assigned then
the one person Corporation.
he manages the affairs of the partnership, but if
Now, is there a separate juridical personality management is not agreed upon, who will now
created when you form a partnership and when manage the affairs of the partnership? It will be
you form a corporation? The answer is yes to all of them, because each partner will be
both. When you form a partnership, the considered as an agent of the partnership? How
partnership itself is considered another person about the corporation who manages the affairs
or a juridical person. When you form a of the corporation? That power to manage is
corporation, the corporation also is considered vested in the Board of Directors for stock
as another person, another juridical person, both corporations and in the Board of Trustees for
juridical persons they can transact business. It non -stock corporations, how about the effect of
can enter into contracts, it can own properties, it mismanagement, if there is a partner who miss
can transfer properties, that's precisely why they manages the partnership then the other
are considered as persons but of course not a partners can sue that partner. How about in a
corporation, if a member of the board of a partnership is based on trust and confidence,
directors or the member of Board of Trustees because it is based on trust and confidence the
mismanages, then it shall be in the name of the partner cannot just simply sell his interest and
corporation, the corporation will sue the have another person admitted into the
mismanaging member of the board of directors partnership, it has to be with the concurrence or
or the Board of Trustees. agreement of all the other partners, while in a
corporation, if you are a stockholder you can
Another difference between a partnership and a
simply sell the interest in the corporation and
corporation is the extent of liability of the
you do not need to ask permission or have the
partners and the extent of liability of your
consent from the all the other partners in you
stockholders in a corporation. In your
selling your interest or your shareholding in a
partnership, the general partners may become
corporation. Why? Because it is not based on
subsidiarily liable to the debts of the partnership
trust and confidence. Unlike your partnership.
with respect to third persons. In other words, if
the partnership no longer has any property with Another difference between the partnership and
which to pay off the debts of the partnership to the corporation is the term of its existence. A
third persons, the third persons can go after the partnership can be for any term or duration,
general partners. Why am I saying general depending on what the partners agree on. While
partners? Because there are what we call also as your corporation (this is another amendment in
limited partners. They're called limited partners, the Revised Corporation Code) can have
because they agree only to have limited liability. perpetual existence, except when it is provided
So the third persons or the creditors of the for otherwise in their articles of incorporation.
partnership cannot go after them. But as a Prior to the Revised Corporation code in the old
general rule, for general partners, they can be Corporation code, there was a limitation in the
made subsidiarily liable and in certain duration or in the term of existence, it was only
circumstances, which will be subject to another for 50 years renewable for another 50 years.
video, they may be solidary liable, even with the However, in the Revised Corporation Code, now
partnership. However, with respect to tells you that the corporation as a general rule,
stockholders of a corporation, their extent of has perpetual existence. Another difference
liability will only be limited to what they have between a partnership and a corporation is its
subscribed in the corporation. In other words, dissolution. In a partnership it can be dissolved
the creditors of the corporation cannot go after anytime by the will of the partners however,
the individual stockholders, they can only go your corporation cannot be dissolved without
after the corporation. Of course, there are also the consent of the state that means you have to
exceptions to that. But as a general rule, the go through again, the Securities and Exchange
corporate debts will be answered by the Commission to ask that the registration of the
corporation and the third persons or the corporation be terminated so that it will now be
creditors cannot go after the stockholders. considered as it no longer exists unlike in the
partnership when the partners can just
Another difference between a partnership and
terminate it at will. Again, however in a
the corporation is the transferability of interest.
corporation it must be with the consent of the
In a partnership, a partner cannot merely assign
or transfer his interest in the partnership without
the consent of all the partners. Why does he That's it for this video. I hope you learned the
need consent of all the other partners? Because distinction between the partnership and the
corporation. If you have learned anything from corporation is to be treated separately such that
this video, please feel free to click like and the liabilities of the corporation will remain to be
subscribe. If there's any other principle or the liabilities of the corporation. Tt does not
concept of law, which you would want me to become the liabilities of the officers or the
discuss in this channel, please put them in the directors. That's the doctrine of corporate entity.
comments section. Thank you for watching. See
you next time in MBL classroom.
But what is now this doctrine of piercing the veil?

As mentioned, we disregard this separate and

distinct personality of the corporation.
The question now is, when do we disregard the
Hello once again, welcome to our virtual
separate injury legal personality of a
classroom. For this video, I would like to talk
corporation? When then do we consider the
about the doctrine of piercing the veil of
corporation and the directors and the officers as
corporate entity.

In another video where I talked about

When do we pierce the veil?
corporations, I was also able to talk about the
doctrine of corporate entity where we said that It is when the corporate entity or the corporation
a corporation being an entity merely created by is used as a shield for fraud. The corporation now
operation of law, it being an artificial being, it is is used as a vehicle to perpetrate fraud or illegal
considered an entity that is separate and distinct activity.
from the stockholders composing it or from the
members composing it. That is the doctrine of
corporate entity. Again, the corporation has a The doctrine of piercing the veil will tell you that
separate juridical personality that is again the court can actually disregard the corporate
distinct from the members or the stockholders entity to remove the barrier between the
composing it. corporate entity and the directors or the officers,
so that the directors and officers can now be
made liable, civilly or criminally, due to their
Now what then is the doctrine of piercing the veil illegal acts or due to the fraud that they have
of corporate entity? committed.

By the term piercing the veil, that will already tell

you that we are to disregard the doctrine of
Let me give you an example to better understand
corporate entity. We are to disregard treating
the doctrine of piercing the veil. Again, when we
the corporation as a separate entity.
discuss the doctrine of piercing the veil of
corporate entity we have to discuss side by side,
the doctrine of corporate entity.
As I have mentioned in the previous video, when
you say doctrine of corporate entity, yes, the
Example: create another corporation. Thinking that by
dissolving it, Mr. X cannot go after them, because
ABC Corporation borrowed money from Mr. X.
of the doctrine of corporate entity.
Again, in the doctrine of corporate entity, we
said that the corporation is separate and distinct
from the stockholders or the incorporators of the
Now remember, that the reason that they
dissolved the corporation was for the purpose
rather of defrauding Mr. X, so that the
corporation will not will not be able to pay the
So in that example, ABC Corporation borrowed
debt of the corporation to X. They dissolved it, as
money from Mr. X. If Mr. X now would want to
if they are unable to pay and then they
demand payment for the loan that was obtained
transferred all the assets of ABC corporation to a
by ABC Corporation, then Mr. X will have to go
new corporation - XYZ Corporation, still owned
after ABC Corporation. It shall be ABC
by the same set of owners or stockholders.
Corporation that will be liable.

Clearly, ABC Corporation now cannot be

In other words, it shall be the assets of ABC
considered a separate and distinct from the
corporation that will be used to pay off the debt
board of directors, incorporators or
to Mr. X, because again, the doctrine of
stockholders. Why?
corporate entity will tell you that ABC
Corporation is separate and distinct from the Because the corporate the doctrine of corporate
incorporators from the stockholders from the entity was used as a vehicle for fraud.
board of directors of such corporation.

Mr. X can now ask the court to pierce the veil.

In other words, Mr. X cannot go after the board Meaning, Mr. X can now go after the board of
of directors or the stockholders or the directors or officers who are guilty of committing
incorporators for the payment of such note. The this fraudulent scheme.
board of directors is not obligated to get money
from their own pockets to pay for the debt of
ABC Corporation, that is the doctrine of So in the doctrine of corporate entity, the
corporate entity. general rule is the corporation is separate and
distinct, such that the creditor cannot go after
the officers or the board of directors for the debt
Now, when can the doctrine of corporate entity of the corporation.
be pierced?

For example, that ABC corporation that the

In piercing the veil, such is allowed, of going after
Board of Directors decided that they don't want
the guilty member of the board of directors or
to pay Mr. X for one reason or another. The
the guilty stockholder for perpetrating a fraud
corporation actually had sufficient assets, but
for using the corporation as a vehicle to commit
they wanted to get away with paying. What the
fraud just like in our example.
Board of Directors did was to dissolve the
corporation. They dissolved it and then they
So by piercing the veil, the creditor in our
example Mr. X can now go after the officers or
Now of course, the creditors will have the
the members of the board of directors who were
burden of proof if they want the courts to pierce
guilty of committing this ordinance. That is the
the deal of corporate entity. Why? Because of
principle behind doctrine of piercing the veil of
the principle that he who alleges must prove.
corporate entity.

So there are several other cases that the

Another example where the corporation is used
Supreme Court applied the doctrine of piercing
as a vehicle to commit fraud:
the veil of corporate entity I will put some of the
Supposing Mr. A has several creditors. He is cases here so that you can check them out. (See
insolvent, not necessarily that he has no vid)
properties only that his properties are not
enough to pay all his creditors. He does not want
to be any of them. So what he does is he creates THIRD VIDEO TRASCRIPT
a corporation and transfers whatever property
that he has left to the corporation. For this video I want to talk about the different
classes of corporations as classified by Section 3
and 4 of your Revised Corporation Code.
When the creditors will now attach will now try Let’s look into Section 3:
to collect from him and will now try to attach
properties they could no longer attach any SEC. 3. Classes of Corporations. – Corporations
properties because he has none, as he has formed or organized under this Code may be
already transferred his property to a corporation stock or nonstock corporations. Stock
that he has created for the purpose of such corporations are those which have capital stock
fraudulent scheme. For the purpose of divided into shares and are authorized to
defrauding his creditors. distribute to the holders of such shares,
dividends, or allotments of the surplus profits
on the basis of the shares held. All other
corporations are nonstock corporations.
Now, can the creditors go after the corporation
for the debts of Mr. A? There are therefore 2 major types of
corporations as classified under Section 3 of your
The answer now is yes, because you can apply
Corporation Code and that is your Stock
the doctrine of piercing the veil.
Corporation and Non-Stock Corporation.

What is a Stock Corporation?

Again, the doctrine of corporate entity would
Your stock corporation is basically your ordinary
have told you that the creation of Mr. A’s
business corporations that were created for the
corporation is supposedly a personality that is
purpose of making a profit and such profit is then
separate and distinct from Mr. A. However, since
distributed to the stockholders in the form of
he created this corporation as a means to
dividends on the basis of their investment or of
commit fraud, then you can apply the doctrine of
their shareholdings.
piercing the veil.
This is what you usually see. The business This tells you that if it is a corporation created by
corporations. The purpose is to make profit. a special law or a special charter, that means that
Another thing to remember about stock the primary law that will govern them will be
corporations is that they have a Capital Stock the charter or the law creating them. The
that is to be distributed for those who would Revised Corporation Code will only apply
want to have shareholdings in a corporation. suppletorily.

As opposed to a Non-stock Corporation. A non- What are examples of corporations that are
stock corporation does not have a capital stock created by special charter? Your government-
that is distributed to the members. We do not owned or controlled corporations (GOCC) like
call them stockholders. If it’s a non-stock Landbank of the Philippines, GSIS, Development
corporation we call them Members of the Non- Bank of the Philippines. The GOCCs they have
Stock Corporations. As opposed also to a stock their own charter or there is a law that created
corporation for the purpose of making profits, them. The law that created them will govern
your non-stock corporation is not created for the them primarily and suppletorily the general law
purpose of making a profit. on corporations or your revised corporation
It is created for the public welfare or for the
public good. Non-stock corporations are usually _______________________________________
those that are religious, charitable, scientific,
literary, or civic organizations. They are created
for public welfare or public good. They are not
created for profit.

There are however some institutions that can be

created either in the form of stock corporations
or non-stock corporations as in educational
institutions. Some schools are non-stock non-
profit and there are also schools that are for
profit or are stock corporations. There are also
businesses that can only be created in the form
of stock corporations as in the case of banks or
financial institutions.

Now how about Section 4?

Section 4 talks about corporations created by

special charters.

SEC. 4. Corporations Created by Special Laws or

Charters. – Corporations created by special laws
or charters shall be governed primarily by the
provisions of the special law or charter creating
them or applicable to them, supplemented by
the provisions of this Code, insofar as they are

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