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Harryanaa Goovern

nmentt Gazzette
Publishhed by Authority
© Govt. off Haryana
No. 163–20021/Ext.] CH
VINA 13, 19943 SAKA)
Thee 4th Octoberr 2021
No. 25/05/2020-44IB-I.— In puursuance to thhe provision under Chapter 14, clause 144.7 and Annex xure- 4, clausee
4.21 of Haaryana Enterpprises & Empployment Pollicy-2020 notiified dated 29.12.2020 thee Governor of o Haryana iss
pleased to notify
n the “Coollateral Free Credit Guaranntee Scheme”” for Micro Ennterprises locaated anywheree in the State..
The provisiions given herreunder:
1. Objjective
To make crredit availablee to Micro Entterprises withoout collateral// third party guuarantees
2. Quaantum of Assistance
Reimbursem ment @ 100% % guarantee cover
c fee charrged by the Financial
F Instiitutions/ banks from Micro o Enterprises
for collaterral free term loan/working capital under Credit Guarrantee Fund Trust T for Micro and Small Enterprises
(CGTMSE E) for the periood of 05 years.
3. Com mmencement and Applicaability
The Schem me shall comm mence from thhe date of com mmencement of o Haryana Ennterprises & E Employment Policy,
P 2020
i.e. 01.01.22021 and shalll remain in operation for a period
p of 5 yeaars.
4. Defi finitions
Micro Enteerprise: Investtment in Plantt and Machineery or Equipm ment does not exceed INR 1 crore and tu urnover does
not exceed INR 5 crore as amended undder the MSME ED Act, 2006 or as amendedd by GoI from m time to time.
5. Eliggibility
i. Credit faciility should bee availed by thhe borrowing unit from a single
s lending institution. However,
H the
unit alreaddy assisted byy the State Level Institutio on can be covvered under tthe scheme fo or the credit
facility avaailed from meember bank, suubject to fulfillment of otheer eligibility criteria.
ii. The lendinng institutionns, which aree covered und der the schem me, are scheduled commeercial banks
(Public Seector Banks/P Private Sector Banks/Foreig gn Banks) andd select Regioonal Rural Baanks (which
have been classified undder 'Sustainabble Viable' cateegory by NAB BARD).
iii. The schem me is applicablle for all micro enterprises in
i the state off Haryana.
iv. The unit shhould be in coommercial prooduction.
v. The unit shhould be in reegular producttion at the time of disbursem ment and the ssubsidy shall not
n be
released too a closed unitt.
vi. The Unit must
m also com mply with the following
f conditions:
HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), OCT. 4, 2021 (ASVN. 13, 1943 SAKA) 3443
a. The Unit shall file Udyam Registration Certificate (URC) and Haryana Udhyam Memorandum
(HUM) on the portal.
b. The Unit should not have been placed in the restrictive list as notified by the State government
from time to time.
c. The Unit should have obtained NOC/CLU from competent Authority if applicable.
6. Procedure
i. Application on prescribed Form (Annexure-I and II) for the grant of assistance under this scheme,
along with listed documents should be submitted to the Director/ Director General, Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises, Haryana on the web portal of the department.
ii. The application would be processed and examined by Joint Director/Deputy Director, District MSME
Center. The deficiencies, if any, would be communicated to the applicant in writing within a period of
7 working days and the applicant would be given a time period of 15 working days to rectify the
deficiencies so pointed out.
iii. In case the deficiencies are not removed within prescribed period, the claim shall be filed by the
Competent Authority, under intimation to the party through an e-mail. The Center shall not be
required to submit any additional document other than specified under Annexure-I & II unless
required for establishing genuineness of the claim.
iv. The claim application so filed may be reopened with the orders of Director/ Director General, Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises provided request for the same is received within a period of 30 days
from the date of rejection of the claim by the designated Competent Authority.
v. The applicant may be called for a presentation or any clarification in relation to either eligible activity
or the cost marked against the Eligible activity, or any of its components.
7. Methodology for Disbursement
Eligible Units will be entitled for the reimbursement of 100% guarantee cover fee charged by the Financial
Institutions/ banks for the period of 5 years.
8. Time Limit to apply
The Unit shall forfeit its entitlement for the assistance under this scheme, if it does not submit its claim, complete in
all respects within three months from the date of start of operation or from the date of notification of the scheme,
whichever is later.
9. Competent Authority for sanction
The Director/Director General, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Haryana shall be competent authority for
sanction of the subsidy within 30 days from the date of completion of the claim.
10. Interpretation/ Relaxation
Administrative Secretary, Industries & Commerce, Haryana shall be competent to make interpretation of provisions
of this scheme.
11. Appeals
i. In case of rejection:
a. An appeal against an order passed by the Competent Authority shall lie with the Administrative
Secretary, Industries & Commerce, Haryana within a period of 30 days from the date of
communication of orders appealed against. The orders passed by the Administrative Secretary,
Industries & Commerce, Haryana in appeal shall be final.
ii. In case of time barred:
a. The Director/ Director General, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Haryana shall be
competent to condone the delay up to a period of 03 months after the prescribed time limit.
b. The Administrative Secretary, Industries & Commerce, Haryana shall be competent to condone
the delay up to a period of 06 months after the prescribed time limit.
Provided that the competent authority is satisfied with the reasons of late submission of the application on the
basis of the substantial evidence/documents/ arguments presented by the applicant.
12. Penal Action
In case, it is found at any stage that the applicant has claimed the assistance on the basis of wrong facts, the applicant
shall besides refunding assistance with compound rate of interest @ 12% per annum and facing legal action, will be
debarred from grant of any incentive/assistance from the State Government. If the applicant fails to refund the
assistance amount with interest, then the amount shall be recovered as arrear of land revenue. The applicant shall be
debarred from public procurement as a result of mismatch in facts and figures.
3444 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), OCT. 4, 2021 (ASVN. 13, 1943 SAKA)
13. Service Delivery Timeline
Sr. No. Tasks Time limit
(working days)
1 Letter of Approval 30 days
2 Letter of Sanction 07 days
3 Disbursement 07 days

Principal Secretary to Government of Haryana,
Industries and Commerce Department.
HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), OCT. 4, 2021 (ASVN. 13, 1943 SAKA) 3445
Annexure –I
Application format for claiming assistance under Collateral Free Credit Guarantee Scheme

Sr.No. Particulars Details

1 Name of the applicant (Authorized person of the unit)
2 Name & address of the enterprise with telephone no. and e- Mail

3 Registered Office address

4 Name of the block in which the enterprise is located and category
5 Category of the unit (Micro/ Small/Medium).
6 Udyam Registration Certificate (URC) and Haryana Udhyam Memorandum
(HUM) No. and date
8 Item of manufacture/processing
9. Self-attested copies of supporting documents to be uploaded with the application:
i. Copy of Udyam Registration Certificate (URC) and Haryana Udhyam Memorandum (HUM).
ii. Declaration by the applicant as on Annexure-II.
iii. Certificate of Incorporation/ Partnership deed.
iv. Board resolution/ Power of attorney.
v. CA Certificate regarding expenses incurred (Annexure-III).
vi. Audited balance sheet of the unit of last year (if Applicable).
vii. Documentary evidence towards payment of Credit Guarantee cover.

Signature of the applicant

(with seal)
3446 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), OCT. 4, 2021 (ASVN. 13, 1943 SAKA)
Annexure –II
(On the Letter Head of the Unit)

1. I, do hereby solemnly state that I am proprietor/ partner/director/_____________of

M/s located at which is engaged in the manufacture of
and I have been authorized to file the reimbursement subsidy
under the Collateral free Credit Guarantee Scheme for Micro Enterprises with the Department of MSME, Haryana.
2. I do hereby affirm that the particulars given in the application are correct. In case, any of the statement/
information furnished in the application/ documents is later found to be wrong or incorrect or misleading, I do hereby
undertake to refund the entireamount of assistance of INR (Rupee ) granted to me at the
compound rate of interest @12% per annum, besides facing legal action in case facts contained in this application are
proved to be wrong at the time of verification/ checking or otherwise at any stage.

Dated: Signature of the applicant

(with seal)
HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), OCT. 4, 2021 (ASVN. 13, 1943 SAKA) 3447

Certificate from Chartered Accountant regarding investment in plant & machinery (on a CA letter head)

To whomsoever it may concern

The records and books of account of M/s......................................with their regd. Office at.......................and enterprise
located at……………………… in respect of …………………expenses incurred towards payment of credit guarantee
cover services has been verified.

The total investment incurred in plant and machinery by M/s………………. Stands as INR……………………………

It is certified that the credit guarantee covers as on date................ stands as INR....................

Name & signature of the Chartered Accountant with

stamps & CA membership Number

Date----------------- UDIN No.---------

9344—C.S.—H.G.P. Pkl.

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