Common Hospital Abbreviations

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Common Hospital Abbreviations

a. Universal Abbreviations:
3HEAMSC - 3-hour early morning sputum collection
a.d. - right ear ("auris dextra")
a.s. - lef t ear ("auris sinistra")
a.u. - both ears ("auris uterque")
ac - bef ore meals ("ante cibum")
ad. Lib. - as desired ("ad libitum")
AF - absolute f igures
amp - ampule
AOG - age of gestation
BID - twice a day ("bis in die")
BMI - body mass index
BSE - breast self -examination
BTL - Bilateral Tubal Ligation
BUN - blood urea nitrogen
Bx - biopsy
C&S - culture and sensitivity
CA - carcinoma; cancer
CBC - complete blood count
CBR c TP - complete bed rest with toilet privileges
CBR s TP - complete bed rest without toilet privileges
CBW - cooled boiled water
CP - cardiopulmonary
CPT - chest physiotherapy
CRT - capillary ref ill time
CVA - cerebrovascular accident
CXR - chest x-ray
D&C - dilatation and curettage
D/C - discontinue; discharged
D50W - 50% dextrose in water
D5LR - 5% dextrose in lactated ringer's solution
D5NSS - 5% dextrose in normal saline solution
D5W - 5% dextrose in water
DAT - diet as tolerated
DBE - deep breathing exercises
DOE - dyspnea on exertion
Dx - Diagnosis
EBF - exclusive breastf eeding
EBM - expressed breast milk
EOF - encourage oral f luids
FBC-CDU - Foley Bag Catheter - Close Drainage Unit
FBS - f asting blood sugar
FDTW - f ull diet to watcher
FHT - f etal heart rate
Fr - French
Fx - Fracture
g - Gauge
GCS - Glasgow Coma Scale
GIT - gastrointestinal tract
gtt - Drops
GUT - genito-urinary tract
h.s. - at bedtime ("hora somni")
H/A - Headache
health teachings, anticipatory guidance, saf ety, security & spiritual,
medications, incision care, nutrition, environment
HBR - high back rest
HGB - Hemoglobin
I/O - intake and output
IBW - ideal body weight
ICP - intracranial pressure
IM - Intramuscular
IVF - intravenous f luid
IVTT - intravenous through tubing
KPS - kidney punch sign
KSS - keep set sterile
KUB - kidneys, ureters, bladder
KVO - keep vein open
LBM - loose bowel movement
LLQ - lef t lower quadrant
LMP - last menstrual period
LOC - level of consciousness
LOF - limit oral f luids
LUQ - lef t upper quadrant
medications, environment, treatments & visit to physician, health
teachings, observable signs & symptoms, diet, spiritual
MGH - may go home
MHBR - moderate high back rest
MI - myocardial inf arction
ML - main line
MSCC - mid-stream clean catch
MVA - motor vehicle accident
NABS - normoactive bowel sounds
NBS - newborn screening
NCCF - no chocolate-colored f oods
neb - Nebule
NGT - nasogastric tube
NIL - not in labor
NOD - nurse on duty
NPO-PM - nothing by mouth - post-midnight
NPO-PS - nothing by mouth - post-supper
NSS - normal saline solution
NSVD - normal spontaneous vaginal delivery
o.d. - right eye ("oculus dexter")
o.s. - lef t eye ("oculus siniste")
o.u. - both eyes ("oculus uterque")
OD - once a day ("omni die")
OGT - orogastric tube
OGTT - Oral Glucose Tolerance Test
ORS - oral rehydration solution
OTC - over the counter
PB - Piggyback
pc - af ter meals ("post-cibum")
pupils are equally round and responsive to light and
PL148 - plasmalyte 148
PLR - lactated ringer's solution
PLT - Platelet
PNSS - 0.9% sodium chloride solution
po - by mouth ("per os")
post-BT - post - blood transf usion
PRN - as needed ("pro re nata")
PTA - prior to admission
PTB - pulmonary tuberculosis
PTC - prior to consultation
PUD - Peptic Ulcer Disease
PUFT - pregnant uterus f ull-term
Px - Patient
q 2H - every two hours
q 4H - every f our hours
qH - every hour
QID - f our times a day ("quater in die")
RLQ - right lower quadrant
ROD - resident on-duty
RTC - round the clock
RUQ - right upper quadrant
Rx - Prescription
S.O.S. - if needed ("si opus sit")
S/E - OPEH - stool exam - ova, parasite, Entamoeba histolytica
S/P - status post
S/S - signs and symptoms
SBR - strict bed rest
SOB - shortness of breath
SQ - Subcutaneous
ss. - one-half ("semis")
Sx - Surgery
T.S. - to start
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy with Bilateral Salpingo-
TBSA - total burn surf ace area
TID - three times a day ("ter in die")
TPN - total parenteral nutrition
TPR - temperature, pulse & respiration
TSB - tepid sponge bath
TSE - testicular self -examination
TTS - turn to sides
ttt - Treatment
TURP - transurethral resection of the prostate
TWC - terminate when consumed
U/A - Urinalysis
U/S - ultrasound; ultrasonography
URTI - upper respiratory tract inf ection
UTI - urinary tract inf ection
UTZ - ultrasound; ultrasonography
V/S - vital signs
WCR - wheel chair ride

b. Other Abbreviations (some may be used in CVGH only):

AP - attending physician
FMIOD/FMIIC - f amily medicine intern on-duty/f amily medicine intern in-charge
FMROD/FMRIC - f amily medicine resident on-duty/f amily medicine resident in-charge
MIOD/MIIC - medical intern on-duty/medical intern in-charge
MROD/MRIC - medical resident on-duty/medical resident in-charge
OBIOD/OBIIC - OB intern on-duty/OB intern in-charge
OBROD/OBRIC - OB resident on-duty/OB resident in-charge
OIOD/OIIC - Ophtha intern on-duty/Ophtha intern in-charge
OROD/ORIC - Ophtha resident on-duty/Ophtha resident in-charge
PGI - post-graduate intern
SIOD/SIIC - surgical intern on-duty/surgical intern in-charge
SROD/SRIC - surgical resident on-duty/surgical resident in-charge
S.O. - signif icant other

2. Common Conversion Factors



1 drop 1 minim (Mx) 0.06 ml
15 to 16 gtts 15 to 16 Mx 1 ml
1 tsp 1 f luid dram 4 to 5 ml
1 tbsp ½ f l. oz. 15 to 16 ml
2 tbsp 1 f l. oz. 30 to 32 ml
1 cup 6 f l. oz. 180 ml
1 glass 8 f l. oz. 237, 240 or 250 ml
1 pint 16 f l. oz. 473, 480 or 500 ml
1 quart 32 f l. oz. 946 ml or 960 ml or 1 L
1 gallon 128 f l. oz. 3765, 3840 or 4000 ml



1 grain (gr) 1 gr 0.06 or 0.065 g
15.4 gr 15 gr 1g
1 oz. 480 gr 28.35 g
1 lb 1.33 lbs 454 g
2.2 lbs 2.7 lbs 1 kg


1 milliliter 1 cubic meter

1000 milliliters 1 liter
100 centiliters 1 liter
10 deciliters 1 liter
10 liters 1 dekaliter
100 liters 1 hectoliter
1000 liters 1 kiloliter
1000 micrograms 1 milligram
1000 milligrams 1 gram
100 centigrams 1 gram
10 decigrams 1 gram
10 grams 1 dekagram
100 grams 1 hectogram
1000 grams 1 kilogram


ºF = [(1.8)(ºC)] + 32

ºC = (ºF – 32) (0.555)

3. CVGH Medication Ticket System (also include parts of a medication ticket)

Red Surgery OD
Pink Family Medicine TID
Yellow Pediatrics QID; q4H
Blue Internal Medicine PRN
White OB/Gyne As specif ied

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