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Understanding Gender Sensitivity Gender as Social Construct

The concept of Gender Sensitivity has The Social Construction of gender is a

been developed as a way to reduce barriers theory in feminism and sociology about the
to personal and economic development operation of gender and gender differences
created by Seyism. in societies. According to this view, society
and culture create gender roles, and these
Gender Sensitivity helps to generate
roles are prescribed as ideal or appropriate
respect for the individual regardless of sex. It behavior for a person of the specific sex.
is about pitting women against men. It is the
act of being sensitive to the ways people Where does Gender Emanate?
think about gender.
This question translates to the source of
gender or where did it come, and gender
came from the society itself. People before
a. Gender refers to the socially constructed
had no basis of understanding of gender until
roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes
a sexologist John Money introduced the
that a given society considers appropriate for
distinction between biological sex and
men and women. It is what a person
gender as a role.
identifies himself or herself as. It is not
binary; it is a spectrum.
> What is masculine or feminine. a. Sex Role refers to the roles that is
according to the reproductive function of a
> Socially determined; culturally defined.
person’s body.
> Refers to learned behavior.
b. Gender Role refers to the roles that a
> What happens afterwards. person is expected to perform as a result of
being male or female in a particular culture.
b. Sex is biologically assigned to an
individual. It refers to the biological and > Determines how males and females should
physiological characteristics that define men think, speak, dress, and interact within the
and women. context of society.

> What makes one male or female. > Are not inborn but are passed on through
> Biologically determined.
> Learned in early stages of childhood and
> Refers to physical characteristics. are further reinforced.
> What you are born with. This become gender issues once it blocks
people’s capacity to do and to be.

Thus, while sex is permanent and Universal,

gender construction varies from one society
to another. To put it in another way, “Male”
and “Female” are sex categories, while
“Masculine” and “Feminine” are gender
Gender Sensitivity
The ability to recognize Gender Issues,
especially women’s different perceptions and
interests, arising from their unique social
location and gender roles.
a. Seeing what men and women can actually
do rather than relying on assumptions.
b. Hearing, women and men, their needs,
priorities, and perspectives.
c. Counting, putting values in women’s work.
d. Respecting women’s and men’s views and
human rights.
e. Caring about women and men, and the
impact on them of the programs involved.

The Basic Idea of the Gender-Equal

A "Gender-Equal Society" is a "society in
which both men and women, as equal
members, have the opportunity to participate
in all kinds of social activities at will, equally
enjoy political, economic, and cultural
benefits, and share responsibilities."
Gender issues include all aspects and
Gender Equality does not mean that
concerns related to women's and men's lives
women and men have to become the
and situation in society, to the way they
same, but it can only be achieved when
interrelate, their differences in access to and
women and men enjoy the same rights,
use of resources, their activities, and how
responsibilities and opportunities across all
they react to changes, interventions, and
sectors of society, including economic
participation and decision-making, and when
the different behaviors, beliefs, aspirations
and needs of women and men are equally
valued and favored. How does Gender Inequality affect our
Quality education is important for girls
and women, preventing gender-based The reason why investments and education
violence and equality through education policies are producing different outcomes
clearly also remains a priority. Gender- for women and men is because they happen
based discrimination in education is, in in societies where gender inequality is
effect, both a cause and a consequence of deeply entrenched. Inequality is often driven
deep-rooted differences in society. by existing gender stereotypes that
determine how we perceive the roles considered especially strict for a father to hit
of women and men in society. his son with a wooden spoon or a belt if he
misbehaved, but today that same action
might be considered child abuse.
Agents of Socialization of Gender c.Institutional
The social institutions of our culture also
a. Social groups inform our socialization. Formal institutions—
It often provides the first experiences of like schools, workplaces, and the
socialization. Families, and later peer government—teach people how to behave in
groups, communicate expectations and and navigate these systems. Other
reinforce norms. People first learn to use the institutions, like the media, contribute to
tangible objects of material culture in these socialization by inundating us with messages
settings, as well as being introduced to the about norms and expectations.
beliefs and values of society. d. School
b. Family Students are not in school only to study
The family is the most important agent of math, reading, science, and other subjects—
socialization. The family has been viewed the manifest function of this system. Schools
as the major vehicle for socialization. also serve a latent function in society by
Parents provide physical and social socializing children into behaviors like
conditions in which children learn social practicing teamwork, following a schedule,
skills. Family is the first agent of socialization. and using textbooks.
Mothers and fathers, siblings, and School and classroom rituals, led by
grandparents, plus members of an extended teachers serving as role models and leaders,
family, all teach a child what he or she needs regularly reinforce what society expects from
to know. For example, they show the child children. Sociologists describe this aspect of
how to use objects (such as clothes, schools as the hidden curriculum, the
computers, eating utensils, books, bikes); informal teaching done by schools. Schools
how to relate to others (some as “family,” also socialize children by teaching them
others as “friends,” still others as “strangers” about citizenship and national pride.
or “teachers” or “neighbors”); and how the
world works (what is “real” and what is For example, schools have built a sense of
“imagined”). As you are aware, either from competition into the way grades are awarded
your own experience as a child or from your and the way teachers evaluate students
role in helping to raise one, socialization When children participate in a relay race or a
includes teaching and learning about an math contest, they learn there are winners
unending array of objects and ideas. and losers in society. When children are
required to work together on a project, they
Keep in mind, however, that families do not practice teamwork with other people in
socialize children in a vacuum. Many social cooperative situations. The hidden
factors affect the way a family raises its curriculum prepares children for the adult
children. For example, we can use world. Children learn how to deal with
sociological imagination to recognize that bureaucracy, rules, expectations, waiting
individual behaviors are affected by the their turn, and sitting still for hours during the
historical period in which they take place. day. Schools in different cultures socialize
Sixty years ago, it would not have been
children differently in order to prepare them organized religion fosters a shared set of
to function well in those cultures. socialized values that are passed on through
e. The Workplace
g. Mass Media
Just as children spend much of their day at
school, many U.S. adults at some point Mass media distribute impersonal
invest a significant amount of time at a place information to a wide audience, via
of employment. Although socialized into their television, newspapers, radio, and the
culture since birth, workers require new Internet. With the average person spending
socialization into a workplace, in terms of over four hours a day in front of the television
both material culture and nonmaterial (and children averaging even more screen
culture. time), media greatly influences social norms
(Roberts, Foehr, and Rideout 2005). People
Different jobs require different types of
learn about objects of material culture (like
socialization. In the past, many people
new technology and transportation options),
worked a single job until retirement. Today,
as well as nonmaterial culture—what is true
the trend is to switch jobs at least once a
(beliefs), what is important (values), and
decade. Between the ages of eighteen and what is expected (norms).
forty-six, the average baby boomer of the
younger. This means that people must Socialization is a big factor in shaping people
become socialized to, and socialized by, a to become who they are. Our social relations
variety of work environments. help us in forming our individuality and sense
of self towards others. Socialization is the
f. Religion process whereby we learn and internalize
Religion is one of the most powerful agents the values, beliefs, and norms of our culture
of socialization which is linked with and, in so doing develop a sense of self.
concepts and values people identify There are many agents of socialization, such
themselves with. At the same time, it is the as our families, the friends we gain, and the
most sensitive agent of socialization as well. institution we belong to.
People tend to develop their Mass media had become one of the most
own religious beliefs from their parents, right powerful forces that connect people to other
from their inception. people. Because of this, mass media can
It is an important avenue of socialization for already be considered a significant agent of
many people. Like other institutions, these socialization. And since mass media had
places teach participants how to interact with already developed into a powerful and
the religion’s material culture, like prayer rug, influential agent, serve as a powerful
or a communion wafer. socializing agent, and has indeed become a
large influence of who we become.
People gather to worship and learn important
ceremonies related to family structure—like It is a fact that the role of mass media as
marriage and birth—are connected to agents of socialization has been both
religious celebrations. Many religious strengthened and changed by the
institutions also uphold gender norms and modernization of the world. Technology had
contribute to their enforcement through increased the spread of mass medias reach.
socialization. From ceremonial rites of People spend most of their time in touch with
passage that reinforce the family unit to the world through the different forms of mass
power dynamics that reinforce gender roles, media. Sometimes, the time allotted to other
agents of socialization is even sacrificed just b. Republic Act No. 9262
to give time to the usage of mass media.
Television shows and movies today An act of defining Violence Against women
dominate culture as the kind of life they and their Children (VAWC), providing for
portray easily dictates what will be reality. protective measures for victims, prescribing
The number of people who depend on what penalties therefore, and for other purposes.
they watch in the television, hear from the This Act shall be known as the “Anti-Violence
radio, or read from the internet, is increasing Against Women and their Children Act of
rapidly because of the help of modern 2004.”
advancements. More time is given to mass Violence Against Women & their children
media use, and greater proportions of that (VAWC) any act or series of acts committed
time is dedicated to entertainment. To keep by any PERSON against a WOMAN who is
people entertained means that the form of his wife, former wife, or with whom the
mass media is successful in gathering person has or had a sexual or dating
supporters, and hence, profit also. Mass relationships, or with whom he has a
media, after all, has also a business side. common child, or Violation of a Barangay
Protection Order (BPO) shall be punishable
by imprisonment of thirty (30) days without
Important Legislations prejudice to any other criminal or civil action
that the offended party may file for any of the
Equality Act. The objective of the Equality
acts committed.
Act is to prevent gender-based
discrimination and promote equality between c. Republic Act 7610
men and women, thereby improving the
status of women, particularly in working life. An act providing stronger deterrence and
Another goal of the act is to prevent special protection against child abuse,
discrimination based on gender identity or exploitation, and discrimination, providing
the expression of gender. penalties for its violation and for other
Gender equality is intrinsically linked to
sustainable development and is vital to the
realization of human rights for all. The overall
objective of gender equality is a society in
which women and men enjoy the same
opportunities, rights and obligations in all
spheres of life.

a. RA 7877
An Act Declaring Sexual Harassment.
Unlawful in the Employment, Education, or
Training Environment, and for other
Purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and A graphic titled “Rape Culture” that has a
House of Representatives of the Philippines triangle with words and a background
in Congress assembled. This Act shall be gradient of darker red at the top peak, orange
known as the "Anti-Sexual Harassment Act in the center, and yellow at the bottom. On
of 1995."
the side of the pyramid is an arrow and 3 feminine conventions. A person may have a
works, explaining the gradient. Normalization male or female identity with the physiological
leads to Degradation which leads to Assault. characteristics of the opposite sex, in which
The text under the pyramid explains the case this person is considered transgender.
relationship: “Tolerance of the behaviors at
b. Gender Expression refers to the way a
the bottom supports or excuses those higher
person communicates gender identity to
up. To change outcomes, we must change
others through behavior, clothing, hairstyles,
the culture. If you see something, say
communication or speech pattern, or body
something! Start the conversation today.”
The words inside the pyramid, starting with
the top and most severe: Rape, Drugging, c. Sexual Orientation refers to the direction
Molestation, Stealthing (Covert Condom of emotion, sexual attraction, or conduct
Removal), Contraceptive Sabotage, Victim towards people of the same sex
Blaming & Shaming, Coercion/Manipulation, (homosexual orientation) or towards people
Threats, Revenge Porn, Safe Word of both sexes (bisexual orientation), or
Violations, Groping, Non-Consensual Photo towards people of the opposite sex
or Video, Flashing & Exposing, Unsolicited (heterosexual orientation) or to the absence
Nude Pics, Catcalling, Unwanted Non- of sexual attraction (asexual orientation)
Sexual Touch, Stalking, Sexist Attitudes,
Rape Jokes, Locker Room Banter. d. LGBT Community refers to the collective
of persons who are male and female
homosexuals (gays and lesbians,
respectively), bisexual, and transgender.
Is Gender Equality a Law?
Discrimination based on gender (or sex) is
a common civil rights violation that takes
many forms, including sexual harassment,
pregnancy discrimination, and unequal pay
for women who do the same jobs as men.
Equal Credit Opportunity Act prohibits
discrimination against credit applicants on
the basis of gender.
The National Center on Elder Abuse
distinguishes between seven different types
of elder abuse. These include Physical
Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Emotional Abuse,
Financial/Material Exploitation, Neglect,
Abandonment, and Self-Neglect.

Sexual Orientation and Gender

Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Bill
a. Gender Identity refers to the personal
sense of identity as characterized, among
other, by manner of clothing, inclinations,
and behavior in relation to masculine or
What is SWOT Analysis? Weakness
A SWOT Analysis is a useful strategic Are negative internal factors that will make a
planning tool. It shows an overall view of the project difficult to succeed.
factors influencing a project. The outcome of
a. The abilities and skills needed.
the SWOT Analysis serves as a basis to
provide recommendations and action plans b. The resources needed.
for the successful execution and completion
of a project. c. Contacts needed.

A SWOT is a straightforward and cost- d. Limitations of the project.

effective way to “brainstorm” and plan for
your project. When you fully understand your
project's strengths, weaknesses, Are positive external factors that serves as
opportunities, and threats, you are able to catalysts to further enhance and/or support
plan a strategy for success that addresses the success of the project, opportunities are
these four factors. out of control but can be identified, taken
advantage of, or created to make a positive
Conducting a SWOT analysis can help you
impact in the success of the project.
produce new ideas to help you take
advantage of what you and your team do a. Identify the positive trend.
best and potential opportunities that might
arise. A SWOT also helps increase your b. Accessible support.
awareness of weaknesses and potential c. Network for further exploration.
threats to your project so that you can defend
against them. d. Trainings and/or technologies available
that can help the project.

What is the goal of SWOT Analysis?
Are negative external factors that serves as
Maximize the strengths and opportunities, obstacles in the success of the project.
and at the same time, minimize the impact of Threats are identified so that the impact can
the weaknesses and threats in a project. be minimized or better yet, eliminated.
Strengths a. The risks you have to take for the
implementation of the project.
Are positive internal factors that will largely
contribute to the success of the project. b. The change in circumstances (whether
economically, politically, or even personally)
a. The abilities and skills that you have.
may affect the success of the project.
b. Previous experiences that will be useful for
c. Obstacles that will be encountered prior,
the project.
during, and even after the implementation of
c. Knowledge – on how well you know the ins the project.
and outs of the project.
d. Resources – access to financial concerns,
technologies, instruments, and time.
Benefits of SWOT to an “Individual” e. To evaluate whether the project proposal
is aligned to the target community’s needs.
a. You get to know more about yourself.
How to Conduct a SWOT Analysis?
b. Gives you a clear direction towards your
goals. a. Prepare 4 separate sheets of paper and
label each paper as Strengths / Weaknesses
c. You are able to envision a better career / Opportunities / Threats.
b. Assign a SWOT Facilitator (will lead the
d. Gives you an understanding on the things group to a free-flowing discussion).
you need to improve on, acquire and develop
new knowledge and skills. c. Set and state your goal in conducting a
SWOT Analysis (what is the purpose of your
e. There is a call to action.
Benefits of SWOT to an “Organization d. Members of the group participates and
/ Corporation” contributes in identifying the SWOT
a. To stay true to its Mission-Vision-Values accordingly.

b. To know if the organization / corporation is e. After identifying the SWOT, members of

able to achieve its goals and targets. the group are encouraged to rank the items
listed in the order of importance. This will
c. To identify areas for improvement. help the group come-up with better action
d. To create more programs for the benefit of
the members of the organization /
SWOT Matrix
e. To evaluate and implement Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the To further understand and appreciate
continuous growth of the organization / SWOT, let us discuss the so-called SWOT
corporation. Matrix. By using this matrix, we will be able
to create better action plans as it seeks to,
Benefits of SWOT to a “Project again, “maximize the strengths and
Proposal” opportunities, and minimize the impact of
weaknesses and threats” in our project.
a. To envision if the project is doable or not.
b. To better understand the project proposal
c. To measure the effectivity of the project
proposal (on whether the project proposal
will align with the objectives set and be
d. To identify the things that needs
improvement (whether it has something to do
with the process or implementation to reach S – O this is about Leverage – using your
the desired output). strengths to take advantage of the
S – T this is about Vulnerabilities – using
your strengths to minimize or eliminate the
W – O this is about Constraints – using the
opportunities to improve your weaknesses.
W – T this is about dealing with Problems
– creating strategies to minimize or eliminate
threats which reduces your weaknesses.

a. Be Analytical and Specific.
b. List down all thoughts and ideas and
c. Think outside of the box.
d. Be ready and accept change/s.

a. Disguise weaknesses.
b. Treat SWOT as a blame-laying exercise.
c. Make a list for the sake of having a list.
d. Ignore the outcome of the SWOT Analysis.

Community as a network or informal
relationships between people connected with
each other by kinship, common interest,
geographical proximity, friendship,
occupation, or the giving and receiving of
services or various combination of theses.
Community is a “group of people with a
common characteristic or interest living
together within a larger society” or a “body of
persons or nations having a common history
or common social, economic, and political
The term Community describes the nature g. Common/Shared Values, Beliefs and
of a particular series of connections between Outlook
individuals which binds them together into a
h. Common Perception of Experience
group. The coherency of the group will
depend on the number and strength of these
connections between individuals.

Community as a Geographical
Talcott Parsons defined community as
collectivity the members of which share a
common territorial area as their base of Robert E Park and Ernest W. Burgess
operation for daily activities. stated that community is the term which is
applied to societies and social groups where
According to Tonnies community is defined
they are considered from the point of view of
as an organic natural kind of social group
the geographical distribution of the
whose members are bound together by the
individuals and institutions of which they are
sense of belonging, created out of everyday
contacts covering the whole range of human
activities. He has presented ideal-typical Mabel A Elliott and Francis E Merrill
pictures of the forms of social associations defined that community has two related
contrasting the solidarity nature of the social aspects, the geographical and the
relations in the community with the large psychological. Geographically it may be
scale and impersonal relations thought to considered as a contiguous distribution of
characterize industrializing societies. people with their social institutions….
psychologically we may think of the
Kingsley Davis defined it as the smallest
community in terms of the elements that
territorial group that can embrace all aspects
combine to make it a dynamic and living
of social life.
Karl Mannheim community is any circle of
Arthur E Morgan defined that a community
people who live together and belong together
is an association of individuals and families
in such a way that they do not share this or
that plan and act in concert as organized unit
that particular interest only but a whole set of
in meeting their common needs.
a. The community as a geographical concept
geographical distribution of the individual
Some of the connections which bind and institution.
people together into a Community b. The community as a natural local area
a. A common Geographical Area characterized by equal stress on both
b. A common Interest
c. Act together in order to provide for mutual
c. Ethnic Origin protection and welfare living in a contiguous
d. Disability
d. Participation in collective life which gives
e. Common Purpose
unity to the population of a locality.
f. Consistency of Interaction
e. The community as a socially homogenous e. Mutual Support
area characterized by group interaction.
f. It stresses on consensus, identification, a
common way of life, shared interests and

Difference between Community and

Elements of Community Society
a. Group of People Population is one of the most essential
characteristics of a community irrespective of
b. Definite Locality the consideration whether people have or do
c. Community Sentiment not have conscious relation. Population is
important but here the population is
d. Likeness conditioned by a feeling of oneness. Thus,
conscious relations are more important than
e. Permanency
the mere population for a society.
f. Neutrality
A Community by nature is discrete as
g. Size compared with society. By nature, and
character society is abstract.
h. Wider Ends
For Community area or locality is very
i. A Particular Name essential and that perhaps is the reason that
the community had a definite shape. Society
is area less and shapeless and for a society
Community Sentiment area is no consideration.
a. We Feeling A Community has comparatively narrow
scope of community sentiments and as such
b. Role Feeling
it cannot have wide heterogeneity.
c. Dependency Feeling
A Society has heterogeneity and because of
its wide scope and field can embrace people
having different conflicts.
Types of Community
The scope of community is narrow than that
a. Geographic Community of society because community came much
b. Community of Interest later than the society. Though the primitive
people might not have understood the
importance of community, but they realized
that of the society and lived in it.
Functions of Community
The Society has much wider scope as
a. Production – Distribution - Consumption compared with the Community.
b. Socialization In a Community every effort is made to
c. Social Control avoid differences or conflicts and to bring
likeness as nearly as possible because
d. Social Participation
cooperation and conflicts cannot exist in a a. It fights against poverty and social
community. exclusion.
In a Society likeness and conflict can exist b. It aims to include service users as full and
side by side and in fact the scope of society active citizen.
is so vast that there is every possibility of
c. It challenges discrimination by race,
disability, age, religion, gender and sexual
A Community cannot be self-sufficient orientation.
because of its limited scope and nature. It is
d. It is about people working together.
possible for a society to become self-
sufficient. e. It promotes participation in decision
making and gives people more power.
Community Social Work is a basic method
of social work which starts from problems f. It works for prevent problems.
affecting individual or groups, the
responsibilities and resources of social work g. It encourage people to learn skills and
departments and informal organizations, it knowledge and confidence through taking
seeks to support, enable and formal and actions.
informal relationships. (Barclay) h. It supports joint work. Action can range
Community social work is about encouraging from individual self-help to lobbying and
people to discover their resources and campaigning.
possibilities in order to work for positive (Community, Needs of Community,
change in their community. People have the Institutions, Representatives, Process)
right to participate in decision making
process that affecting them.
Social work with communities is a generalist 1.
practice method that enables individuals and
a. Community as People
groups to achieve a more desirable level of
life satisfaction as well as more effective b. Community as Social System
levels of adaptation.
2. Felt Needs
a. Community needs assessments.
Community Practice Approach
b. Needs/problems can be identified by
a. Social Action understanding the community as a whole.
b. Social Planning c. Particularly concerned with the needs of
those who have been disadvantaged or
c. Community Development
oppressed through poverty, discrimination
on the basis of race, class, gender, age or
The means and ends of community social
work are not merely to provide people with 3. Formal and Informal institutions have been
services and or resources, to make possible working for fulfillment of needs of community
the process of discovering and learning and providing services.
together by which communal life is created.
4. Community worker as community l. Working with individuals, including
development worker and community counselling.
organizer work as representative. They work
m. Managing resources, including staff, time
as guide, as enabler, as teacher, as
and budgets.
mediator, etc.
n. Supporting group and organizations in
5. Social Work process or community work
obtaining resources.
process. By itself it cannot possible
substitute for wider processes of economic, o. Monitoring and evaluating progress and
social, and political changes. But it has the the most effective uses of resources.
potential to contribute to such wider process
of changes and in relation to the p. Collaborating and negotiating with other
development of more preventive and more agencies and professions.
participatory approaches to social work. The
process can promote more appropriate,
more coordinated and more democratically Community Development
accountable approaches to economic and
social planning, to meet social needs. A process whereby the efforts of
Government are united with those of the
people to improve the social, cultural, and
economic conditions in communities.
a. Community social work based on felt
needs. “Community development is the participation
of people in a mutual learning experience
b. Community social work based on
involving themselves, their local resources,
assumptions that people want to be free from
external change agents, and outside
poverty and pain.
resources. People cannot be developed.
c It is assumed that people wish to have They can only develop themselves by
freedom in controlling their own lives. participating in activities which affect their
wellbeing. People are not being developed
d. Peoples value has given due when they are herded like animals into new
consideration. ventures.” - Julius Nyerere, 1968
e. Self-help is the base of community social United Nation’s report states that:
“Community Development is the process
f. People are the greatest resources. designed to create conditions of economic
g. Community social work involves changes. and social progress for whole of community
development with its active participation and
h. Making contact with individuals, groups fullest possible reliance on community
and organizations. initiative.”
i. Developing a community profile, assessing
community resources and needs.
Background and Concept of
j. Developing a strategic analysis and
Community Development
planning aims, objectives and targets.
Community Development seeks to
k. Working productively with conflict, within
empower individuals and groups of people
and between groups and organizations.
by providing them with the skills they need to
effect change within their communities. Approaches to Community
These skills are often created through the Development
formation of large social groups working for
a common agenda. a. Community Capacity Building

It is a broad term given to the practices of b. Social Capital

civic leaders, activists, involved citizens and c. Nonviolent Direct Action
professionals to improve various aspects of
communities, typically aiming to build d. Economic Development
stronger and more resilient local
e. Community Economic Development
f. Sustainable Development
Community Development is a process
where community members come together g. Community-Driven Development (CDD)
to take collective action and generate
solutions to common problems. h. Asset-Based Community Development
Community Development is a process
where community members come together i. Faith-Based Community Development
to take collective action and generate j. Community-Based Participatory Research
solutions to common problems. Community (CBPR)
wellbeing (economic, social, environmental
and cultural) often evolves from this type of k. Community Organizing
collective action being taken at a grassroots
l. Participatory Planning
Community Development is a grassroots
process by which communities: Community Development Projects
a. Become more responsible. Community Development Projects are
aimed at strengthening local communities.
b. Organize and plan together.
There are many different ways to develop
c. Develop healthy lifestyle options.
communities. Types of community
d. Empower themselves. development projects include those aimed at
improving the safety of its members and
e. Reduce poverty and suffering. enhancing social and cultural performance in
f. Create employment and economic the region.
opportunities. Financing community development projects,
g. Achieve social, economic, cultural, and foundations, and local organizations can
environmental goals. motivate the community cities and villages
for the purpose of future growth and
Community Development Approach
Types of Community Development d. Domestic violence community
Projects projects.

a. Decrease in Unemployment Rate Such projects provide relief to the victims of

Projects abuse. The programs create and upgrade
facilities for domestic violence victims or offer
This assistance can be realized through safe places for survivors of domestic
building job training centers for the violence and their children. These programs
unemployed and helping adults in the are also aimed at psychological support and
community find employment. To achieve this encouraging survivors of domestic violence.
goal, local companies can cooperate with The victims may also be provided with the
community organizations to hire displaced legal help and advise on the possible
workers. The programs provide job-related methods of acting against the abuser.
training, job search assistance, and other
programs. Job placement programs that are e. Cultural development programs.
aimed at lowering an unemployment rate can The cultural component of a community is
also involve educational programs that are vital to its stable growth. By encouraging a
conducted at universities and colleges. local cultural life, a village, town or city can
b. Homelessness Prevention Projects help enhance its reputation as a comfortable,
enjoyable place to live. Creating a local
Community programs aimed at chorus, city orchestra is an example of the
preventing homelessness in the culture-based community development
community can involve upgrading programs.
facilities for homeless people, economic f. Social Welfare Development and
empowerment for low-income families, Reform Project
helping no-income families in gaining
access to public funding and receiving This is a funding project to continue support
of the Pantawid Pamilya, the Philippines’
help from the government.
conditional cash transfer (CCT) program. It
c. Neighborhood Stabilization ensures that health and education services
Projects are used effectively for poor children.

A neighborhood stabilization programs Currently assisting more than four

million poor families and 11 million children,
are dealing with foreclosures and home
Pantawid Pamilya’s objective is to provide
abandonment. The local governments
aid to poor and struggling households. Doing
can purchase foreclosed and abandoned so helps protect them from crises such as
homes in the community region. The economic issues and natural disasters, and
thing is abandoned homes often become it reduces poverty numbers.
centers of various crimes. Neighborhood
stabilization programs may demolish an g. Flood Funding in Metro Manila
abandoned home or redevelop it for more The Philippine government, with the help of
productive use. It helps in improving the the World Bank and the Asian Infrastructure
overall economic outlook. Investment Bank, is creating a funding
project for the Metro Manila area, which is
the urban area that surrounds the
Philippines’ capital city, Manila.
Because of typhoon season, ranging from NSRC (National Service Reserve
June to October, flooding is a major problem Corps)
within the metro Manila area. In 2009,
Tropical Storm Ondoy (Ketsana) caused Title
damage equalling 2.7 percent of the entire
These guidelines shall be known and cited
economy. When flooding like this takes
as the Implementing Guidelines and
place, it is easy for people to fall back into
Procedures (IGP) on the Development,
poverty because of the strain it puts on their
Organization, Training, Administration,
economic situation.
Utilization, Mobilization, Operation,
Accreditation, Protecting and Funding of the
National Service Reserve Corps (NSRC).
Community Building
According to media scholar, Henry Jenkins,
characteristics of a participatory culture These guidelines are hereby promulgated to
include the following: prescribe the procedures for the
development, Organization, Training,
a. Relatively low barriers to engagement. Administration, Utilization, Mobilization,
b. Strong support for sharing with others. Operation, Accreditation, Protecting and
Funding of the NSRC as provided for in the
c. Informal mentorship. above legal authority.
d. Participants believe their contributions
Definition of Terms
e. Not every participant must contribute
every time, but all must feel they are free to a. National Service Reserve Corps
contribute when they are ready and that what (NSRC)
they contribute will be appropriately valued.
An organization composed of graduates of
the Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS)
and Literacy Training Service (LTSO
Community Practice components of the National Service Training
The activities of a community of practice are Program (NSTP) as mandated by Republic
dependent on an environment of mutual Act 9163 (NSTP Act of 2001).
respect and trust, which encourages a b. NSRC Reservist
willingness to:
A person who is graduate of the CWTS and
a. Share ideas. LTS components of the NTSP program and
b. Expose one’s knowledge gaps. designated an NSRC serial number.

c. Ask difficult questions. c. NSRC Reserve Group (NRG)

d. Listen carefully. The highest level of organization of NSRC

reservists composed of at least five (5) or
more NSRC Sections organized at the
provincial level and highly urbanized cities,
as well as in Higher Education Institutions
(HEls), and Technical-Vocational Education k. NSRC Community Directorate
and Training Institutions (TVETs). Office (NCDO)
d. NSRC Reserve Section (NRS) The office established under the LGU/Local
DRRMCs that has responsibility over the
A subordinate unit of the NSRC Reserve
development, organization, training,
Group composed of at least five (5) or more
administration, utilization, mobilization,
accreditation, and operation of the NSRC at
e. NSRC Reserve iTeam (NRT) the community level.

A subordinate unit of the NSRC Reserve l. Mobilization

Section composed at least eight (8) but not
In the context of NRSC organization for
more than twelve (12) members. Team
DRRM, mobilization is the official act of
composition is discussed under Section 5
calling upon NSRC reservists and NSRC
units to report to their respective designated
f. NSRC Reserve Unit (NRU) mobilization centers and organized to
perform duty as disaster responders and
A generic term which refers to any level or other DRRM tasks.
size of NSRC organization.
m. Accreditation
g. School-Based NSRC Units (SBNU)
The process of determining the suitability
NSRC units established in different HEIs and capability of an individual or organization
under CHED and TVETs under TESDA. to perform DRRM tasks, based on the criteria
and procedures to be issued by the OCD in
h. Community-based NSRC Units
consultation with other concerned agencies,
offices, organization, and entities.
NSRC units established in different localities
from the provincial down to barangay level.
i. NSRC National Directorate Center
(NNDC) a. The Secretary of National Defense
The office under OCD that has responsibility
over the development, organization, training, As Chairperson of the National Disaster Risk
administration, utilization, mobilization, Reduction and Management Council
accreditation, and operation of the NSRC. (NDRRMC) thru Administrator, Office of Civil
defense shall exercise overall responsibility
j. NSRC School Directorate Office
on the development, organization, training,
(NSDO) administration, utilization, mobilization,
The office established under the HEIs and operation, accreditation, protection, and
TVETs that has responsibility over the funding of the NSRC.
development, organization, training,
b. The Chairperson, Commission on
administration, utilization, mobilization,
Higher Education (CHED)
accreditation, and operation of the NSRC.
Thru the Higher Education and Institutions
(HEIs) shall be responsible for the issuance
of NSRC serial numbers to all graduates of
CWTS/LTS components of the NSTP and responsibilities and the implementation of its
the Development, Organization, Training, programs and activities.
Administration, Utilization, Mobilization,
Operation, Accreditation, Protection and
Funding of the School-Based NSRC Mission
Reservists and Reservist Units in HEIs under
its jurisdiction. To provide a trained, motivated, and
organized manpower reserve that can be
c. The Director General, Technical tapped by the State for DRRM, civil welfare,
Education Services and Development literacy, national emergency, environmental,
Authority (TESDA) protection, and other similar endeavors in the
service of the nation.
Thru the Technical-Vocational Education
and Training Institutions (TVETs) shall be Function
responsible for the issuance of NSRC serial
numbers to all graduates of CWTS/LTS a. To assist in the disaster preparedness,
components of the NSTP and the mitigation, response and rehabilitation
Development, Organization, Training, programs;
Administration, Utilization, Mobilization, b. To serve as an auxiliary to the Disaster
Operation, Accreditation, Protection and Risk Reduction and Management Councils
Funding of the School-Based NSRC (DRRMCs) response units;
Reservists and Reservist Units in TVETs
under its jurisdiction. They may be tasked to c. To assist in the promotion of civic welfare
assist in the formulation or conduct of training activities;
for skills needed in DRRM such as
d. To assist in the implementation of literacy
Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Trainings and other related services.
e. To assist in socio-economic development;
d. The Secretary, Department of the
Interior and Local Government (DILG) f. To respond in case of mobilization for
national emergency;
Thru the Local Government Units (LGUs) /
Local Disaster Risk Reduction and g. To assist in environmental protection, and
Management Councils (LDRRMCs) shall be
h. To perform other similar endeavors as
responsible for the Development, directed by higher DRRM authorities.
Organization, Training, Administration,
Utilization, Mobilization, Operation, Composition
Accreditation, Protection and Funding of the
Community-Based NSRC units from the The NSRC shall be composed of the
provincial down to the barangay level, and … graduates of the Civil Welfare Training
Service (CWTS) and the Literacy Training
E. Other Member Agencies, Bureaus, Service (LTS) components of the NSTP.
Offices, Entities of the NDRRMC
Shall be responsible for conducting
advocacy of volunteerism for DRRM and
shall actively support the organization of the
NSRC offices in their respective areas of
Organization d. Graduates of the CWTS and LTS
Components of the NSTP
a. The NSRC National Directorate
Center (NNDC) Shall be organized into NSRC Reserve
Units. They shall be classified into two (2)
Shall be organized and established as an categories CBNRUs and SBRNus.
organic unit under the OCD. The National
Director of the said Office shall be e. Community-Based NSRC Reservist
responsible for the supervision and Units:
monitoring of the implementation of NSRC
development, organization, training, CBNRUs shall be organized at the
administration, utilization, mobilization, Barangay, Municipal City and Provincial
accreditation, and protection of the National level. The membership shall come from
Service Reserve Corps (NSRC) from the graduates of the CWTS and LTS
National down to the Regional, Provincial components of NSTP who are residents of
and Municipal level. It shall serve as their respective localities. The concerned
repository of all data pertaining to NSRC and LGUs thru the LDRRMCs, in coordination
shall formulate the NSRC manual and with DILG and OCD, shall undertake the
operating procedures for the full organization of CBNRUs. The OCD thru the
implementation of the NSRC program as Local DRRMCs shall issue the Activation
provided for in this IGP and subsequent OCD orders of the CBNRUs.
publications. f. School-Based NSRC Reservist
b. The NSRC School Directorate Office Units:
(NSDO) HEIs under CHED and TVETs under TESDA
Shall be established in all HEIs/TVETs. The shall organize SBNRUs to be composed of
NSDO shall be responsible for the graduates of the CWTS and LTS
development, organization, training, components of the NSTP who are still
administration, and operationalization of the enrolled in said institutions. The OCD thru
school based NSRC. The NSRC School the HEIs and TVETs shall issue the
Directorate Office will be placed under the Activation orders of the SBNRUs. These
Office of the School President. reserve units shall be placed under control of
the College/University Disaster Control
c. The NSRC Community Directorate Group Chairperson for the conduct of
Office (NCDO) training and operations.

Shall be organized under the local g. School-Based and Community-

government units/ local DRRMCs at the Based NSRC Reserve Groups are
provincial and municipal level. The independent each other however,
LGU/LDRRMC thru their respective NCDOs
shall be responsible for the development, All NSRC Reservists who graduated from
organization, training, administration, their respective tertiary courses and are
utilization, mobilization, protection, funding, leaving their schools shall be reassigned to
and operation of the NSRC units. CBNRUs that are organized in their
respective places of residences. Report on
the organization of SBNUs shall be
submitted by the HEIs/TVETs to
CHED/TESDA, through their Regional
Offices CHED / TESDA shall submit the Administration of NSRC Reservist
consolidated report of NSRC Reserve Groups/Units
Groups / Units organization to OCD.
a. Maintain a centralized NSRC Reservist
h. The system for designation of database that shall include, among others,
NSRC Reserve Unit names shall be the following information: Full name, date
formulated by OCD. and place of birth, serial number, name of
school, date graduated from NSTP, present
It shall publish a unit designation list that residence and address, present occupation
shall incorporate the following: NSRC and specialty/skills. This database shall be
reserve group number; Name of updated periodically. A mechanism for the
HEIs/TVETs; Barangay; Municipality; and periodic update of the database shall be
Province. The same shall be made known to provided by OCD in coordination with other
all concerned offices for the smooth concerned government agencies.
implementation of the same.
b. Issue orders for assignment,
i. NSRC Reservist Serial Numbers. reassignment, designation, and awards of
The CHED and TESDA shall provide OCD NSRC reservists.
with a list of all NSTP graduates since the c. Formulate a system of morale and welfare
NSTP Act was implemented in 2001. The list upliftment that will include but not limited to
of the NSTP graduates shall include but are the following. Awards, Ranks, Promotions,
not limited the following Data: Complete Training/Schooling.
Name; Serial Number; Name of School; date
graduated from NSTP; present d. Formulate an NSRC reservist Career
residence/home address; present status as Development System.
student (If still in school). Every year e. Registration: NSRC Reservist shall be
thereafter, it will submit the new list of
required to physically register in their
graduates not later than 30 days after the respective barangays of residence and shall
graduation date of the NSTP CHED/TESDA
secure a barangay certification that he/she is
shall issue a block of serial numbers to each registered and accounted for Said
HEI/TVET corresponding to the number of
Certification shall be a requirement for
NSTP students enrolled at the start of the college/program graduation. The Barangay
course. Respective schools/institutions shall
shall issue said certificate free of charge to
in turn designate the serial numbers to the the student. The barangay shall charge such
students alphabetically. Unused serial expenses to their respective calamity funds.
numbers shall be returned to CHED/TESDA.
These serial numbers shall be reallocated for f. Accounting: NSRC Reservists shall be
the next school year. The OCD shall design accounted for during NSRC assembly test or
a system designation of NSRC Reserve actual assembly during mobilization by their
Groups Unit Names that shall incorporate the respective LDRRMCs. Assembly tests shall
following information cluster / Groups / be held at least twice a year at the barangay
School / Barangay / Municipality / City / level.
Province / Region.
Training trainers among NSRCs in their schools,
offices and in the areas / localities.
a. OCD shall provide a system for NSRC
individual reservist and unit training program
in line with the skills and experience required
for their utilization.
a. The NSRC reservists and units shall be
b. All NSRC reservists are required to
utilized in accordance to the PDRRM Act
undergo periodic training to provide them the
of 2010 (R.A. 10121) and the NSTP Act of
advance and special training needed for their
respective skills requirement. 2001 (R.A. 9163) which include but not
limited to the following:
c. NSRC leadership training will be given to
✓ DRRM: Mitigation; Preparedness;
selected NSRC reservists who will form the
core of NSRC leadership. Prevention; Response; Relief and
d. Specialized Training shall be given to the
✓ Environmental
Reservist to enhance their capability to
Protection/preservation and
deliver the needed services.
e. A certification of special or advance
✓ Civil Welfare and Literacy Activities;
training shall be eligible for TESDA/CHED or
other concerned agencies equivalency
program for higher learning. ✓ Other tasks needed to address
f. There shall be a mechanism to maintain a
roster of NSRC Reservists who will be b. OCD shall prescribe the procedures
eligible applicants for the scholarship for the utilization of the NSRC Reservists
programs other than those funded by the and units in coordination with
national government. CHED/TESDA for school-based NSRCs
and with DILG and LGUs/LDRRMCs for
g. The Community-Based NSRC reservists
community-based NSRCs.
will undergo training through the LDRRMCs
in coordination with their respective
h. The HEIS under CHED and TVETs under
TESDA shall organize and conduct training a. Mobilization of NSRC units shall be
for the school based NSRCs in accordance undertaken by officials vested with
with the NSRC training system and mobilization authority to muster NSRC
guidelines set forth by OCD. reservists to assemble in their designated
mobilization centers and organized by their
i. The local government HEIs/CHED/TESDA respective NSRC units to perform official
and other appropriate agencies/ organization duty during disasters emergencies and other
shall program trainings and allocate funds for DRRM purposes.
NSRC activities.
b. The Secretary of National Defense (SND),
j. The OCD, CHED, TESDA, DILG thru the as Chairperson of the National Disaster Risk
HEIs, TVETs, LGUs/LDRRMs, accredited Reduction and Management Council
NGOS and other concerned offices / (NDRRMC) thru the Administrator, Office of
organizations shall organize and train core of Civil Defense shall have the power to
mobilize NSRC reservist units for DRRM
purposes and other national emergency /
crisis situation.
c. The Chairperson of the LDRRMCs shall
have the power to mobilize the NSRC units
based in their respective localities for DRRM
response within their geographical
jurisdiction upon the declaration of a state of
d. Mobilization and deployment of NSRC REPUBLIC ACT 10121
units outside of the locality shall emanate
from ah higher authority as defined under Section 3 (e) "Community-Based Disaster
Section 15 of RA 10121. Risk Reduction and Management" or
"CBDRRM" - a process of disaster risk
e. Mobilized NSRC units shall be placed reduction and management in which at risk
under control of the concerned DRRMC. communities are actively engaged in the
f. School-based NSRC units, in case of identification, analysis, treatment, monitoring
disaster, may be mobilized by the COD in and evaluation of disaster risks in order to
coordination with HEIs under CHED and reduce their vulnerabilities and enhance their
TVETs under TESDA provided that all NSRC capacities, and where the people are at the
reservists who are mobilized are of legal age. heart of decision-making and implementation
Mobilized school based NSRC units are of disaster risk reduction and management
placed under their respective HEIs/TVETs activities.
Disaster Control Group (DCG) and shall be Section 12 Local Disaster Risk Reduction
placed further under control and supervision and Management Office (LDRRMO). - (a)
of the LDRRMC deployment. There shall be established an LDRRMO in
g. The controlling school shall provide the every province, city and municipality, and a
necessary administrative and logistics Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and
requirement such as insurance, food and Management Committee (BDRRMC) in
other benefits covered under R.A. 10121. In every · barangay which shall be responsible
the event the school based NSRC unit is for setting the direction, development,
deployed or utilized outside the immediate implementation and coordination of disaster
vicinity of the school, The LDRRMC provide risk management programs within their
additional logistics, protection, and insurance territorial jurisdiction.
requirements. Being part of the community and the forefront
of the affected areas, community members
should be part of all the processes of disaster
risk reduction management from mitigation
to response. This lesson aims to introduce
the learners to the approach and ensure the
Civil Society takes a pro-active stance on
a. Disaster Risk Reduction a. Focused only on physical and material aid
and technical solutions.
Comprises all forms of relevant activities
from effective response to disasters, b. Donors, studies, and relative statistics
structural and non-structural measures to decide victim needs and logical support.
avoid or to limit adverse hazard effects.
c. Providing aid is only the responsibility of
b. Disaster Risk Reduction disaster agencies.
Management d. The goal is to meet emergency needs to
Is a systematic process of administrative bring things back to normal.
decisions, organizational and operational
skills and capacities to implement policies
and strategies and to facilitate the coping CBDRRM Process
capacities of a community or a society with
regard to the impacts of natural hazards and a. Establishing a Process and
related environmental and technological Building Rapport
disasters. Ensuring your LGU (Local Government
c. People capacities are used and built on Units) and agencies are aware of the
through their participation. Survivors are not CBDRRM process and appreciate its
to be treated as passive recipients of aid. importance in improving your communities’
DRR initiative. Aside from knowing the
d. Damage and needs assessment are process government entities should also
inclusive and should not only decided upon know your organization, you should be able
by the external factors. to build good relationships with them to
ensure mutual trust in reaching a common
e. Damage and needs and capacity
assessment are done with people’s
participation with special consideration to b. Conduct both Participatory Risk
vulnerabilities such as but not limited to Assessment and DRRM Planning
gender, culture and age.
DRRM Planning should always include all
sectors of society especially those most
CBDRRM vulnerable. Risk Assessment is a valuable
process that helps us understand existing
a. Assistance include material aid, and capacities and vulnerabilities of
organizational/motivational aspects to communities. It will identify gaps and needs
address root causes of vulnerabilities. of our communities which would help us in
formulating the plan.
b. Community members participate in
decision making to prioritized needs. c. Formation and Strengthening of
CBDRRM Organization
c. DRRM is everybody’s responsibility.
Disaster agencies have supportive roles. Mainstream CBDRRM in an organization. It
d. Goals is to reduce long-term means putting in place workplace policies,
vulnerabilities and to increase people’s programs, and projects that will widen
capacities to better cope with disasters. your CBDRRM Portfolio.
d. Community Implementation, Recovery
Monitoring and Evaluation
Restore and improve facilities, livelihood and
The whole process of CBDRRM includes the living conditions and organizational
community. Community participation does capacities of affected communities, reduced
not end only at the planning stage, but the disaster risks in accordance with “building
community should also be included in the back and better” principle.
implementation up until the evaluation of the
Emergency Response
Provide life preservation and meet the basic
This means you and your partners should
subsistence needs of affected population
make the effort of organizing info-session,
based on acceptable standards and inclusive
discussions, listening sessions within your
discussion during or immediately after a
community. It is also best to tap other
organizations to help you in monitoring
and evaluating the project. Mitigation and Prevention
e. Progressing Towards Safety and Avoid hazards and mitigate their potential
Resilience impacts by reducing vulnerabilities and
exposure and enhancing capacities of
This process is about sustaining your efforts
and ensuring CBDRRM is an established
approach in your community. Safety and
resilience should be the ultimate goal of your
CBDRRM efforts and in line with the idea of Quiz on NSRC
being able to build back better after every 1. To provide a trained, motivated and
disaster. organized manpower reserve that can be
tapped by the state for DRRM, civil welfare,
literacy, national emergency, environmental,
The Four (4) Areas of CBDRRM protection, and other similar endeavors in the
service of the nation is the NSRC’s ______
CBDRRM is split into four thematic areas. To
help the organization it is better to aline the ANSWER: Mission
program, project, and activities into the four
areas. A comprehensive CBDRRM plan
means that the four areas are equally 2. The _____ shall be responsible for the
focused on and complemented not only supervision and monitoring of the
within the organization but in your implementation of NSRC development,
partnership projects. organization, training, administration,
utilization, mobilization, accreditation and
protection of the National Service Reserve
Establish and strengthen capacities of Corp (NSRC) from the National Down to the
communities to anticipate, cope and recover Regional, Provincial, and Municipal level.
from the negative impacts of emergency
ANSWER: NSRC National Directorate
occurrences and disasters.
Center (NNDC)
3. NSRC reservists who will form the core of 8. Which of the following is NOT a function of
NSRC leadership will be provided with the the NSRC?
NSRC leadership training.
ANSWER: To take part on the decision-
ANSWER: True making process as part of the DNRRMC

4. Which of the following agencies shall bare 9. The NSRC reservists and units shall be
the overall responsibility on the utilized in accordance to the PDRRM Act of
development, organization, training, 2010 (R.A. 10121) and the NSTP Act of 2001
administration, utilization, mobilization, (R.A. 9163) which include the following
operation, accreditation, protection, and except:
funding of the NSRC.
ANSWER: Planning and decision –
ANSWER: DND through OCD making a call as to where and to whom
the resources should be given

5. Under Administration of NSRC Reservist

Groups/Units; the OCD shall perform the 10. This is the process of determining the
following except suitability and capability of an individual or
organization to perform DRRM tasks, based
ANSWER: Provide Sponsorship and
on the criteria and procedures to be issued
scholarship to students
by the appropriate office in consultation with
concerned agencies, offices, organization
and entities.
6. _____ shall be organized at the Barangay,
Municipal City and Provincial level. The ANSWER: Accreditation
members shall come from graduates of the
CWTS and LTS components of NSTP who
are residents of their perspective localities. 11. This is the highest level of organization of
NSRC Reservists that is compose of at least
ANSWER: Community-Based NSRC
5 NSRC Section organized at the provincial
Reservist Units
level or highly urbanized cities, as well as in
HEIs and TVETs.

7. This is the office established under the ANSWER: NSRC Reserve Group (NRG)
HEIs and TVETs that has responsibility over
the development, organization, training,
administration, utilization, mobilization, 12. Only NSTP Graduates of the non-military
accreditation and operation of the NSRC. component from HEIs and TVETs can be
NSRC reservists.
ANSWER: NSRC School Directorate
Office (NSDO) ANSWER: True
13. A subordinate unit of the NSRC Reserve Management (RDRRM) Act of 2010,
Section composed of at least eight but not provides that the NSRC is a member of the
more than twelve members. National Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Council (NDRRMC)
ANSWER: NSRC Reserve Team (NRT)

14. The Chairperson of the LDRRMCs shall

have the power to mobilize the NSRC units 20. _____ is the official act of calling upon
based in their respective localities for DRRM NSRC reservists and NSRC units to report to
response within their geographical their respective designated centers and
jurisdiction upon the declaration of a state of organized to perform duty as disaster
calamity. responders and other DRRM tasks.
ANSWER: True ANSWER: Mobilization

15. The School-Based NSRC Unit (SBNU)

and Community-Based NSRC Unit (SBNU)
are dependent on each other.

16. NSRC Reservist shall be required to

physically register in their respective
Barangays of residence and secure a
certification that he/she is accounted for.

17. Which of the following agencies is

responsible for the issuance of Serial
Numbers to NSRC Reservists.

18. Which of the following is NOT TRUE

about the NSRC.
ANSWER: The NSRC is composed of all
NSTP Graduates

19. RA 10121 otherwise known as the

Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and

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