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Euro B2 - Listening Page 1

Task Three: A Radio Programme – Questions 16-25

You are going to hear part of a radio show about a young couple who turned
their hobby into a business.

• On the test paper you have ten multiple choice questions about the
• Choose the best response (A, B or C) for questions 16-25.
• Place a X in the appropriate box on your Answer Sheet.
• You will hear the recording twice.
• You have two minutes to read the questions before the recording starts.

16 How did Rob and Susie first meet? 21 Glosterbury was their worst
A They went to the Richmond Festival experience because…
together. A the weather was very bad.
B Rob knew one of Susie’s friends. B they lost their bags.
C They met by accident. C they had to move their tent because of
the rain.
17 How did Susie and Rob start their
company? 22 Susie predicts that in five years
A They went to Spain and set up a time …
company. A the business will allow her a good
B They planned trips all over the world. lifestyle.
C They designed a web site to provide B making money will be more important
information about festivals. for her.
C other people will be doing most of the
18 Why doesn’t Rob want to organise work.
travel to festivals?
A It won’t make enough money. 23 In the future, what does Rob see as
B Young people prefer to travel the most important thing in his life?
independently. A To expand the business.
C He doesn’t want the responsibility. B To buy lots of houses.
C To live abroad a lot.
19 Rob worked in a travel agent’s
A he wanted to find out about the business. 24 The aim of the programme is to…
B he wanted to save some money. A provoke its guests.
C it gave him the opportunity to travel. B educate and challenge its audience.
C entertain and inform its audience.
20 Why did Susie think Richmond was
the best festival?
A She first met Rob there. 25 Rob and Susie’s relationship can
B She heard music from all over the world. best be described as…
C One act was her favourite performance. A tense.
B easy going.
C business based.

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