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TIE 4240

Project Management
Communications, Leadership, Motivation

Class 11

Ravish Maqsood
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Lecture 1: Introduction and Overview (16 Aug 2021, Monday): Course summary and organization,
learning outcomes, definition of a project, introduction to project management, project team, project
management processes.

Lecture 2: Project Integration Management (23 Aug 2021, Monday): Overview of development of
project charter, project management plan, direct and manage project work, monitor and control project
work, integrated change control, project close out.

Lecture 3: Project Scope Development (30 Aug 2021, Monday): Overview of project scope
management, requirements collection, scope definition, WBS, validation and control.

Lecture 4: Project Planning and Scheduling (06 Sep 2021, Monday): Project scheduling, CPM, PERT,
Planning tools (Gantt Project), Interactive Planning Session

Lecture 5: Project Cost estimation and Budgeting (13 Sep 2021, Monday): Project cost, estimates,

Lecture 6: Project Quality Management (20 Sep 2021, Monday): Project quality management, quality
assurance and control.
Recess Week (18 – 26 Sep 2021)


Lecture 7: Mid Term Test / Quiz, Project Resource Management (27 Sep 2021, Monday): Resource
allocation and management.

Lecture 8: Project Risk Management (04 Oct 2021, Monday): Risk management process, assessment,
analysis, mitigation, risk register, risk for various stake holders.

Lecture 9: Project Procurement Management (11 Oct 2021, Monday): Procurement process, sub-
contracting processes.

Lecture 10: Conflict Management, Stakeholder Management (18 Oct 2021, Monday): Conflict and
stakeholder management.

Lecture 11: Project Communications, Personal Management & Leadership skills, Motivation (25 Oct
2021, Monday): Communications plan and management, personal management, Challenges and
opportunities, human factors, motivation, decision making, time management, communication,
presentation, meetings, reports etc.

Lecture 12: Students Presentation (01 Nov 2021, Monday): Group presentations.

Lecture 13: Students Presentation (08 Nov 2021, Monday): Group presentations.


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What is a Conflict?

Disagreement or argument on certain issue.

Issues could be related to :

• personal
• work
• others

Picture source:

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Project Conflict Management

Are all conflicts bad??

• Some conflicts can be of some benefits.

• Evaluate the situation and understand if a

particular conflict is of any help to you and
your project?

• Exploit the situation as may be of an


• Evaluate the risk carefully.

Keep a sharp eye like an eagle. Picture source:

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Project Manager: In different Organizations

Project Project Project Project Project

Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager

Client Consultant Main Contractor ** Sub-Contractor Supplier/ Fabricator’s

Organization Organization Organization Organization Organization

-Client-side -Consultant -Contractor -sub-contractor -Supplier / Fabricator

representation representation representation representation representation
-Concept -Concept studies/ -FEED/Detailed design -Site coordination -Site coordination
studies/design basic design -Estimation after FEED -Design and changes -Installation and
-Operational -Estimation completion -Installation and fabrication
requirements -Authority approvals -Authority approvals fabrication -Material management
-Scope development -Selection of -Layout finalization -Material management -Authority approvals for
-Schedule development Contractor (Optional) -Selection of sub- -Authority approvals for site set up
-Budget and funding -Critical items Contractor (**) site set up -Manufacture as per
-Authority approvals -Schedule -Long lead items -Construction as per their scope
-Selection of -others?? identification and their scope -others??
Consultants placement of orders at -others??
-Critical items right time
-Inspections -Cost & Schedule
-FAT witness management
-Document -Construction
management -Change management
-Management of -others??

** Vary for EPCM and EPC 11

Prepared by: Ravish Maqsood LSTK contract
Role of the Project Manager

• Assigned be part of and to lead the team

responsible for achieving the project objectives.

• The project manager’s reporting relationships

are based on the organizational structure and
project governance.

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Project Manager’s sphere of


Governing Bodies
Steering Committees

Project Team
Department Managers
Resource Managers


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Project Manager’s Communication

Bodies -Project
-Steering Team
-Customers Committees -Department

Manage communication
among various parties
and stakeholders

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Role of the Project Manager
Expected to have at least following attributes (besides any
specific and management skills:

• Project Management knowledge and experience.

• Ability to lead the team.
• Coordination, problem solving and collaboration skills.
• Work under pressure and unexpected changed environment.
• Manage scope, changes, schedule, budget, risks and resources
assigned to the project.
• Handle various other aspects such as ethics, different
personalities, conflicts etc.

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Role of the Project Manager
Interpersonal skills are important:

• Leadership
• Motivating
• Team building
• Communication
• Influencing
• Decision making
• Political and cultural awareness
• Negotiating
• Facilitating
• Managing Conflict
• Mentoring and coaching

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Project Manager Competencies




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Project Manager Competencies

• Ability to focus on technical elements of a

• Critical success factors of a project.
• Schedule.
• Financial reports.
• Issue log.
• Manage the project cost, schedule,
resources and risks.

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Project Manager Competencies


• Communicate effectively.
• Work with all stakeholders.
• Develop and deliver the strategic
goals of a project.
• Maximize business value of a project.

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Project Manager Competencies

Project Manager use the following

approach to deliver:

• Strategy
• Mission
• Goals and objectives
• Priority
• Delivery of the end-product

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Project Manager Competencies

Project manager evaluates the

following factors on regular basis:

• Risks and issues

• Financial implications
• Cost-and-benefit analysis
• Business value delivery
• Execution within expectations of
cost, schedule, quality and safety.

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Project Manager Competencies

a) Dealing with people:

A project manager should study people’s behavior and
motivations to lead properly.

Ability to handle unexpected situations.

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Project Manager Competencies
b) Qualities of a good leader:
• Visionary
• Optimistic and positive
• Collaborative
• Manage relationships
• Building trust
• Alignment on decisions
• Apply persuasion, negotiation, compromise and
resolve conflicts
• Develop network
• Political acumen
• Communication
• Respectful
• Motivating
• Being a role model for young team members

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Project Manager Competencies
c) Politics, Power, Getting things done:
Its important for Project Manager to understand the organization
approach to execute and deliver a successful project.

Various forms of power:

• Positional
• Informational
• Referent (respect, admire others in position, take credit)
• Situational
• Personal or Charismatic (Charm, attraction)
• Relational
• Expert (skills expertise)
• Reward-oriented (ability to reward)
• Punitive (ability to invoke discipline)
• Pressure based (limit freedom using compliance)
• Guilt-based (impose sense of duty)
• Persuasive (ability to argue)
• Avoiding (refusal to participate)

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Project Manager Competencies
d) Team Management vs Team Leadership

Direct using power Guide, influence, and collaborate using relational power

Maintain Develop

Administrate Innovate

Focus on systems and structure Focus on relationships with people

Rely on control Inspire trust

Focus on near-term goals Focus on long-range vision

Ask how and when Ask what and why

Focus on bottom line Focus on the horizon

Accept status quo Challenge status quo

Do things right Do the right things

Focus on operational issues and problem solving Focus on vision, alignment, motivation, and inspiration

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Project Manager Competencies
e) Leadership Styles


• hands-off style
• allowing the team to make their own decisions and establish their own goals


• focus on goals, feedback, and accomplishment to determine rewards

Servant leader

• commitment to serve
• focuses on other people’s growth, learning, development, and well-being
• concentrates on relationships, community and collaboration
• leadership emerges after service

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Project Manager Competencies
e) Leadership Styles (cont’d)


• empowering followers
• idealized attributes and behaviors, inspirational motivation, encouragement
for innovation and creativity, and individual consideration


• able to inspire
• high-energy
• Enthusiastic & self-confident


• combination of transactional, transformational, and charismatic

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Project Manager Competencies
e) Leadership Styles (cont’d)

Directive Collaborative
Leadership Leadership

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Project Manager Competencies
f) Personality
Authentic (e.g., accepts others for what and who they are, show open concern);

Courteous (e.g., ability to apply appropriate behavior and etiquette);

Creative (e.g., ability to think abstractly, to see things differently, to innovate);

Cultural (e.g., measure of sensitivity to other cultures);

Emotional (e.g., ability to perceive emotions and the information);

Intellectual (e.g., measure of human intelligence over multiple aptitudes);

Managerial (e.g., measure of management practice and potential);

Political (e.g., measure of political intelligence and making things happen);

Service-oriented (e.g., evidence of willingness to serve other people);

Social (e.g., ability to understand and manage people);

Systemic (e.g., drive to understand and build systems).

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Project Management Process Groups

Project management processes are grouped in five Project

Management Process Groups:

1. Initiating Process Group.

The process(es) performed to define a new project / phase by obtaining
authorization to start the project or phase.

2. Planning Process Group.

The process(es) required to establish the scope of the project, refine the
objectives, and define the course of action required.

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Project Management Process Groups

3. Executing Process Group.

The process(es) performed to complete the work defined in the project
management plan to satisfy the project requirements.
The process(es) performed to formally complete or close a project, phase, or

4. Monitoring and Controlling Process Group.

The process(es) required to track, review, and regulate the progress and
performance of the project; identify any areas in which changes to the plan are
required; and initiate the corresponding changes.

5. Closing Process Group.

The process(es) performed to formally complete or close a project, phase, or

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Process Group Interactions

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Project Communications

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Project Communications Management

Key Concepts

Information could be exchanged through either of the


• Written
• Verbal
• Gestures
• Media

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Project Communications Management

Communication Dimensions

• Internal
• External
• Formal
• Informal
• Hierarchical focus
• Upward
• Downward
• Horizontal

• Official
• Unofficial
• Written or oral

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Project Communications Management

Video Communication Skills

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Project Communications Management

Video Communication Skills

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Project Communications Management

How to plan for a Discussion?

• Know the topic, issue, concerns, challenges, etc.

• What do you know about them?

• Who is the best person in the team to communicate with?

• What do you know about them?

• What is your objective for this discussion?

• What is your key message to be delivered?

• Communication media?

• Who is the right person to arrange?

• Who is the key decision maker?

• Can you have 1-on-1 pre-meeting alignment on the agenda?

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Project Communications Management


A. Plan Communications Management

B. Manage Communications

C.Control Communications

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Project Communications Management

Manage Control
Communications Communications

.1 Project charter .1 Project management .1 Project management

plan plan

.2 Project management
plan .2 Project documents .2 Project documents

.3 Project documents .3 Work performance .3 Work performance data

.4 Enterprise .4 Enterprise
environmental factors .4 Enterprise environmental factors
environmental factors
.5 Organizational process .5 Organizational process
assets assets

.1 Communications .1 Project communications .1 Work performance

management plan information
.2 Project management

.2 Project management plan updates .2 Change requests

plan updates
.3 Project documents .3 Project management
.3 Project documents updates plan updates
.4 Organizational process .4 Project documents
assets updates. updates

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No slide or part to be reproduced or published Source Reference: PMBOK Guide and updated with author’s life example
on any platform without permission of the owner. 43

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1. Plan Communications Management

1. Plan Communications Management

2. Manage Communications

3. Control Communications

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on any platform without permission of the owner. 45
Project Communications Management
Manage Control
Communications Communications

.1 Project charter .1 Project management .1 Project management

plan plan

.2 Project management
plan .2 Project documents .2 Project documents

.3 Project documents .3 Work performance .3 Work performance data

.4 Enterprise .4 Enterprise
environmental factors .4 Enterprise environmental factors
environmental factors
.5 Organizational process .5 Organizational process
assets assets

.1 Communications .1 Project communications .1 Work performance

management plan information
.2 Project management

.2 Project management plan updates .2 Change requests

plan updates
.3 Project documents .3 Project management
.3 Project documents updates plan updates
.4 Organizational process .4 Project documents
assets updates. updates

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No slide or part to be reproduced or published Source Reference: PMBOK Guide and updated with author’s life example
on any platform without permission of the owner. 46
Project Communications Management

Inputs Plan
Management 1. Plan Communications Management

.1 Project charter

.2 Project management plan

.3 Project documents

.4 Enterprise environmental factors

.5 Organizational process assets

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Project Communications Management
Management 1. Plan Communications Management


Tools &

a. Expert Judgement
b. Communication Requirement Analysis
c. Communication Technology
d. Communication Models
e. Communication Methods
f. Meetings

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Project Communications Management
Management 1. Plan Communications Management


Tools &

a. Expert Judgment
Expertise considered with specialized knowledge and training in
the following areas:

• Politics and power structures

• Environment and culture of the organization
• Legal requirements
• Communication technologies

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Project Communications Management
Management 1. Plan Communications Management
Tools &

b. Communication Requirement Analysis

Potential communication channels for stake holders

• Organization chart
• Roles & Responsibilities
• Department, Discipline
• Number of team members and their location
• Internal or External communications
• Number of possible communication channels or paths
• Legal requirements
• Management updates
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Project Communications Management
Management 1. Plan Communications Management
Tools &

b. Communication Technology
Methods used to communicate:
• Emails
• Reports
• Others

Factors to be considered:

• Priority / Urgency
• Availability of Technology
• Ease of use
• Project Requirements
• Sensitive and Confidentiality

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Project Communications Management
Management 1. Plan Communications Management
Tools &

c. Communication Models

Basic steps used to communicate:

• Encode
• Transmit
• Decode

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Project Communications Management
Management 1. Plan Communications Management


Tools &

d. Communication Methods
Methodology to communicate:

• Interactive Communication
• Push Communication
• Pull Communication

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Project Communications Management
Management 1. Plan Communications Management

d. Communication Methods
Tools &

Possible communications methods (non-exhaustive)

• Notice boards • Meetings

• Newsletters • Workshops, team building
• Letters • 1-on-1 discussions
• Press release • WhatsApp
• Annual reports • Other social media tools
• Emails and intranet • Non-verbal
• Web portals • Surveys
• Tele-conversations • Feedbacks (formal / informal)
• Presentations

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Project Communications Management

Outputs Plan
Management 1. Plan Communications Management

a. Communications Management Plan

• Stakeholder communication requirements
• Type of information to be communicated
• Authorized personnel
• Methods to communicate
• Contact details of the stakeholders
• Organization Chart

b. Project Documents Updates

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Copyrights @ Ravish Maqsood
1. Manage Communications

1. Plan Communications Management

2. Manage Communications

3. Control Communications

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on any platform without permission of the owner. 57
Project Communications Management
Manage Control
Communications Communications

.1 Project charter .1 Project management .1 Project management

plan plan

.2 Project management
plan .2 Project documents .2 Project documents

.3 Project documents .3 Work performance .3 Work performance data

.4 Enterprise .4 Enterprise
environmental factors .4 Enterprise environmental factors
environmental factors
.5 Organizational process .5 Organizational process
assets assets

.1 Communications .1 Project communications .1 Work performance

management plan information
.2 Project management

.2 Project management plan updates .2 Change requests

plan updates
.3 Project documents .3 Project management
.3 Project documents updates plan updates
.4 Organizational process .4 Project documents
assets updates. updates

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No slide or part to be reproduced or published Source Reference: PMBOK Guide and updated with author’s life example
on any platform without permission of the owner. 58
Project Communications Management

Inputs Manage
Communications 2. Manage Communications

.1 Project management plan

.2 Project documents

.3 Work performance reports

.4 Enterprise environmental factors

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Project Communications Management

Communications 2. Manage Communications


Tools &

a. Communication Technology
b. Communication Models
c. Communication Skills
d. Project Management Information Systems (PMIS)
e. Project Reporting
f. Interpersonal and team skills
• Active listening
• Conflict management
• Cultural awareness
• Meeting management
• Networking
• Political awareness

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Project Communications Management

Outputs Manage
Communications 2. Manage Communications

a. Project Communications
b. Project Management Plan Updates
c. Project Documents Updates
• Issue log
• Schedule
• Budget and Funding

d. Organizational process assets updates

• Reports
• Presentations
• Lessons
• Records
• Customer Feedback

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Project Communications Management

Outputs Manage
Communications 2. Manage Communications

a. Communications Management Plan

• Stakeholder communication requirements
• Type of information to be communicated
• Authorized personnel
• Methods to communicate
• Contact details of the stakeholders
• Organization Chart

b. Project Documents Updates

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Copyrights @ Ravish Maqsood
1. Manage Communications

1. Plan Communications Management

2. Manage Communications

3. Control Communications

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on any platform without permission of the owner. 64
Project Communications Management
Manage Control
Communications Communications

.1 Project charter .1 Project management .1 Project management

plan plan

.2 Project management
plan .2 Project documents .2 Project documents

.3 Project documents .3 Work performance .3 Work performance data

.4 Enterprise .4 Enterprise
environmental factors .4 Enterprise environmental factors
environmental factors
.5 Organizational process .5 Organizational process
assets assets

.1 Communications .1 Project communications .1 Work performance

management plan information
.2 Project management

.2 Project management plan updates .2 Change requests

plan updates
.3 Project documents .3 Project management
.3 Project documents updates plan updates
.4 Organizational process .4 Project documents
assets updates. updates

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No slide or part to be reproduced or published Source Reference: PMBOK Guide and updated with author’s life example
on any platform without permission of the owner. 65
Project Communications Management

Inputs Control
Communications 3. Control Communications

.1 Project management plan

.2 Project documents

.3 Work performance data

.4 Enterprise environmental factors

.5 Organizational process assets

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on any platform without permission of the owner. 66
Project Communications Management

Communications 3. Control Communications


Tools &

a. Expert Judgement (Experience)

b. Project Management Information Systems (PMIS)
c. Meetings

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on any platform without permission of the owner. 67
Project Communications Management

Outputs Control
Communications 3. Control Communications

.1 Work performance information

.2 Change requests

.3 Project management plan updates

.4 Project documents updates

• Forecasts
• Work Performance Reports
• Issue Log

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Leadership Management

Leadership: Agile Approach

Agile approaches emphasize servant leadership as a

way to empower teams.

Servant leadership is the practice of leading through service

to the team, by focusing on understanding and addressing
the needs and development of team members in order to
enable the highest possible team performance.

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Leadership Management


Characteristics of servant leadership

• Promoting self-awareness
• Listening
• Serving those on the team
• Helping people grow
• Coaching vs. controlling
• Promoting safety, respect, and trust;
• Promoting the energy and intelligence of others.

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Leadership Management


Responsibilities of servant leader

• Educate stakeholders around why and how to be agile.

• benefits of business value based on prioritization,
• greater accountability and productivity of empowered teams,
• improved quality from more frequent reviews, etc.

• Support the team through mentoring, encouragement, training,

and career development.

• Grow team knowledge.

• Celebrate team successes

• Appreciate

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Leadership Management

Video Leadership

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Motivation Management

Video Motivation

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Motivation Management

Final Word

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Open your arms to

Live your dreams
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