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‘rd Floor, Vastu Chamber, Opp Fesgusson College Main Gate, Shivajinagar, Pune 411004, Ph, 1020-25530950 UPSC MAINS TEST SERIES-2018 _(seican grat a SUpt/ be ed hy tt Candidate Name: Lt p ti Do dn Sntaet i ete Bole] nee we et eee Pere ‘Weta ST APT/ Name Of Examination : ‘uftar a HTea /Medium Of The Exam : en ee —bblogse CSE Prelims-2018 Roll No. Online Login ID for Unique Portal Political Science Comprehensive Test-II Paper-I (Political Theory, Indian Government and Politics) ‘atten era : ee cafirenm sie: 250 ‘Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks :250 ‘BINA SGAW/GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, a wet—-ag—at (agen) gferer 3 4644 ge V1 gferer ore aA & acer ae GIT ae Wis wT Of ge apie B otf ge rere afte steer wer Ga aeaeT SAE GE ata ag mae at agi BI Re Sa fend 8 ges aca aE age we ‘This Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet Contains 56+4 pages. Immediately on receipt of the booklet, please check that this QCA booklet does not have any misprint or torn or missing pages or items, ete. If so, get is replaced by a fresh QCA booklet. saiigan wea ar amt BS wee, Fe YE TE ore PBI we fee aE aaa at sa Ue ai Candidates must read the instructions on this page and the following pages carefully before attempting the paper. -seahtqare alt pai ao ser axfrert ord Pree orator we gfe sees sre Be eT PaO ware 8 Gt fea omrdfea ware & ange FS ay a fg wag odes wee at Pea oT ae ZL Candidates should attempt all questions strictly in accordance with the specified instuctions and in the space prescribed under cach question in the booklet. Any answer written outside the space allotted may not be given cerait. rerun. wapiteg herent sind ier sites’ rer Rrarareere (Peiiwa) thagea—wasafiga, wat were a & seria ater aS ara aT ST THT ZI Question Paper in detachable form is available at the end of the (QCA) booklet and can be removed and taken by the candidates conclusion of the exam. (saiiqar gra HY GE & fra / To be filled by candidate) -- ae fete ea deat Answer Book Serial No. SECTION A [sateen jar Q.1 Answer the following Questions in about 150 words each: ve (0x5 = 50) fertre (@) “The essence of man is no abstraction inherent in each single individual. In its Teality it is the ensemble of the social relations.” — Karl Marx se (10) feces Korl Marx in bis works, have described . [> the human nature os soa) & Creative. His view wor ditherent to liberal noH en which assume the egolstic, atomistic nature of individual . on tne basis of thin view of human nature, he envision sodety build upon the individuals of equal worth showing solidarity to eachothe , He gives the acwunt of primitive cle puNannltwed) dn. commiting Py: eeia soual. \t was thus, dasrless sodedty and devold of any Class Stuuture like (are. oP acagemy epochs ob histow. In such a kind ob ee [pattern Sodety, only man can be enjoying his }reedom. lei While cHtictsing, the capitalist struucrure of Sodety, he denotes the ident ty of Individual Hed +o the class to which he belongs- haves’ & “have-nots! le! bourgeoisie’ & ‘proletariat’ Thus, the ground breed for Class ton plich class stay gle Mreatening social eteusnip Hence, he prescriber the violent revoluHon tw wither away _Compartme- ntotiaed socal structure and estab)ish classless spdtay-in communish way , UNIQUE (>) "The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of force and fraud” -Rousseau| re 00) aD |erfore Rousseau is known of ant-tnlight- retire Candas -enmenr thinka, He pu his though a ere contrary bo the enlightenment visions . He does not believe in te ‘reasp no} Q mon as pro pounded by modan tninka Actording to him, the earliek man was of _optimishe namre - while due to development ob Fores of pardu- - cHon, Me Fendeny of ‘mine’ & thine evolved lt ltd to ure of force & braud on eachotha for Inherent bene fits- which are marerial- Hence he proposed hes theory of sodal_wntraur depen to establish ale a i cece or —_— 17 UNIGUE acagemy “general will’, This ~we woud eer fenton atrempr to alienate the. use Of laiee force and pxomote the comm uridsavion |i notion of wo- operarton among people: Acording te him, the pesrimi- sm of tAggered in human sodeky can be wuntered by establishing the sue of actual will of all i-e wmmon | good overoming individual good. In only Mis situation, the Individual can enjoy the breedom. which 1s fo red by gemertu sill, Howeve, his noHon of forced freedom has ben criticised by Liberals or subo kdl nating individual to te comm unity - $1 aT UNIGUE a acagemy eoning state i ao eer The state is & Central concept tn frees pret rear the study of poliHes. \t hor been eas se elabotrared by the varous thinkes ok different traditions ouprding thelr no Hon 6} nature, purpose , characte of state: With the rse ok environ mentali KH sm in an academic discourse, the conce pion of state also needs to be rede bined. the environmental Ursis hos betome a greakes Challenge bebprt glo bal wmmunity and needs to be addresved by all athing in concat Ns, the Shater are central legi imate aurmodty in partiudar UNIGUE i acagemy teritow, the responsibility to exercise tne _ corrective action ove envivonmanty question [iw on the sfaley . Hence there Is need fo ‘green’ state for bringing environment to the centre of Anrole of stake There should be green policies, dedtons, spedal AnsHtunons to be charted our by tae skate: Environmental policies showd be Algned witn gsodo economic developmen tal plans. Along with stare , thar needs to be green pattes (ike Germany), strong pressure gxoups , soddl movement to be presenh fer Me well=debined green demands | j>eitemet es [Fehon 1 iia UNIGUE e acagemy thinks who sought to reconcile he gre liberty with equality of, oppo Htunity In his ‘theomy ob justice! He subsuiber to socal contraucr tradi Hon to frome the princi ples of Justice. He destribes the human nature as self - intersted as, similary fo liberal tradi Hon: Bur he puts thar The man is not egoistic. He desuribes man in ‘behind the veil original _positin Is vel ol ignoranse: The men are Unaware ok ther soclo- eonomic stabur , wants, skills, aspi rat ons etc: Howeve, they have (@ ‘The unencumbered self” of John Rawls (10) fasten [tae dohn Rawls ts a liberal eqgalitananjates —o—e—e=rrvv—' [safe marin Vit acagemy [settee . 1 lat ea prelimi nay knowledge ok psychology, re economics eft - eine as sare Acwrding to him, due to the \gnorance , men being ratvona) Negotiators attempt to allocate the resources fairly equal to all 0 thar no ohe could be deprived ok his \ibeaky compas ble with same of others and fir equality ek oppormnity. Howevy, his noHion hos been untrd sed by communitevtans lilee Michotl Walra who questions thar how individual would behave roH onally, when tre is stipped of ie inherent identhy contextuaised tnrough sodety - It zzz (©) Gandhi’s views on Caste system. 48) ; er Gandhi_ , unlike Ambedkar, glyer funcrionalist view of Coste System | arc Ambedkar ottidsed Whe graded imequal ih} ol coste, syrbem 09 wontradi ctony to realiaarion of shrong sodehy - Gandhi subsoiber ty Me view thal funchonal ditkerentiation helps to hold fre sodety. Thus, he supportr the Varna _ system ertublished by ancien hindu tradition. Howwe, he doe not suppor dre ‘hierarchy’ of caste system and support tre equality in horaontal sense to all ‘caste groups’ He was uit cal of the exploi far on of Palits, in his words 113 UNIGUE ‘Warijans! hitheato by the dominank lS, seutons of society - Lee He does not suppor the a anni hill fori ol coste for eqolitartan souely - He prescribe the graduo) Inrernad rehorms Vn the society kor ae extabli shing sodal equality. Adhering te this, he tacluded the program on untouchabili ty" in past the passives pxo gram ms of Me wngres- Howeves, Ambedkar has cn Hdsed Gandhi for supporting ‘shatus quo. Yet, Gandhi envision the caste aystem is enherent part ok Hindwism and hence push cd for reservadtton. + than Seperate edn rater, aa a See UMIguE acagemy SECTION B [sateen ). 5 Answer the followi i Kr Q pr following questions in about 150 words each: (10 5=50) fatees \ccount for the rise of right wing ideology, during Indian freedom struggle. (10) tre ; Ae jariee Aco rding to Bipin chandra foto Indian treedom Stauggle was a_mixed _bag of dibkerenr ideologies The rise ok aight - wing Ideology alse haz been witresed along with lekr wing comm- | antom Gade centadet Jeeologa so). tongrer The xools can be fetthed in the worles ey Bankim Chandra Chattejee who ewogiee Me natin os Goddess be. powa of wwlture ok Indian subsontinent | the leaders ike VR Savarkar, Aurobindo Ghosh encouraged the ideas of adght Gutural ationalism' , ‘Hindu Rationalism’ Ya He eaty phot of st umald. UNIGUE acagemy The moHve ok thelr thoughts wae to uniky the. Indian peo ple on the wmmon urltural plat orm and inbure the national tons courthesr for overmrnw of BHbsh Rue. The establishment ol, Hindu Manasabha by VR Savarkar, RSS by Manoasabh OB Sinan at Golwotko wae he exam ple Oe Gro lw Qi kon wig Hindu organisattons . In the fear of tyranny of major hy the organi 2arons frem aight) - Mustim quam aire eMerge sucn oF The wmmunal polities played by the adght wing \deologtes help +o partition of subcont near ia lquz. eI rE UNIQUE. (©) New demands for reservation and social justice (10) Feeney [at se The reservatin [quota is a beform [ERE of affirmative auton to correct the Sees hist ricol injushce on the certain ma Seu ons st sodery - In India, tne constitutonal YeservaHons provided tp sclsT were hot only ker poli tical represenbart m bint Ke, poe mo fe the equal _soual ota & dignity among them, oF pur by Dipanke- Guph Howeve, The OBC reservarim altered Me notion of soda justice and paved ely Yor the Socio-eonomyc upliftment through rservatim polity , for relatively backward seutm. In recent times, there io a IIE =m 117 UNIQUE acagemy demand fom the dominant cuystes lat 0 Wee Paratha fom Maharash ha, Pastels fom Gujrat, Jobs fiom Haryana ia for Phe vescrvattm in education & public employment - There demands have aroused Thaough acolr o% agWuutural crisir , large Number of deprived poptulanm in tre loMmunity , jobless qrawhh ele - Howcva audrding to Suhas Paloshi_| -kar, the logic of back wardness by which Ofcs got benefits of rereyvalim ; can- not be seem unreasonable in the demands of dominant Costes Hence scholars Vike Yogendra Yadav, suggers to redekine itera of backwardness acording ty sodo- wonomlc commit 184 UNIGUE. (©) Implications of NRC for Indian citizenship (10) feet NaHonal Regristar of Utizens (nec) aes sat rete ert is a acount Hx ugh whtch authentic [ema citizens of ne country can be Ident fied lb helps to ident by refugee, Wegal corm cHyve actions migrants So thar over allo aHon of mero The \orat exercise of NRC in urtes can be Taken. Assam hos brought many political, diplomatic & humanist questi ons before Government of India (Gol) . The people who, in the Final list will get exclude , will become stateless in the Indian bend tony ‘India does not have any straregy kor rebugees. Also, Gol has Nalso bethany diplomattc ddiberarin ae - 19 119 UNIQUE acagemy with Bangladesh for deportation. sve * pertere In this cose, Gol needs to — provide Pp tempora permits to the fe Ein oa re Ident Hed stateless or deportation Centrer att: Howeve, the discoure ova dHzenship has arised in this wntext Gitics point our the time bound frames dekincd in citizenship aur 1455 According te scholars, India Needs to reviey Ubacnship provision. The vwountnes are formed our of Mig rotten histor cally. In addition , India can think about the granring czenship fo statees on chumanrst'e background. Thus, NRC har raised need fpr ap iscsi & OU Teta ous) malian Ciencia UNG \(@) NOTA: A step towards strengthening democracy? (10) In the judgemenr of PUCL w Dot (2012) ,8¢ hos poved way fer provid- ~ing Mores) te sates et th toe electton candidate lish - the pro viston inserred ja Pats to give cHzen. chol ce to_exercise Thar ii He “right _te vere, in the situation where, whey do nok view athe candiates os thar future representalive Thus, the ‘Nota’ provider a voice for Utizens and - enhance their participation in the democratic exertise- set provide thar ib the number of votes polled “NoTA exceeds the vote Howeva, in the lates Oar Acation van UNIGUE acagemy policd to sit “tandica second highe ee votes polled candidates, then elect ee could not be invalid. The candtdse [as with second higha votes willwo, In this wntexr, the democratte credenHal gets harmed . The mandale ok majonty showd be honoured In fre simple major taran system . Thus, me "NOTA thos been reduced to waste of vote. Hence, there lo need to totionaliae Me paouist on of NOTA as wellos ‘aight fo recall’ ‘taht te rej eur’ kor déepening democrayy. . a az TERT UNIGUE acagemy (e) Need of revival of environmental movement in India (10) The environmenta movement In India has been paralleled with the grasssoot_soclol_movemen's + sect ons of society - tribals who ger harmed due to dwelopmental programs of Govanmenrt - Thus, the environmental move- I men ts remain limited and ind dental. These \ike Cnipko , Narmada Bachao did not spread auvss the wuntuy. In the later phase the pa environmental Causes have been Fought tn tee shive suotet The Judid ony issucd variety of ‘mandamus? jer prouidéd for protection of rivers | Tonuments like Tay mManal etc - 123 Uy jee NaHonal Green THbundl (Ne@r) Se jertere hos not proved skte effictent to [setter establish strong regime for envirn- [ee ~ mental cause: Acwording to Ram Chandra Guha ‘\ndia_is basket cose of envirOnmentalism | The eanien movements wwd nok provide platform for sustained political aston, Thee movemm. also work In opposing to psa jects Man providing alternatives Hence, adctlvist Ike dunita Narayan sugges the Comprehensive Qp proarth ok evological protectin & etono mic development to be taken for strengthening environment Mmoveme ir 1 | ia ' ‘ UNIGUE acagemy 2, o (20) Re Plato an ancient Greck philosopher in” femet | sétfere his work | have pur tnoughir on Ideal state. oe He prescribes the public education Gs @ Necessary por Sbeial system 3 Communism of family 4 propesty as good or economic system and me rule ol philosophes king a an ideal politi cal aystem . His views broughts, the Issuer S\ patvote domain to public , He emphasize on state sponsoree educort on for unibormity in in wdcoting The knowledge and values among the aubyocls of Athens. 125 UNIQUE. acagemy He provides o communism af wives & propeaty os a solution for nepotism and corrupton. He soughr to pro duce eugenic race Mire ugh wmmunism of wives . Thus, he pursucd for py Non-extstence of ‘private family system for guardian close, He soughr ‘to _esfablish the rule ob philosopher king who has supreme viata ok knowledge . Thus, the knowledg q woud aut in the governance Howeva, he was criticised bor the ‘communtsm' notion by his disdple Avishotte. Acwrding to him, tre Hime tested institutions Ike family should not be revoked and zeit Ao UNIGUE acagemy Necessary for the shabili'ty od soddy: Thus, he pervaded the Plato for reestablishing the PHvate fealm of family. which can be seen in his late works of ‘how s* Plato's woncepHon of PrvalPublic’ seems radicol and Mme _absolutist , os citicised by Karl Poppe , oF ib harms the individuals freedom of exercising He choice for the soke “public good’ Yer, the Plato's conception Neci +d be understood to Me wntext of Giveinmenral slfuaon of, Athens 6k which he was a witness. Scholae like Cw Taylor “points our thar Plot's views e jester kad fre [retfecern Canaiates ere marta . met nor ot subordinatim, bur more ok paternalistre 127 UNIQUE © : et Machiavelli, ; in his work "The Prince’ [BR ae Ties Ceara es has given prescription Yer sewHhy fem and unity of state For_consoli dart orf In his lata work, “Discourses” he emphasized on sulrok Aupublic , thus alternating the earlla vlaus of Strong - state: In tre “Prince” he sugg este tne expa neionisr policy , Nattenal army duct morality to Prince for strengt— a hening natton- state: The wntext of his “writing in’ his phore was difbereat «than later phose. He envisioned the shong \taltan notion-stute to overtome the problems of state - He was EERE UNIGUE acagemy skeptical abour the no oli ty and held them responsible for Toskati it hy in politi col systers. While In “Discourses” he suggests fre eula to ensure freedom for people. According to him,” Wherever possible , Repurslic showld be established Wheryer necessary . Monarch showd swe) but in no condition. Aristo crety .* He beliver thor the people with high Viakue should be given Hight of liberty and sell pole. Though , Mere are different Views on sualing of stare in both works ; There are Some simil arf tov. He prescribes the both type ok polities for shobility & welbare Ratha, he 129 UNIGUE acagemy : : tee prebes sepubli canis for virtuous pesplaer, He was againsh the nobility, — wis Poca medi evalish sod ey. feet oo a ey ch a =e He didn't give prekerence to church \n his) Moughts’ rowing seudar princi plex. Thus, Machiavelli hoo been decribed os a transiHonal thinket past eg laeyt iain 7 Sienben yobs peltiyh © (as) Karl) Marx ja his work provided for the emandpation of human being from exploitation of Capi tatist| system. In. his SSuephues Heenan ye systeman cally auounl fer the exploirarton ok workers in the honds 6} tapi totist Bourgedisie. Actording to him, the forces of production lilce land, capital, enterprise ger value duc to work of the workas. Workas get only paid for his work and wok the share ek probit swhich \s grabbed by Capi talist . He also shows the alfenatton of wWorkess from product, proces, society and himselk due to mechani- -sHe system Bk Capitalism. The alienation is caured due fo contradi— ~ choay notion i human creative & soda narure, Thus, Marx criticises Me Capi tolls in gtonomic and philosophical way trough his “theory of Surplus Value! and ‘Alienation’ respectivdy. Hence, he Suggest the overmrnw of Capi bolts system by Violenr 31 UNIGUE acagemy revolution to ger bum workers freic.. law fom explotration and establisr the [etm for of 4 solutimts fac” jmmunis sodety See dienaton. ieee Howeva, he was oiticised by the scholar like Max Weba for his etonomic derevminism!' His views were bosed upon the ewnomic baste strurure giving monocaural teor Hence, the Antonio Gramsti add the ideological dimenstons to Capi Fal st sod ety analysts GusHficatton o\ later Maratsts like Acwrding to him, me explo/ tation & alfenarion is given hy tne Ideological strurctures. Hence, the ‘war of positron’ should precede - the ‘war of mano evure ‘ to Free Fro 1 [a ————— UNIGUE. acagemy a4 © i » Neo- Iberatism a tradition of though which revived the tenets or, Classica} _Uberalism In_aoth Centusy . The excers> fous on individualism, liberty, free - Marker aonomy were benught to junta Me _welkarsh _opproath upheld by western vlouninie. FA. Hoyele , an ardent champton ol Neo-libe mu tsm destribe Me Individual a ‘sell. interested sass bel ng. The classical liberolish notion on aks misc individuals, thus supported i for reviving possessive individualism, According to him, the sodety is made wp of atomistic Individuals. State is @ANecess ony evil , Showd wore UNIGUE. acagemy only os ‘ night-warchman stare’ fee. Protection of life, Liberty & property adhering fo Locktan Noton He suggests the _free-martet etonomy as qa rational system . fuerdiny| to him,, the efree- marker eonomy is Gusk & dunocabe a5 it provides equal Op portun i ty to. all to Flourish.» prosber auordi ng to merit & abilites. Thus, he. oppose the ' tux & spend poli uy suggested by keynes . He defines taxation ar a bonded labour & godajuch’ce Gs mirage By fordng The unnecessary burden of taxation, shate harms the al ea # [rete jee Candaats est at em arn liberty of individual. Marker will 341 UNIGUE ee acagemy fake of fuir distribution by equitable [ae" jerfere exchanger. Stat hos no ght to mani pul are fey he sake, of tie es defined gociad urtice’ Howeven, The neo - libtral tradiH m pursued by Thatcha in VE & Nixon in USA proved to be unjust. There are wi dening inequali Hes in all soderies- The globalisation found on the principle 4 neo-liberaism have produced unequal exchanger, aMOng tne cor & periphery states ok globe. Thus, solling back of stole for sake of marker hos beep proved b be explo Fottve and ‘unjuer for sodey as whole. UNIQUE acagemy © \Artnashashha' is a text of aot Hindu poll cal tradition’ ,. written by KouH yo, The work giver the guidelines ker tne admini straror in realm of politi col eonomy . Acwording to ott cs. the Works ot, Arthashashha_ only fous on pracHcal notHons Han any found principled theo retteal work. Artnasttra sugges fer the good Toxatton | allocahon , war poliey welfadst approach expansion of land _& wealth > 900d mini ster af system (Saptaug) , tures of punishmar Supportiug religious systems cast and 364 acagemy inegalitartan Caste System, Hence, the work Seems fo be more of manual devord of philosophical, moral precepts Howevtr, the cities like Robert Boes chin puts that Attnashash fre has moral feundattons and comprise the world view of ideal poliHcal system embedded with soual, adtnic religious, aultural ayster) like other anciat Indtan tought - Arthoshashta subscribes to ‘pharma! to be \ollo wed ly evey one in the polity & sodety . Thus, the norms & srandards aye drawn from Dharmoshastra tradi Hon Along with this, the _Arthashashea Suggests {0 adhere to realism , esped ally 37 UNIGUE e acagemy in the external sphere. Kau ay in fhe -external sphere. Ioutliydi Br, defines King os Vifigighu and suggesr a him te analyze the geopolitical ie a Yealitter in jungle ok in tewtah relations: Thus, Atthashashba exhibits: the philesophical principles & realist appro aun ber prescri pH on of wef are shade © as) MN Roy , @ Radicol humanist hes given his thoughts on society besed on humanism. His viewr on humanism are radical ,as those are different from Uberti, wmmunist , fastirt notions. According fo him, communist eystem puss man unde egd ok este clas: 381 i acagemy while fas ciom puis man unde egd ok Naton - He draws Mme cwncepHom of freedom from liberal treditHton j-e- i . Mheren freedom 6}, individual 03 otAght . Howeva, he goes beyond thes tradition to make the conception of Cosmopolitan charache , An Individual ir free In true sense, when is heb unde any collective eqo and follows ‘veason’ driving Me seutiar_moratry is publle realm. Thus he envistons sod ety as a collectve of radically Free Individual s. He ,thus, prescribes the democrouy in sodety to be established om the UNIGUE acagemy pind ples of feason, ethics, freedom His thoughts on freedom does nok mit the freedom fom the BHtsh wade wr krcedom fom the collective sense paving way bere sodieky of equat indivi duals - Hence, do realiae the freedom, he sugges partylesr demo crary which auolds the ego of party, cormption hy pardy ° In his thought , he go beyond he national boundaries & sought to establish Cosmopoli tab demo crary to free al} humanieind - Thus, his wnception ok Freedom Yesonakes with idea of Gandhian’ Swargj’ emphasial ng on individual as an + important 4001 a OU ly UNIGUE acagemy a6 . Lord Bryce pub mat" test ob excellency PRS, farite, ek any government can be Conducted [St ra om how Its dudiclany works" In The Indian Context, the Judiciary hos long been playing a cAhcol role \pr Aght & Interests of uHzens and sustaining the demoua- —) CRONE spirit 4 Indian republic. The varouws factors have been caused for activism of judiclasy such 08 Wfallure of exeustive & Judi dary (@) Public Interest LI gation 0) People considering judictayy os a last roy of Wope. () AcHuism of judicial oFHicas. (5) Global trend. UNIGUE acagemy X17 Failure of Exeoutive & Legislature - ee = Ear ‘ The go0tho-ewnomic & Political developmen ty in Indta ave at dibperent-fre™ pace: The electoral polit obligatim hurdles the popular representat m to Toke proactive steps in socio~ ewnomic realm. Hence, judicdary come forward to establish const tuh ona} equality os enuistoned in Sectlm Ott, triple. tala4 udgen eur - fy PL - \k has been ralsed os a instu- -~ment ber public spirited citizens td bring justtce for marginalized sections wher other organs did ful veasiac- eg. Rights of \abourtas ) People wonsidering Judiuaay o» last A ok hope — 421 a P ; ey pe extent. With the. Gwartnem thee is litgatrn explo sion’ in recent years. Peo In the criminaliaatten of polities, corrupt on, people tend to sce Judiciary bo fale up for Meir caure Ay Active judictosy ~ dudges are being proauive since their wonsdoushess abou tnda drwle in \ndian poll as - The Interprerartm ok constitutional text and Wghr hy pyecle Vegts\cnes Sheu powe. paved way fer is) There ts global trend of judi cdasy being ‘super legislature’ : ‘super executive! xGy Const hihi ona) preulerivies — fudict at yey | ow, , independence of, qudtd asa | contemph” at wur ekt strengthened and \egitimfacd autons ot, glue iclals judicial attulsm, UNIQUE acagemy (o) (15) [patent With the end ok ongress system! see |Retfera \n 196%, there har been emergenve & |e eve lun'on ef muh party system In Indio. In the words of abtabsd sarany | Indian party wystem hor transkormed Its -nabore os -. Wht pera to Conte bugal. (a) Consensual to Competitive (2) One party to mull poaty (4) holisHe pluralism to segmented pluraism We, , Mil party sucker gai Strengthened due to Hse in regimal onplrartans twrough _teglonal par e« and 06 poliHts aggravated by MandaliacHow. acagemy It gave the platborm o} ae di} ferent voices of the Indion polluy [fen transcending caste, Guture, language, ee region, religion ele - Thus Multi party Sy stem paved w ay for deepening of, demo uray | Reasons for emergence of mullt party ay End of: Long resy ston ~ Dikkerent poli cal autos with tain bow ideclogia emerged af new partes - Janae pasty longress (s) et ay national (we. day Green Revolut m _ Auordiug to Rudolph & Rudolph, me rise ok dominant caste & regional parties has. tts xoob in the Gro RevoluHm. & 14s UNIGUE. acagemy Ld RegionalisBHox led to veg emergence er farfire and deepe strengthening of regional = parties ~ ShivSeno, Aleali Dal: leet 4) Mandal implementation — Ome partter of UP, Brhar- SP,4DW) ek- 43) Grass rool democrmy - a4, zq™ amend ~ - ment led to flourishing ot largenum — — ber cre part es ALY Wali Hon_politics offered the spate kyr parties In poli ticod Nnogotatm, © powe sharing. © 15) | Indian federaism hos brena_dynamit and signi kican F \eature es Indian politics: Puc to emergence of Coalitton polittes , the role of Shutes, regional partes in poli ti col dessins gol \ncrcased Strengthentag federal spit OL Indian polth core 46 UNIGUE acagemy In the post liberalized era, there * is. aise ok Competitive & w-oberative ee federalism Where the constihibnt- a Cun > wom pete wherever Becessery posiblk and w-oepernte wherea necessary due to politi co- axonomical realittes. The enlarged mle of marker ted fo Crunching of resources. Hence for the sake ok resources & developmen’, state do compete te attract foreign & pedvate Investow by \iberallsing durles & NOrMS , regular on of busines Due to inter-state wate, § boundary disputes, states are shuggling in Juridical & politica arena. Due tp monsvona and enviasnmental Seu , the Inter shakk water digpubee 147 hor bewme appeals & arpikartons. UNIGUE acagemy ew [sue of emotive aggravating sub national The oalitton poliHos, led the étautes pe regional parties nego Hating for more powe sharing In nattmal pol'He- With NIT) Aayog | tne advent of GT regime states fell comp elted to , Wroperae for the shared vlstm of development - The quest a development & strengthening Oy gras ADoF democray, there are rising demands for reo urcer by _swb-federal unllr Ike PRIs, ULBs eh Thus, 481 Indian Federalism show tom plex & dynamic relabonship ta wreak f

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