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ISHUBHRA RANJAN |One Stop for Civil Services Examinations 79910812719. Website: shubhraranjan.com Telephone : 011 45612 Political Science & International Relations Test-7 [Time Allowed: Three Hours Max Marks: 25 Crash Course and Test Series: Name:_Trupti_ Dhodmise Test Date, 12 10.9118 UPSC Roll Number:_6 6 10 836 Email Address: a Mobile: Instructions: 1. There are eight questions divided into two sections. Candidate has t attempt five questions in all. Question numbers | and 5 are compulsory an out of the remaining, three are to be attempted, choosing at least one fron} each section. The number of marks carried by a question/part is indicated against it. Word limit in questions, wherever specified should be adhere to. Content of the answer is more important than its length. 2. Content of the answer is more important than its length. 3. Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the admission Certificate. 4, Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question-Cum-Answey Booklet must be clearly struck off. 5. All parts of the question should be written at one place itself. 6. Write the test in exam atmosphere. Q.No. Marks Q.NO. Marks: ai e —— a7 2 ff we RANJAN ces GEC er fa) SECTION- A ‘rite a short note on / answer the following in about 150 words each: 10*5=51 jarks, ‘Aurobindo’s Ideal of freedom Sri Aurbindo Ghosh hos given different Conception of freedom than traditonal political streams His ideal of freedom has spiritual dimension and hence wida than the political [berty based on indiuidualitm or economic freedom from necessitie . He mentions freedom of individual os freedom of inne soul, An individual should have Freedom to develop the soul fo meer transcendental univewal reality be. whHmate spiitual truth. He puts that the Freedom would SHUBHRA RANJAN One Stop for Services Examinations Ee moe ESSE Telephone : 012 45612719/ 9910012719, Web: bhraranian.com liberate man er dmatedal aspiraHons. This sell \ibe realised or spiritually berated man woud help other by gui d ény for realization of spirit - Thus, the Wberared individuals wowd form the {deal ood ery, This sodely will nourish the freedom +0 realize tHe Integral_humanity in which all will cnsida themselves a7 a part of whole. As Aurvbinde belickues thar Indian hor potential to quide tne world to attain spin tuality , he suggests the political breed orn through political atttons againsr impetal nult os @ pre-condition for universal exercise of Integral Humanism SHUBHRA RANIJIAN One Stop for C Services Examinations ao aes ToT 03% 45632719/ 9910912719. Website: shubhraranjan.com ny Telephon: (b) “Communitarianism is an Intellectual response to the growing crisis in the liberal societies of the west.” Comment. Liberal societies of West are based upon Me emphasis on individualism , natural rights and Free- marker exonomy . Howeva, the currenh aisis In these sodcHer such og widening Inequalities, tyranny of majonty 5 seenophobia cds kor alternate system of Tnought - In this wnte?, communitariasy suggest an alternative . It emphasiae upon tne proalty of wommunihy ove individual | pony e+ wmmon ood ee ova wight | part udarism ove univers — ~alism elt - = OASSEO Communi tari anism criicise the homogeinity employed by liberals. 3 SHUBHRA RANJAN One Stop for Civil Services Examinations for SE oe Cree re eer Te Telephone : 011 45612719/ 9910812719, Website: shudhraranjan.com They specibically targes the Rawls concepH on ob justice which is devoid of understanding of wmmunily , and Lom plex nature ok sod ty, According to them, the Identical norms imposed by liberal stare led to crisis of dviliaaHon in the ay socich &- over emphasis on individualism led to domination ove gmup rights \t has led eg imposing Burkha Ran. os le b marginalization oly rise of, extremism. Hence, Hey suggest sped bic approach fer policies minonty and wmmunity Howesa, he \iberdls crittciac tris noHon due to threat hettoiaahig (Amn cry o sen) leading to threat to national unity. and political stability in long run: SHUBHRA RANJAN One Stop for Civil Services Examinations 528, Uppar Ground, Puss Road, Near Karol Bagh Metro(Metro Pillar: 122), Delhi 120005] Telephone : 011 45612719/ 9910812719. Website: shubhraranjan.com () /Neo-Pluralism. Pluralism denotes the systen ob though which gives an exp ression fo diversity of doctrines hold by people in’ he sodety - As, sodety uwmprised of people with differen’ views , The plurati sin is bound fo emage with vising cwonsdourne , availability of aight to resto Freedom of}, speech andl exprertt excercise SH UBH RA RANJAN Stop for Civil Services Seas ions (a) Distinguish between Ideological state apparatus and repressive state apparatu: Marxian tradition of thought asserts shotuc State os an app arehus in the hands of bourgerisie 40 exercise domination over proletariat - Antonio Gramsti in his “Prison Note" give two dimensions of stale apparatus . Auording to him, the copirelism holds over Society nob only thvough _represstve_strechanisvo_ (pati Ge- use of wecion bur also an ideo lugital mechanism, whith he calls os o ‘hegemony’ Ideological stake apparatus worke through system of dvil soxiety while repressive stole apparatus works trrough system of politica institunons z SHUBHRA RANJAN One Stop for Civil Services Examinations Telephone : 011 45612719/ 9910812719. Website: shubhreranjan.com The ideologia apparatur wnstst of pourgelor norms , ideas, mes trickled down through sturcures ok family, church, media etc - while coertion is exerdsed tnrough the police army \deological apparatus worle to Induce manu hodwrng wnsenh ais people segarding legit may ok capitalist syste while repressive, al only into piduc when Ideology fails to work . [deogi cal apparatus, on stature ok legitimartn while represy (ve apparatus works as Stucke ok _werion . thus, worles \n the presenr context, neo- Marxist] assum thar mass media work kor capi ralist ; inaglebal platform while on U> failumy IgE aae7s wountWes wages war on tenor fr 8 dominatian. eee ee RANJAN 1 Services What are the main Ideas of Post-Modernism? Post Modanism has its epistemolog- ~ ical roots in the thoughts 4 Lyotard Who express tne Increduilty towards metanarratves Thus, the post.modani sm repudiates me objectivity establish- Led by dominant schools of thoug his The post modernisr scholars call tne traditional paradigms oF disvouses and wndenn thom for assation ok vuuth whids Tey call a6 ‘dogma! Acording fo them, there is no absolute tath * Knowledge Ir creared by someone , fora some ipuypane They suggest ne double reading fo redlisme the interpre tation ok text, Site They give wncept of genealogy which denofes He evolution of truth. 9 SHUBHRA RANJAN One Stop for Civil Services Examinations ESE eee Sea ee NTE Telephone : 011 45612719/ 9910812719, Website: shubnraranjan.com and pur thar every knowledge: har » own history. The post mo den scholars suggest tne intertextualihy.afor Subjective understandings Oe phonronomenon - They pub thar the metanarratives give the iden Hee and freeze ik for just ficatton of orda. Thus, postmodanitt give difterenr conce prions ok systemahit thoughts - Michel Focault give different wnception of, Powe oz knowledge’ and thus how Mme knowledge is ured to establish systemaltc politics Cbio-politics) for_perpetuation The posh modeanism led fo Influence many systems of though Ps- ae Making posto lonialisyn | post eminisin ete bringing the _systam of though divesse_ and dem oval 10 SHUBHRA RANJAN One Stop for Civil Services Examinations CEs Mater Peg eerie eT tS Telephone : 021 45622729/ 9910812719. Websi ubhraranjan.com Que.2 (a) ‘Answer the following. ‘Define Political Theory? Explicate the difference between Political Theory an Political Philosophy? What role does Political Theory play towards th improvement of human society? (20 Marks, 250 words) Political Theory is defined os QO systematte knowledge of political phenomenon The fheovy werk analyzes The poliH cal systems, aus, methodogies employed by unity while ensuing the autnortfotive _ alle carton of _valuee . The politica theory affempt> to dekine political wncepts | tee analyse the intermeing element A tre System and Pee to build treony narratt ng the phenomenon \n political sph are eg. The theovy of political developm ent uu SH UBHRA RANJAN top for Civil Services See ‘041 45612719/ 9910812719. We analy2 the study of, nature ok polii- - col systeme , functional differentiation in the polity ove the Polod of time. Dikkerence from _poli Heal philosophy — Political philosophy deal with ideals, Malues which ore essential bor the ideal so deky - Wn context fo this me poli rica the ory analyze the gap between preenh and idea), the political philosophy merely fo we upontedetermine and prescribe The valuer while pholitical Theory strives to develop The athon treory to_deaive values, The poli Hi cal theory Functions for criti examination of political reality while politcal philosophy lack sudh crihtead function 2 SHUBHRA RANJAN One Stop for Civil Services Examinations Spat terrane ere ree Telephone : 011 45612719/ 9910812719. Website: shubhraranjan-com The politi cal theowy employs politi cal sdence for tne sdmtific theoriHcizatton which discovers and describes the ‘facts’. while putting this syste matizali m , politic ~ al rreorm also indudes the philo - a so phical_arpet to give the objetive ok its study. Thus, political theorsr is known as a park political sdentish and pack philosopher ~ its: politi ca) philosophy gives diredon to study ol political sdence to esfablish sysbemalt ¢ political theory. Role ok Political theory - The poliHital Theory while desuribing facts of soddy, gives insight on launaes , drawbacks In B SHUBHRA RANJAN One Stop for Civil Services eee St LG io Sere err Telephone : 031 45512719/ 9910612719. Website: soudy and taking help of ‘values’, it suggests The remedy tp strive fprity eg. The value of dustice in ancient sodety , olkirms the jush ficatton system Hence, The Aristotle ok slaw stabis quo. Hreomy suggest for While, with evolution of sodety tne conception ok equality based quotice bewme o value. Thus , the moden | sodeties Dt strived for fre elimination of ‘disc mination In the sod Cy: to establish jurttce making wl ‘equal Thus, political theoay using poli Hical selence and. philosophy strives for better sodely - SHUBHRA RANJAN One Stop for Civil Services Examinations SEDC ae eee ET: Telephone : 011 45652719/ 9910812715. Website: shubhraranjan.com (b) [Does the Marxist theory of mode of Production adequality explain th relationship between economy, politics and society? (15 Marks, 200 words) Haniel Greelllet Pade is a historical analysis of ewnomy, poli tes and society Auording to Karl Marx at very epoca ,'exonomy” is bose \pr politicrand 4ociedy - He gives the atwunt of andent, mediwal, copit alist sou cies in which the mode of production ok that epoch led to. establish class relations and Mature of sodety Ret ee Andwr ee calli eee Master and sto medivd Lange aes agvi ute] — househild Gp Indusval Capitals capita ise dod dy and work Lord & ser} SHUBHRA RANJAN One Stop for Civil Services E inations Seer ae ery E Telephone : 031 45612719/ 9910812719. Website According to_Marx tne mode of produc ~ Hon determine the won kl ching intecuay in the politics. amd In his words, ‘ hishory of way epoch, is histoy acloss struggles". acwrding to him, the ideas om which socienes ort posed are the ideas ol; awling lore which generale ideas the false cons clousness among The depressed classy e3 jesrity ina prevalent system s Thus, Mark Suggest to nook our the ewnomic base and fer which will wWitimerely Theown our the political ang sodera) sup erstautture Re suggest, the workeass in capi Palit to undergo violent xevolutton to establish The sovialist stare» In the 4ubsequent Program, the workers should stvive for weed ow remnants eb 16 SHUBHRA RANJAN One Stop for Civil Services Examinations SS acer en eee eer Telephone : 011 45612719) 9910812719. Website: shubhraranjan.com capi Falism for withering away of stake to establish @mmunist sodety | Howeva, the interdependent nature of analysis of Mare hos been criticised by Max Weber. According him, this Preory is economically deferminishe and do not wonside ac the other aspeds of sod cty - leadership) organiaation, et. Fh lt is nok always the economics shaping polities and society 5 but politics and sod eby also shape eonomy. Fr example, the capitadtch western store hos te embrace welfavism due to pressure from politics and socety . The neo-Marxish and critical school the ors attempted fo give insights on such equi um in their shudi es| Vv SHUBHRA RANJAN oS Stop for Civil Services eS z a ek eat 11 45612719/ 9910812719. Website: shubhraranjan.com (Q Why Fascism is not considered as a coherent Ideology. Explain the factors that lave tise to Fascism. In this light, differentiate between Fascism & Nazism. (L Marks, 200 words) Fascism is wot wnsidered ora tohent ideology bur “hod ge -podge of idear. IE has no wntinuly inithe web of Hougnts rather +thef fascist choore and pick he tener of otha ideologies. Fascists leaders whitle adhering to sodalisk_palndple bulld wrporde Stote and esustain the topiralism in Thar regime. They invoke myth of hatton ' and ‘mytrok race’ for Mar Vested interest and promote the propaganda. “ nationalism and ant- semiHsm . The fascists regime subscribes to imperialist bendencies unda policies such as ‘Labensreaum. This idedlogy subordinates Lndividual to whole under 18 SHUBHRA RANJAN One Stop for Civil Services Examinations Seca ee eet SErSCSererr Telephone : 011 45612719/ 9910812719. Website: shubhraranian.com teem eulogiaing Ubermensh (Supaman) os they only leader. The focus giving tse to Fascism are mainly the unstable polity and dwinding esnomy in the wuntes. ; The ewnomic crisis ob W305 and wartern Germany Subhered the unemployment , patce ist efe- Unde nis ciruums tances, leaders distort tre Facts or reality and invoke he emotive issues for political 04 pi rats. Ausrding to Hannah Arendt | the lackob public realm led to individuals being supe bluouis ete ond rise of distorted Ideologies whidh induce dred just’ ty tervr Unde such rgimer 19 SHUBHRA RANJIAN One Stop for Civil Services E inati f528, Unper Ground, pusa Road, Near Karel Bagh Metro(Metra Se Telephone : 011 456427 10812719, Website hraranjan.com The Italian Fascist and German Nozi regime are types of totalitaran regimes ok interwar penod- The ftalian regime use the German Nezi while Myth ok Nation ea invoke Myf of race for justi ticaty a0 ok rele ations . Mussolini impose he borporate state lo Italy while Gerbitla use independent Capi ralt st for own interes Mussolini invoke wor pollu for He sake ol; national supenonhy The while Hitla, supporrcd WOT herr expansion pr ove Upwded Gemany. Howeres, both regimes are show similarities in ¢ ideology, tenor, totalitarianism in their 2Wles- Oe eee SHUBHRA RANJAN One Stop for Civil Services Examinations [Answer the following. lAnalyse the concept of power fiom different analytical perspectives? What are lhe salient features of Hannah Arendt’s notion of power? (20 Marks, 250 words) “Powe ’ is Centra) conceph of politi In such a Woy thar Laswell deiner Roy ‘Politics as a struggle ker powe. There pre differen’ analy h cad pespariq - ves OVE POWER. The tradiHonal toncepr holds Fhe view of ‘powerover’. Marxist Surolars view power as an_aonomic terms and exercised by Capi Falist ov workess - The dite pes peut ver holds hod- power is exercised by elie groups andrinbluence he polid while plural pesperives hold Hak Me powe hold unequally among different qvoups ferming Yekormed polyarchy ’ a1 One Stop for Civil Services Examinations PAM one creer nieces Telephone : 011 45512719/ 9910812719. Website: shubhraranian.com The policies are oukvome of Negolt atien among suvn groups Than crudaHng elite of dite posure The feminists tavous light on powe exercised in private sphas by men over women unda pat arthy . The wonstusctive views over powe hos been given by LC® Matphesty Hannah Arendy Mahatma Gondhi , Amartya Sen ett: They give pempechive £ BR Meephe of “powet ate" be C & Macpherson points our thot ees, extrauive power empowerment. ny : “inegalitanan and development powes favour \er well okb : |, democrat fpr developme 5 sod coextsh which He suggest his \ d Fadicos_modd o -ntol pows of all: 32 SHUBHRA One Stop for Civil 228, Upper Ground, Pusa Road, Near Karol Telephone : 013 45612719/ 992081 hraranjan.com Mahatma Gandhi also views power as an empowerment. He assayr the empow erment to _resth unjust oxuthoad by while - empowaing eachothe through oceanic circle’ prindy Amarta Sen's app capability ap proach suggest dwelopmental pow & to sfreng nn democray . The post modan view of power give dikkerenr untradi tie nel noHon. Michu Fouutlh expres it oF 'Knoulledge as power! , | iv -powes’ ele. Hannah Arendt's notion of pow et Aus rding to ha, powe 15 diffe reny Tha strength, which Is of individual charactes ; force which is naturel ; violence belonging t? a SHUBHRA RANJAN One Stop for Civil Services Examinations eee eT Telephone : 011 45512719) 9910812719. Websit: bhraranjan.com Wertive atton of state . Acwording to he, powes {sof human world, ' belongs to group while auting -in-concerk hak power Is sul She assaP Qeneri sis - is True powa. She sugges’ the The power ok pwolic realm public part cipation | deliberation fac cette rear ning and development) ok quod policies. , Auording the, being Zou -politicton makes Individudl empoweed z Thus, Hannah Arendt sugqur LollecHue, communicative action for betterment of human sodey uring tonstaucnhve ula of powe. 34 {b) ‘Compare & contrast the Austin’s theory of Sovereignty with Laski’s theory o} ‘Sovereignty, which theory is more relevant and why? (15 Marks, 200 words) Soverciqnty deals with supreme autnoaity of political entity In \ts pre-defined. boundaries. Theear various neories + soveelgnty of Stare determining tne scope of state working in internal and external sphes . Jean: Austin was Hot thinkes who pasught Hreoay of sovesetqnty in politi cal Thought. Rusrding te him. state \s Supreme,, bur limited by ‘Siuin laws, tustomary lows , Thus, he pw altho H hy ok shot inkertor bo religlous and custo many inshi Fwrtow. The stale gers limited sphae to work auto nomowly 35 One Stop for Civil Services Examinations Ed ac Grete eee Telephone : 011 45612719/ 9910812719. Website: shubhraranian.com Harold Loski, in his treo of soverel gnty give pluraliste concept. He denier the Supremary ot state . Awording to This view , The universe is mull dimensional and _wmplex and it employs similarly to state - Hence, stat Can not work in Me all sphacs - Acos rding to him, shale is \aspoctation of associations’ and work oF arbita. in solving the vonkiian na inter of aso Uations. While Laski glues cleave piuure of seope of state fer functioning, Austin’s views puts pioienlicer gs demarcared by \imits of divinity. Laskile stare aur os on_arbifes while Austin does not put arbitrary functton to the stare. 36 UBHRA RANJAN top for Civil Services pad ac 1S bs ea ea reer ee? 1 051 $5632719/ 9910812719. Websi ubhraranjan.com Howwa, both the perspective my ulkimate supremary a shure established since Lpckedn Liberal tradition | In the wontexr of Avlling back of stale palmary of marker | aist of Internationa) , supra national ins tution, the Soveretynty ot state has been eroded undu the voncephion of ‘pooled so verelgnty) soverugn ty oF responsi bili ty- Suen \tmited stale authori hy resonates with Laski's concept of shared sovereiqnty than Austin's Interior conception . 7 SHUBHRA RANJAN One Stop for Civil Services Examinations Ee Meco Telephone : 011 45612719/ 9910812719. Website: shubhraranjan.com (c) [Cstically examine the relationship between democracy and social jstce fom 1e perspective of Gandhi? (15 Marks, 200 words) Gandhi has been supported of qras root democray and srdal justtce based on Swarm) - Auording to him, “the Swaray will ensure the freedom fer individua} and absence of exploltarive forms In te sodefy: He sup po Hy The democrauy from Ine instifuttons of PanchayaH Raj {nstt futons. The democrattc decentralisation will empower the sodety throagh like waves in oceanic cirdes . this em po Werment will give powes tv eveyone to xesish ournoarlty and to speck taurh to power . He ulsustic, the indiuidbot tnulstons 38 ee ri ie ee ae J328, Upper Ground, Puss Eee Telephone : 011 555 hraranjan.com be peform his dure tn his achon to wards souety fo get nights ds mutual response . for xample, a individusl treat ome or of tqual moral worth of himselk, te will witha vay the forms of explol Fation . The democrary will ensure the freedom and equality in soueky and hence the sodal justice — toe. Howwe, his viavs have been criticised by eAmbed kon . According to Ambedkar, Me villages are dens ol Ignorance and hence deny the politi col empoweasmen| thas ugh PRE or sudh inshi turions: , 39 SHUBHRA RAN JAN Stop for Civil Services Exa Se cee ee hone : 011 45612719/ 9910812719, Website: shubhroranjan.com Acording to him, democrary is based upon the fabte of Liberty, equality and fratemity. The India as is Full of in graded inequall ty which can not msurt he sodial democray Hence he suggests the alpirmah ve agHon bor upliftment ok hist» Healy disadvantaged sett ms \tee women, Dat empowa Them and increase their ib de which will cons Uoumness - However, & despite this cr Him, (randhis views on grass roof democray for soda justice holds significance Tri Hine Maree Xa Peale vel ipnser and indusive gxowth SHUBHRA One Stop for ¢ Ques (a) Section- B es short note on / answer the following in about 150 words each: 10x5=50. Pepa and Radical humanist perspective of Indian National Indian National Mowement nab beiome an objeu a inveshg ation and cd Hcdsm ker Marxist and Radical humanists 4 due bo i dominance of elite leadar and_* mass metnodology employed unde Gandhi . Marxist perspective onticise (Nm) as bourgeloisic movement while Radical humanisk perspective ciHase if for being mer politica program - Maraist scholars like Rc Out, AR Desos criticise INM \pr ignoring any program ler masse while Radi calhumanish JMLNi Roy erttelse IN for establishing staong state post ings a SHUBHRA RANJAN One Stop for Civil Services Examinations Ma irae 44 45622719/ 9910812719. W. shubhraranjan.com Marxist gcholars caH cise In for subjugating the Peasant and worker cause while PLN Roy point our lack of humanism bosed on the ethics and freedom jn that. Marxist outs on the woncern i hile for marginalised in The INM whil MN Roy viuws INM through lens ok humanism os whole: Marxisk criticise INM bor establi 4 . shmontr a srak bosed upon weston \Wberal demo cay while Radical huma- ar parse suggest for radical yacssesty: ReNIOLCre Howwa, both puspedive the uontext and nature of ignore i iol t itish mule and imperialism of Bris ae al Acduce Meir analysiz economic & ‘ame 102 SHUBHRA RANJAN One Stop for oe SiMe 041 456127197 9910812719. (Metro Pillar: 322), rt Be ebsite: shubhraranjan.com Telepho: {b) “Fundamental duties are just a codification of Integral view of Indian way of Life.” Comment. Funda menta) duties are inserted into the Indian Gonsitutton by 4nd constitutional amendmanrt ach (424A) In 1946 alter Me recommendatton of Swaran Singh lommittic. Sua ws The duties are morgt obligatims| of Individuals towards Indfan Stale and non -enke reeable . It ls feature of sotialish state Iike USSR. The duties indude rerpur towards the nakonal symbols, preservation of bsp therhood, the tonservahion ok envinonment and maintenance of international peace | the FDs are not state-sped fic but expects the integral viaw of expe - SHUBHRA RANJAN One Stop for 1 Services Examinations Sea niretcr SE Telephone : 011 45612719/ 9910812719. Website: shubhraraniaa.com Caxton yom citizens while enjoying “fughis in different spheres While claiming the GH2enship , they are expecred to celebrate _nation- -alism and noble ideals of freedom shredigqhe- In sod ea A ane +o live with polidarily ee unt hy and intar ty. The = respeur toward mothe carn and living creatures alse \gind us place In prindples - At the same Hime, the rie ie Inte rnatonal peace norm of ‘Yasud hat stvive rowa is bored wpon me -vUa Kubumbakam' Howeve , me FPs are criti ded \or non- inclusion enol duty of voting and paying tare whith are epential for the stability of democrahe state Portover, Non-enborteabiliry leads ik to bewpme just Codificatten than Strong forge - a“ SHUBHRA RAN JAN One Stop for Civil Services E SORTER a ie seri Telephone : 053 45512719/ 9910813719. Website (¢) [Secularism of Indian Politics is a myth.” Comment. Indian Sewlarism is a dikkaeny than westem wncepHon which adheres to stich seperation of religion and politits, Indian state does nok observe the strict Seperation athe claims right ok intervention fpr the sake of public morality and orda. Indian consi hunon trea all religion equally and give equal freedom of religion to all while denying any sbete religton to bewme state religion. Howevea, due ko Capability a sto to interfere In relighous matres underlines Me poli of principled distance (Rajiv Dhawan) than of equidistance. SHUBHRA RANJAN One Stop for Civil Services Ex nations Sen Onis emer t cnt Telephone : 011 45612719/ 9910812719. Website: shubhraranjan.com Beyond this, the religion in poli tes has 8 k bewme “beau a Indian polities. The politics parties are formed on més identity. The voting , agenda el are formed on the reltgtous basts . The religious nature of sod ety led to polititizarion of religivn paving woy fr politics of recognition - Hence , Partha Chatterjee , Pus thor seuadansm hos \ailed to establish the religious harmony in the sodety and we need TN Madan suggest thar the Indian mort suitable model . acon eee mee seatlarism of poll tics will not be reality Hil we achiwe Studarism of, sodeky , Which is quite diffiuut- pees; 46 5 HUBHRA RANJAN Stop for Civil Service Examinations Sa eA a eee hone : 041 45612719/ 9930832715, Website: shubhraranian-com (a) Role of peasant movements in freedom struggle? The peosant movements in Indi- Lan Freedom stauggle got the pan- nattonal chara duc to pahonage ok their cause long ress + The freedom struggle indude the agenda ek peorants alts advent of Gand who Aeognized the txploi- - tative aqrivuttuyal polices of Bait sh Raj during Champarun, Khesla Satyagra}, Loser peasant movemen F aggresst L ey push {pr fenany Fekormy , and AW ENE rekorms, erequiaton ok rent ete and zamindar etc- These movements use the Gandhian methods of non-violence | Gui} disobedience (Bardoli sahyagraha ar SHU BHR A Stop for Civil Servi aburaroeiedccom war 45F cuil disobedience movement). weit led fo peacebul agitations of \arer generation ok formar. The movement led to estublish the All India Kisan Sabha in Faizpur Congres session (1930) . the provindal ministtns compelled to toke pr- peasant policies. The agenda ob ‘land fe filler! led fo abolition of Zamindari in post Inde pend ence arenpeniod. How eva, the peasant movemenF wos not uniform and took violent form in movements suchas Telangana which ted te ortablish lek extremism — The movement also wwd nol establish owmnomou? choractes and ib appendage to wngarews led worsening of agriudtural aenomic interest in the long nun 48 SHUBHRA RANJAN One Stop for C Services Examinations Pee Telephone : 011 4561271 0812739. Website: shubhraranjan.com {e) Concept of committed Bureaucracy? The Burcaucrayy are the steel frome of governance duc bo its peraman ent Character. They are responsible for polity implementatim laid our by the political excactiver The wmmitred burcaucrarcy conept emesged in the conteek of ‘emer gyenuy ‘tte’ ol Indira Regime . The emergenry regime laid The centr concentration of autho rl hy into executives and bureaucrary wene experted to ack ano rdingly. AThus, the polit dzatton of burraucrayy [ed ty taint on the autonomy and independen of burtaucrae system. te harmed the Caparity to aut auording to the 49, SHUBHRA RANJAN One wonstiturton .and working auc ding to politi col_expedicny a established political exe wuts The bure aucrovy also seem bo be wmmitted due to their vested interest? - preference toward the postings » pols eke - The federal provisions a unsh- - tution hor wmplicared the matte. As, bureaucray ok AML Ind in Pre stares with lese ont they hore been {a seavices work of state goveanmen® > used as “tool in hands of Centre How we, the bureauumy is striving to maintain Us Independence while working Hon for better public sevice in the Framework ok constitu delivery . 50, A SHUBHR One S$ f ivil Que.7 (a) Answer the following. |Explain the meaning of basic structure of the Constitution. Do you think count }would have slipped towards authoritarianism had Supreme court not invented the [Doctrine of basic structure? (20 Marks, 250 words) The ‘basic stureture' dochine is an Indian Juridicod Innovatfon, which came into existence in the historic judgement of Keshavanand Bharah vs Stake of Kerala (1993), According to this doctrine, the parliament can amend the consti fur - Hon and its all parts , bur cannot take away basic shauerirat beatures Along with this judgement , the later judidal pie eenouncemen F established the bosic features Sth os - Supremauy cL consti tuhon , Sovereign Democraric Republic Charant% 6k Indien poli ry , Secularism, Federalion| 6 SC aie einer eines RANJAN p for Civil Services Examinati Sa eee eee ares 11 45612719/ 9910812719. Website: shubhrarania harmonious balance between ERs & DPSP Article_a2 et: The basic Features are explained by judiciary os essential ones bor sustaining the Indian polity in long Aun, "While liming the power of parliament, it mlarged the scope ok judiciary in Indian polity The judiciaay proactivay interpreted the texts of vonstitutton and enlarged the realm of bosic featur limiting the (egislarures frm making arbit rang \aws. The cenera in which thes pronounce ment took place is also of importance to take inte wnsideration | The Indian political system was witnessing demolished Congress system — 62 SHUBHRA RANJAN One Stop for Civil Se ices Examinations Eee aera uae J Telephone : 011 45612719/ 9910812719, Website: shubhraranian.com rising federal parties , increased use Of, fect CleeSEeeseIh PMcae POU Nea economy was also witnessed the signifi cant decisions of _bonk not onuliaaHon, privy pur € aboliton, MARTP at el: Thus, dthe phose hos been destrbed as transition towards the _outhoritaran regime from popwiar ome. The judicial- legislative tussle hos been witnessed through the @vlaknath tase and auth CAR Thus, thert is tension among organs of govesnment Acording to Zia Modt ‘Though basic shaucture docime seems to be overreach In the Juridical context 63 SHUBHRA RANJAN One Stop for Civil Services Examinations EE eee ean meee Telephone : 011 45612 9910812719. Website: shubhraranian.com the political atmosphert of the era cothas necessitared stun pronouncement Vy bastc Shrautture wowd nok invented, ne Legislature have might have got stapngek and encroa- - dating FR of dH2ems , imbalandng federal polity » long Ferm harm fo euonomy - In the absence ok such dourine, India may re have veadn to similar harm ther a otha post wolonial shares. SHUBHRA RANJAN Stop for C Services Examinations atin Lec eS Telephone : 01 45612719/ 9910812719. Website: shubnraranjan.com (b) ixplain the meaning of Ethnicity? Discuss various types of ethics movements in {nda since Independence? (15 Marks, 200 words) Etnnidty means the sidentity ob language, ace, religion region ete- The ethnic identity leads Ha the demands o\ preferential treatment ro certain typerek groups Eponici ty underlines Hre identhy ok 9 soup and people bind wmmon interests booed upon if: the polttical mobilisation based wpon ethnd ty Tas os, Meni \eature of Indian politics: In thas diverse country, the expresston ok identites are found in political demands, power sharing , public policies ere SHUBHRA RANJAN One Stop for Civil Services Examinations ER ence ee merc Telephone : 011 45612719/ 9910812719, Website: shubhraranjan.com since (Independence, \ndia has witnessed various demands based upon etnnicity - such os demands of state reorganisation hosed b upon language in 1990s. The socio- udtura movement wountering Mme attempl> of imposing northan olture 6 under Mguise of Hindi has expressed the Sub- nabtona-| lisms of southen shores the secessionisr movements Mike Khalistan have 200P In etnnic Khalishar Naga , jdenHhes - The regional movements paved way ber the state reorganisation ar various phoses ot Indian history. The religious identi Hes have also played major nole in The Indian politics: The communal si tts have 665 SHUBHRA RANJAN One coe for Civil Services Exam inet} ons raranjan.com deepened during The Mandir movement ol Hindu majority. Coste [fs one of the mest significant etnnic identities which hos politicised Vtselk Trough movemen® | parties | elections and demands oh reservation elt Ar one side, Me efhnic movements deepen te Faultlines in the diversity ai India , ab otha side, Tk led fo strengthening 4 voices of people Through mobilisatt en om wmmon platform culminating Into deerfarreaching demo cay. SHUBHRA RANJAN One Stop for Civil § ices Selena 56 10 5a Se Telephone :; 011 45612719/ 991081 + Website: shubhraranian.com {c) Examine the logic of coalition polities in India? Do you think that coalition politics impacts the economic growth? (15 Marks, 200 words) The Woalition politics ts a mechani+ -sm in which the various political parties share power in poliuy making. \b is korm of, conso datona) democravy | Howeve,it is dibkerent the Curvpean mult - party cotditon bosed upon pio portional representation F The logic of GaliHon politics in India wmes atin the contexh off majo tarian democray -The political expediency from urge of establishing. government ot central [state \ewel led he parties to wme ond form wall tons These cCodtons are devoid ok any stor ideology bur are formed at the basis of cerfain minimum interests found to bt wmmon. The 68 SH UBHRA RANJAN Stop for Civil Services Exami decades afte 1940 saw the wolutton of coal! Hon politres in India to mature phase- The coalition polls is crittcised duc to 1 inability fo develop early deusions , polity paralysis ete: This moy harm me ewonomic interests ok overall aorem constity - - en. The paris in wall rion strives to ger more beneHl bt thar uonsH fuknclee in the return of sup port fo stable ae the 2° hall, of Minden coalition hishory, witnessed the ewonomic hinderances due fo unstably polity. Howeva, the waliton polities is not always hinderance to grwh 69 SHUBHRA RANJAN One Stop for Civil Services Examinations PT ec ees) nee Telephone : 011 45612719/ 9910812719. Website: shudhraranjan.com Due to more voices, If leads fo make more democrane choices. It leads to take into wnsideratton of welfare of ail settions thus leading to indusive growth. Indian polity ef 21% century saw the mature coalitta in the form NDA- I, uPA-1, vpAtT +ego is oe hand -In- hand with _rising evwnomic grow th - = Hence, me success of wallln politts jn poll ical esonomy depend upon the wisdom o} membas, demand Sauoun tability ok fiom votas and the maturity og overall denrouay 70

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