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[EEISCORE An Institute for Civil Servic IAS TOPPER'S TEST COPY KRISHAN KUMAR SINGH POLITICAL SCIENCE TEST - 4 1L& Matai wT _ Time Allowed: 3 hr. ‘Max. Marks: 250 Instructions to Candidate . + There are EIGHT questions. Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all. + Question no. 1 and $ are compulsory and out of the remaining, THREE are to be attempted. Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission certificate which must bbe stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given for answers written in medium other than the authorized one. + Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to. ‘Attempts of questions shall be counted in chronological order. Unless struck off, attempt of 2 question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion af the page left py ok Salon More, Gntrebe Conlop buef Cleny me Concert Rush. Quote Couteref Atholerg| kegoords] derrin tingle prec . ee Croats ole rem't Con tet nome ts Koen. sings b A ahs Mobile No. a bmnigilator’s Signature_—— Batt gps pr nh a Signature 26a. 3 2 Invigilator’s Signature REMARKS GEISCORE Sa (ESISCORE oak SECTION-A Attempt all questions: 1. Answer c nswer the following questions in about 150 words each: esa ee (2) Discuss Marxist Theory of State (b) Liberty i posed nt and Equality as opposed to each other. Comment. ight the characteristic features of political theo! tical theory stoke Serves tne Ggroptays ca) Sys rem) is corded of = so8ehy (ides gi system a omic Bt produchon 5S) sem) ‘ Stor and {she oil aie (SScoreE coat anor wor can i conheal 09 changing tne. “mean ¢ darerrviniem } 1 mt ie 4nor e/eelatiaaly” 1 capita” crs) guronemous Cour sup per Remarks {aSSCORE Zolonialists Vike, Ab. -frenk and Homzo aw 4 expanded ong duuwtoptn “oorld-. and equality wane poli veal 2 ee is sense °f— e uality ond ~ “enorol) Uvertoriant d _oirro) yore « iorervenHens. anak 2 souely tab pers wot eT (ass gm me a marxiske ta oe ality of so i ar wst © peoples Nbet bey pnorhy caqoriniiee ( aie A Anchoring ( Rae ak SU by not advoop mnt] | boy] eXjuality au ( equally” “uads + Remarks | Fh » GAScoRE Yotious Scholars to rem 7 4nig . contradiefion between aie and e}uad’ j jalists CH Ay mers ral 5 (SCORE roents . Tr pal beth wel 05 soentif penanlorndists (0980 sy pomenct® , peseer woul © vexiva) soy sar Sr is net 08 enecnonism , par ardevs_-eall A . Z i ei poten! evry is hewming mats war Hen Aner - aicdf tse se geT] TF fos \ine eeonornice (eg “ .. pun — Aisvonrfes pal os | (ite paiiee! ond 3 ws Ferrorist Je oceemodares eae of political oc hybrid sdenvines ond refuge cole) & skid 4 pow, 40k, and, poiieal my sHRAVION S } #0 passes sn LosHy, ae 8 19 " present, ond sus of mans : : empiri oe ce eneoty dunt wrth stale relation “alae thing politfeal aay ft onal peor” — man (¢4: “ ecuesng Bye pr dlems Cahn GEScorE orguid in woh, Se / _ [BSSCORE + — 7 4.0) tigtinah c Arendt Js inelvy dox no belies har Pow un} : smaivigtel of ngrert “ yiovence kerr inott Fninker confined +e stoke \deos of Nerner ore Pow action Trou Inpor once +f a ys pub We sp Bascore string true! nt is ae 60 ond reaseued polis } / es rend wen ee ay Gas — eauilier, peponnats ys isto o < ver Sd f/ simmlar te org Z horernets of tommatiene hf vemeerayy - In uae specs’ " eavironnunl oe: rat of _odlperot and com max d an ee . pours repsen and h reoproy. Y “hes, ee provides pesp- trend newer the following ito EEISCORE = F a (0) Explain the term Power. . eri. er. Also discuss the relationship between power, Legitimacy (200 Words) (15) fp) Marxist Critici (200 Words) (15) ‘ riticisms of the Rawlsian Conception of Justice. . jords) (15) {c)_ Rawls's principles of social justice are a cogrective to the Il e to the of the greatest happiness of Soe retest number. Besa 7 Pau ; : w ayinus pees as shaping shar) af penne, Pow Lineug? “ srohs contested coptept) “Was - and i nites me jn econe ae ee gerreand sse) calls / pow 28 probity — aw 6 anes of wre? ayes ps or. 5 : * doranee/ foo ant o ee aap i Pe ie celavien sib (song K ule ‘ srw oe le: nore $ geo nernie ose), oF A coped? po: yasttation ( A) even Besides seh lars ee (gost - i EB ei 3 ox 4 edge os Rowe gwvcrural onalyais anna Cope ET wncast), rd Remarks | | airemate neo ty“ oiltica) Sous thor mu cont nr, ‘i oy Aneough puto’ a ye 7 ue jong’ los { uy stakes hosised on ERiscore Prowe te (00 pst fing tawos") a sine rie jroaiional (#0i"" 9 charisreat e igh n), and wnar store ora GEscore Rawls ss) trot rotienal Individuals could /dwise te trot eco none A prind ble Xa Marxists pas —conrois tte otal in nis ta - ethical Arseny orga sodal oor ~ eutn = whan y in elt. -Snterests~ ty of ppt, 908 a} Aor leost cavantaaed ah ejtidse Rawls nal ignoring ‘ 2 [SCORE ff" Row)s . ae 5 gate oe aippounee - pandiple + or: . Rawls nos pre tv ipatte fet / soda) pstice . v cnitidsed yal - neha eke char Marxists bowl aso ant goulsion De } er ~ypeting moans Rawls Ty ogi “not osserh +m gapreme 4) Unberal pmeerat societies - in tee ry gag ine ee aT jon, / gawls , anoug wel fae” pro oe ye EE qevolehion ory wants + | calls yor as of _| Inshtuvvons / Han vike wan ia" virtue 2 RESCORE ms a (RISCORE Jehn m e (BG'ce as ome. iss ok virkue “fp souol vi dua) Ue ie a oO ie should 0 oS . ) Ss ete wf oh, he of” emeal Cacho ab wied +0 gia re alilitarianism “ae comecttor™ : Cor) Uo!) . a pias hesseny) - Fi gals Says xe each a hes es on nviolobility at a u yuskee thot / “euun sf gvde cont puuuride. Remarks Y : | ; GEISCORE | t en compo $33 9 el despite oe Owe: i) Hose sev) fiverals Ned powlsian Ny * corres (ISCORE re. a T section» pt all questions: | queer |<. answer the following questions in about 150 words each: ‘nvo Ls Wnerees , _Sru dy Remarks) +f eo | a) Discuss Normative Approach and Empirical Approach in Political Theory | (py Elaborate features of Competitive Elitist Democracy and Phuraliss: Democracy Elitist Democracy and Phuralisy Democracy {c)_ Examine the various debates on Equality of Opportunity in brief (a). Feminist perspective on justice empirienl- (125 * 4 = 50) bom logical ~ RISCORE de ds _ Tt - : _ [BRISCORE g.b) Emesk ker $3 Anak7 Bemoca’ goo - Classical L/damocraty/ saw) tN , p aoe VS fod ee oreph +nar st E Sur envee rina \s P | pote’ consumers Raymond Prot | eh ail soclehed cgserks els jaralist eiifec wht eg 9 o GAscore No ge kane Dom | P talist hey of | | | waa oh “wro au | mah dispersed gees Aipetak i dem ma ) a asownt oy oals ony oa bet tkuty : PoLyARCrY 1s oXA s Aeeephg cated [SCORE we sic" vied Marxists = cal) 4 { subs) Jann pert L sdualty buy procedsral oa pital -efuatin| =| 6.) psisieks as aa oe a /. ig ce ae 13 ws Ee e po 2 all at a * = nis ee} vduall er ef a expats ede 2 cand ot) Loker, el - unr spray supper a of a all wows aver : ot - see? nol “ aypeerk t \iver Persenal as be Sao Personal pen sical) could a) women il forily, eureral sober! , poisiest sheping peneral : ee ee Agee a women. jas eoeton_ Yo equen ny of nd Porites ° q Fo? fee. SM pine Jowords penal _shans } inelly wo i J eat (* Gate j Yr - [SCORE “Te. Answer the following questions: (a) A comfortable, smooth, reasonable, democratic unfreedom prevails in advanced a token of fechnical progress (Herbert Marcuse). Comment on (300 Words) (25) (b) Discuss Contemporary Libertarian Perspective of state, (300 Words) (25) aoe ee Oe ceo) és, as Prana lenis” vosk model ee tne /ray oh pope or i jreles leaders) us _,asadembe ’ marsis spony atten“ - 4nougne 9 J P fe aise | 70KI09 ” t ‘i 4 v eprrahen. \ on) drow s insp ral crincal eor' teas marx ( Anerry ame ¥ heal fom , “eanemte a priteae of alienalfon ae wasise On actif > gat WS gna serenct Mo a f mpaern 4 a re, Mi + peasen! mans 2 Ba , aco (° ow aimensiena) _ Re gees noyaole PTT. bi bss canst view of one = adenine nny come Se) rN EISCORE . S$ foci Serle thar put: pnausyifa) Sociehes ( tein Aapiit - Sore”), TO hos only one dimension , ike a consumer] | Njan/ becomes a subject for indus Wed se wag eget hence , twusnans out daprived AL reason ov awed sninking . Tay aul “woge Kea jn wnecls + o fein” ustrial mocnine Curfree] aoin: «Wo Ry giver “Ane rigs 42 = opunlls views rot bee? pes clovorckid = ®Y “Tod hdeme whe Jays amar pop are, media, ond mediun Siensd man fen scence now ahs ravionol winking wat ea. soperes : Remarks Adorno si Mateblh and /estical Boy los me in Anis eatwura} volues Bi material 1 pimeny 5 en a rism Ye cal — aiologues i ae ' nos alse ymens) my (rise >} a“ aovoxarten one- world sto awe “ iyi \) g rhe: enange at js ond So rea ” mosses. OB po . bet sep pa =e [ISCORE Yhar be cau aan galled ‘nis jn welt 4 im _ i | Classica) convocks and rks = Paine) called “pr “a 1% ust o necessonyh en) ( * Z mointalo police ordan’. hdom — SmniFo ceguedl wat Fike, Vg paseo reffees nor coptaln ond avisibk handl obsolute —- negatiue Boer 5 Bi a 4 1 erals” (isp, Acton Ymited — prake whlch han enseree Siete iba eee ar Tris View aS oetidsed— by Positive vovale (96, tk) Om cated prt to ennan ce posittue agfhes fer tare wel fore f peopl: - Green sald jor + nay ev postutebes p Boerty ‘volun Nghe, and right dumond oP f “Yas: ar qu ft stole Led and ype measules Lf ber jn dua hia! Th Liver pes echt Stak, And , seneye as crifasm welfarism 2 | of posite swerals ( cal) AE a “nonny sok or oA to grou grok) revi, qlassica Jtoeral_tnought ideos a agoniery ocapsujated in (vs) and eo (ux) aléng wlth WitWamsen£~ Woah ngten _tensensud sy Tem ee é eT aARA 3Ds (disinwest po A f ae Wea 7 . SCORE . (° Anarchy , Skat, and | | showd be ™ | td blake | one a een fedishvi bur on (ely role _n_ Veet | protects peoples sntloaeibie . peoperty) Hiedrich ere im serfsor” cats Pe fessive “wxation as pended Jabour and pedal spate y stot 3G mirage he sous Sore comerker “(nor siaie) , bP * epoxde my OM benefits +o people: om geholars é pp Ate rom wich all rights pe) ond .. \sian Berlin C Weerly ond sap ody aue also adve Cult minimal pole vor somt) “ ver: Spence Als Weds pie cogs “A of syock — Proteetton Repay Wee = Bye Ron (only sight Terr ‘Remarks aN ’ ESISCORE evittelsed by Hal's F {qnering vo on penton, ond mat tonal // bi rant wat ited ree, rome fa miaerity “yesh Ton Rawls m ee ae si nos aed of gemon sito it | pind pte / oedura Stott oe : ee edu wold nsw” beh eo _ porto" iy) ° ee = eet 7 7 nnswer the following questions: suss the significance of Multici lyse the kinds of special ) Discus the signi iculturalism. Also Anal se the kil jinorily communities as sapctione ali for mit fioned by Multicull nel yy Multiculturalism. (200 Words) (15) {by Comment on Macpherson’s Conc cae nn’s Concept of Creative Freedom. 200 Words) Examine Amartya Sen’s critique of Rawlsian’s approach to social eee 10 social Justice. J . fords) (20) 4. a) stir promotes > pen otcemodaking aint” jrar hay” beer gga pe case a wong mise sro or S chety | r i uaused ae fedcaterarn Y" is We ‘ aad wo oye . pecomes signi en i Ke mh OF tet poe ard ie gooehes - s fe mt mop a “0 ee Lorie compels dvi) cour Sram iy [SCORE Ses ae RO ee ~ s ; PD whet ERIScop, : : a « a i, ye ee is meee od yeh a given ree - fold “rights fer minontes \y | mult} cultural Sodelies | Viz. 0) selfs Geuvining rights - cultural oe ig bts, and c) Proportional feprecenkaon in egisiatanu, | Post - olonratisrs hike 4 spine ond Britny forekh hae ak ex ponded Hes rigs Spiner talks aeur injures “Pe sonny’ (e4¢ eo s¢)$T bw lode). piston cal feservarion Pore! talks aout tntek youlheu [ely wih welt - auerminawon cepts _inonlga Anevugh on oper ~ynter aula dtaogur i Thy sil heen —“ ace Jon bk politics oF ay founce - een aA... ‘ f , GREISCORE eT . cgesrene ie beny) Says weakens people's Wdority and _tatinw call fe “mi bul t Ba inists (Carin) ponies + ignerance towards. wemen identities {ond seal wane igiimation =f i pierleh_ poh y mahilahen) , criti ase ere Sen says wh le vaeme potter Feewy +e raisin Y ? é and fw 9 Sag 4 Hes we wa)are? days iden” id yn au? yee ‘ sie / eieism cuvenye cal 2 ° Amar yo oe oe pa F Rie tat WY & 0 > vs Ww ~ Bier, cal cide of mayne kr - dermveracy” ae Cente Chay axis de crow ( erenaton AF po wy, # belween Seda WAL ger and pol cal pe wu’ dvesn} | - ele ot real wer ame Jom procedural jemotracy ( prreesse, In ~ Democratic _ “Wreory , y que ne | . vs concept of ss jem: Lite posit sperals | Gre \stan Berliey and Qveral ~ egpiitarions (A Sen), he alse orguies dor ex iui ca oan ° people» Pays that stale s States exh ieee ~ ole ee aa obiitte exercise will. a Remarks = [ESSCORE gould contin a o peop vy ye radical deme erouy —— more .% tnebusi Sohakionet and moss Sap ort pr gunite lee and eh caf of pon woerdue demoneyy: oe among” 4 auwlapmenta! pete ap ane FP an Tua, ee Manna? arendr, Cb Moe ; E fond a Aye! } alse analyses pow ae gnolysis - aw snaivtdual ot. ie cenWe ¥ 5 Are 0 . Rawls aN i) b sanegit Congie e . mon [_benind a. vel) of irom) ny + My discoums — prigdplt j spsher We owls ane Anat ; ys ol be “pel seen’ ond in WE “C08 erahue yetrare ey Wire! odyanta viz ie Besides Noerkarians, ati Manns ae and feminists, vy = (Sen a oe Dworkin) erielsed — Rawaletan | nermatue (_ Kantron i jeunce) inciples. : mera fnied proposes in) iz. ct , opportunity ai} fe rence a pwceaural af) ae win j i | soual a ne_foHonal enlists three principls, ss of aT bes KESSCORE Tasker’ ea b ean absolute concep eguld only” remoud ie and asyipullng a ate among — emiaren news how Ano { whe made sy Bolo ( whe 3 ee yo ply ar), Carl e nos pethirg), we says nar ieral would gine ond marist vad yori! news oe a { ' ao cf _ Krishna and ~ Lm Wee ey a 4 i? more impos grind pus e ny re a Wn oy a ca ov

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