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[EEISCORE An Institute for Civil Servic IAS TOPPER'S TEST COPY KRISHAN KUMAR SINGH POLITICAL SCIENCE TEST - 3 1L& Matai wT _ Bo ORE ® 3:0) hows « B \ OLITICAL SCIENCE Time Allowed: 3 hr. ‘Max. Marks: 250 Instructions to Candidate There are EIGHT questions. Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all- + Question no. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, THREE are to be attempted. «Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission certificate which must 7 be stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given for answers written in medium other than the authorized one. + Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to. + Attempts of questions shall be counted in chronological order. Unless struck off, attempt of ‘2 question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any age or portion of the page left blank in the answer must be clearly struck off. gs 1. Invigilator’s Signature —__————— 2. Invigilator’s Signature —____——— 2 Roll No (SISCORE ao SECTION-A ‘Attempt all questions: 1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: das dao) (a) Discuss Plato's theory of justice (b) Aristotle on Government & its Classification (0 Hobbesian Social Contract. (a) Discuss MN. Roy's concept of Radical Humanism. (es Nee ab Genar et Gates Ca La) pow ie aa tu pe, poittical Paes ey we calls, Joatiee 08 the Yo) te nighae 8 ay) Viekuts = essenho) ynjain relates Dekuleen yemperonce, prudent ma) ¢ ; : . secely” ond OU 2 ve Pe = He criticises cephalus Cpayl™g dues) +o gers and bod +0 bad) YW niger) , and. Gian grin — Jdeos on bi as Polemarcms | gerd earynoea (might Lega! +naery) fr mn Rapuoiie, calls Jushet OS ‘4a ral condiHon > * pieaisynt an ener” r exeliend oF - re, GSscore Wrens - @ * quak J Plato's rodieat__-neory » . sow ; R : + Beto a ee fees SSCORE ; oval conyatr man becomes onuseal io) a ‘ soto) = Caul souehy) ana politcal (comm nm * Some . or gt up al) ~y condition tna ye ar sewed grr} or wn jee eed JE creates. at ice cornmond of on cant cesish sovereign exeeP 2 nar ee Corot Paremane calls you nesta con track os Conyracr & Sanine _ soul sexual ef poperty ony) Rousseau \ of soup gn civeaed__ebsntanto yout conservanists orjieised Y: as 4 else ond griesopmneal anther pclegy ( frites a bok ° pobHies ir uals ee of my yer Raa arn is an attempt unduustand can s reasorany ty soughuat crus tan ces * eC) . guODe m Fayapalen Calls mn most senelarly of ladian — Jeacluus Svaipre Kavira} alls foi wre (could new jdeas) . y 4 Roy's rodeo) humanism — A : vy ore ROSE cad eo ‘undwustand mane Me nas — wan ow ‘yypheeh or ynmale SE wih eo wows ‘oven Jrusdom yen superstitions) os copirallst exer wilt as e GEISCORE _ he Says +nar man Auslobed reo son tnangh his guastt ee gurviva) and ins) sdenh fic Jem per and spit 4 cadve CaXLS wap ye Use ols of on etaieal : r yaora) co exprion oF ye — > he gard on Secular prise (Gus teh ° qe otek Ww, he edu CAS 1 yoo AUN radical party Le Aer otray a prince +o edu coin , myo dan fproduchen 1. &) tre Redteal fervdnists haw] eae dried so ‘ort our stn olichotormy Lexpecn Se ond end . woe $* ys — vtolo Seal term (men and voor) , genau has Cudhual} Context Qi wn vy partarchal _aatierity , Remarks ERISCoRE Simon Oe —- Beauvedr aye a? “ores nor = bern women , four =becoms a women = eulrural 43 pe Si fe lush Feminist, cory howd Ou abtacheg jo tw ves ber fe_inesict cand sncidental Second Sex stakus : jer ; + ane so0dd) | yorum temo: T Aaswer the following questions: ~ (a) Discuss Aristotle's (Dias cts Then fui. Ao compare he naion of ag Bren 5) SS (b) “Power is never localised here or there, but rather employed and exercised through, ie onion ™ o a net-like organisation” (Foucault). Comment. - (300 Words) (25) oe 3.8) Secau nas provided mien - analys!¢ —_— oy power “rough Ns posh — rnin ana por -sieuctural Aneory of pow . ete He —catis = Pou as eko~ pow TF ‘ and is aigfused Jn knowledge, Aigcources, aystoms of nought focoubr says, * Pow 1 Vee wod thar Howe % won, is a ”y in or Wares. + ‘yous \ shaped by systems of xnewled ge hte ue — what al tne example of ponoprican treery knowledge % terol «= warch tout! “ae Te priconsus to comply 7 koowledge of individual t A terception of ind vada > conaver op navTaual od Percephion of ohhey.s ra [tonaietsts}—sfpen ________| Etject_o PoweR jn ine gece l Taows “ pied pine and purishvent he Sas sna todays abparantely reformiatery metnodt of puntcnment, genset +e ceteninal Jose sy Shox and — umant sappert (pou) aM Sienilorly , Ta Ws “Madness and vilizahor Socawr Saye nar medical geen and peyerolegy doker mine wre mods od Ghose Nee Ve pow. Te -focautt, waowled 4 GAscore Pow ent a _Coerciue powty thot iC Remarks (SISCORE er ° popery. se tu state Lavin ‘e is 8 necessary ond por duchue force por pervades Sn all, «| ctements of sede Ca w= tke aganiastion) : ae — focwult Missa. 8; * pio - pow wer. won) $ or atsapioory pews” thar bom te vedy as individuals . Tr % ne essential wondrnen ane works + emphasis é shaping. Adarno 4 ESscore Tr hos also ~— been cribclsed = ay avswoer dew of gow. Mfersists ong short ye +m Diet et whi feminists argu YW is are yorion yrucnas despite di} fours, Aen punont o compre nw ew eu thar curd - socal aa) Arsrmte is caied ra potne 4f pis book“ poty ideas —— eudaimont es qriaen erent ‘Iceopypiness) , qurte ( virrue through phrmnesis (_ pravical wigdor) . ye pervades n ou political science. and Frese 9 Huw \deas term dhe hades [dex Attias “stung _e} _quctiee | i R 3 rs bosed on prinaples of vali ond proportomlll jreard He says nat * equals should be wredualy and aneduals wanequaly inequality pause er revolutions pristotle’s Aheory + yrs Rs he also dave cates poputonele on Wu, im giswurion of a a merito crane suskem - . peice Sallie. yt ne call pnighments a (renitouiion), Pe says syste ts panishing os, + "pet ne cugree oi crime - vensteal prigtot. Xe o vommon= gpinger 0nd: protical wisdom Aneory vf yeaa we jetties avery, male supremary , and proper srarening as {“janural _and__just pervades his ie . + scone Arigtoly s \deq oon jute Slems foul vi. 's ‘ntory of jdeos . He — believes dnor gor should — have jeter Smmmanent wsithin ne criticses te piatenian * jronscendentdl aheory 4 pare prisiots be denes hak proto Aries +o +r society ae) lepguat meuld _@ hterarch andy prilose nur 1 as poy posses 3s tee complex (nos aranuity oor society rn opinions) . " probs snuory af ys wh yikened ai jes soul (teased apmin ares ° . laperpre and vowrage) + podal organism and produens (priiese phut ruloi rales arr} or sings), firistot advocates “ Continuwn © Tice (SISCORE Uniike Proto, Tastice yy Ine seclety : prusto : of ristoHe = Snot co -dependent on . ss: ‘y piyesephot ae Arisrels Says shar eae v ley [reason wHnowe passion) owt a i | Rex “Le ax" (no we). Hence, Pristokean lea of qparer ge ne ade gepubtleen®y dubberahut cemnneraty . Ke ea see ond action + ow , says only 6 polity “ dves jeosened could OFC piece. conservaiy Ar , nic anservary ends 4p qoshtyie 4 rermoued pr ow jam Aieny of yore wren Bough av be male ~ superna realities or ey) alow as |e Remarks eeaecdaee * ESscon ’ gus og pets anty_ Of Sa pelieg Cx ESSI on? correckiyess 4 auc “ et Sour eae 2 Z || . a bi bed pr tase pi who na normalvism. ls ee Teen econ oppec! more +f real world veces GSISCORE SECTION-B ane all nestions er th i g_Amswer the following questions in about 150 mut 150 words each: fa) Theory of Alienation and Theory of ei caer o {hy Arendt's Views on Banality of Evi a. fc) Locke on Defense of Property 2 Nights (a) Discu: a of A mae a) Discuss then characteristic features of istotle's theory eee 5: a) f Youn q_ marx in teanomie and priesopriea) Manuscripts ” cea) ; ao coneeph SY olvenaton. he calls alienation in mans critica) impediment captor aodely. wants 1? en}ry pur be bel ao mosr ° ques av pe = farx SOS _— pis four, re ae of oe pee ee SPT iS ¥ BBScOp Mon un Siilf . P : eget society, “us tee! pepoualy dissahshied , dahumonised, and i] Anus aiienated fom society, pimsel] , ond sake anda eee tapitaiien’s 2" olong wit Uy unsustoin ably ( Biearde's faiving pot aru) man: io we Pays shal \9 communist 5 qorkers “} word uni, gtoce yon your I otning +o (WSe exeepr chains . fare pelientd 4nar oY » coro ruurisy mor is gs ae oe could produce —_——J wn paws (* man showd ‘rad DO ‘i nistory Se hence, re. + tu olienaded Youle jo ber & class -P itself by Aunepiry ‘Remarks = tanger euancdt ond OMe ie y (SISCORE + Hanneh . ) anneh Arend is 0 phenomenal okt wre has don oa aurailed onolyss 4 fosist — Stalinisk brutolihes 2° ae genset ope 88 yo &ehmon ‘ aro ‘pains some 2 a okes super-fiuout masses 4o oun eri Ht call cg unpeecedtened oriminalines on eit vs ie own perk . sutn ar exammps ie seh man \ ak a ph @ Ausnwik~ concenicraten comp , om say nas denumanised mah, oe eral ran anism epee jo jnink with ee an ye t3 ne angen ONION —Lik & super} \wors STRvC TORE OF mosses + > stot os ore” socieTy [TARe r| A x ny pat ~ Oe - 8 +; 1 = el ae, ae A ein $ i persecuted by Nazis , instead ef oj when} tne Stake, people supported ab. She at jt aermahsahon af yonali evi). Arendt — Says 4nar Fhe ook caude erosion pone Spiie q pelts) woith thy Sos), Peopk ob eno Awan mor ( ok) rise Ou wonterr wim pavrefying Shur apenies io bewmt super fiucvs rast) yo gKad prt advocates Yow B wi 2 or concur. The Ural Wwe» pope gar ee se hun words and perien 40 frend? pare have yor parted compet ) voheuw. empry , deeds net brvehy ow nek sort words et ner ysed to hide and potas Rome rr used +o sup press” words [SISCORE Bw oa Ab lar of a c) Jonn Locke gsessive Individualism . hese betho 4 jormar (individualism — oS Perse) and as cent of onelysit) pend Ra ie ree “fem eivieh 5 ‘ Tay corr) “roa anal Churth, acnvols) wre ren a eUOMES “revelchon op 1 Ooxesnely My Nis essay" Sesatiog”™ si >) 6.) poe sian hi storied he po cal higtortelsm and tealism| ——— aaa ote rest Study of yumon mind _and its spientions « yorbes pelieves Wher mon 1S animus - = gornincdct Copettt out reason). RE is pow: w= Pe | seeing ie ep nrinuous desire jer peu Anat ends yertatisr @ mo MiS€ ge asa ami 21 Th Ve yn omic = SOK brofeh ond short . Ta, mans ayarre for elie, 2 chk. os ur give up hy seumuegn +o 0 thitd pathy in rerun of we jo self preservohon- Rousseau (* Sov} eorieact”) gays “ah Hobbes hos modk 9 fowed analysis at coo ero ebints «IP ee! alosplubem ravi" nde Jevereign L hurnan and Saving says thet ysbbes “Uw ALL never te leyatisks (divine swuory) ey paliomedei ( demacroy*), Re consivucts. 0.” pilese/ph\eal erimogslogy o}__bumnon hictory whit Ag unne cessor cosrodr and } : oa lke OMe = nadanlid y am dob asopesion tak” Hig gg! Stak of cout Shows yop Per ple row rth ce preaswar 5 aa lea Pro of ort , Le An following quest H i {J gy The themes of nomi sa cag tos ae i Also explain ew does Poi aa ae = i iberalism justifies the values epee pee, {b) Modernity is character: o00 Ww gny_certaint rized by the loss of the world, where the me ono Mary Ais ee Kents a Senet a me ise Arendt's i ers vendt's - G00 Words) (5) 8.0) digssieal pera ° igssical___ Neerahert emt eq dn Te \deos t Jann Locke és Seeond Tease a guest) TF encapsolates vo wk ta (eos snotetoh sm seperation th eos umanisrn aad anurans aossico’ Woerals beteve auronemy 6 jpaividvel C capable of arora 090 eeqnem'¢ i * ewn mic 4 man was e reasering) Fn eke § Fy it own deshoy seat enveeprencur : Come “Tey called sodely as @ coor te place Rhy, Therm Sparsument ut ond stale os On i“ * Paine ealed Seale OO necessary ev) ure Lovid only be a tetrte [enforce order), aot captain Hed oe yrnt ole \) & amy NS ¥ scone {yeral s - dom = Smidn) yt Weert (eg oli ta \ markers out oN jne soluhons 42 Sede roles “Trey jar tear * Tovisiby and prot mercant lism | hand of exonerny vould emanee srandaras_ of and | ener prising avinittes amis tedUdg inequalities | cent) burope remains a | assndaltd problems . Tt Cassieal ecqnemc y w yer, ne qr mmosiecrotion of \rs 7 er | inequatifes, ond collusive corruption (steak - business max id nor promered ane Capirolich oppression a 4ne pele toriar ( (js Moue=noke). Cor) Lisl called unlitarlon! oe pas miose\phy - “thar Jparipied gree ora tata tere. Rede: “role Sedely a “ Sod Less machine’, leading wi peel py = ablitc ethics on ES ao,! spirit cwrberaton. oN Roy capirolis™ was caomialiolism pointing win tise -fantanism Tesources ( exponding positive — Woerals ained rorinence - 3 F kanhian — Yabed , ye ofeok | cause of aie rewords caret intage éarope (1338 eae (ESISCORE soi “thar and mor Drawirg dignity and — moral propensity see (gpeatet qe cont soon free qa sere sts of a Ta Greer called +e" a Bi role of site OS enavler a opportunites. Rel sod, ~ urnan conscousnes pesvulares Viberty Wiverry Involves eights, nai demend sjak”, Green fur anor Nverty 4 —————_—————_ * me : fe Light id Vo | stale -led Indushtalisaha, ae led Industral +3 Gan peer) and ce distr) buben - | ree promote A “nar will nob] “je bask onal stak | tne deresh! ere e is yecause St serves | commands 8} weak and suppressed: “ia; 7 tne Positue _Mberal view (q. urs Lobo arty) bewnu @ swengg counkre norrahu = fe Classical \iberol view caiad sedon evonemi igheate \urrodox Fyrenolr \ a 8.) Yansan ETON Soe deliaed =n Ahinio: wine boundaries and wer, dr te. aig tube st Bese tther pa cee. Woetal or Gant csaeielt | Rema: ; SCORE fees ikaeb is scobnes El nema anna : Arendt hae done ia enomelo AL anolysts e moderni ny Sre hot tried te analyse OMe ~prough “me prism post Srolinisk brataiiies cL doth century ‘ao word ae Be) wn dienionory yo describe eriheltms | inspired by similar ” [ neveasrwite#) and ) Th 4 Betwer? Martin weldegg? ( ca . posr ond aa ne calls modernity as! ea 4par ) ta NWO mederrry Sr a wolxr Ben’ agers She soy og hos desho ed aman epnaien and promoted 40 jolitad ane Jr has in ane (thse ot sedol — eee onios ( soden emnomic sprere) hos arivmph polis (politi! spre), Remarks Bscop, . Jnat “man as animal ~ ir means Japoran hog we ow man OS Kev peiiikon (_ ope dominates reason) . hk a" “4 \ alienanon — [loss | jr hos pomered wie we | Seek 4 sou'a) of jah of man. | tojalitaria nism, as per | \ Moder ooh beget Mend a oher es ristory “peor cai | sotidority te_svlation, and plurality Sa] y \ “ nome eepnomicuy contormism . an becomes performs La yer 4 “inking mon of pot . in 0 ‘tiaitortan «Stake, peo ple au {pth ooperftoows_ mosses | dpe Jj : rived of any eriheal Talnking ond normalised te oil In * &iehmon th Aerus y J gai she We hak 1 Anis uhvmauted : nan une F | GSscore Hannah — ren ar sry -tnar only “shed men Beek Pow —— Sse: to reedom 4 _ of real JYnterochons and prurality ©. } seems 1 polls ows okies} here a = has been supported by Gonatt ‘0 sptod swoon” through his also Anough's of moan cabitohs as satanic (material solartd, and genumanised mon) , alse marks a ehows me degra oygeets of mmo UA = capt wate front capivoriem on mors sons pe ar the Y mnenstena ran (eq: Noah SSCORE Stalinist oY emer nor “pecomst i + ee mores” N srreng] nology yes Revie (polis) ; peed vs irks io her 4 monocauaal exblanah ‘ee ° xl io”) of fasels Erie fromm aiygien_bregee emphos}s ed as morkels , rnp arena gover evens Haine anak Jojoliferianism ~ modernity, bak " } people fo piste. pot SANS becadl of " Piet pyr" Ares sion nity . why on in lo pertene® ana tanovaltors , gro no wy sappor evonernie sronaords_ OF gumorraty J. howe ode cates a wear wring and ¥ Ameri an v r frase economit od ond alse provides modunity has nig Spout so its Pape despite evil

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