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| G)SHUBHRA RANJAN Always Ahead 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. « 011 45612719 Political Science & International Relations | | Crash Course & Test Series - 2020 | Test 02 | | Time Allowed: 3 Hours Max Marks: 250 Name MANASA : Test Date 5. 2020 Email Address Mobile UPSC Roll No Soooees CPasced Prelime) Instr ion: 1. There are EIGHT questions divided in TWO SECTIONS and candidate has to attempt five questions in all. | 2. Question Nos. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, any three are to be attempted choosing at least ONE question from each section. Content of the answer is more important than its length. 4. Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the admission Certificate, which must be stated clearly on the cover of the booklet in the space provided. Content of the answer is more important than its length. 6. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question-Cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off. 7. All parts of the question should be written at one place itself. 8. Write the test in exam atmosphere. w w 9. Fi in BLOCK LETTERS is mandatory. S.No. a b © a e Total | ri | 2 x x 3 x x 4 x x 5 6 x x 7 z x [| x || 8 x x Grand Total G) SHUBHRA RANJAN Always Ahead 011 45612719 Very Good 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. « Poor Average ~~ Good Excellent | Understanding of Questions Structure & Flow ‘{a) Introduction (b) Conclusion (c) Overall Subject Knowledge Presentation | (a) Underline (b) Paragraph (c) Overall : | Overall Remarks: Dear Student, All the best for next test [a9 _ G)SHUBHRA RANJAN Always Ahead 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. = 011 45612719 “The role of Prime Minster in India is wide and varied.” (10 Marks) The Prime Mintcher ic the mock tenperlnd offi wow parleamentarny fpr of agreement The PM ic the Newer of the wulingy Lposbys he real bea of He axenic, ond the leader of the Hose of fartament he belnge +. Hone, iw India, the PM act as | a aie of the Cabinet ond Canal of Mindstet amd Mis duties as 2 | | laisleter He alee has & maintain He al wolabions with ite ctates | amd Wwherrational veletins with frye The serge lilties ae powens of the PM ame ‘woneateed Site ‘nalepen Bere and Twat \ wureatingly 1 G)SHUBHRA RANJAN Always Ahead 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. #011 45612719 collet as a pame-minbentall qovermed| thee Cw be wr te raves ; le Dime Miratters Offic Ww jpley maleingy, Bite the form of Tadliva Ganale. Honee, the IM has wide and Naried oludier Understanding of Questions. Structure and Flow Subject Knowledge Presentation | Overall Remarks: “ave | The causes of internal migration 10 Marks. G) SHUBHRA RANJAN Always Ahead 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. = 011 45612719 Thorne! adgretion betwen anal sith thoter Te Idea Xs anita lta h Thr ic omabeel ly Adk 19 hak. oles all kane move Geily throrghont the county : Te set of internal mbgration COO O Wx frum a) poverty, underderelepment, and regional Aria Tk economic arnt For e-gry marrow Bihar and UP ame seem oad bth Ueian sheer b) conflick ard ethnic claw hes eg Aesom Vilene against Bemgadesc c) mode and environmental ve fagets* eq Refraees fo hnclaman & Nicobar KR mod Nott . ) SHUBHRA RANJAN Always Ahead 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. «011 45612719 | @ Wl foto: 16) We, rbaniatio, qui of hie this womtes le 4 om ate fom sural 4 ee eee aa speral tokion cuk os Bengeliene fe sector | Avon = \T rfertinnls frre orhre [halve ly betler service amd todall_seouity | This bas rereatech oni gqradin fer Noth th South [relia sha, origraion within Inalta te hee: foe oli fpter te conte of national Que.t(c) G)SHUBHRA RANJAN Ahead | _ 328 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. « rout 45612719 | | Economic reforms and working class 10 Marks, Vrdthe ‘in Peat she ererroe re oe cee tie itlin romlutin vaio, Ww Talia, the hate eves mane Bei a oad oan | S pial ent implemented land refams and wad "t Wn acordamte whl Aybdle 38 of the lott hetien: | Te the 1990s, the New Eronersie_olioy. et ahrout liherabeation, pivadicakin rab qebabision, Hop 1 ofored up the G) SHUBHRA RANJAN Always Ahead | 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. «011 45612719 | | There elon ie eo thea Gd? amd | orcad empleynent etpedally ta the service | seotoe. However, come scholar arane that epider fo “wmking Joss hay base oe svesuled ik Tnereated explain of sndne Ths om he tem in the weebening of lodyoour poten lense during Jrndemte. Heme, eoromme refomt musk be Fllowed with laden prlectin. the reent “codifeation of adver less two 4 codes | be pl at G) SHUBHRA RANJAN [ ave. | Language and politics [ a Loman: has ployed a major mle ie din poles Aetording “b Tomes Monet lang is cee Vn the tenn “cel, ‘wn Irate. pa te polihasd F nablale ot MaKe: Re“ Stew enen independance ‘mh the ietue of incbastant va ba i fhe United Pentnccs: Afler iwAependlente, the ferme of Tnabtan haber were oppehontive f tinal, importton ea Neth brdiam shaker errand that Engleeh tamnot be He lomamage of nokional ntegrabon | as wh ots wetter! % the elibes. | in India. 10 Marks. G) SHUBHRA RANJAN Iways 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. «011 45612719 | Tn later we have teen | 4 | hecone He ee § enqartiakn 7 choker in (966. In the fold of educetin derpit. the 3 lamgnage formule, thane mi) chll tenes behweer Guthem hates and Northen shades- Language 16 0 Mghly emalienal is Maly enmationas ceon Wn Accom: Howener, in recent times, th mk gx pola seems 4 be devrentivg with Hoe inereating ole of Understanding of Questions G) SHUBHRA RANJAN 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. 011 45612719 | cave ate | Role of civil society in Indian democracy. 10 Marks “the whe of cal souahy v Damnerabes beqaw b be thdred offer the hebarion al c onliion ‘\ piel LO eis Ve Gul tov hy ‘in Amdes te whermed. 8 \o ae hebnreen the fomily oe the shots tude 02 edluestional nabitrhos aregles andl Overchen, wedior and fo en Te Tada, the aul socehy ylays }) # choengthans vighls Wy seqenitng ond eling the pl Eg MKGS | helped acmere RT: 8 @)SHUBHRA RANJAN 32.B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. « oui 45612719 | c) Vre sine apne pt ° fovervent, omprcorient, chs hanks, He Lobby {oe their indereste wb ty b Abang d) holding the lected cetera tahives acvonwk Me an owl sorely G thon emovrn| oy. Homnade ot ) arrqued tha peaple hone particpake in the dite | phox ln order & tafeguard dom svry G) SHUBHRA RANJAN 32 .B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005, es pon sours | l Que. a | “Even after 28 years of Panchayati Raj experiment in India, PRIs | remains hamstrung and ineffective” . Discuss. Examine the need for the paradigm shift in the model of governance at the grassroot level. 20 Marks ae Roy ae Takia ic an ithe: of demovredie decenArads adie This 7 ow Gandhs’ tle, of sWaray cock. + tthe temmon mow oe level of the village While the fret pomohayade were [rnglmented fe pet th was “| w (442 that they were given constr bina cbadas uncer Pant i Aen | the 3274 pmondmont Ach “Wie uated a uniform three ter “yé fem 4 pete ® I wn all Ca 2 repo Who ted a Gah Elchin amd Frante Commincond - | u G) SHUBHRA RANJAN Iways Ahead | 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. # 011 45612719 Z | —— erm 28 a this, onhageh temo n ke _amal | “ineffective: They Qure short tk funds, finches ond forwtimanies , ushicl. neti por qrremnamue ak the local lowed. “Faobee maki Ris ineffective + 4 ry | 0) Chuckurel weaknomes- The IU" Schedule contains 29 prvitiomt that states com | the decht bation of power fovroue Contre, | oder ame unwilling + tart with exiting forctios b) lack of lureanonaAe will The Mamie han- ar Tyr tiles lar Lad fad the | lunean ov acy dees wot want PRIS + enced as it will reduce ther ) lak of demand oF pobre - ince pole oumarenos VS no, PRIs de mot become am 2 eee RANJAN lene cbcloal bh, veaulh ze aa all 4 pl a A) Fumes PRTs wvastly depend on _Shafe ancl| Pena old tie alaat colleck ‘properby tax fom their cornmunity. | th moAwne of farde fee is tea | + speafre themes: | e) Poor Latte members = | fe spel ls wt —_ of their the and depend ow luneaucr ats - fhe infrastm lure in oaldings « alto | pore There wealenercee reawlh ix Pamohawats | aot mo Peony fre (read ot een postpme: eleckons dean ct ae om at qrrennane — ) SHUBHRA RANJAN ays Ahead 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. on 45612719 1a) The Grom Cob Cole should he emponeredl 1») Turd, fanckne andl capacity oat bingy | of fume ramet is min /¢) External anit wrechaniim an pancreas’ owldeman ane one meee +o end Ure | aceomAahils 4) fe Ranchi Commission bald, Ghats legisl ve Councils an ont local U gorerrmest om the mmo del of Rajya Sobhe fe Mant duamdewn Tyo Conmittce tell, a bad anhayoh is woe “thom vo _ponchayed- Se ydasing “the fomdemie me hone seh ae emme We to of PRle when em A, like hK i apn of need iio aworenct and politic will ty chengthen Understanding of Questions ‘and Flow Subject Knevwledge &) SHUBHRA RANJAN Always Ahead | 32.B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. #011 45612719 | —— Trdio ic Howeren, Tromending lade: a) beg Que.2(b) Discuss the factors shaping farmer’s mobilisation in the post- independence India. Critically analyse the strength and weaknesses of the farmer's movements. 15 Marks imani ly am agb¥tam evens ust, mre than Sov. of te loderun Loree iw ogieubbrre ond allied coches: the frrning cooker is iw dase SS wen 73 after pot lente: Theme lie ten een of “tee ahion of land, elt due + cas tl a wha res 4 aftur oe water vrisic, ana | pobebention TT addvex Here contend, fearmans home fred prire grnpt: “The fries thei mola lcation ame: nee distress Os stated aleve. ($) SHUBHRA RANJAN ways Ahead 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. eon 45612719 ) Tee i OBC after Green rervlution| | with, ene jslatunes: Thr ila ne om Indoor polities has thus inenented: 9 great » of awortenent alent thedy able orated oul seedely seganisatn, they demand edfeckive alate For 2-9: Marder Kitan Shalt Coma bartan was ae ww RTI | ) ureqnal A ceca be a uA, urbemisabion Gamtcabion ana hb amet created Dy ablatecker toe example, hither’ Canahatan tells of “Bharat wt Trdtea! ona | the | strength “een “mere hm we they arumloent and their copay, bear hand ships: weg tthe recent 16 G) SHUBHRA RANJAN Always Ahead 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. #011 45612719 Rail Robe ‘m fanjeh against the Lamm bl | are emapting tHe eeoremy: Fon ment ah snerake athy Me nadia and Al ple, Has mabicg sfowener, there eran abe a eek jor, local or wegional _chavenster and lack of a prqrertive tlk: Theme is ne effec all-Tnohta. farmans eqomization and thetr damonda ane oflow' eubjegated + busine | S¢_qproaps hide are better seqamited Mocesrer, chahns apetem cam proven Trebie fon [orn Progrenine qponpinge sua at RCER | stew Ww Subject Knowledge &) SHUBHRA RANJA| Always Ahead 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. £011 45612719 Que.2(¢) | Compare and contrast the nationalist perspective with the Marxist | Perspective of the Indian National Movement. 15 Marks The Tadtam Nationsl Movement te ceen fre the rotimalich perputine wad hat beteme a metanarratine Notioalict bichrtans cach at Thre Chand andl RE Maman are that the mrrement f Wd ted by Ganda wat ik fact 0 ‘nodal movement wrth a national tea dhenc hip and a matinal idesloay - | Cultured nokionalicts cu as Bure bine» Ghee qane 8 lal they of notionaldenn + balding tht th. exivtemts of Trade az a nahin, comme le dented! The Indo National charmed t be a rational panty, neprorerting the | ) SHUBHRA RANJAN | nterevt of al darter. the movement | it ed lene re corned a naHionah movemert. Howener, the Maverick orsperkive offers | a challenge 4 thie ce Marista | Whalers euch a4 MeNL Roy omel RT dab Weld te shugale fe independance as Ganda a bowrrapets (easter. claimed that tied t contilt ate the awa ne lamalerals ond wallet amet capitals, thas proenty a temo (wtin- They pinted fy lenclation posed by (emgrett mintsttet Th [42% at 9 SHUBHRA RANJAN | Gas sebalat ie ale fromaan chal ondh a Rangit Guha bald tak nationalist |kishetom tok a Uinbered vert ton of hichony at a shit Voography of Gand Hone, Marnisi asd not bebere im the [ivbonsiont § O Cs | Many Ad not How ener, the radionadict mpective tannat be _stwedtheds fe ie Chand, himself a Mami, 4, Candle Wak ._ os bade, ah he led the wort | he a: of whi is cll “al nde prrestrnd ) SHUBHRA RANJAN yi Ales | 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. #011 45612719 | | Non-Cooperation Movement has been a turning point in Indian national movement. Elucidate, Critically evaluate the achievements 20 Marks [cw | and the failures of the movement. | he Trdtan nabional menenent tntithed of comer ol phases. sack ony | prgrestively pee eae pecive cue) The Now- (oe perabio Novemend 4 of | (420-22 led by Gamalhs marked & | mayer shoft inate eee tanker chrategiet o om chmagle wore af toe nda [fete /4) tons tibbiond , Wheral chmgale odepled by eaaly pebinadite ch at Dadeble ai Nawal! amd CumerS ronath Boomers “They helrened in the magnaninity | of the ake, endl sine for greater plied royrenenhadion ol other refoeme 2 ) SHUBHRA RANJAN 1) militant or excromiet methods acto | fom the 1400 by Lala Lalipat es, Bipin Okanera Pad ond Purobinde Ghork- They povided a Ill therry of natin. sditm and chived Br diveck askin | tema. faeces netictamue bondi down om the experiences of tha db and Wc own extertencct th tooth, Miva Grp a nae method of shogale: sadegagrahe. Gok wha implied “ebiaiteal agg oqo a ail Etat: Throng the NEM, Gendhe woe ble 4 ‘nutine the martes sphibwally ansl “apend He feud shraggle sll ner | TrAters bebiesing wt copay of the mantel Ae poahcpae | ) SHUBHRA RANJAN | Always Ahead | 32.B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. #011 45612719 During Nem, there was bey at of Bat —_ ctl, gorernoeanh anetibattons Like chor Le and churches, wrelinguithment of stale herons, ond mor-paymont of bares by the postork The unique fea dunes of Nem whic. make it a fcrning pink «and iu cheenatls 3) mabilcabin ot martes wel pease in ture a ae a Use. i) intilonee on obimse ov pe lente | game morel ue th the movement Ht ex ved the illegitimacy of the government ome wed fone on pfesten | °) combining differen’ _prpeses we the robin qe: oq peacant s tax | Wurden, Uilatat sence , elorowi c dishers | afin World Wer T CS) SHUBHRA RANJAN Now olio bad : eee a) intlasion of Khilefek isene Trurented th bth adn bobbing of Naw after the Chat Chara ratdent wad ontictsed by manyy cHomerer, Bijan Chamare tlt th perp beltnal WUw Was od the out ae $« non-violent hg Th wae rot meant be a polenged moven- ent od te copay of te motes Wat mot lefty Hente, NOM marted a waterhed rnomont Th the roti! huggle- Ac Bipan m hdd its A the most thectaculan Oo tt i cece mek Spee Understanding of Questions Structure and Flow Subject Knowledge | & SHUBHRA RANJAN | ways 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. soit 45612719 [ ave. .3(b) | Discuss in brief, the role of National Commission of Scheduled Caste. Do you agree to the view that it is a ‘toothless’ organisation? 15 Marks The Nationah Commi sein of She dbaleel fatter (wecc) was cet mp ar a separate onbiy 192 hamgl the 29" Amend Ad, under frtide 238 of the Cone thaten. THe porpe ce So safeguard the rights of Chadd aber, pom their ex feitator amd ensure effective inglmentation of pl [scter fe thar wells, at frotdad is even te wk te ic Be |" apne wie ae Volot Ow of right of SG, . ial ond moniter wk cates lever 4 nian ond Stole fe tec gotto- eeonomee dewelo pment of SG la Spend awerenehs ow aight of 60s 25 CS) SHUBHRA RANJAN | 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. fe orvaseio79 J ont Uaact toerning Hom aus od Protection of Cl Raglt het, ase and esr Prorenton of Me aes Bet: wesc has te aul tout ond ite neo Lane a the thalus_» {nim minister in ovelor |b empower ib | Howener, Nec Las oflen boon called ja toothler fig. Te kes fold bo heck the cxplaita hom of Se andl ontune ther wwel fare This Us Seem tnt + obinned violune rrat LU. qe Andras mp lee 1s yorr_tole- etmanie_dlenchpment + dian of decal «9 Dalet soopamae nat allowed a Tamil Nada ) SHUBHRA RANJAN Always Ahead 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. #011 45612719 | “thse ineffevtive ale of Nese is due t . its veammandaliow ore not bined, binclingy ° delays | Ww corn Core of veyed by by amin Chies ind ene ak monvoens oe opprnted by the Union qt + hotage in Gs wi endl fo qrabily of septs neqhot of wetcuh arrencxs fonction Morever, NCCC \as often oropled a Grefightng ppeack intlead of secbing ao Sa Hone, it is right + She ethene Hg Somme coll fag cape joworing Tb wth foot of Questions | pandemic has added new stress and strains to it. Comment. ) SHUBHRA RANJAN 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. © 011 45612719 India’s federal experience already has a chequered history, the 15 Marks Ta Volt of divenity. and oil se actjiveint Tee ge Gromlle Pushy has deconbed ub of “too ative Aaredter " Ushame choles te or clades fe Von plmentakn | of phos Howener, the federal exponents lat o vared Liclry due to: = picuse of the post of over nor ° imposition of Qrevadente le 28 tie An Owe umnithy without waitfowihy | G)SHUBHRA RANJAN Always Ahead 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. #011 45612719 © biGweating sholer ome rovebing slecleba “acs Uy Toma Taco (+ fore finamuer of shecle, low covfel om dees | wath act. Hemnte, chohes awe soneral tscmer with, the Contre actions thee is etpeatally eon | ‘shen there ure different yorties \h he conre and stater Te wecont covin-ta pandemic hos further (pt a thrain om it due tb the adminishat-| jne and etonperic hallenae it brings For + Duet low 4ST twlleckons in beck down, gst ation + cates is delayed anal unt the ie Labelling of or. amd red zed if | allegedly being pelihiciced: + interctake transport anc migration Ve Wandered - 29 Cy) SHUBHRA RANJAN + pacing of farm bile ly Ae Gahe. Due 4 the comone nature of the pondenie the lenkret poven lane Inenensed as aline com proide lraderchip ond plam for rckdom amd vaceine ttraleaies Glafes vetent the unilateral okedens end de ne aleningy of their lace Hone, the shnchveal isner of Than federalisre combined with poletread shrogales cand the prandlenie pose oO cenere hallenae We mush implement the retorumendattons | [of the erkarte ancl Rnchhi crmmiscins Understanding of Questions (S$) SHUBHRA RANJAN 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. ean faserayia [ aves | The role of media in democracy. 10 Marks ae res is bewown aA the “fourtt. pillow "6 of democracy Jeraceacy refer to =e tnhric gprernamne and median bs erlremely important + morwhain i Role played! by medias : 0) lite the pulse ahouk events ond read siv Joe _aarasreners + ) Ve obinion thm gl. Tn formed | day pip 9 shod Comings ww th nmventt | | ) expos | aie vole Wolk He deena Thus, ve hat am indbrumental ole im empoweri ) Ake pullte pole ey Ae go ) SHUBHRA RANJAN s Ahead 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. oil 45612719 | ~Howrewer, . net 5 soverral resvel 7 ee angen cuck os explicate aed sly of veal amu onadicra, prpeqenda and disinformation: There hone comere imphestions fr the | heath of demncracry | Henae, VE 16 ottenbtal that ffecelow ‘the and Gerda of maskin i vag ‘ee ig Seid rented with alah ts Rea Le ta must aged oe | rrden of ec ro pobeation against all polential \eeves- G) SHUBHRA RANJAN Always Ahead 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. #011 45612719 quest) || Gandhian principles in Indian constitution 10 Marks he Tada constr cbion cmtadnt oa mix of ideclesiee, one of whee is Gamdliam. freedom chugale Hor emphatic ow akimta amd sodyos rade: TE ic natural that some | of them ore veflucted m te Cone h Ayton they can he teem int (2) Vivectine rine ew of shote policy Tie Peart 4: 1 ida on alle panchagl o ttide U6- wel of Sts and STe ° yok: bation of orplateto. of milek cattle | | D Aiscouraging aleohal daivdeing I Yamoarzai a4 tyler ethelArrhed by 1) eng Amond ment gies “thes poodles | the wil a told. o) Prkcle S\: pomating international peote 43 ) SHUBHRA RANJAN 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. corn Meets However, Gandhe idea of swarras envisio- ned aalf suffirent vill replies without jexcertive —covkol by ‘the tenbre- phik—PeT — Hewener, the Lonatitvbin | ded fe a & untre due bh ren le of the sme tuk ot Pordrtion reel communal Violonte, anal far of allem sation | Meresver, the PRT system existing tpaley. is Wigly ineffeehve: Heme, while Gamelan inpleences are pretend 7 Conatrvtion, they axe not | | Afehly inglomeneds Th eglt of entenpomy cs suck ag regional venbalamuets qr ° Wht wing shentm they mao te be conciclered Understanding of Questions 1 &) SHUBHRA RANJAN Always Ahead 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Dethi 110005. #011 45612719 | quest) || Different theoretical perspectives on the regionalism in India. 0 Marks Re: imaliom iS polotied ideslogy bated ow qe of lacte ov region. with cena peyealegical and cubhural — Aimencions Trdtw Inne Seen towered imal rn oon cuck as demands ipa thate ih Telanqanas Vielanbhe,. Recently seneral shake nmenhe lane metered ee foe _tocade tk pivale tehev: | y oor Aeal peshives om sepia Hire c es i ball | 4) medonrisabion theo by Racelyh tbadipl s iE ic Ane to the price awhere fs due to ar 4 ab vs ae set ‘notelt onda 4. oy Not. Cast ; — &) Some sugaaat ib is det er 45 ) SHUBHRA RANJAN Always Ahead 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. #011 45612719 (2) Myre Weiner adtwerder the “tom of tow sh thes “gn tem th At6am bane Pantrbad and Viv Come e) bof Iqbal Nevraen attalutes it & pei of sppesthe. ionakisn. has ahnaye Vee promt th Tedia. Te har increased with the break [Waguly conpedve iglit. Th ie obs felled by globalisation whack | raived, regione! Thus, yor poo of Tncltan ha Conant sSi0n stated, a g x Fe = - Que.5(d) | G) SHUBHRA RANJAN S Ahead 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. zon 45612719 Interaction of ethnicity and politics in India. 10 Marks The is deron hed ase Tematic seciety (Rig ), where da ma denn chaite chructure stl netaine traditimal eaped suck os ether hy | Tames Moncr th hee bole Cflanie Do lfs | Fin Talia” als Hak ethoterly tm the | Tasbtan combert do om inchacine term, weaning Ate, seligion. cwoshe, langrager ete Tw Indie, pltia and previcure groups ore. non arcecatioal and bated om ‘alate links: For ecg there ane caste bored parties ( BSP), reliain even poten CBIP, Ni India Muslin, League), amd language hate d ores (TH): | C) SHUBHRA RANJAN | 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Dethi 110005. Soni aser7 a | Nebing behaniour ic ler My defined oy othotelty, mort impartondly cate, anc wean Leverel ethnic eo suck as the | Provide movement and Naga novernent | \eure gored Neate 4, national seurity. Howener, as SD Mun Ld Trolta is Sp diverse at if le On _ united om the bars of one factor tthe wy Hay tom al be ded ag ancl “Wt ie pedal, Bye © Creare nati To, saggerte, ethnic movement: hae cred | with yolttreal and evonemie capeatine Thus, cthntety and politic kane a * 4 plod ty hg cee at | [understanding of avestons | Que.sie) | | ) SHUBHRA RANJAN Pressure group politics in post-liberalisationera. 10 Marks Prertwre ate or omicakions that porfrow the ole a. ortiadation” wtthowt ceaking $ om cletorad polite They influsne shots _poltedes : by boing fanshingy to ron’ pada ing pale opinion Rolert Hoamdarrave) | Tw Thakta, the nk of Vea Wate was inbred ee oe the Jewnabinn of Umgren Nffor the PG | tefome of (94 0c, the mle hes inureated, | Wet theralrcation od glaboltcat, bntinen romp qoined Pare Hence, de as Flect ancl ee rr ou ASCOcH At hone inuneated their influ Jew thes plies | 49 _ G) SHUBHRA RANJAN Always Ahead 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. #011 45612719 Moceorer, L2G refrmt howe lrmght roa a nolitres, four mere 7 “y _) . . ant owimmetal aegmtatin, Thi hos giver ee Ae tte 6 Pretture grape Sewking oye the marainalited. ey Bharatiya Koco (SALE Conghatom eople fie Manet pe ssaae Hu aoe of freelge: arqem takione cud ae Gireen Pearse Rronechy Inbernabional » and tnureatert fpretgn forsling te panties “Thus, we home vitor amel dem fl PT ther era. | Moreover, badteaAton haa inureated | G)SHUBHRA RANJAN Always Ahead 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. = 011 45612719 Quesis) “The idea of secularism is ever present in public debates and discussions, yet there is something quite perplexing about the state of secularism in India.” Comment. Mention some of the recent controversies related to the secularism debate. 20 Marks “the wer of ceulamim is Wertern in “ { I oe oigin Th represen Lefaration between on ao ‘i the skate and eligin Howeret, & India, thene Is re Site ipa co diver ey pan peas aes crontry slewe religion Te Way life th Trdion model of ceewlantim is deviled as “ prinsplad lichnvns by fae Wangan: Th Indie, Have i ie of whigion as ton in fete 25 of Fe buabhihms But this is owbjeat 4 rersnnable rethichow of public order, health and other fndamentad igh G)SHUBHRA RANJAN | 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. wot ase12719 | IS Gan oe \whervene iw whi te ow thee groina in order tp vemove outdated practier ame ectablel eauadily | | Honoree, thie model Las neeubted in ‘a perplexing state f ceuwlanitm ih Inelva as: 2) Stode intervention ‘nae seltaions Communities is uk = ike Newra Chandobe saga thar thes mode | ibsel f qr ne { fear of appeasement of yrfath commurndfies LK Rdvomt hat tu femed state pohdes at |b) Inoreai ole of wolegion in politi Sntee | thane ie he shiek separcakion: Foe og Weat Renal grt gives Some funds F | durge Baja: Thre (pads to Communal nnlskes | ond cam on th aot: n G)SHUBHRA RANJAN 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. woin aon Recon controversies elated + secularism a hoomi iscwe- The & Court 9 nha soon b foro Hindus Ache | 1 tmureading Cow vi ilanAtsm. 9 debate aot Uniform CO Gal Code ancl codifying Matlin bene lawss 4) Court intervention and edgemente | iy Sobbariwahar iWin Tews ancl Tae Talos, e) “Choe chs Prnendiment fet is aceurtal “Ioimnakin me the batis of, veligion % Rene, the iume of wshethor India is tody coor 3 tested. 7 alae aw aie of whether coudonten ig _suitalle for Tasha. OTN: Madan dit ts net at veliga ‘s & past andl aed of Ke in Tyolta. “his Nandy lulds Seowlantem ab nw (neslem | B G)SHUBHRA RANJAN Always Ahead 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. 011 45612719 | obcencion —Honener, Acapite hese tevlerersies amd | tertoin sharteominge, the secular commit ‘enk of Tae muat be athetated tempore -b thesorwtic citer eke tad On Meseever, the Traian model of seonlarismn adlows fe nuthieutturelsen Wester tounbred sue as Frome ave odie haat [sy with their model f cewlant im: Thue towties wm leam how + diversity wrth a democratic seby from he Tastion medal: Understanding of Questions ‘Structurean 1d Flow | Subject Knowledge | | [a] ) SHUBHRA RANJAN ways Ahead 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. # 011 45612719 “The actions of governors in recent time and ri: tussle with the elected state governments has resurrected the debate on the role of governors in the scheme of constituti Elaborate. I_governance.” 15 Marks Garreania, Commitiion called the Goreenes he opt Gaia of dae apace Us the conttibtion! bead of the stote | curder Adicle Isa Th Govemors alto # bridge belmen he Combce amd the Ghetee. tle Communicates th chabes vitle & te Centre amd ensures | hate government Ys wun accoreling + ‘the | | Conathtion: steerer, the oct of Groner bas long been canbrovertial, "he the porter ot | Candee and hake laff, he Gevemor tam etome “the “Toy cn “f the Gite. Recent actions sud as the Karnataka Gpverener dismissing the TDC 5)- Congress 75 G) SHUBHRA RANJAN 32.8, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delht 110008, 6 O11 ANOL 2719 goverment and the frunachal Qavernas \ pre posing the Assceably — veseim Im doth fame ratsed a Ae bate Chardon! Yecune ¢ wi tl th. offre sf Govern a) Sy cho of agpoinbrnent ote ic agnvled hy bis treatolent Cank ana Comrie sin haw saqqested manda toy corswlhabion wth celink overnment qoves \) System 4 yemoval- tle server ee le sleacune 4Y Me Bretdent “the reduces his Toe erdente and he tan become om ‘isha ment of dL. ving poly at Contre Fanelshs | _~—S— rh | bog fixed post of 5 yeane and allnaing impeachment by date legicletne lebe nba tettcle GI: : smmanclect tmabid ( Je) Nast wr OM brquont dicorevona NY Powers : \ | the Governee an decide what comed under Fic dtcemetion: “Uhic har bem misuse of ' G)SHUBHRA RANJAN 5 Ahead 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. eon 45612719 covreral Hrs ty recommend Pportdlents Rule and neserme state lille for Provident Moveorer, the macensity of & Gavernor is ale aan at it often becomes & ptr he te oe | Hente, the ae of Governor is widely ete he Casttanta. anc Punch bs Commi: SSlons ile sagaestnay weft home not | adwvceked Donuy aleraatte change. wthus, the Governors howe immente re and must act with consti bhioal mocelity. Ae Soli Grakjee held, they they a a t coge tar Understanding of Questions Structure and Flow Subject Knowledge Presentation Overall Remarks : [oie] G) SHUBHRA RANJAN Always Ahead 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. zou 45612719 Discuss the evolution of Indian democracy since independence . How socio-economic inequality has played the role in shaping Indian democracy? 15 Marks Gwe India became a deme in (952, there at been a covkivalend alli, ih | de nabure: mf Li aa as veri wert al adult sof froge, ae all aired ak mates, wha 1 am ehvonte emporrering he mane, oe ee Yoana Yodev 4 of chev dlemourat ra exe Rye tel wher OBC lonasett ashes ie ns firmed thay own | ee whe Dalby fred ian he pogle ° slatoes we has adie wel | dorainating the frst Je stable dae onl Yerktomak ancl man apiece 78 G)SHUBHRA RANJAN | Always Ahead 32 B, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi 110005. #011 45612719 Asrinati xt. The demroratic chaadter of Tada received a Vert eh with the Emer ana the excenes ommritled ly the larean- orocy However, elerkione being talled im NAAT chow that the Aemcvrahe naire of Tacltn cammat be questioned Ta ecent years, with the lmealesoun of thy Conayrens austen and whe of Coalition gobi, Tedian ameoracy as grmom tive tative: oon wth he qual of vel | im tolihe, cohelant Whe Crit phe afi My | ange thet DiAte is becoming a | Covio- etensmic t ata: esetcs | tnajor mle nm o a7 damovrn uy | 79 @SHUBHRA RANJAN | Many vocem ends ‘oul ag Hu FP te: | nant, Noxal movement and formers mnasernenla all aim tb fold thar inopalty Htowover while come aim ty thronaitien lemocray by forming } antes, oO am 4 Pact ae TP anol Noel _morement msementt Th Inde, Ta dai being a demmeray fir 42 yeons » hunapr ond poverty ch oxic. i. Covi onas onns has accelerated share Theqnalaess Tha pls a question oy Mayet that However, TrMa hat a long wa oat caw abdrws “has ives th dhe fchrre - Structure and Flow Subject Knowledge Presentation (Overall Remarks :

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