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The Economist April 28th 2018

#MeToo in Japan says a (male) former official, who says

there are “many, many” such cases. The im-
#NotUs balance between men and women in soci-
ety and the workplace is more lopsided
than in other rich countries, leaving wom-
en both prey to abuse and reluctant to
speak out. Most women work, but almost
all bosses and top officials are men, says
Kazue Muta of Osaka University. Some
A rare victory over sexual harassment
women, especially female reporters who

W HEN a female reporter for TV Asahi

told Shukan Shincho, a magazine,
that Junichi Fukuda, the finance ministry’s
are expected to drink with (usually male)
sources, see enduring sexual harassment
as part of the job.
top bureaucrat, had repeatedly sexually The imported term for sexual harass-
harassed her, the reaction was galling. Taro ment, seku-hara, was coined only in 1989.
Aso, the finance minister, said he had no The law obliging employers to take action
plans to investigate Mr Fukuda. When the against it took force in 1999. “Many just see
reporter provided audio recordings as evi- it as unrequited or complicated love in the
dence, Mr Fukuda said he couldn’t be sure workplace,” says Mieko Takenobu, a for-
the voice was his. “I only hear my voice mer reporter who heads the Asia-Japan
through my own body,” he explained. For Women’s Resource Centre, an NGO. The
its part, TV Asahi apologised for the fact the culture of respect for elites does not help.
reporter had told her story to the maga- Victims tend to be blamed and ostracised,
zine—failing to note that she had done so not sympathised with. TV Asahi’s reporter
only after she had come to one of her own has not revealed her identity. wrongdoing). It is the first time in 20 years
managers and he had advised her to keep Yet some hope this is a pivotal moment. that a senior finance-ministry official has
quiet. (The company did eventually lodge Mr Fukuda, who is alleged to have said stepped down over misconduct. The inci-
a formal complaint with the ministry.) things like “Can I touch your breasts?” and dent follows two similar cases in the busi-
The #MeToo movement has barely suggested that he and the reporter have an ness world. In one, a CEO resigned as head
touched Japan. “This is a land of men,” affair, has resigned (without admitting of a company he had founded after admit-
ting harassing women in his previous role
as an executive at Dentsu, Japan’s biggest
advertising agency. And both the president

Week: {Feb.07, 2022} and a junior executive of NH Foods

stepped down over remarks the latter had
made to an airline employee during a busi-
ness trip.
Other ways in which women are dis-
criminated against are also drawing atten-
tion. This month sexist rules in sumo came
under fire when female first-aiders attend-
ing a sick man were ordered to leave the
ring. Some female politicians are encour-
aging more women, who are only 10% of
the Diet, to run for office. And this year a
court will reconsider the rule that married
Read the article and write two paragraphs: couples must share a surname, which in
practice forces women to change theirs.
Opposition parties are pushing for Mr
Fukuda to be investigated and denied his
Par. 1: Introduction (Context + Topic full retirement benefits. Some are calling
for Mr Aso to resign. Seiko Noda, the inter-
[including reference] + Issue ) nal affairs and communications minister,
and one of only two women in the 20-per-
son cabinet, has criticised the finance min-
istry’s handling of the case.
Whether the momentum continues is
Par. 2: The synthetic summary up to women more broadly, says Ms Take-
nobu. Japan lacks a strong grassroots cam-
paign. As Ms Noda observes, rights in Ja-

Use the back of this paper for your writing

pan tend to be “given, not won”. Those
pushing for change see most hope in Ja-
pan’s current labour shortage. Companies
are desperate for workers, and are trying to
woo women with promises of good condi-
tions. While they speak mainly about flex-
ible working hours, workplaces where
women are not groped or propositioned
would presumably also be a draw. 7
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