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केन्द्रीय विद्यालय रायगढ़


Name of the Students :- ……………………………………… Guide teacher

Class :- ………. …………………………………………………

School :- …………………………………………………………………………


Guidelines for the project :-

1. Complete and submit the project in time.

2. Write the project in A4 paper.

3. You can use different colour pens except Red pen.

4. Write one side of the A4 paper only.

5. Think original, do experiments and collect data by

yourself with guidance of your family members,

friends and teachers.

6. Attach photos of your activities also.

1. Name of the Student : ………………………………………...

2. Roll No : ……………………………………………………………...

3. Class and Section : …………………………………………......

4. Name of the School : …………………………………………...

5. Theme: ……………Transport………………………………...

6. Title of the Project : ………………………………………………

7. Linked Subjects: ……………………………………………………

8. Guide Teacher : …………………………………………………..


1 Certificate

2 Acknowledgement

3 Bibliography

4 Objectives of the Project

5 Materials used in the Project

6 Content/ Body of the Project

7 Question & Answer related to the

Project from Linked subjects

(a) Math

(b) EVS

( c ) English

(d ) Hindi

( e ) Art Integrated Integrated

8 My learning from the Project

9 Conclusion
This is to certify that ……………………………….......

student of .................. has successfully completed his project on

the theme .................and title .......................under the guidance

of ..............................................

KV Raigarh for the academic session 2021-22.

Guide Teacher Date:

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to
my subject teachers
Mr./Ms.……………………………………………………… Mr./Ms.
……………………………………………………… Mr./Ms.
……………………………………………………… Mr./Ms.
for their guidance, my honourable principal
.………………………………............. for providing
me all the facilities in our school.
I would also like to express special thanks to my
parents and friends for helping me to complete this

Name of the Student Date :

................................. ..................
I have collected some information from my
course books:
Marigold ( English)
Rimjhim (Hindi)
Math-Magic (Maths)
Looking Around (EVS) .

I have also gathered some information

from newspapers and internet.I collected
some of the pictures from Google and
Youtube. Some information were added by
my parents, friends and teachers .

Name of the Student Date :

................................. ..................

Objective of the project

Students will be able to
- Understand what is MDP
- How to correlate with other subjects
- What is transport?Types
- Integrate with art etc
Materials used in the project :-

Activities related to the project from linked

subjects :-
(a) Math
(b) EVS
(c) English

(d) हिन्दी

Plan a picnic tour from Raigarh to Chandrapur by bus for 100 students.
Collect these information from your parents and prepare tour plan.
A . Distance between Raigarh to Chandrapur - ……………… km
B . Bus fare – Rs ………….. per student(onward + return).
C . Breakfast price – Rs ………… per student.
D . Lunch price- Rs ………… per student.
E . Boat ride fare - Rs ………… per student.
F . Bus capacity - …………… students per bus
Use these data and prepare your picnic plan for 100 students.
Time of Departure - ………………….. Time of Return - ………….
Total duration of tour - ………………………..
Total buses required - ………………….
Distance between Raigarh to Chandrapur in metres - ………
Total bus cost – Rs ………………..
Total breakfast cost – Rs …………………..
Total lunch cost – Rs …………………….
Total cost of boat ride – Rs ……………….
Total cost of tour – Rs ………………………….
Total cost per student of tour – Rs ………………. Per student
(Hints - Total cost = Quantity X Rate(price)

Also make your shopping list and their estimated cost.


1.Uses of transport in your life .

2.Evolution of rail engines by the time .

3.Write the speciality of all the transport .

4.Which transport do you like the most and why ?

5.which transport is the best transport according to


6.Paste the pictures and write the slogans about the

transport .



Q.1 What is “transport”?

Q.2 What are various means/modes of transports and
fuel used?

Example :-

Means of transport Fuel used Remarks

Bus Diesel

Q.3 Write few sentences about “water transport” and

its benefits.

Q.4 Which means of transport would you like to travel

and why?

Q.5 Collect the photographs of various means of

transport.(use old newspaper/magazine/......)


प्रश्न-1. यातायातसे आप क्या समझतेहै?

प्रश्न-2. जिन यातायात के साधनोंका हम आज

प्रयोगकरते है क्या प्राचीनकाल से उनका प्रयोग होता

आरहाहै ,यदि नहींतो उनका चित्रों के माध्यम से

क्रमदर्शाए।(समय के साथ यातायात के साधनोंमें जो

बदलाव आए है )

प्रश्न 3. सबसे सस्ताऔर सुगमयातायात का साधनकोन

सा है ,उस पर कुछ पंक्तियां लिखिए।

प्रश्न 4. आपको यदिभारत की राजधानी दिल्ली

जानाहो,तो क्या आप जलमार्ग से वहांपहुंच सकतेहै, यदि

नहीतो अन्य विकल्पोंकी यात्रा खर्च के साथ





Paste any one photo during completing this project

My learning from the projrct :-


conclusion :-


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