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Modi. 5 | © L LTHOORIES OF _YER Sway ity KAREN HORWEN: RIMCHDAWALYTIC Social THEDRY “Bio graphy: ~Bivthname: Karen Danvelsen - Born on \Uth OF Septemrer \CES in antng Germany 7 Wer fatter was Berndt Wackels Denielsen a Novy Captain while hue mother was __Utotlde Drnsthen « houseanfe- Che bod frre (5) ablgs tle (UOC, che, locks omcdia thal and maresed a la shat, Ot a We ADs te 1_the. ea "Sey hralyss” ~ December W142 she Fssed avoy. Koren Horney in| Poychology held: a = Gne develoved a theory 9f_newasis” jrat AS hll_prosinent te tas dey 7 denned Sa) seve -[Lalie intlades the ced for powte, octal presige_ fe fee af fechon, 1 ndegendence,_ 7 She roe ape_ rhesus yuo pothnel ——Aind_flentaine-— psy he logy. \ntetuchon fo Pryeaoanelne Soerl Theory? Thus recry-of ren Horny was bwlton tne. assmmphion thet Socal and —__tallwral_conaltht eo ME a | (9 2 Staseof _qpprthension : + Fundamental Sy\es_ of Relchny to Othecs — moving towoed people 1 Mowieg_aga mngh_qeople Seen eeenaee S Moving away from people ———______ + (nba che Canelet = TAdea\yzed_stle “image. ond self hater HORNEY. ys. TREUD i + Hovey covheetd Freud yteones: oo _OSnd adleane +o orthodox psychoanalyss would lead fo stegrehon_vm_Loth ____Apeorehcatthoagnt md thecagtuhe prachee: a SS D She obgected fo Freud's ideas on Ferstmine Poachologys © Sve shressed the view tat Pechoanalyss chow move Segond yarhect theory sand __tenghasine the egortance, of celle cw fluenves tn aging. pecsymabhy a bapety ned Satuefechon? (nan is ruled not ty pleoswe. front alone uk by Hd anicling princi se «She nd te Newest are nol results of tthct bet rather of He _ptecon's “atte and paths nro ass Werness_ pul of wantrovn dargee — Tas —uildéiness 13 Created by cociety Od not by whats of aertomy. Hee oan qjyancel with Trend wasnt much fhe_acumacy of hic obiecvehors— lw the validity of ou onterprebahons Nh gtnteal_texons, gre ld thot Freud's. explaoehon resll om pessienshe cancest of _wranity oastd_on_yanaitsashnets cond the wtageaton of: ptosonaltty- |W conta ber Nites of Wumanith yc a _Optimhe one aad Ws centeced ta cultural frvees- | ON __Thc_Imen Calne? Karen Horney hy emphasized cultural influences as the primary beses och ABS pd sl yr he: “tee pes a real_or _gottchel_compehtoe of Cueryon lsc" _* Western _coucty CGatnbster ts fyi _wictowsciccle in Stvtral vespects: Fuss people of tn Lehy cre Wout a) Hrachngs 0. Keundnip ound hmamlity __ Seysnd,, society c demand for_stateess and_achitvemeats owe néatly tadiecs Third, westeen sociehy fell people that they are free=++ in reall, however tre ____freedom_of people \s_Qreatly eeshrwtd_ lay geaehes Corio pasthon, cmd the —__ ___barepe binventst of otves: —— | 77 enn Ulin Tagen Mornty_\ eleved teat “neaterhe_Conpluct can velop al” aang. stage 0 F develepmect— buh that the great mayorty of duppealhes begun _na_childbeod. Horney, progsed that newrohe wots at.pramanly comsed y_rovgh-chldbe— _Oni\dlrood 15 Hoe ogee from tenth the cath yon tof pret. ont. — Trowmane went tony (eave Yrer Wmprecsions on td's foctwrt development: The vets tan be Aroced 49 lack of germine warmth and affechon: _ Parents have a poweepl t(fedt_on a child's pecsonal_dévtlopeet« : Dat fhenlt cutldljood 1 responsible for newrohe needs: HRSIC HOSTIATH and DASIC ANKENY _= |p -paventis_do_not sahfy the child's needs for cagety omnd sate ection the — cluld develops Peeing sof base hoshlity trward thew parents: _7 However, clatditn _celdom express this Wosthty at rage; wnstead, they repress tt and Wave. NO Qvavenes of tT z = Repressed_hoshity then tendi_fo_prfauad feeling of secu) ane segue senie_of apprehension. — Basie Annet). Kaen Horney defined if os Fe feeheg beng isola gad Wlpless ma world conceutd at potently horhle” of EN t _ = Enelte, che gove a sore grapuedescriphon , cag baste anxiety at So feeling ns goh hefelecc dcevkd avd endangered ww A world that . af being conell wf cant out 40 ghyse, cheat, attack pence Uh pd ta “the letmved tet Laie hochitty and bare ammety are" intetcetly _tpkesvioven" 7 Heshle wmpules ace the principal fourct_of Sasic anxiety, bak basic cnnitty cn also _conbibelt. 4p the forlngs “of hachhitys ” Horney, contended trot “tt does not matter whether amxety ot loshhty os buon the primary factor" — the tenportact pomt 1s Hat these vecieroel nkloene yong yatensify & nemynsrs vetthont a perton's_tapenenang _awyadatrovel outside vonptict-_ pei Te bE ae pres ON Homey orrgually idevhped four Gi) general 046 “that propie_protect Hoconte ves —agnnst Hus fering of beng alone ra 4 petenhally Washle world: fi fb as a te — search por nffechion, Come. peeple way try 0 puvchate_ love mits cele = Cf ¢acing compliantt ymattual gbods, or feaval_favort: 1 Subrassiventts — ntwronds may Subsyart Aheanatluesevtlee te_peopleoc_unstiiwhons tte rgezninsbons |ttigion: They often closet? gai affechon- 4 Mfraviny for power, preshges or_pessession — power AS dRfenfe_aagaras' the real or magined hoshity of others amd tates. the form of a Aerdeney 40 _deonnate © there ' preshge_ty a_prottchon agamst __ _ —_hvntiahon ound Uc tprtcced ar a tendency to humbak obheas ___poSsessien_acts aso buff against destimhon cand powerty _ — td manigacts Hele @S a fendenty 42 deprive others 4 Wdhadrann) — ntumpties frequently protect AnemetlueS _aagornth LAN, aresety & Cte by developing Gn inde ptadene frm otc ov ty beroming — ____tmohonally detached Rem them By pruchologially urthdrawing, Key feel teat they cam not toe nat by _pther pede Be ospaiss 32h | Compusine DRIVES New nad 6 giao gmt uo ot fee dom, or —weribsble cand ves rege ee ae oe affect nose pet, teeept, __Roreral_ peopl are atic te use 9 _vancly of defeae manugec Rat for neweohes,_ Srey ompulervely repeat The same sorkgy in _canecstnbally veproduchye. evenner- They compulsively protect themeelver agaiast basic angitty. compuigut Devt + NEAROTIC weeps (10) _ 7 a Neuhe Nutter Medien aad Peel Inthe quest faraffechonand approal, newnhes_atttmet wadiccremately te please others ~ They try fo ive ap te the mpectahons of ofbege 1 Newohe Need fre a Powersal Partner Leder seif- conpadence, Rewrohes try +2 atnch Haemstlves Too posteefl paver: Thus need tncludes an_querevaluahon of love cmd a _decad of ‘seg alone ov gtcertd. 3 Neuwhe Naed jo Rese one , One's ig Wit Nets Bode __ Nematres frequently crave to vemain aconspicnons to take cevaed ple ard tp oe Gorter wit Very Mle They doungeadt ther cen otlhhes ond dread molg demands _ ono pn wu: Newer Need foe Power Power and affechon are tvo_qventest nearche needs: We need for poer ss Asal, Unerlned with the needs for preshge cmd possession and manifests 1telf as He need 1 vorrel others ond 1 avoid feelings of weakness ov cypdity. S Newnie Need Explot O-thers = eee —_Newiches frequently tunlunle on th bass of how, ue con be_used or enplorted, but_nl_the some tine, they fear long erplorted by otlates —_. | fon te Neue Need fr Geetal Recognton ov Preshge Grime people combart Loouie aware). eles frst, 40 be yeepertint, ov ty attrac ottnhon to Themselves 2-Neurohe Need, foc} Personal a er Newvohes pvt a need 25¢ agtenred for wat they are rather Than for whet Ahoy possess Thew anglated_gelp-esletm must be_conbinally fed by “the advan Gud approval Of othe: s:Neuwshe Need fr Abita cud | Sg ereeceeecaaag —_Newohs offen have «sheng decwe|deve to be the best» They mnst Abert other PeoAe wm Order ty confm thew cupenonty- a. Newohe Need for Sele aGutfeitaty od \ndtpendewe Moy neuroha have a ctrOng wed $v move aay from peome thickly poling Tost they can_qtt alo uithost efbect = to Newae Need for Rergechon and Unacsatl aby By strwing celeattesly for yergechon , aturohes recent “pre” o¢ Mew self =e, and personal _Cageavrty: Tey. Ortad wnbrg raistales qd lawicy flows ud Thuy desperolly inp jo Inde they weakntcses from otlrecs: a ® "Compt iw _ peurotie TRENDS Cees a __ As hee theory evolved, Horney Gegan to stetrat the hst of ip | pewhe Mttds could be Grovprd wiv thee geneva catgpres- |x} Hoe thee (3) Lose ottvindes, OF rewrvhe tend _\t wove JouaRd PEDPLE + eee 1 Cooaphant pevsprealtty. + Does not mean moumny trod people» athe spit of genuint. love: Reyer, rt vefers Av & neweohe peed to proktet oneself agamst feelings Of hopelAaness. + Tediuduals art, neweche wank seek tonfarmanen aid acceptance from_otisest: URS they crane proue end lovt, they ort feeauenhy regarded of weedy | dingy - _ 7 MN ROAST PEOPLE: . = _t Aggrassnt, gectnatity. oe _1 These tute people a. oe ants Thy ac sesh yong “inte 19_frplort ofhees ond to wie them for free Own bentfit: wt 1 Trey seldsen odyaad their mictates and ave complevely driven t. apptar fetfect, pawerpel vd sugtaibe> = Es _*Hostlity and awh -socin) brhovior ave te result Tee y eoipieene | described as cold, werettrtsted and aloof. 2 WOvIYo fuk FROM PLOPLE * Detached pecconalty, + Tlntd shattgy 180m gyertssion of needs Le pelvacy, sp ciliae rfc | a | Dy Thee rnewhe needs result im hnashhty ond anced 40 Control people: Tre udiudneld par offen_deicribed cas diffu, donmnetring, Ad lewd —hevotding 4» Karen Horney, “neuro trends” ove attinder oud bf that PPE a feeling of Sofehy cmd desput |boke. me's veal selt: a pe fe Cc H \deawaed Sele \inage Kotly negatve yyflucmces often hinder pelts natural tendency toiraccht self \eahaation j ence leaves from with feelwgs of wolahon Ged tefteonihy At gectings of Al enahon_i_prescat, people need J? _acauwe_a stable “Seest of vdeahty” speaprcally, thu tu whee Wdealracd Lele Image enfecs “acne a i been ein ge 13 4 Kan tny_cengaet het (Ai edlties sues aided _Oypeck {i Newahe Search for Glog Aspect 2+ Neweone Cloams Aiptcy 3: Newrohe Pede ; hoped 1 Neurb earch for Glory = tt mcloder treee other elements: es =) ed fox Regechon = catchy « vompcr sth of “sonia” " emd “thodd nett” 1) Rearhe Aetihyn = cheering verges tte achwhes thot vill Gey ences: a )Dewt bused « Vndictne Trmmph — mort gestmctve Ain i to dre often tn fh mnt favre ching acy Aspect 2 Nematic Clarens ~tinty_ proclaim that they ost special ond theepore entitled te be treat m occar don. with thew sdtalized View of tems; “Hien sew _clani are_ynmet, ieweshes btome indignant ge “Arprct 3+ Weurshe Pride _ ; cowdly FIClaimed Im order 4 prottet and support o glorified view of one'y LEIP» HOARE pride Leased onan _unveahshe view of teatsele: “Sng teed oe Se Horney veegnired ix ©) mayor bays tm which people taprecs self -hetred: 1: Relenties demand on ontstle = neue. People bake demands on there tees Hast don't chop even schon They achieve A meosat Of. (uberst- : a Merci\ess Cele-Accucehon = nevyshe people Lonttartty told them ves: From ambition! Opession fe thoroughly qutthoning Ther Quin mctuahons. —2AtleLonismel — Lebithing, donthng, duceedthng youd ndicnling oneat! f= a: Sele ~Frusivation — ntwhe people ove frequently checkitd by treat egawst Daoyrnest-_ CA Torment = ison wh ot bin OF seffecieg. on themithee 2 Stle- Destewdhvt bichon amd lvopnlses — playsicals Overeating. reworking tye ford, abusing oluabel | deagy Seva PSychalogical: quitting a Job ube tt begins tebe Felting, Crgaging in. Promiscaons sthval achvines Kory Mocooy Femntatne. Psychology + Sine 1s widtly vegarded As tne founder of {feral psy chiatry, ae She. nyt oy tontegt oF “peau tovy(f reed) and tustad proprsed. te i: ae Svan toy” . < Te peen Flatt Mach” soe ace aes is aa

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