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Merde lo 0) ee a : THeogits OF PERfoUALity ERK Eenson! S_FS4 (HOSOCIAL_THEDRY ADefsashon aed Prinuple Debind the theory —- Pouchosocial_theory 14 the. provtis by which a person undergoes eght aa of dtulopment Over ones ligespan. i ~~ fiom infancy te late adulthood —Epigenehe Prmeple Risch stage 11 Goractenred by a series “f crue the mat toes sh = The foranulahon of Crk Eriion'y trey primarily Gated on Ligemud Freed s Prvctoitual Afoes of Deutlepnaeet- ese Life Bedhgrnnnd of brik Enkaton: ss 2 He wos born on dune IS, MOI Flowbee Germany He war rowed by a single Jeith mother named Karle Abreheesten leo hutd with 0 phytician came De- Thesdove Hemberger (hw skpfather) Somme tough trperitntee he encownttetd: He wes teased for hur appearance sn school. pee He was veyected tm Grammer Cnvel for leting ee yee: so , a ae int ec i pe ndeoloay Me was rh v4 St caicaceuetenee nag con Treads friend | He wns Biscay Upcbettinad bt uae aul poked ae chld_piychonsaly a . ach Henin Harve! n\ Schoal_ pace withort g. formal deat Hess ated ec chins potion in Harvecd Mefiel Schl tue eat gsm deg & ® \4 \f a Pore Decelopnent teas \e = Ths en equ ot wth; s “(recess tm Thy stage will teed fo the virtue of hope ne ito ve = Tre ntwoorn completely» orwmrory. contguuer far Confinudy Of cae: a - Saye): Avetvnerey vue Shome and Dorbt fe Tw stage occurs between He ayes \E_months 4° approxwmattly 3 yeare ___ Cuceess Iw Tus Stage will lead the vie of wi ___ “Focused_on children developing a sense of personal cant + Sage >! \nthatwe vse Gualt oe Ths stage occvrs during preschool yrs; between 3 yt old mad Cyes olf “Children aced 4 begin ascerhng Contra and povte utr the enuirinmeel by v's takqay witrahves- — . Cucess In fli tage leads te @ semte Of pucpose. «Sloot i: Indmshy atetetzeordy Thus dame sccars during childhood» age 0 yet OW and I yet old “Tru stage 15 vital om _cleutloping self = Config - (eds who do vell in choo _deutlop_a_stnse of vompetéace andl con frdtaven dd cho cchruygle_in sehoOl nnay Se Iept ith fPelingl Of taoeg Y8Cy cind topper ty. | | -s Stage S* \dertity se Confusion “Thus _dfoge 4ceans la adeletead 42 Seguarng of aden LHreodd “Thy. eye plays €sertel vale_um developng_a sense_of personal vdentity hich vill cathe _o wwflitete betnavior ond dtvelepment for the rat of the bes Children leoun a numberof difftcent cole: |r oy _waportant +0, sort out_ aud tutegrate Hoese vero poles in_ore conant dewhty:_ == = “(fo clnild fouls ip. dogo, he. vewlt chet Crition calle “€9° “Dujyation” fe Sacred iv This tage vill leod fo fidenty. 7 act, + Sone ve Jnkncy up \e\ehon . Th Stage occurs m torly adulthord ; quenha ard co \ - = Mewng adults weed r fm (uheat, aes nlchresiirs wit Sacetas tm this atrge will ead 4° Chong Velobondnes while forlvve cesalte yn loneliness and ole — —_ a -_ Tt Gone covers the. shiad_of tly adulbast uita pane ast eyuagy Aohonshps “Thu the cbinty fo share one stl vith ancther ftrcon without the peor of losing eres gun ideohty: + Hoge 3: Genevatty_ut- Stagnehon “Thu loge occane th paiddle_odattnon d * Gener otuty” reac wet tyond one's ovn immediate, Canteens > Anescte Ltlfece + Selete + Stognehon ; prey maternal passe Sons oy physttal seell Qing ———__ ee * Stone {+ Integrity vie Despare a - Tas tage ocemrs during ole age: es Sense Of seahcfachen with their acconpl uhment + Feeling of me Tro vhort for fre atttmpt To chart another lye and Pty ot alktinchvt_roadi to integrity. ~Sugee_te This Stage wlll lead 40 wisdom.

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