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Engineering Mechanics may be defined as the 1. The parallelogram law: The resultant of two
science which considers the effect of forces on rigid forces is the diagonal of the parallelogram formed
bodies. on the vectors of these forces.
Rigid Body – defined as a definite amount of matter 2. Two forces are in equilibrium only when equal in
the parts of which are fixed in position relative to magnitude, opposite in direction, and collinear in
each other. action.
3. A set of forces in equilibrium may be added to any
Force – defined as that of which changes, or tends to system of forces without changing the effect of the
change the state motion of a body. original system.
4. Action and reaction forces are equal but
Force System – any arrangement where two or more oppositely directed.
forces act on a body or on a group of related bodies.

Scalars – quantities which possess magnitude only If two forces are represented by their free vectors
and can be added arithmetically. placed tip to tail, their resultant vector is the third
Vectors – quantities which possess both magnitude side of the triangle, the direction of the resultant
and direction and can be combined geometrically. being from the tail of the first vector to the tip of the
last vector.

The parallelogram law states that the resultant of v2 = vo2 + 2as

two forces is the diagonal of the parallelogram
formed on the vectors of these forces.
Resultant – a single force or vector that is the Convert: 60 miles per hour to feet per second
equivalent of a set of forces or vectors.

Analytical Method. The vectors can be resolved into

components that coincide with arbitrarily chosen
Rx = Σ Fx (x-comp. of the resultant)
Graphical Method. Two vectors can be added to give Ry = Σ Fy (y-comp. of the resultant)
a resultant; this resultant in turn can be added to a
R= Rx2 + Ry2 (resultant)
third vector, etc. until all the vectors have been
added together to give an overall resultant. These tan θx = Ry/Rx (direction of the resultant
vectors can be added in any order. This method is with respect to x-axis)
sometimes called the head-to-tail method.
Note: In determining the signs, follow the quadrant
signs of Cartesian Coordinate System.


Determine completely the resultant of the con- Compute the value of the resultant of the con-
current force system as shown. current forces shown.
300 N 300 N
200 N 100 N
60° 30° X 60° X
400 N
45° 45° 30°

50 N 200 N 400 N
100 N

The resultant of the concurrent forces shown is The block is acted upon by its weight W = 200N, a
300N pointing up along the Y axis. Compute the horizontal force Q = 600N, and the pressure P
values of F and θ required to give this resultant. exerted by the inclined plane. The resultant R of
Y these forces is up and parallel to the incline thereby
F sliding the block up it. Determine P and R.
W = 200N

θ X
500 N Q = 600N

240 N 30° 15°

Equality of Vectors. Two vectors A and B are said to

be equal, written as A = B, if (1) their magnitudes are
equal – that is A = B, and (2) they have the same
Vectors as Directed Line Segments. Any vector A direction.
can be represented geometrically as a directed line Scalar-Vector Multiplication. The multiplication of a
segment (an arrow) as shown. The magnitude of A is scalar m and a vector A, written as mA or as Am, is
denoted by A, and the direction of A is specified by defined as follows:
the sense of the arrow and the angle θ that it makes
1. If m is positive, mA is the vector of magnitude mA
with a fixed reference line.
that has the same direction as A.
A 2. If m is negative, mA is the vector of magnitude
|m|A that is oppositely directed to A.
Fixed reference line 3. If m = 0, mA (called the null or zero vector) is a
vector of zero magnitude and arbitrary direction.


Unit Vectors. A unit vector is a dimensionless vector The Parallelogram Law and the Triangle Law. The
with magnitude 1. Therefore, if λ represents a unit addition of two vectors A and B is defined to be the
λ | = 1) with the same direction as A, we can
vector (|λ vector C that is determined by the geometric
write A = Aλ λ. construction shown.
The Parallelogram Law and the Triangle Law. The B
addition of two vectors A and B is defined to be the Triangle Law
vector C that is determined by the geometric
construction shown. A
B where: A, B = components of C
Parallelogram Law C = resultant of A and B
where: A, B = components of C
C = resultant of A and B

Addition of three or more vectors. Letting E,F F, and

G represent any three vectors, we have the following
two important properties:
• Addition is commutative: E + F = F + E Rectangular Components. The rectangular
• Addition is associative: E + (F
F + G) = (E
E + F) + G coordinate system is the xyz reference frame. As
shown, the unit vectors that act in the positive x-, y-,
F and z-coordinate directions – called the base
vectors – are labelled i, j, and k, respectively.
E z

i O j

Vector addition using rectangular components. Equivalence Vectors. Equivalence implies

Assume that two vectors A and B are expressed in interchangeability; two vectors are considered to be
their rectangular forms as follows: A = Axi + Ayj and equivalent if they can be interchanged without
B = Bxi + Byj. Letting C be the sum of A and B, changing the outcome of the problem.

C = A + B = (Axi + Ayj) + (Bxi + Byj) Fixed vectors. Equivalent vectors have the same
magnitude, direction and point of application.
which, using the properties of vector addition, can
Sliding vectors. Equivalent vectors have the same
be written as
magnitude, direction and line of action.
C = Cxi + Cyj Free vectors. Equivalent vectors have the same
= (Axi + Bxi) + (A
( yj + Byj) magnitude and direction.
Principle of Transmissibility. This states that the
external effect of a force on a body is the same for
all points of application along its line of action.


Using rectangular components, find the resultant R If R is the resultant of the forces P and Q, find P and
of the vectors P and Q shown. Q.
P = 120 ft

30° X O 25° X
70° O 50°
R = 260 lb

Q = 100 ft

Determine the resultant of the three concurrent

forces as shown.
F1 = 50 N
F2 = 10 N

60° X

F3 = 60 N

The moment of a force about an axis or line is the The moment is equal to twice the area of the triangle
measure of its ability to produce turning or twisting formed by joining the center of moments with the
about the axis. ends of the force.
The magnitude of the moment of a force about an F
axis which is perpendicular to a plane containing the
line of action of the force is defined as the product
of the force and the perpendicular distance from the
axis to the line of action of the force. d
That is: Mo = F x d Mo = F x d
where: F = force
d = perpendicular distance or the
moment arm


The effect of an external force on a rigid body

remains unchanged if that force is moved along its
line of action. The moment of a force is equivalent to the sum of
moments of its components.
F2 = F d
F P R f
F1 = F c g
a F
O e Rxd=ΣFxd

Assuming clockwise moments as positive, compute In the figure below, a force F passing through C
the moment of force F = 450 N and a force P = 361 N causes a clockwise moment of 120 N-m about A and
about points A, B, and C. a clockwise moment of 70 N-m about B. Determine
the force and its x-intercept ix.
F 2m
Fx C Action Line of F
3m Fy
P Fx D B
1m O ix
1m B 5m

A force P passing through points A and B has a The moment of a certain force F is 180 N-m
clockwise moment of 300 N-m about O. Compute the clockwise about O and 90 N-m counter-clockwise
value of P. about B. If its moment about A is zero, determine the


3m 3m
O 6m O 6m


PARALLEL FORCES – one in which the action lines Determine the resultant of the parallel forces system
of all the forces are parallel. acting on the bar AB shown below.

Rx = Σ Fx
20 N 10 N 40 N
Ry = Σ Fy
R= Rx2 + Ry2
2m 3m 3m
tan θx = Ry/Rx

10 N

A parallel force system acts on the lever shown A beam of length L supports a load which varies
below. Determine the magnitude and position of the from w N/m at the right end to zero at the left end.
resultant. Determine the magnitude and position of the
resultant load.
30 N 60 N 20 N 40 N w N/m

2m 3m 2m 4m

The beam AB supports a load which varies from an COUPLE – two parallel, non-collinear forces that are
intensity of 50 N/m to 200 N/m. Calculate the equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. It is a
magnitude and position of the resultant load. special case in which the resultant has zero
magnitude but does have a moment. This moment
200 N/m sum is constant and independent of the moment
50 N/m

A B d
12m a


Determine the resultant of the parallel forces shown Determine the resultant moment about point A of the
below. Determine also the moments at points A, B, C, system of forces shown below. Each square is 1m on
D and E. a side.
80 N 80 N
100 N
10 N 40 N
100 N
100 N

2m 3m C D 2m


20 N 30 N
A 200 N

The cantilever truss shown carries a vertical load of

2400 N. The truss is supported by bearings at A and It is sometimes becomes necessary to replace a
B which exert the forces Av, Ah and Bh. The four force acting at a given point by an equal force acting
constitute two couples which must have opposite through some other point. This introduces a couple.
moment effects to prevent movement of the truss.
Determine the magnitude of the supporting forces. F”
B B h A d d

4m B B
6m A F’
(a) (b)
2400 N Av

A short compression member carries eccentric load Replace the system of forces acting on the frame by
P = 200 N situated 0.2m from the axis of the member. a resultant R at A and a couple acting horizontally
Determine the equivalent axial load and a couple through B and C.
that is applied at the axis of the member.
P = 200N

30N 60N


The rectangular framework shown in the next slide is

subjected to the indicated non-concurrent system of
forces. Determine the magnitude and direction of
Rx = Σ Fx the resultant, also its moment arm relative to the
Ry = Σ Fy origin O.
R= Rx2 + Ry2
tan θx = Ry/Rx


Y In a certain non-concurrent force system, it is found

that Σ Fx = -80 N, Σ Fy = +160 N and Σ Mo = 480 N-m in
20N a counter-clockwise sense. Determine the point that
45° which the resultant intersects at X-axis.


Compute the resultant of the three forces shown Determine the resultant of the three forces acting on
below. Locate its intersection with the X and Y-axes. the dam and locate its intersection with the base AB.
Each square is 1m on a side. For good design, this intersection should occur
within the middle third of the base. Does it?
390 N

5 7m
F = 6,000 N
300 N P = 10,000 N W = 24,000 N
6m 60°
722 N
A 18m B

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