Feature Point Video Synthesis For Tagged Vehicular Traffic

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2013 13th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST)

Feature Point Video Synthesis for Tagged

Vehicular Traffic
M. Adeel, G. M. Khan, Syed, Mohsin Matloob Bokhari, Zeeshan Shafiq, S. A. Mahmud
University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan
{gk502, sahibzada.mahmud}@nwfpuet.edu.pk

Abstract�A novel video compression algorithm is proposed in play them back on a display screen. Following statistics shows
this paper called Feature Point Video Synthesis (FPVS) for important comparison in-terms of compression:
vehicular traffic along a lane. Using this algorithm, the video • 99.99957% bandwidth saving as compared to H.264
data can be stored by keeping just a few parameters and then
(4:2:0) Full HD (l080p) resolution video
playing back the synthesized replica of the original video. This
new idea is significant because unlike CCTV cameras, the
proposed algorithm allows for only few parameters to keep a • 99.99936% bandwidth saving as compared to H.264
record of video data, thus saving a lot of disk space and (4:2:0)Half HD (720p) resolution video compression
bandwidth. Using different simulation scenarios, FPVS has been
found to save more than 99% video bit-rate as compared to • 99.99872% bandwidth saving as compared to H.264
normal video compression techniques specifically for vehicular (4:2:0) SD resolution video compression
traffic. Besides the said advantages, the idea is important to add
intelligence in vehicular traffic data; hence the video traffic can
• 99.9968% bandwidth saving as compared to H.264
be utilized in intelligent transportation system. Only those parts
(4:2:0) CIF resolution video compression
of the algorithm are explained in this paper that deal with tagged • 99.9872- 99.9931% bandwidth saving as compared to
vehicles. The proposed system is important because a high
Sprite coding.
quality video display at the receiving end is possible from the
fetched variables. The mentioned bandwidth saving percentage has been
formulated from the results given in section-V. Besides saving
Keywords-ITS; CCTV; HD; Sprite Coding
the bandwidth, the proposed algorithm can be used to aid in
LINTRODUCTION certain application areas related to Intelligent Transportation
System (ITS). For-example the fetched parameters can be
ideo Object Encoding (Sprite Coding) technique,
Vintroduced in MPEG-4[1,2], was devised in order to save exploited to alarm the control-room about traffic congestion
using the variables associated with velocity and acceleration.
the bandwidth of the transmission medium. A similar approach
of rate distortion in video compression is discussed in [3,4], However the details of ITS applications as regard to FPVS
Using these techniques a part of movable object was algorithm will be explained in another research paper due to
transmitted provided so that the background images are pages limitation. The focus of this paper is limited to the
constant or that the background images are sent at relatively vehicular traffic video, however, it can be utilized to other
less sampling rate than that of desired object. Using the same applications in future. Tagged-vehicles in the context refers to
encoding technique, without sending the undesired background the vehicles which gives the information of the vehicle like
images and repeatedly sending the same static video scenes, a
model/type, length and width if read using any RFID device.
stationary portion of video is synthesized at the receiving end
using prior information and hence a lot of the video bandwidth II.SYSTEM MODEL
required is saved [2]. Using Sprite Coding technique 75-93.75
% video transmission bandwidth is saved as compared to the The main idea of FPVS is that a video camera installed at
normal video transmission [6]. the top-side of a road-way captures video frames at a certain
rate Rf and delivers the video frames to controller-A for any
An advanced video synthesis technique is proposed in this
detected vehicle as shown in the flow chart of Figure 1.
paper called Feature Point (or parametric) Video synthesis
Virtually three vertical single line pixel-values are fetched
(FPVS). Our proposed algorithm is based upon Feature Point
from camera projection. From three vertical single line pixel
video transmission. By utilizing this technique more than 99
values, the author is interested in three single dimensional
% video transmission bandwidth can be saved as compared to
pixels lines. These single dimensional lines are represented as
normal video transmission. Most importantly, the algorithm is
Initial (i), Mid ( m ) and Final if) pixel-column lines.
applied to vehicles passing on a lane and a camera is installed
Controller-A takes decision depending upon these fetched
on roof top position. The camera takes in the video footage
lines and calculates the parameters necessary for Controller-B
and based upon the contents, the controller fetches important
to play the video back (synthesize) at the display. The
parameters and sends them to the intended video decoder to

978-1-4799-0846-2/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE

978-1-4799-0846-2/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 487

2013 13th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST)

working procedure for Controller-A and Controller-B has tD = Display Time which is decided by the controller-B
been shortly explained in this paper due to page limitations after receiving the whole information about a specific vehicle.
and it is supposed to be explained in next paper. However, the Dim =Distance between points J and m.
common sense can easily assess the video synthesis at
receiving end from the fetched parameters using controller-B. Dmf = Distance between points and f m

vim=Velocity of the vehicle between points j and m.

vmf = Velocity of vehicle between points and f m

11 = The road color [Ili' 11m' Ilf]

a = Color detected from vehicle [ai am' af]


No Considering the front-end points of the vehicle represented

byxi, xm, and xf,the timing information associated with front
end of the vehicle is computed using the P-matrix. Consider
(1), (2) and (3):

Pim 11 n a
= II Pmf ll n a =

for 'if {3(tP) = a(1)

for 'if {3(tP) < a(1)

{ }
for 'if {3(tP) > a(1)
Figurel.Flow-Chart representing the FPVS overview
0 for 'if {3(tP) = a(1)
Let us consider a lane-spot having a camera installed on top Pmf = 2 for 'if {3(tP) < 2. a(1)
level of the road, projecting the camera lens down towards the -2 for 'if {3CtP) > 2. a(1) (3)
road. Before moving towards the mathematical model of our
proposed algorithm, we define some important terminologies It has to be noted that PimCm) = -2 if the front end of
first. vehicle pass through the Mid-Point and the back-end of the
we = width of the camera projection in meters. vehicle is still on or before the Initial-Point of the projection.
he =Height of the camera projection in meters. Similarly, only the maximum values of Pmf are considered in
(3). Other values of Pmf are +1 and -1 for the same conditions
Ie = Length of the camera projection in meters.
as described in (2). Moreover, the important point of
Dw = Width of the vehicle. consideration in this paper about the values of Pim and Pmf is
Dl = Length of the vehicle. that of zero and non-zero values without taking the magnitude
of non-zero values into account, since a single zero detection
Xi= Initial position (Front-Side) of the vehicle. is enough for controller-B to indicate the exact position of the
xm = Mid position (Front-Side) of the vehicle. vehicle provided that the type and dimensions of the vehicle
can be fetched from the database. Importance of the sign and
xf = Final position (Front-Side) of the vehicle. magnitude of non-zero value is out of scope from this paper as
yi= Initial position (Back-Side) of the vehicle. it helps in manipulating the dimensions in-case of untagged
ym= Mid position (Back- Side) of the vehicle. vehicles.
For simplicity let us consider the front end of the vehicle to
yf = Final position (Back-Side) of the vehicle. pass between points i and m. For instance, it is detected by the
Rf = Frame rate of the camera in frames per second (fjJs). initial column (i) of the camera projection at time tP tf, for

which Pim = O. From this time onwards, the value remains

tim= Time recorded between detection of Xi and xm or Pim = -1 until it becomes Pim = 0 again. At this instant the
betweenyiandym; [tim = tm-til
time tP is recorded to betP t;;'. The timing information tfm

tmf= Time recorded between detection of xm and xf or and t�f can then be calculated from (4) and (5).
betweenymand yf; [tm = t -tm] tfm =t�-tf (4)
f f

2013 13th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST)

(5) through the same lane at a certain time instant. The length of
the vehicle (Dl) is considered independent of the length of
Time tfm is calculated between the initial
camera projection (le).
occurrencePim (0 = 0 and Pim (m) = 0 for a certain vehicle.
Similarly, time t �f is calculated between the initial
occurrences Pim (m) = 0 and Pim(f) = O.Now consideringy ,
m f
y , and y , the time parameters associated with back end of
the vehicle are computed using the Q-matrix Qim or Qmf'

Qim = 11 n (J II Qmt = 11 n (J (6)

for '<I {3(tq) = fl(1)

for '<I {3(tq) < fl(1) (7)

{ }
for '<I {3(tq) > fl(1)
< >
0 for '<I {3(tq) = fl(1)
Qmf = 2 for '<I {3(tq) < 2·fl(1) (8)
Figure 2. Video Projection dimensions W.r.t the vehicle dimensions.
-2 for '<I {3(tq) > 2. fl(1)
It should be noted that maximum value of Qim (m) is +2 if
The tagged vehicles are those which are identified by the
the back-end of the vehicle has not yet crossed the Initial­
controller at road side to detect the type of the vehicle. The
Point after the front-end of the vehicle crosses the Initial-Point
said vehicle ID is then transmitted by controller-A. Controller-
boundary. Similarly, only the maximum values ofQmfare
considered in (8). Other values of Qmfare +1 and -1 for the
A fetches the required parameters namely x�, x:J1, x�, vfrrt ,
v �f' v � , v� f' Vehicle-ID, and accifand sends the m to
same conditions as discussed in (7). Like Pimand Pmf, the
important point of consideration about Qim and Qmfis that we Controller-B. Depending upon the received parameters and
existing parameters with Controller-B, the video is displayed.
are interested in zero and non-zero values, without considering
Controller-B after fetching the type and color of vehicle using
the magnitude of a non-zero value, because once the zero is
search algorithm for the vehicle-ID in a global database,
detected for a vehicle, the type and dimensions of the same
computes its exact position and plays-back the moving vehicle
vehicle can be reconstructed from the local database. The
with the specified speed and acceleration on the screen.
timing information t� and t� f can then be calculated from
Equations (11) and (12) show the calculation of velocities
(9) and (10) (9) which are assumed for the front end of each vehicle at initial
and final points, termed v frrt and v �frespectively.
(10) (11)
Time t� is calculated between the initial occurrences
Qim (0 = 0 and Qim (m) = 0 for the back-end detection of a
certain vehicle. Similarly, time t� f is calculated between the (12)
initial occurrences Qmf(m) = 0 and Qmf(f) = O.
It can be noted that the values discussed in equations (2),
(3), (7) and (8) can be used in a defined 2 x 2 T-matrix to At the receiving end, controller-B calculates the velocity
detect the exact vehicle in-case of un-tagged vehicles. But the and hence synthesizes the video accordingly. But most of the
un-tagged vehicle detection and reconstruction is out of scope time the cameras are installed at locations where the
from the point of view of this paper. Figure 2 shows the acceleration and deceleration of the vehicles are the most
projection of the camera on a specific lane having length le important factors e.g. a speed detection scenario. Acceleration
and width we. It must be noted the we > Dw as the projection of the front end of each vehicle is defmed in (13) as
is assumed to have the significant coverage along the width of (13)
the lane hence covering the shadow throughout the width of
lane with the added assumption that only one vehicle can pass

2013 13th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST)

The acceleration combined with the traffic flow rate can Half-HD and Full-HD. It is shown that the 4:2:0 format saves
suggest projecting the vehicle motion for non-shadowed up-to 50% of the video data as compared to the original 4:4:4
camera projection. The estimation of the traffic flow rate for video format. From the literature review [5,6] and different
the projected video is correct up-to a great extent depending experiments conducted in this research about the results it can
upon the flow rate of average vehicles along the lane. be seen that Sprite coding technique provides 75 - 93 %
However, it has not yet been given enough consideration by compression as compared to all of the above mentioned H.264
researchers and is left as a topic for future investigation. The codecs. The level of compression that our proposed FPVS
acceleration or deceleration of the vehicle (accft) can also be algorithm provides as compared to Sprite coding is discussed
verified by calculatingv� , v:; f and acc& from the back end in next sub-section.
B. Comparison of FP VS w. r. t Sprite Coding:
of each vehicle. The respective variables are shown in (14),
(15) and (16).
The data is taken for three different vehicular traffic flow­
rate scenarios. In first scene the traffic flow-rate was
considered for the frequency of 95 vehicles per minute per
lane ([1). In the second scene, the traffic flow-rate was
considered for the frequency of 60 vehicles per minute per
(15) lane ([2) whereas for the thirdscene, the traffic flow-rate was
considered for the frequency of 30 vehicles per minute per
lane ([3). Unlike 4:4:4, 4:2:2 and 4:2:0, the techniques like
Q Q Sprite Coding and FPVS depend upon the traffic flow-rate.
(t.lm +tmf )
(16) Each fetched/calculated parameter is represented by a 16-bit
memory and hence total of 144-bps of data-rate is assumed for
After all the important parameters have been calculated, the transmission.
video of the vehicle's exact position on the lane along with its The said transmission can be further optimized by
exact velocity and acceleration are displayed by Controller-B considering the data sent from Controller-A using triggered
from the received parameters. Time tD is the time at which the way of detecting a vehicle by the installed camera. In such a
video is displayed after the video is fetched from the local scenario, the data to be sent depends on the height of camera
database. The video displays the vehicle's reconstruction above the runway, the camera projection distance and speed of
image along with its correct motion details. The fetched vehicle passing under the given camera projection. Figures 4,
parameters are sent only if the vehicle is detected under the 5 and 6 show the compression for each respective resolution
camera shadow on the road. For no received parameters the i.e. SD, CIF, Half-HD and Full-HD. From these results it can
controller-B shows only the road picture with no moving be concluded that FPVS can provide more than 99%
vehicle. It means the video is displaying at a constant ratetD. compression as compared to Sprite coding technique.
Controller-B also possess parameters Dim, Dmf, J1 andtD. In 8
10 r-__�_-----c-

conjunction with the received parameters and already saved

parameters, the controller-Bsynthesizes the video by
displaying the vehicle motion with reasonably accurate speed
& acceleration.

FPVS algorithm proposed in this paper is a type of an
application specific video compression technique used to fetch
point information and based upon the associated parameters to
display the video footage of vehicles passing through a lane.
Two sub-categories of numerical results are shown
A. Comparison of Different Compression Techniques: 6
10 L-__�__�---�--�-----I
o 0.5 1.5 2.5
Resolution (in Million)
The different video formats supported by H.264 are 4:4:4,
4:2:2 and 4:2:0. Figure 3 depicts the compression comparison
Figure 3. H.264 video formats comparison
of these formats with respect to video resolution for CIF, SD,

2013 13th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST)

10' , 10' ----�------=:;.:;:::'=======�v---�

1---9- Sprite 1
10' ---+- Sprite I' --B- FPVS


� 10'


0 0

10' 10' L.<2:=ft====:fr::I======="--- __ ----l

0 0.5 1.5 2.5 o Q5 1.5 �5
Resolution (in Million) Resolution (in Million)

Figure 6. For f3Flow-Rate of traffic

Figure 4. For f1 Flow-Rate of traffic


It is seen that the position parameters (x�, xiJI, x�, xb, xJ;\
xC, y�, y;:\ yt, yb, yJ;' and y{) are used to display the single
Comparison of different video compression techniques and
frame of a video whereas the parameters (vrm' vi:tf, v�, v:;f'
Sprite coding was compared to our proposed FPVS algorithm
and it was concluded from the results that a substantial level accft and acc& ) are used to display the mUltiple frames/sec of
of video compression with a reasonably high quality video can the video displaying the vehicle's motion with exact position,
be achieved. Sprite coding algorithm is generally believed to velocity and acceleration.
provide the highest level of video compression as compared to The Vehicle-ID is used to fetch the color and type of
H.264 (4:4:4, 4:2:2 and 4:2:0).However, FPVS proves to be vehicle. Hence it is seen that only few parameters are enough
considerably more efficient in terms of video compression to display the video with excellent HD quality without
than Sprite coding. The video synthesis using FPVS algorithm consuming extra bandwidth and disk-space. The same video
can be played as high quality video playback. parameters can be saved and can be played back in future
without requiring too much disk space as is required in the
case of H.264 compressed video or even in the case of Sprite
10' coding. Following points can be considered for future work.
More intelligence can be added in vehicular traffic
10' controllers using the parameters fetched by
10' Non-Shadowed Video footage can be projected
More accuracy can be accomplished by minimizing
� 10'
'" the errors due to peak velocity and acceleration of
detected vehicles.
103 Modified version of the same algorithm for non­
Tagged vehicles is in progress.
10' FPVS algorithm can be applied to applications other
0 0 o
than Intelligent Transportation Systems.
10' There is more work to do on triggered video
0 0.5 1.5 2.5
Resolution (in Million) parameter transmission. More bandwidth can be
saved if there is less traffic flow along the lane.
Figure 5. For f2Flow-Rate of traffic

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