Release Notes Robot Studio 2008

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ATRO/PRCSP 5/19/2008 Release Notes

RobotStudio 2008.doc
Utfärdare, tfn-nr - Dealt with by, telephone

Henrik Berlin

Release Notes RobotStudio 2008

RELEASE INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Release Name .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Release Information ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Release Date ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
Languages ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
CAD Converter ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
Demo stations ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Getting Stared Guide & Tutorials .......................................................................................................................... 4
Robot Libraries ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
ABB Robot Libraries supported by RobotStudio 2008 ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Track Libraries ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
Supported Platforms ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Supported Operating Systems.......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Recommended Hardware................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Supported RobotWare Versions ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Support for future RobotWare versions............................................................................................................................................................. 7
CHANGES IN ROBOTSTUDIO 2008 .......................................................................................................................... 8
New Features in RobotStudio 2008 ....................................................................................................................... 8
RobotStudio Online integrated in RobotStudio.................................................................................................................................................. 8
Microsoft Office Fluent User Interface .............................................................................................................................................................. 8
FlexPendant Operator Window......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Client Activation System ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Corrected Support Cases ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Problem with 'View Tool at Target' function for a tool with multiple frames ........................................................................................................ 9
The 'set program pointer' function does not work in all cases ........................................................................................................................... 9
'Paste' function not available on joint targets .................................................................................................................................................... 9
Persistent data not updated in the editor window. ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Direct3D is now the default renderer ................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Change of process template not correct with multimove path ........................................................................................................................... 9
Frames deleted, when moving them into a component group ........................................................................................................................... 9
Incorrect move of Body into Part in Component group...................................................................................................................................... 9
Problem with network drives when disconnected.............................................................................................................................................. 9
Place with reference UCS not displayed properly ............................................................................................................................................. 9
RSO-RAPID editor never opens file when user is not logged into ..................................................................................................................... 9
ROBOTSTUDIO INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................... 10
Create System from Layout Wizard. ................................................................................................................... 10
Tracks ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Supported external axis configurations ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
LIMITATIONS IN ROBOTSTUDIO 2008 ................................................................................................................... 11
Known Limitations in RobotStudio 2008 ............................................................................................................ 11
No confirmation for advanced restart in Online tab ......................................................................................................................................... 11
It may take some time to Apply Changes in RAPID Editor to a real controller ................................................................................................. 11
Not able to import controllers when controller are disconnected ..................................................................................................................... 11
The start of a Virtual Controller may give rise to message ”Subscribe mastership failed”................................................................................ 11
Event Viewer may fail ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
The RAPID Editor may appear in Home/Simulation tab at end of simulation................................................................................................... 11
RobotStudio Online addins not compatible with RobotStudio 2008 ................................................................................................................. 11
Stations from RobotStudio 2008 cannot be loaded into RobotStudio 5.10 ...................................................................................................... 11
Kinematic baseframe in Mechanism Modeler ................................................................................................................................................. 11
Event manager limited to 32 system signals per controller ............................................................................................................................. 11
VSTA limitation: error in CreatePolyline and CreateSpline method. ............................................................................................................... 12
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ATRO/PRCSP 5/19/2008 Release Notes

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Utfärdare, tfn-nr - Dealt with by, telephone

Henrik Berlin

VC and RS connection lost after PC sleep-mode ........................................................................................................................................... 12

VSTA limitation............................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
CAD Converters unavailable in RobotStudio 2008.......................................................................................................................................... 12
Application error, while RobotStudio is idle ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
Programpointer may not be set in program editor ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Drive key truncated in SystemBuilder ............................................................................................................................................................. 12
Add-Ins browser not updated when macro is added to the station. ................................................................................................................. 12
Program Editor: Complete Word doesn´t work on data declared as LOCAL. .................................................................................................. 12
Copy to path in another Task creates new data even if it already exists ......................................................................................................... 12
It is not possible to use RS 2008 without a mouse .......................................................................................................................................... 12
The Add signals features of RSO is not available ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Grant Viewer is not updated if logged as different user. .................................................................................................................................. 12
Move/Copy of Virtual Controller systems ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
Synchronization is time consuming................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Virtual FlexPendant ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Write protected systems ................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
JointTargets for external axis.......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Problems when undoing Boolean operations on Geometry ............................................................................................................................ 13
Out of memory ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Array of robtargets, tooldata and workobjects are not supported .................................................................................................................... 13
LOCAL declarations in RAPID are not supported in Home mode ................................................................................................................... 13
The RAPID functions Offs and RelTool are not fully supported ....................................................................................................................... 13
Direct3D limitations ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Lower simulation performance for Play in Program Editor .............................................................................................................................. 14
AutoConfiguration does not support positioners ............................................................................................................................................. 14
Error message starting system with IRB260/660 ............................................................................................................................................ 14
Incorrect error message “IRBxxx: Could not change motor state” ................................................................................................................... 14
Working range of IRB340 ............................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Path handling of instructions with multiple joint targets ................................................................................................................................... 14
Process time is displayed only for Simulation - Play in Time Slice mode ........................................................................................................ 15
Minor difference in process time of “Simulation Play” and “Program Editor Play” ............................................................................................ 15
Event Manager: Simulation cannot be triggered by analog system signals ..................................................................................................... 15
Virtual Flex Pendent: Emergency Stop button ................................................................................................................................................ 15
Use Direct3D on Windows Vista for improved performance............................................................................................................................ 15
Use CAD Converter when converting CATIA V4 files ..................................................................................................................................... 15
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ATRO/PRCSP 5/19/2008 Release Notes

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Utfärdare, tfn-nr - Dealt with by, telephone

Henrik Berlin

Release Information

Release Name
The release name is RobotStudio 2008
The release contains the following products:
RobotStudio 2008 DVD build 2552
The RobotStudio media contains the following product versions:
• RobotStudio 2008 build 2552
• RobotWare build 0149
RobotStudio 2008 is available in english language.
RobotWare is available in 14 languages (see Release Note RobotWare.pdf.
‘The installed program versions are displayed if you select Start Settings Control panel
Add/Remove programs. Select the program (according to the list above) and select “Support
information”. The program version is displayed in the table.
Note: RobotStudio 2008 is installed side-by-side with possible existing installations of RobotStudio or
RobotStudio Online, i.e. RobotStudio 2008 will not upgrade an existing installation of RobotStudio or
RobotStudio Online. RobotStudio 2008 will be installed in a separate folder. This means that previously
installed versions of RobotStudio and RobotStudio Online can be used even though RobotStudio 2008
has been installed.

Release Information
The information should be considered as last minutes information and most up-to-date.
For more information please visit the support web site at There
you can find a discussion forum dedicated to RobotStudio 2008.

Release Date
Release date 2008-05-21

The following languages are supported in RobotStudio 2008
• English

CAD Converter
CAD Converter is not distributed with RobotStudio 2008
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ATRO/PRCSP 5/19/2008 Release Notes

RobotStudio 2008.doc
Utfärdare, tfn-nr - Dealt with by, telephone

Henrik Berlin

Demo stations
There are three demo stations included in this version.
• Demo FlexLoader
• Demo Exhaust Pipe
• Demo Palletizer
They are stored in the Pack & Go format and can be opened with the command Unpack & Work on
the Collaborate section of the RobotStudio menu.

Getting Stared Guide & Tutorials

There is a Getting Started Guide for beginners and Tutorials for the more advanced users available on
on the RobotStudio Community web page (

Robot Libraries
The folder ABB Library contains libraries of robots, tools, external axes, positioners and equipment.
Track configuration files to be used for track motions or type RTT or IRBTx003 (x = 4, 6, or, 7) can be
found in the Track folder, see section Track Configuration Files. For configuration of tracks of type
IRBTx004, (x = 4,6, or 7) there is a additional options mediapool in the Mediapool folder installed in the
same folder as RobotWare (..%ProgramFiles%\ABB Industrial IT\Robotics IT\MediaPool\). The current
version of the Track additional option is called Track.5.09.0012 that supports RobotWare 5.09 and
Track.5.10.0003 that supports RobotWare 5.10 and subrevisions of those releases.
The ABB Library also contains template robot systems for all included robot models.
Some typical MediaPools for different combinations of robots and external axis (positioners) are
installed to the MediaPool directory.
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ATRO/PRCSP 5/19/2008 Release Notes

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Utfärdare, tfn-nr - Dealt with by, telephone

Henrik Berlin

ABB Robot Libraries supported by RobotStudio 2008

Variant Library name Variant Library name
140 5kg/0.8m Type A/B IRB140_5_81__01.rslib 6600 225kg/2.55m IRB6600_225_255__01.rslib
140 5kg/0.8m Type C IRB140_5_81_C_01.rslib 6600 175kg/2.55m IRB6600_175_255__01.rslib
140 6kg/0.8m Type C IRB140_6_81_C_01.rslib 6600 175kg/2.80m IRB6600_175_280__01.rslib
140T 5kg/0.8m Type C IRB140T_6_81_C_01.rslib 6600ID 185kg/2.55m IRB6600ID_185_255__01.rslib
1400 Type A/B IRB1400_5_144__01.rslib 6620 150kg/2.2m IRB6620_150_220__01.rslib
1410 IRB1410_5_144__01.rslib 6640 180kg/2.55m IRB6640_180_255__03.rslib
1400H Type A/B IRB1400H_5_128__01.rslib 6640 235kg/2.55m IRB6640_235_255__03.rslib
1600 5kg/1.2m IRB1600_5_120__01.rslib 6640 205kg/2.75m IRB6640_205_275__03.rslib
1600 5kg/1.2m Type A IRB1600_5_120_A_01.rslib 6640 185kg/2.8m IRB6640_185_280__03.rslib
1600 5kg/1.45m IRB1600_5_145__01.rslib 6640 130kg/3.2m IRB6640_130_320__03.rslib
1600 5kg/1.45m Type A IRB1600_5_145_A_01.rslib 6640ID 200kg/2.55m IRB6640ID_200_255__04.rslib
1600 7kg/1.2m IRB1600_7_120__01.rslib 6640ID 170kg/2.75m IRB6640ID_170_275__04.rslib
1600 7kg/1.2m Type A IRB1600_7_120_A_01.rslib 6650 125kg/3.2m IRB6650_125_320__01.rslib
1600 7kg/1.45m IRB1600_7_145__01.rslib 6650 200kg/2.75m IRB6650_200_275__01.rslib
1600 7kg/1.45m Type A IRB1600_7_145_A_01.rslib 6650ID 170kg/2.75m IRB6650ID_170_275__01.rslib
1600 6kg/1.2m IRB1600_6_120__01.rslib 6650S 200kg/3.0m IRB6650S_200_300__01.rslib
1600 6kg/1.45m IRB1600_6_145__01.rslib 6650S 125kg/3.5m IRB6650S_125_350__01.rslib
1600 8kg/1.2m IRB1600_8_120__01.rslib 6650S 90kg/3.9m IRB6650S_90_390__01.rslib
1600 8kg/1.45m IRB1600_8_145__01.rslib 6660 130kg/3.1m IRB6660_130_310__01.rslib
1600ID 4kg/1.5m IRB1600ID_4_150__02.rslib 6660 205kg/1.9m IRB6660_205_190__01.rslib
2400 10kg IRB2400_10_150__01.rslib 7600 500kg/2.3m IRB7600_500_230__01.rslib
2400 16kg IRB2400_16_150__01.rslib 7600 400kg/2.55m IRB7600_400_255__01.rslib
2400L IRB2400L_7_180__02.rslib 7600 500kg/2.55m IRB7600_500_255__01.rslib
4400 45kg IRB4400_45_196__01.rslib 7600 340kg/2.8m IRB7600_340_280__01.rslib
4400 60kg IRB4400_60_196__01.rslib 7600 150kg/3.5m IRB7600_150_350__01.rslib
4400L 10kg IRB4400L_10_255__01.rslib 7600 325kg/3.1m IRB7600_325_310__01.rslib
4400L 30kg IRB4400L_30_243__01.rslib 660 180kg/3.15m IRB660_180_315__01.rslib
4400S 30kg IRB4400S_30_243__01.rslib 660 250kg/3.15m IRB660_250_315__01.rslib
4450S 30kg IRB4450S_30_240__01.rslib 260 IRB260_30_150__01.rslib
6400R 200kg/2.5m IRB6400R_200_250__01.rslib 340 IRB340__01.rslib
6400R 200kg/2.8m IRB6400R_200_280__01.rslib 940 IRB940__01.rslib

Track Libraries
RobotStudio is distributed with the following track types that are available in the Track folder of the
ABB Library.
Track family Length
IRBT4003 1.7 m to 10.7 m
IRBT4004 1.9 m to 19.9 m
IRBT6003 1.7 m to 10.7 m
IRBT6004 1.7 m to 19.7 m
IRBT7003 1.7 m to 10.7 m
IRBT7004 1.7 m to 19.7 m
RTT_Bobin 1.7 m to 11.7 m
RTT_Marathon 1.7 m to 11.7 m
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ATRO/PRCSP 5/19/2008 Release Notes

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Henrik Berlin

Supported Platforms
Before you install RobotStudio, make sure your system conforms to the following requirements:

Supported Operating Systems

Microsoft Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3
Microsoft Windows Vista SP1 Business or Enterprise
Note: The Windows Firewall will try to block features necessary to run RobotStudio. Make sure to
unblock these features when asked (Industrial Robot Discovery Server, RobotStudio
StudioAppFramework module, Virtual RobotController (all published by ABB)). The blocking state of a
certain program can be viewed and changed at Start/Control Panel/Windows Security Center/Windows
Note: To run RobotStudio on the 64-bit edition of XP or Vista you need to first install .NET Framework
2.0 for 64-bit OS (NetFx64.exe) and XML 6 for x64. These files can be downloaded from
Note: PC-SDK 5.10 does not support 64-bit operating systems.

Recommended Hardware
High performance desktop or laptop workstation:
CPU: 2.0 GHz or faster processor
Memory: 1 GB system memory at minimum,
2 GB if running Windows Vista, stations with several robot systems, or large
Free disk-space: 5+ GB free space
Graphics card: High performance DirectX 9 or OpenGL-compatible graphics card with the
corresponding up-to-date drivers installed
Display settings: Screen resolution: 1280 x 1024 pixels or higher
DPI: Normal size (96 dpi)
Mouse: Three button mouse

Supported RobotWare Versions

RobotStudio 2008 is distributed with RobotWare and works with
• RobotWare 5.06, all revisions,
• RobotWare 5.07.01 & 5.07.05 and later revisions,
• RobotWare 5.08.01 and later revisions, and
• RobotWare 5.09, all revisions
• RobotWare 5.10, and

Note: See Section Known Limitations in RobotStudio 5.10 for more information about compatibility with
RobotWare versions 5.06, 5.07, 5.08 and 5.09.
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ATRO/PRCSP 5/19/2008 Release Notes

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Utfärdare, tfn-nr - Dealt with by, telephone

Henrik Berlin

Support for future RobotWare versions

RobotStudio 5.10 may support, but is not guaranteed to support, future minor or major revisions of
RobotWare. However, a necessary, but maybe not sufficient, requirement for RobotStudio to support
any later RobotWare version is that the corresponding version of the Robot Communication Runtime is
installed in addition to RobotWare. The Runtime can be found in the Utility folder of the RobotWare
Note: The latest RobotWare CD can be requested from your local ABB representative.
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Utfärdare, tfn-nr - Dealt with by, telephone

Henrik Berlin

Changes in RobotStudio 2008

This section describes the changes that have been made in RobotStudio 2008

New Features in RobotStudio 2008

RobotStudio Online integrated in RobotStudio
RobotStudio Online has been integrated in RobotStudio. The features of RobotStudio Online are
available in the Offline tab.

FlexPendant Viewer has been integrated into RobotStudio

The FlexPendant Viewer that was previously an add-in to RobotStudio Online has been integrated into
RobotStudio. It can be used to view the content of the FlexPendant screen on computer connected to
the robot controller.

Microsoft Office Fluent User Interface

RobotStudio has adopted the Microsoft Office Fluent User Interface. The Office Fluent UI is used also
in Microsoft Office 2007. In addition, the features of RobotStudio and RobotStudio Online in a workflow
oriented way.

FlexPendant Operator Window

The FlexPendant Operator Window is available in the Offline mode and shows the output of the
FlexPendant Operator Windows.

Client Activation System

Microsoft Software License and Protection System has been integrated in RobotStudio to use for
activation of the licensed features.
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ATRO/PRCSP 5/19/2008 Release Notes

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Utfärdare, tfn-nr - Dealt with by, telephone

Henrik Berlin

Corrected Support Cases

Problem with 'View Tool at Target' function for a tool with multiple frames
Create a new empty station. import the attached tool library file. Create a few targets
and select view tool at target. (CQ7178, PDD DSE7958)

The 'set program pointer' function does not work in all cases
The "Set Program Pointer" feature of the RAPID Editor and the Offline browser have
been adopted to the Virtual FlexPendant. (CQ6855, PDD DSE7704)

'Paste' function not available on joint targets

1) Create 1 joint target 2) Copy it 3) => Paste not availble (CQ7134, PDD DSE7899)

Persistent data not updated in the editor window.

When persistent data is changed in the RAPID program, the program shown in the
editor shall be updated. (CQ6788, PDD DSE7640)

Direct3D is now the default renderer

(CQ7434, PDD DSE8055, )

Change of process template not correct with multimove path

The instruction IDs of a MultiMove paths were lost when changing the process
template. This has been fixed. (CQ7091, PDD DSE7879)

Frames deleted, when moving them into a component group

Frames disappeared (deleted) when they were moved into an component group
(CQ7433, PDD DSE8054).

Incorrect move of Body into Part in Component group

Moving a body from one part into a part with is in turn part of a component group (with a
non- zero transform), caused the body to jump away, although pressing NO in the
respositioning dialog.(CQ7468, PDD DSE8069).

Problem with network drives when disconnected

Incorrect behavior of RobotStudio when disconnected from a previously used network
disk (CQ7254, PDD DSE7973).

Place with reference UCS not displayed properly

The UCS coordinate system was not correctly used in the Place function (CQ7432,
PDD DSE8053)

RSO-RAPID editor never opens file when user is not logged into
RobotStudio Online behaved inconsistently when not logged into a controller. Now
RAPID Editor cannot be opened when user is not logged in regardless of the module
properties (NOVIEW, etc.) (CQ7572, PDD DSE7564).
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Henrik Berlin

RobotStudio Information

Create System from Layout Wizard.

Create System from Layout allows the user to create complex controller systems with just a few mouse
clicks. Simply import the desired robots, positioners and track libraries, and run through the wizard.

The following tracks with lengths from 1.7 to 11.7 meters are supported. The track can run in a
separate task or in a robot task. The system allows 1-3 tracks per task (dependent of the TCP
manipulator type).
Supported external axis configurations
SingleMove (all in same task)
TCP Robot + IRBP_A
TCP Robot + IRBP_B
TCP Robot + IRBP_C
TCP Robot + IRBP_D
TCP Robot + IRBP_K
TCP Robot + IRBP_L
TCP Robot + IRBP_R
TCP Robot + IRBP_A + Track
TCP Robot + IRBP_K + Track
TCP Robot + IRBP_L + Track
TCP Robot + 2 x IRBP_L + Track

MultiMove (all in separate tasks)

2 x TCP Robot + IRBP_A
2 x TCP Robot + IRBP_B
2 x TCP Robot + IRBP_C
2 x TCP Robot + IRBP_D
2 x TCP Robot + IRBP_K
2 x TCP Robot + IRBP_L
2 x TCP Robot + IRBP_R

Note: A TCP robot is defined as a robot that has inverse kinematics, e.g. all standard IRB robots.
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Henrik Berlin

Limitations in RobotStudio 2008

Known Limitations in RobotStudio 2008

No confirmation for advanced restart in Online tab
There is no confirmation question when performing I-start, X-start, P-start, C-start or B-start in the
Online tab of RobotStudio (CQ7802).

Limitations in System From Layout function

The function System From Layout that creates a controller system based on the content of the station
may fail for tracks of type IRBT4004, IRBT6004 and IRBT7004. Certain other combinations of robots,
tracks and positioners may also have limited support.

It may take some time to Apply Changes in RAPID Editor to a real controller
The function Apply Changes in the RAPID Editor may take longer than expected in some cases when
committing changes to a real robot controller. (CQ7476)

Not able to import controllers when controller are disconnected

The list of controllers cannot be imported for controllers that are not currently connected. (CQ7797)

The start of a Virtual Controller may give rise to message ”Subscribe mastership failed”
Just press the restart button to try once again. (CQ7782)

Event Viewer may fail

The Event Viewer may fail to view the events which may cause the event viewer to be empty. In this
case RobotStudio must be restarted. (CQ7756)

The RAPID Editor may appear in Home/Simulation tab at end of simulation

If the RAPID Editor is open when a simulation is started, then the RAPID Editor may appear in the
Home or Simulation tabs when the simulation stops. (CQ7408)

RobotStudio Online addins not compatible with RobotStudio 2008

Addins for RobotStudio Online (RSO) such as EPS Wizard, and FlexPendant Viewer built for a
previous version of RSO will not be compatible with RobotStudio 2008.

Stations from RobotStudio 2008 cannot be loaded into RobotStudio 5.10

RobotStudio 5.10 is not forward compatible which means that stations created in a later version of
RobotStudio such as RobotStudio 2008 cannot be loaded into RobotStudio 5.10.

Kinematic baseframe in Mechanism Modeler

Defining a joint which is not perpendicular to any of the baseframe vectors causes the moved link to be
positioned in wrong way. (CQ5292, PDD DSEXXXX)

Event manager limited to 32 system signals per controller

(CQ6799, PDD DSE7646)
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Henrik Berlin

VSTA limitation: error in CreatePolyline and CreateSpline method.

Limitation added to API doc. (CQ6801, PDD DSE 7634)

VC and RS connection lost after PC sleep-mode


VSTA limitation
The 'FindDataDeclarationsByType' method used in throw an exception Limitation added to API
doc. (CQ6811, PDD DSE7679: )

CAD Converters unavailable in RobotStudio 2008


Application error, while RobotStudio is idle

RobotStudio may cause an application error. (CQ6878, PDD DSE7710)

Programpointer may not be set in program editor

(CQ6921, PDD DSE7754)

Drive key truncated in SystemBuilder

The entire drive key is not visible in the GUI of SystemBuilder. (CQ6981, PDD DSE7116)

Add-Ins browser not updated when macro is added to the station.

When a macro is added to the active station, the Add-Ins browser may not display that correctly until
RS is restarted. (CQ7077)

Program Editor: Complete Word doesn´t work on data declared as LOCAL.

If a data is declared local in a procedure, it will not come up in the complete world list. (CQ7097)

Copy to path in another Task creates new data even if it already exists
When you copy a path to another task, then new wobj/tooldata/weldata/ seamdata is created even if
the data already exists. (CQ7121)

It is not possible to use RS 2008 without a mouse

Keyboard is not supported for all commands. (CQ7191)

The Add signals features of RSO is not available


Grant Viewer is not updated if logged as different user.

Should update itself and show the grants of current user. Workaround: close and reopen! (CQ7332)

Move/Copy of Virtual Controller systems

Warm started systems cannot be moved to another location and/or PC. This will result in a non-
working VC.
A typical symptom of the problem is that the Virtual Controller reports Failed to retrieve procedure.
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Henrik Berlin

Workaround and recommended method of working:

1. Use ‘Pack & Go’ to pack the station and system backups in a zip-file.
2. Use ‘Unpack & Work’ to unpack the zip file created by ‘Pack & Go’.

Synchronization is time consuming

The synchronization procedure is time consuming. This affects synchronization to and from VC as well
as the move commands ‘Move Along Path’ and ‘Execute Move Instruction’

Virtual FlexPendant
The control panel of the Virtual FlexPendant (VFP) might affect the performance of the graphical
window if placed inside this. If this is the case on your computer make sure to set the display mode of
the VFP to simple mode. This is done by unchecking the ‘Enable transparency’ option in the
Tools/Options… dialog (a restart of the VFP is required after changing mode). The refreshing of the
graphical view might however still be somewhat delayed, especially when moving the VFP rapidly over
the screen.

Write protected systems

It’s not possible to change parameters, such as BaseFrame, on a write protected system. If you
experience problems with this - make sure that the system folder is not write protected.

JointTargets for external axis

JointTargets for external axis are not visualized in the graphical window.

Problems when undoing Boolean operations on Geometry

Undoing a Boolean operation might not succeed. To recover from these problems you need to delete
the items that caused the problem.

Out of memory
The application might fail when out of memory due to import of very large ACIS-files or load of very
large stations. There is no immediate workaround for this problem.

Array of robtargets, tooldata and workobjects are not supported

RAPID programs containing arrays of tooldata, robtargets and workobjects are not supported, i.e. they
will not be synchronized to the station.

LOCAL declarations in RAPID are not supported in Home mode

RobotStudio does not LOCAL declarations of data or routines. RobotStudio will show an error
message if such declarations are used.

The RAPID functions Offs and RelTool are not fully supported
RobotStudio doesn’t fully support instructions using Offs or RelTool functions. They will be
synchronized and will appear in the element browser, but commands such as “View Tool at Target”
and “Locate Target” will not work. Targets used in the instructions will not be visible in the graphics.

Direct3D limitations
1. The screen saver and password lock feature of Windows may cause RobotStudio to hang when the
computer is unlocked.
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Release Notes RobotStudio
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ATRO/PRCSP 5/19/2008 Release Notes

RobotStudio 2008.doc
Utfärdare, tfn-nr - Dealt with by, telephone

Henrik Berlin

Workaround: Disable the screen saver and password lock feature when using Direct3D. This is done
by setting the screen saver to “(None)” on the “Screen Saver” tab of the “Display” dialog that is opened
from Start/Settings/Control Panel/Display/Screen saver
2. The following two settings in the ‘Graphics Performance’ dialog (Tools/Options) have no effect
• Cull back-facing triangles.
• Enable two-sided lighting.
Workaround: Select the graphical object in the object browser and open the "Graphics Appearance"
dialog box (context menu) that handle these options per object instead
3. The following setting in the ’Graphics Performance’ dialog (Tools/Options) is irrelevant when
Direct3D is used:
• Store model data on graphics card.
Workaround: None.
4. The following setting in the "Graphics Appearance" dialog (Tools/Options) has no effect (Rendering
tab, Curve Properties section):
• Line width.
Workaround: None.

Lower simulation performance for Play in Program Editor

The simulation performance may be lower on some PCs when using the Play button of the program
editor compared to the Play button of the Simulation Menu or Simulation Toolbar (CQ5870).

AutoConfiguration does not support positioners


Error message starting system with IRB260/660

Starting a system with IRB260/660 gives you an error message: "The number of joints is different
between the model and VC". The reason is that the IRB260/660 is modeled with six joints in
RobotStudio of which two are locked, but has four joints in the VC (CQ5375).

Incorrect error message “IRBxxx: Could not change motor state”

When starting the VC, the error message “IRBxxx: Could not change motor state” may appear in the
output window. This message may be displayed even though the VC has started successfully

Working range of IRB340

In some cases, it may be possible to Jump To target and get Configurations for targets that are outside
the working range of IRB340. This is due to the working range being defined as a cylinder and not only
defined by the joint limits. It is however not possible to jog the robot to these targets (CQ6463).

Path handling of instructions with multiple joint targets

The path functions, Rotate, Translate, and Mirror do not work as expected with instructions containing
via points as jointtargets. The functions will leave the jointtargets as is. Interpolate Path gives an
Unknown Error and Tool Compensation reports an error message (CQ6609).
För kännedom - Copies to Dokumentnamn - Form title Ref
Release Notes RobotStudio
Avd. - Department . Datum - Date Filnamn Sida - Page

ATRO/PRCSP 5/19/2008 Release Notes

RobotStudio 2008.doc
Utfärdare, tfn-nr - Dealt with by, telephone

Henrik Berlin

Process time is displayed only for Simulation - Play in Time Slice mode
This is the only combination for which correct cycle time can be guaranteed when custom mechanisms
are involved in the simulation. It is only in Time Slice mode that RobotStudio controls the time and can
synchronize the execution of the Virtual Controller with custom mechanisms. For simulations that only
involve robot motion the cycle time is correct for other combinations as well (Program Editor – Play and
FreeRun). The Process Timer will be become yellow when the process time cannot be guaranteed

Minor difference in process time of “Simulation Play” and “Program Editor Play”
The cycle time deviation between “Simulation Play” and "Program editor" is 0.05 s (constant). The
difference is due to that the program execution is started in different ways in the two scenarios. The
play button of the Program Editor starts program execution in the same way as the FlexPendant,
whereas the play button of the Simulation toolbar uses a slightly different mechanism. When executing
program from the program editor, it takes a small amount of time for RobotStudio to be aware that the
simulation has started why the "Program Editor" cycle time is 0.05 s smaller. The process time of the
“Simulation” play is more accurate.

Event Manager: Simulation cannot be triggered by analog system signals

The event manager only support analog station signals, not analog system signals. This is due to a
limitation in the Robot Communication Runtime (CQ6556).

Virtual Flex Pendent: Emergency Stop button

When the emergency stop button is pressed on the Virtual FlexPendant it cannot be reset through the
VC Control Panel. The button must be reset on the Virtual FlexPendant (CQ5587).

Use Direct3D on Windows Vista for improved performance

Windows Vista is optimized for Direct3d, why it is recommended to use it as the graphics renderer for
RobotStudio. This can be changed in RobotStudio Main Menu Tools Options Graphics
Renderer Direct3D.

Use CAD Converter when converting CATIA V4 files

It is recommended to use the CAD Converter when converting CATIA V4 files instead of importing the
files directly into RobotStudio using “Import Geometry”.
Note: The CATIA V4 converter requires a separate license.

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