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Anemia is a blood disorder where the body doesn't inflammation & chronic disease, thalassemias,

have enough healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin, and sideroblastic anemia.
resulting in poorly oxygenated tissues throughout
To distinguish them, you should check iron studies
the body. This condition takes many forms, ranging
which includes the serum iron, which is the free
from mild to severe depending on the cause.
iron in the blood, the total iron binding capacity or
Anemia in a man is a hemoglobin below 13.5 g/dL TIBC, which tells you how much
or a hematocrit less than 41%, and in a woman it’s unbound transferrin is floating around and is
a hemoglobin below 12.0 g/dL or a hematocrit less available to bind iron, the ferritin level, which tells
than 36%, but those numbers can differ based on you how much ferritin is floating around and
which guidelines you’re using. already bound to iron - effectively storing it, and
a peripheral blood smear.
Also, people with chronic respiratory
diseases like emphysema or medical problems Iron deficiency anemia is most common and usually
like malnutrition may have symptoms there’s a low serum iron, high TIBC, and a
of anemia even at normal levels low ferritin.
of hemoglobin and hematocrit.
Low serum iron means that there’s more
In addition, those living at altitude can have high unbound transferrin, so there’s increased total iron
levels of hemoglobin and hematocrit to help deal binding capacity, and that there’s less ferritin that’s
with the lower oxygen levels. So these guidelines already bound to iron and storing it.
aren’t appropriate for everyone.
This generally occurs in people with chronic slow
Now, the most common signs and symptoms bleeding - where the iron in the red blood cells is
of anemia are dyspnea with exertion and at rest, lost instead of getting recycled.
fatigue, and a hyperdynamic state like bounding
This includes women with frequent or
pulses and palpitations.
heavy menstruation or patients with colon cancer,
If someone is anemic, the first thing to look at is the which should be ruled out in older men
mean corpuscular volume or MCV. through fecal occult blood testing.
An MCV of less than 80 is low, so microcytic, Another cause is pregnancy, due to increased iron
between 80 and 100 is normal, so normocytic, and requirements for fetal development.
above 100 is high, so macrocytic.
In some settings, iron deficiency anemia can be the
Of course, some individuals might have a few types result of not having enough iron in the diet.
or causes of anemia mixed together, and that’s
Treatment for iron deficiency anemia includes
where things get more complicated.
addressing the cause and giving oral
Most microcytic and macrocytic anemias are iron supplements, which can be taken
caused by a problem in producing either red blood with orange juice which is slightly acidic and can
cells or hemoglobin, and in those situations we can help absorption.
measure the reticulocyte production index (RPI) or
Common side effects of oral iron include nausea,
corrected reticulocyte count (CRC). This number is
diarrhea, and constipation.
the percentage of red blood cells that
are reticulocytes, or immature, and is normally If oral iron isn’t effective, or the side effects can’t
between 0.5 and 2.5%. be tolerated, IV iron can be used instead.
A person with anemia and less than 2% RPI means Sometimes, the cause of refractory iron
that their body is not capable of producing enough deficiency is a Helicobacter pylori infection,
red blood cells. because the bacteria can sequester iron and it can
cause gastric bleeding, or inflammatory bowel
In certain normocytic anemias that are caused by
disease or celiac disease, both of which can
the loss or destruction of red blood cells, the RPI is
cause malabsorption.
above 2% because the body increases red blood cell
production to replaced the ones that were lost. In anemia of chronic disease, there’s low serum
iron, low total iron binding capacity, and
Now, microcytic anemia can be divided into four
high ferritin. This basically occurs because there’s a
main types - iron deficiency anemia, anemia of
lot of inflammation, and during periods of extended
inflammation the body likes to store away iron.
Anemia of chronic disease often develops in people These erythrocytes cannot utilize iron for the
with chronic inflammatory diseases, like infections, synthesis of heme, so iron accumulates inside
autoimmune disorders, and various cancers, and the mitochondria surrounding their nucleus,
typically resolves once that underlying condition forming a ring.
Eventually, unused iron builds up in the blood and
Next, there’s thalassemia, where everything is binds to the transferrin proteins, causing a low total
normal - normal serum iron, normal total iron iron binding capacity.
binding capacity, and normal ferritin. That’s
Increased serum iron also leads to
because the problem has to do with making
increased ferritin levels.
the globin chains of hemoglobin.
Some causes of sideroblastic anemia are congenital,
There are two types of thalassemia: alpha and beta.
like genetic mutations, whereas others are acquired
In alpha thalassemia, there is a mutation in the like myelodysplastic syndrome, excessive alcohol
alpha genes that code for alpha globin chains, use, copper or vitamin B6 deficiency, or intake of
which are present in both fetal and adult certain antimicrobial drugs.
hemoglobin, while in beta thalassemia, there is a
Diagnosis is based on bone marrow biopsy, which
mutation in the beta genes that codes for the
shows ringed sideroblasts when stained
beta globin chains, which are only present in adult
with prussian blue, a pigment that binds to iron.
For congenital cases, there might be genetic testing.
There are four alpha genes, and two beta genes, so
if more genes are defective, then fewer normal Treatment depends on the cause and could include
globins chains are produced, and the more severe stopping the use of alcohol or medication, if that’s
the thalassemia is. the cause.
If there’s one defective alpha gene, there’s usually Some congenital cases respond to vitamin
no symptoms. and mineral supplements, and in the case
of myelodysplastic syndrome, it requires a bone
If there are 2 defective alpha genes or one defective
marrow transplant.
beta gene, then half of the genes are gone and there
are mild symptoms. Now, if a person has macrocytic anemia, the next
step is asking for a blood smear to figure out
If three alpha genes or two beta genes are defective,
whether it’s megaloblastic or non-megaloblastic.
there’s severe disease.
Megaloblastic anemia is more common, and it’s
And if all four alpha genes are defective,
caused by impaired DNA synthesis during red
that’s incompatible with life and the fetus dies
blood cell production, which leads to continuing
in utero, whereas beta thalassemia is not lethal
cell growth without division.
in utero because the fetal hemoglobin does not
contain beta chains. On a blood smear there are larger-than-normal red
blood cells and hypersegmented neutrophils, which
To figure out which chains are missing, you can
means they have 6 or more lobes in their nucleus
use hemoglobin electrophoresis.
when they normally have just three or four.
Usually, patients with mild thalassemia don’t need
The two main causes of megaloblastic macrocytic
treatment, while patients with
anemia are vitamin B12 and folate deficiency,
severe thalassemia are treated with blood
so blood levels of both should be checked to see if
transfusions, and to prevent iron overload, they’re
either one is low.
also given iron chelating agents that trap some
excess iron and sweep it away through feces or If these two are not informative enough, also
urine. the blood
levels of homocysteine and methylmalonic
In sideroblastic anemia, there’s high serum iron,
acid may be checked.
low total iron binding capacity, and
high ferritin level. Homocysteine is generally elevated with either
deficiency, while methylmalonic acid is elevated
It is characterized by sideroblasts, which are
when B12 is low, but it’s normal when folate is
basically immature red blood cells found in
the bone marrow.
B12 is found in animal protein and can be stored for Now folate, also called vitamin B9, comes
three to ten years in the liver. from leafy greens, and nowadays many countries
fortify foods like grains and cereals with folate.
So people who avoid all animal products - like
long time vegans who don’t take B12 supplements - We have up to six week supply of folate in the body,
can get B12 deficiency, that would be a big missed but this can get used up even quicker during
steak. pregnancy.
And even if someone does eat meat they can still So generally, people who get folate deficiency are
get B12 deficiency, if they’re not absorbing it pregnant women, or those with an extremely
properly. restricted diet for longer than six weeks.
Normally, meat or dairy are broken down in the Unlike B12 deficiency, folate deficiency does not
stomach and the B12 is released. cause neurological symptoms, but it’s dangerous
for fetal development. For this reason, all pregnant
Next a protein made by parietal cells in the stomach
women must take oral folate supplements.
called intrinsic factor binds to the B12.
Non megaloblastic anemia is very rare, and it
Then, the B12-intrinsic factor complex moves all
presents macrocytosis with increased red cell
the way through the intestines to the terminal ileum,
membrane surface area, rather than DNA
where special cells recognize intrinsic factor and
replication problems.
absorb the whole complex.
It’s generally associated with chronic alcohol intake,
Now, various things can go wrong with this process,
but it can also be caused by liver
and that would In pernicious anemia, IgA
disease, hypothyroidism, certain drugs like
antibodies attack intrinsic factor or the parietal cells,
chemotherapeutic agents or antiretrovirals, and
and either way, it interferes with intrinsic factor’s
metabolic inherited diseases.
ability to bind to B12, and subsequently get
absorbed. Another cause is myelodysplastic syndrome, which
is where blood cells in the bone marrow do not
In Crohn's disease, often the terminal ileum gets
mature, and this can be seen on a bone marrow
In people that get a gastric bypass, the ingested
Treatment of non megaloblastic anemia involves
food passes through the stomach quickly, so even
dealing with the underlying cause.
if intrinsic factor is produced, it can’t get to the
food to bind B12. Finally, there’s normocytic anemia, which is
generally due to a loss of red blood cells through a
Now, B12 is used throughout the body, so people
hemorrhage or due to destruction of red blood
with B12 deficiency develop a variety
cells or hemolysis.
of neurologic symptoms.
Normally, red blood cells live about 120 days, but
After confirming that there’s a B12 deficiency,
in these situations, they’re lost earlier, so there
further testing should be carried out to figure out
is reticulocyte production index of 2% or higher to
the cause, for instance by looking for anti-intrinsic
try to compensate for this loss.
factor antibodies for pernicious anemia, or carrying
out endoscopic or imaging studies in patients that But in some patients with normocytic anemia,
might have Crohn’s disease. the reticulocyte production index may be less than
2% due to production problems like in bone
When the cause of B12 deficiency is a dietary
marrow suppression or chronic kidney disease.
problem, it’s treated with oral B12 supplement.
Bone marrow suppression is a decrease in
When the problem seems to be absorption related, it
production of cells secondary to bone
could be treated with really high oral B12 doses -
marrow malignancy, or some infections or drugs.
higher than 1000 µg to allow for passive
So treatment involves dealing with the cause of
diffusion in the gut - or with intramuscular B12
injections weekly to get the level back up and then
monthly, and then this can be followed by In chronic kidney disease, kidney cells don’t
oral supplementation if needed. produce enough EPO to stimulate red blood cell
To confirm diagnosis, we should look for Hereditary spherocytosis is a genetic
elevated creatinine levels. This can be partially disorder caused by defects in the structural
corrected with erythropoiesis- stimulating agents or proteins ankyrin, spectrin, or band 3.
Without these proteins, the red blood cells can’t
Now, a hemorrhage causes anemia only if the blood keep their shape and become spherical. This can be
loss is severe, but blood tests are usually normal. seen in a blood smear, and a Coombs test is done to
rule out autoimmune hemolytic anemia.
External hemorrhage is easy to spot, but internal
hemorrhage can be harder to locate, so imaging The misshapen cells are less flexible than normal
tests can be helpful. The key is to stop the bleeding red blood cells and get stuck in the spleen, where
and giving IV fluids or blood transfusions, if they are destroyed by macrophages.
It is diagnosed by osmotic fragility test, where they
If hemolysis is suspected, then blood tests might burst when put into water. The treatment is
show an elevated lactate dehydrogenase or LDH, a splenectomy to prevent hemolysis.
decreased haptoglobin, and in some cases
Sickle cell disease is an autosomal recessive
increased bilirubin, which comes from the
disorder most common among people of African
breakdown of hemoglobin and causes the sclera and
descent, and it’s caused by a
skin to look yellow, so jaundice.
mutated hemoglobin gene that encodes for an
Next in hemolysis, a blood smear showing abnormal adult hemoglobin called hemoglobin
abnormal red blood cells can give us a clue to the S for sickle.
cause. Causes can be acquired or hereditary. Let’s
Sickle cell is usually diagnosed in childhood
go through the most relevant causes.
with hemoglobin electrophoresis.
In autoimmune hemolytic anemia, red blood cells
When there’s acidosis, hypoxia, or dehydration, the
are attacked by either IgM or IgG antibodies.
red blood cells sickle, and that causes
IgM antibodies cause cold agglutinin, which either hemolysis or capillary obstruction
means hemolysis happens in the cool extremities, causing ischemia and pain.
and it’s associated with infections
These episodes are called sickle cell crisis and can
like mycoplasma and mononucleosis.
cause emergencies like vaso-occlusive
IgG antibodies cause warm agglutinin, which crisis, splenic sequestration crisis, acute chest
means hemolysis happens when it’s warm, and it’s syndrome, or stroke.
associated with lupus and drugs
During a sickle cell crisis, a blood smear should be
like penicillin and cephalosporin.
done to confirm that cell sickling is present.
In autoimmune hemolytic anemia, the blood
During a sickle cell crisis, IV fluids, oxygen, and
smear shows spherical red blood cells
pain control are used to manage the symptoms.
or spherocytes.
Occasionally, exchange transfusion is needed if
Then the Coombs test is used to detect the presence
there is an emergency.
of both IgG antibodies and IgM antibodies on the
red blood cells. Also regular blood transfusions can be done, and
iron chelating agents may be given to prevent iron
IgM positive Coombs means there’s
cold autoimmune hemolytic anemia,
and IgG positive Coombs test means there’s warm To prevent these attacks, patients get long
autoimmune hemolytic anemia. term hydroxyurea, which reactivates the synthesis
of fetal hemoglobin to replace the
Treatment for IgM positive hemolytic anemia is to
abnormal hemoglobin S - so there’s a lower chance
avoid the cold, while IgG positive hemolytic
of sickling.
anemia requires treating the underlying cause, like
stopping a medication that’s causing it, or Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase or G6PDD is
using steroids in case of lupus, and an X-linked recessive disorder that results in defects
a splenectomy can be done in really severe cases to of the enzyme.
limit red blood cell destruction.
Normally, it protects the red blood cells
from oxidative stress, so in affected individuals,
there’s hemolysis when they’re exposed there’s reduced respiratory rate, which leads
to oxidative stressors, like foods like fava to hypoxia and acidosis, and that promotes
beans, quinine-derived drugs, certain antibiotics, complement binding.
and infections.
Diagnosis is made by flow cytometry, which tests
A mild variant of this disease is common in people for the lack of GPI-linked proteins like CD55 on
of African descent, whereas a more severe variant is red blood cells.
found in people of mediterranean descent.
Transfusion therapy may be needed for acute
When there’s oxidative stress, hemoglobin gets hemolytic attacks, and no chronic treatment is
damaged and forms heinz bodies inside the red needed in most cases.
blood cell.
Eculizumab, an antibody against the complement,
Macrophages in the spleen detect the abnormal red could be given to individuals with recurrent attacks
blood cells and try to remove the heinz bodies by to improve their quality of life.
taking out a chunk of the cell, so these red blood
cells looks like something took a bite out of them, Summary
so they are called bite cells. So a blood smear can
show these bite cells and heinz bodies. All right, as a quick recap, anemia can
During a hemolytic attack, the deficient cells die, so be microcytic - due to problems
testing G6PD level acutely isn’t reliable. making hemoglobin, normocytic - due to bleeding
or hemolysis, and macrocytic - due to
So diagnosis is confirmed by a low G6PD level deficient DNA production.
roughly 8 weeks after an attack.
Microcytic anemias include iron deficiency, chronic
Treatment of the acute phase of a hemolytic attack inflammation, thalassemias, and sideroblastic
may require blood transfusions. anemia.
But to prevent an attack, it’s important to avoid the To distinguish, you can check serum iron, total iron
triggers, and sometimes those with recurrent binding capacity, and ferritin.
hemolytic attacks will benefit from a splenectomy.
In normocytic anemia, red blood cells are lost, so
Finally, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria is a there’s a reticulocyte production index of over 2%
disorder caused by a defect in the PIG-A gene. to try to compensate.
PIG-A codes for the GPI protein that is normally However, in some patients with production
found in the cell membrane of red blood cells and it problems like bone marrow suppression or chronic
binds to another protein called DAF. kidney disease, the reticulocyte production index is
below 2%.
DAF blocks the complement from attaching to the
cell and destroying it. Finally, macrocytic anemia can be megaloblastic -
due to low vitamin B12 or folate - or
Deficiency of GPI means red blood cells can no
non megaloblastic, which may be due to
longer protect themselves from the complement, so
chronic alcohol intake, liver
they get destroyed and release
disease, hypothyroidism, certain medications,
their hemoglobin into the blood.
metabolic inherited diseases, or myelodysplastic
This hemoglobin gets into the urine, making it dark. syndrome.
This is particularly significant during sleep, when

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