Unit 1.3 - Energy & Equilibria

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Unit 1.

3 - Energy & Equilibria

Learning Objective:
1. Systems can exist in alternative stable states or as equilibria
between which there are tipping points,
2. Destabilizing position feedback mechanisms will drive systems
toward these tipping points, whereas stabilizing negative
feedback mechanisms will resist such changes
Formative Peer Assessment

Task - Negative or Positive Feedback? [15 mins]

1. Determine if the following are examples of positive or negative
2. Make a graphic organizer/concept map digitally on a word document
3. Use the information given and complete the feedback loop
diagram to show how the ‘vicious’ circle was transformed into a
‘virtuous’ circle for your example.
4. You can research more & also include images in the graphic
5. Upload your completed task in dropbox on Managebac
Sr.No Name Task

1 Vivaan Higher temperatures cause more evaporation which leads to more water vapor in the
atmosphere. Water vapor is a greenhouse gas so will trap more heat so the atmosphere will
warm more.

2 Aryan A thermostat in a central heating system can determine the temperature of your living
room. It switches the air conditioner on when the temperature increases to a
predetermined level and shuts it off when it cools to another level. The room temperature
remains within a comfortable level regardless of the temperature outside.

3 Maitrya As carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere rise, the temperature of the Earth rises. As the
Earth warms the rate of photosynthesis in plants increases, more carbon dioxide is therefore
removed from the atmosphere by plants, reducing the greenhouse effect and reducing
global temperatures.

4 Dharam As the Earth warms, ice cover melts, exposing soil or water. Albedo decreases (albedo is the
fraction of light that is reflected by a body or surface). More energy is absorbed by the
Earth’s surface. Global temperature rises. More ice melts.
Sr.No Name Task

5 Jotika As the Earth warms, increased evaporation produces more clouds. Clouds increase albedo,
reflecting more light away from the Earth. The temperature falls. Rates of evaporation fall.

6 Nayaan In some developing countries poverty causes illness and contributes to poor standards of
education. In the absence of knowledge of family planning methods and hygiene, this
contributes to population growth and illness, adding further to the causes of poverty; “a
vicious circle of poverty.”

7 Yavishth As the Earth warms, evaporation increases. Snowfall at high latitudes increases, icecaps
enlarge. More energy is reflected by increased albedo of ice cover. The Earth cools. Rates of
evaporation fall.

1. Present in class
2. Assessment done by peers in the Rubric provided
3. Assessment rubric completed & deposited in the
student folder shared.
<Peer assessment Rubric-Ishan>

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