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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Caloocan City


Quarter 2: Week 1
Module in Communicative Strategies 1
Employs various communicative strategies in different situations


Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb you
while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully enjoy the
objectives of this kit. Happy learning! 

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of this module.
2. Write on your notebook the concepts about the lessons.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers using the answer key card.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!

In this lesson, you will learn what communicative strategy is and what are its different
types. You will discover how each type of communicative strategies is properly used in
different situations.
By the end of the lesson, you will have been able to:
1. Distinguish various types of communicative strategies
2. Use acceptable, polite, and meaningful communicative strategies
3. Demonstrate effective use of communicative strategy in a variety of speech situations

Directions: Read each items carefully then encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following refers to the ability of taking the attention of the hearers and
trying to propose the speaker’s ideas in the conversation?
a. Nomination b. Restriction c. Repair d. Termination
2. Which of these is a process which involves a constrained or limited conversation
between a speaker and a listener?

a. Topic Shifting b. Turn Taking c. Topic Control d. Restriction
3. Which of the following is a type of communicative strategy which aims to resolve
conflicts to avoid miscommunications?
a. Turn Taking b. Repair c. Topic Shifting d. Topic Control
4. “What do you think?” and “Do you like to say something?” are examples of _________.
a. Termination b. Repair c. Turn Taking d. Nomination
5. Mrs. Luna told the class to listen attentively during class discussions. What
communication strategy did she use?
a. Topic Control b. Restriction c. Termination d. Nomination
6. Which of the following refers to the communicative process by which people in the
conversation decide who takes the conversational floor?
a. Topic Shifting b. Topic Control c. Nomination d. Turn Taking
7. Alex unintentionally offended Mark with his comment, but clarified his point later on.
He used the __________ communicative strategy.
a. Restriction b. Topic Shifting c. Repair d. Turn Taking
8. “By the way…” is a phrase used to indicate __________.
a. Topic Shifting b. Turn Taking c. Termination d. Nomination
9. During a classroom reporting, the reporters are only allowed to talk about the topic
given to them by their teacher. This communicative strategy is an example of
a. Nomination c. Topic Control c. Turn Taking d. Repair
10. “Bye!” and “See you.” are examples of __________.
a. Nomination b. Turn Taking c. Repair d. Termination

Read the dialogues and answer the comprehension questions that follow:

1. What is the main topic of Kathlyn and Liz’s conversation?
2. What do you think is the relationship of these two? How did you come up with that
3. What can you say about how Liz dismissed Kathlyn’s idea? Was she polite or rude?
4. Is there another topic discussed in the conversation? What is it about?
5. How did Kathlyn and Liz end their conversation?


People are engaged in an everyday conversation. Either in a formal set-up or in normal

situations, they do daily discourse. They communicate to establish and maintain relationships
and to develop deeper understanding with each other. Likewise, since we survive more
effectively through meaningful discourses, it is important to learn the skills of creating and
sustaining gainful conversation.

However, a conversation may be complex at times, that is why we should always be

mindful with the messages that we relay to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings. That is
where communicative strategies come into the play. Communicative strategies are the
blueprints for how messages will be exchanged. These are strategies that enable humans
to convey and interpret messages and to negotiate meanings personally within specific
contexts to overcome miscommunications. Effective use of these strategies helps a person to
achieve communicative competence.

There are seven types of communicative strategies. These are nomination, restriction,
turn-taking, topic control, topic shifting, repair and termination.

1. NOMINATION – is the ability of taking the attention of the listeners and trying to “nominate”
or propose the speaker’s idea in a conversation whereby the other people in the
conversation can still talk or join in the discussion. This strategy is used when the speaker
is trying to open a topic.
2. RESTRICTION – This involves a constrained or limited conversation between a speaker
and a listener. It is a type of communicative strategy where a person speaks while the
others listen without any chances for the listeners to speak. Sample scenarios are listening
to the homily while the priest speaks or listening to a speaker while he/she delivers her
3. TURN TAKING – It refers to the process by which people in the conversation decide who
is to speak next. There is a code of behavior behind establishing and sustaining a

productive conversation, but the primary idea is to give all communicators an opportunity
to speak.
4. TOPIC CONTROL – There are instances when a conversation is bound only to a specific
topic where the speaker is required to talk only about a given topic. For example, in a
debate, the speakers of the affirmative side are compelled to argue why they are in favor
of the proposition given and they cannot speak why they oppose it. In that case, the
discourse is controlled.
5. TOPIC SHIFTING – It involves moving from one topic to another. This includes the ability
of the speaker to courteously end a conversation about a topic and lead the talk to another
issue. For instance, a job interviewer is obligated to ask different types of questions, thus,
he/she needs to know how to shift from asking an applicant’s academic professional
background to personal concerns.
6. REPAIR – It refers to how the speakers address the problems in speaking, listening, and
comprehending that they may encounter in a conversation. Speakers have to make sure
that miscommunications don’t cause the conversation to stop. It may be self-initiated when
the speaker makes the corrections him/herself without prompting from the listeners, or
other-initiated when the speaker makes the corrections because the listeners ask queries
or clarifications.
7. TERMINATION – It is a communicative strategy of artistically ending a conversation.
Terminating a conversation can be verbal or nonverbal. One can end a discourse by saying
“I have to go…” or by gesturing a look at the wrist watch.


Activity 1: “Say it!” Identify the type of communicative strategy in each statement.
_______________ 1. “Do you have anything to say?”
_______________ 2. “Have you noticed the weird weather lately? I think this is because of
global warming.”
_______________ 3. “Sorry but I can’t decide yet. Can we talk about it some other time?”
_______________ 4. “Go on. Let’s discuss your ideas first before we tackle mine.”
_______________ 5. “I’m sorry, I stand corrected. Let me clarify what I am trying to say.”
_______________ 6. “That’s so nice to hear. By the way, I came to visit you to personally
invite you for my birthday party next week.”
_______________ 7. “One of the most important things I realized from this discussion is the
importance of mental health.”
_______________ 8. “Now it’s your turn to ask questions.”
_______________ 9. “Thank you for raising those concerns. To avoid confusion, let me clarify
the instruction.”
_______________ 10. “Please keep quiet and do what the instructor says.”

Activity 2: Read the situations below then identify what communicative strategy is used
in each.

_______________1. Alexa and Irene were discussing about their project during their lunch.
Suddenly, Mira came and asked about Mrs. Gomez’s whereabouts.
_______________2. Sam and her groupmates are brainstorming about their research project.
Each of the members is given an opportunity to discuss his/her ideas.
_______________3. Mr. Francisco made a correction about the instruction of the task so that
his students will not be confused.
_______________4. Ria and Fe were talking about their assignments that they need to
accomplish over the weekend. Meanwhile, Ria mentioned about Blackpink’s comeback
_______________5. Jing said goodbye to her friends in the middle of their chat to run some
_______________6. Mrs. Fernandez asked the students keep quiet and raise their hands if
they have queries.
_______________7. Maggie requested her groupmates to remain focused on their
brainstorming for their research.

Activity 3: “Walk the Talk” Choose one among the given situations below, then create a
simple conversation about it. Be sure to make use of acceptable, polite and meaningful
communicative strategies in your conversation. The following rubric will be used in assessing
your vlog.
 Informing your community about the importance of following the health protocols
 Discussing among your classmates about the importance of honesty in doing online
 Talking with your family about your thoughts or feelings during this pandemic
 Talking with our friends about your new-found hobbies
Excellent Good Fair Developing Poor
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
The seven communicative strategies are
politely and meaningfully used.
The conversation has a good plot or
The choice of words is appropriate.
The conversation is free from
grammatical errors.
The task is submitted on time.

COMMUNICATIVE STRATEGIES are helpful techniques in sharing and transmitting ideas
or information effectively.
NOMINATION The speaker proposes a topic.

Only the speaker speaks, listeners have no chance to be heard.
(constrained conversation)
TURN-TAKING Speaker and listener decide who is to speak next.
TOPIC CONTROL Speaker is required to speak only about a given topic
TOPIC SHIFTING Speaker needs to change the subject matter being talked about
Speaker ensures that troubles don’t cause interaction to stop (self-
initiated or other-initiated)
TERMINATION Speaker artistically ends the conversation


1. What do you think is the importance of the proper use of communicative strategies?
2. How did this lesson help you in improving your oral communication skills?
3. Why is it important to use acceptable, polite, and meaningful communicative strategies
in different situations?
4. How did the lesson help you to become communicative competent as a student and
as a professional in the near future?

Directions: Read each items carefully then encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What are strategies that enable humans to convey and interpret messages and to
negotiate meanings personally within specific contexts to overcome
a. Communicative Strategies c. Communicative Competence
b. Communicative Situations d. Strategic Competence
2. What communicative strategy is employed when you try to open a topic with the people
you are talking with.
a. Nomination b. Turn Taking c. Topic Shifting d. Restriction
3. Which of the following is a type of communicative strategies that includes the ability of
the speaker to courteously end a conversation about a topic and lead the talk to
another issue?
a. Repair b. Turn Taking c. Topic Shifting d. Termination
4. Which of these is a type of communicative strategy that is used to keep the interaction
going by asking questions and eliciting a response.

a. Nomination b. Topic Shifting c. Topic Control d. Restriction
5. What type of communicative strategy is used when the speaker recognizes when and
how to speak after one’s turn?
a. Topic Shifting b. Turn Taking c. Nomination d. Repair
6. Which of the following is an example of restriction?
a. “The life of a human being is easy. Do you agree? (Yes or No)”
b. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
c. “Hey there! What’s up?”
d. “By the way, have you seen Ms. Cruz?”
7. “May I now have the floor, Madam?” is an example of which type of communicative
a. Nomination b. Turn Taking c. Topic Control d. Repair
8. “Kindly close the window… uh.. I mean door” is an example of which communicative
a. Topic Shifting b. Repair c. Termination d. Topic Control
9. Which of the following is an example of Topic Control?
a. “I’m sorry.”
b. “Tell me something about your yourself.”
c. “Hey guys! Have you heard about the news?”
d. “That’s great!”
10. Which of the following is an example of Repair?
a. “Everyone, please listen first.”
b. “I’ll see you later.”
c. “Just for clarification, the meeting is rescheduled on Thursday not Friday.”
d. “What can you say about Twice’s comeback song?

Reflect on the learning that you gained after taking up this lesson by completing the chart.
What were your thoughts or ___________________________________________
ideas about the topic before ___________________________________________
taking up a lesson on types of ___________________________________________
communicative strategies? ___________________________________________
What new ideas or learnings ________________________________________________
have you had after taken up the ________________________________________________
lesson? ________________________________________________

Jose Rizal O. Dapat et. al., Oral Communication in Focus (Quezon City, Metro Manila: Lorimar
Publishing, Inc., 2016), pp. 55-67.
Philippe John F. Sipacio et. al., Oral Communication in Context for Senior High School
(Quezon City, Metro Manila: C & E Publishing, Inc., 2016), pp. 49-58.

Prepared by:


Teacher III (SHS)
Caloocan City Business High School

Quarter 2: Week 1
Module in Communicative Strategies 1
NAME:____________________________________ GRADE:____ SECTION:___________

1._____ 1.____________________
2._____ 2.____________________
3._____ 3.____________________
4._____ 4.____________________
5._____ 5.____________________
6._____ 6.____________________
7._____ 7.____________________
9._____ ACTIVITY # 3
10._____ (Please write your script at the backside of
this Answer Sheet.)
1._________________________________ CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING
___________________________________ 1._________________________________
2._________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
3._________________________________ 2._________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
4._________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ 3._________________________________
5._________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
ACTIVITY # 1 ___________________________________
1.____________________ ___________________________________
3.____________________ POST TEST
4.____________________ 1._____
5.____________________ 2._____
6.____________________ 3._____
7.____________________ 4._____
8.____________________ 5._____
9.____________________ 6._____
10.____________________ 7._____


What were your thoughts or ideas about the What new ideas or learnings have you
topic before taking up a lesson on types of had after taken up the lesson?
communicative strategies?


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