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1. put sth about spread (false) reports, rumours
2. put yourself/ sth across communicate, make good impression
3. put sth aside save for later use = put sth by
4. put sb/sth at sth calculate sb/sth (to be a particular age,
weight, amount)
5. put sb away (passive) send sb to prison/mental
put sth away place sth in the place after using it
save money
6. put sth back return to its usual place
postpone; cause sth to be delayed
move the hands of the clock
7. put sth before/above sth treat sth as more important than sth else
8. put sth behind you try to forget about an unpleasant experience
9. put down land (pilot)
put sb down make sb look/feel stupid

put sth down stop holding & place on …

write sth
pay part of the cost
crush (stop sth by force)
kill (an old/ sick animal)
put sb down as sth consider sb to be a type of person
put sb down for sth put sb’s name on a list
put sth down to sth attribute
10. put sth forth (fml) = put sth out
11. put forward sth suggest/ propose
12. put sth in install, make an official request, interrupt,
spend a lot of time/make effort doing sth
put sth in/into sth/Ving use/ give money, time, effort
put in for sth officially ask for sth/formally apply for
put yourself/sb/sth in for sth enter yourself/sb/sth for a competition
13. put sb off cancel (meeting, arrangement) with sb
make sb dislike/not trust
stop to allow sb to leave (vehicle)
put sb off sth/Ving disturb, make sb lose interest,
put off sth/Ving postpone, delay
14. put sb on
put on sth wear, make up, switch, gain (weight)
provide sth, present (play, show), pretend
to have
put sth on sth add an amount of money /tax to the cost
bet (money) on sth
put sb onto sb/sth tell the police about a crime
tell sb about sth they may like/find useful
15. put sb out inconvenience sb
make sb unconscious
be put out be upset/ offended
put sth out take sth out and leave it
place sth for use
extinguish (fire, cigarette)
produce (esp for sale: cars, …)
publish, broadcast (a novel …)
put out to … from (boat) leave a port
16. put sth through carry out & complete (plan…)
cause sb to undergo
put sb through to connect by telephone
17. put sb to sth (trouble, cause sb trouble
put sth to sb ask sb a question
offer a suggestion to sb
18. put sth together make/prepare sth by fitting
collecting parts together
19. put up sth show a particular level of skill
suggest an idea for people to discuss
put sb up log sb in
put sth up raise sth in a higher position
build sth or place sth somewhere
display (put up a notice)
increase (price)
put up with tolerate

1. put sb in the picture give sb information about a situation
2. put in an appearance be present for a short time
3. put down roots settle in a place where you have moved to live
4. put sb on a pedestal believe that sb is perfect (pedestal: cot tru cua buc tuong)
5. put /leave sb in the shade be so good that overshadows the others
6. put out feelers try to find out what others think about sth
7. put /throw sb off the scent mislead sb by giving them false/confusing information
8. put a spoke in sb’s wheel make it difficult for sb to achieve what they had planned to do
9. put /set the record straight write or say sth in order to make the true facts known
10. put paid to destroy
11. put sb through the mill cause sb to experience a difficult & unpleasant experience by asking them a lot of
difficult questions
12. put sb through his/her paces test sb’s capabilities
13. put an end/ a stop to sth stop an activity
14. put effort into sth/doing sth to work very hard to get sth done
15. put into words find the right words to express sth
16. put that idea into your head persuade you that was the truth
17. put the blame on sb blame sb
18. put the finishing touches to sth complete the final details of sth (meal/essay/speech/cake …)
19. put sth to the vote vote on whether or not to accept sth
20. put together combined
21. put two and two together make a simple connection between related facts and come to an obvious conclusion
22. put one’s best foot forward make a great effort to do sth, esp if it is difficult/ you are feeling tired
23. put one’s foot down use your authority to stop sth happening
drive faster
24. put one’s foot up sit or lie down with you feet resting on sth
25. put one’s foot in it /one’s foot in say sth by accident which embarrasses or upsets sb
one’s mouth
26. not to put your foot wrong not make any mistakes
27. put the cart before horse do things out of proper order
28. put the finger on sb identify sb for (sb in authority)
29. put on a brave face make oneself seem more brave
30. put one’s nose in involve oneself intrusively into st that is not one’s business
31. put the wind up make sb very anxious, upset or frightened

word meaning example

set about sth/ sb/ begin to do; attack She set about the business of cleaning the house.
Ving We need to set about finding a solution
set sb against sb make sb oppose a friend, relative .. She accused her husband of setting the children
against her.
set sb/sth apart from make sb different from or better than others Her elegant style sets her apart from other
be set apart for sth be kept for a special use or purpose These rooms were set apart for use as libraries
set aside (money) save for a special purpose
(time) reserve a certain amount of time for a particular
= disregard Let’s set aside my personal feelings for now.
set back delay progress of sth; The bad weather set back the building
delay an event till a later date; programme by several weeks.
How much did that set you back?
set sb down stop and allow sb to get off Passengers may be set down and picked up only
at the official stops.
set sth down write sth down on paper in order to record it
set forth (fml) = expound: clearly explain an idea, policy, plan … The President set forth his plan to privatise the
railways in a speech at the party conference
set in start and seem likely to continue (for bad weather, doubt I don’t think we’ll be playing football this
and panic) afternoon. This rain has set in for the rest of the
set off start a journey We don’t have to set off until midday
set sth off cause an alarm to ring Every time a bird lands on his car, it sets the
make a bomb, etc. explode alarm off.
start a series of events or a process A gang of boys were setting off fireworks in the
Panic on the stock market set off a wave of
set on/upon sb (cause to) attack I open the gate and was immediately set on by a
large dog.
set out begin a journey;
start a course of action with a clear aim in mind I don’t want to be average. I set out to be the best
arrange or display things pianist in the world and I won’t stop until I am.
present ideas, facts etc. in an organized way, in speech He set out his objections to the plan.
or writing She set out the reasons for her resignation in a
long letter.
set sb up provide sb with the money that they need in order to do A bank loan helped to set him up in business.
sth. The break from work really set me up for the new
make sb healthier, stronger, more lively year.
make sb look guilty of a crime they did not commit I didn’t do it! I’ve been set up!
set sth up build or put sth somewhere The police set up roadblocks on routes out of the
make a piece of equipment or a machine ready for use I’ve set up a meeting for Friday.
arrange for sth to happen
create, start (a business)


set a date for sth decide the date on which sth (an exam, wedding or We’re getting married but haven’t set a date yet.
other important event …) will take place
set a good/bad behave in a way that shows other people how to As a teacher, he always tries to be punctual. That
example behave way he sets a good example to his students.
set a precedent do sth or decide sth for the first time and thereby give If the court finds in his favour, this could set a
support to or establish rules for similar actions precedent.
set sb a target decide or tell sb that they have to achieve sth If you don’t set your employees targets, they lose
motivation and your company doesn’t perform as
well as it should.
set a trap for sb invent a plan to catch sb doing sth wrong In scene one the villain sets a trap for the hero.
set an exam to have students an exam to do They set us a strictly-timed multiple choice exam
set homework give ss homework to do
set sail begin a journey by boat or ship The sea was calm when we set sail for France.
set sb/sth free release sb who/ or sth which has been captive Once they reach a clearing, they set the wild deer
set the alarm (for) adjust the alarm clock so that it rings (at a certain
set the table = lay the table
set up home start living somewhere in your own house They set up home in Broadstairs.
set up in business start doing business We set up in business selling second-hand books
last year.
set your heart on sth really want sth that is often hard to do/ to get He set his heart on winning the gold
all set ready to leave Are we all set? Let’s go then.
be dead set against be totally opposed to sth Her parents were dead set against her moving to
(doing) sth Italy.
be set in your ways be unable to change the way you do things because I didn’t like to share my flat with anyone after so
you have done them that way for a long time many of living on my own. I’m too set in my ways
be set to do sth be ready to do sth/ have been arranged to happen The meeting is set to start at 6 p.m.
be set up for live have so much money that you need never worry With the money from the inheritance, he was set
about money again up for life.
set eyes on sb/sth see sb/sth (for the first time) The minute I set eyes on her, I knew I could trust
set foot in/on enter
set out with the start diong sth with a particular objective in mind I didn’t set out with the intention of becoming a
intention of doing sth writer; I guess it just happened
set sb thinking cause sb to start thinking about sth What you said about exploiting obvious business
opportunities set me thinking. I’ve got an idea ..
set your mind on sth be determined to do or achieve that thing I know he can pass the exam if he sets his mind to
set to work + Ving start doing sth in a determined way Nobody knew where the witness was. James set
to work finding her. He would leave no stone
set the pace establish the speed/ level/skill/standard of ..
set oneself to V determined to do sth
set the tone for establish the mood of sth Her warm greeting really set the tone for the dinner
party, which was one of the loveliest I’ve ever
set sb at sb’s ease make sb relaxed The duke was renowned for always setting his
guests at their ease during social visits.
set the scene creat the condition for st to appear

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