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Hamdard University Bangladesh 10/27/2021 10:14:00 AM

Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Class Routine (Fall’21), Evening
Day Sem. 3.00 pm 4.45 pm 6.30 pm 8.15 pm
1st EEE 111 Electrical Circuits I (RB) R-108 MEC 112 Engineering Drawing (ASR) R-137
CSE 122 Structured Programming Language Lab (AR) CSE 121 Structured Programming Language
2nd R-CL3 (AR) R-CL3
EEE 225 Signals and Linear Systems Analysis
3rd EEE 213 Energy Conversions I (NM)R-137

(KM) R-248
4th EEE 223 Energy Conversions II (SA) R-130 EEE 224 Energy Conversions Lab (RB) R-115
EEE 227 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves (ASR) EEE 321 Power System I (NH)
5th R-109 R-249
EEE 431 Power System II EEE 432 Power System Lab (AH)
6th EEE 413 Solid State Devices (RH)
(SA) R-130 R-110
7th EEE 437 Power plant Engineering (RA) R-248

Day Sem. 9.30 am 11.15 am 2.30 pm 4.15 pm 6.00 pm 7.45 pm

ENG 127 English Skills CSE 111 Computer MAT 115 Differential and PHY 121 Physics II
1st (LA) Fundamentals (AR) Integral Calculus (GM) (NM)
R-131 R-108 R-249 R-248
MAT 217 Ordinary &
EEE 122 Electrical EEE 121 Electrical EEE 211 Electronic
CHE 215 Chemistry (AJ) Partial Differential
2nd MAT 129 Linear Circuits Lab (RA/RH) Circuits II (AH) Circuits I (RB) R-109

Lunch and Prayer break

R-108 Equations (GM)
Algebra and Complex R-111 R-109
Variables (MH)
EEE 221 Electronic MAT 213 Statistics and EEE 222 Electronic
3rd Circuits II (ASR) ACT 215 Financial and Probability (NF) Circuits Lab (ZA)
R-137 Managerial Accounting (IK) R-261 R-109

EEE 315 Digital EEE 316 Digital R-101 EEE 311 EEE 312
MAT 323 Numerical
4th Electronics (SR) Electronics Lab (SR) Communication Communication Theory
Analysis (MOH)
R-109 R-109 Theory (NM) Lab (NM)
5th R-248 R-113
EEE 323 Digital Signal EEE 324 Digital Signal EEE 322 Electrical Services
Processing (KM) Processing Lab (KM) Design (SA)
R-110 R-110 R-137 EEE 411 EEE 412 EEE 483 Wireless and
Microprocessor and Microprocessor and Mobile
EEE 451 VLSI Design EEE 452 VLSI Design EEE 435 Power Transmission Interfacing (NH) Interfacing Lab (NH) Communications (ZA)
7th (RH) R-112 Lab (RH) R-112 and Distribution (AH) R-131 R-108 R-248

RA: Dr. Rabiul Alam, SR: Md. Salim Raza, AJ: Sk. Abu Jahid, AH: Md. Abdullah-Al-Hysam, ZA: Zubaida Azad Shikha, ASR: Asfaqur Rahman, KM: Kazi Mohammad Mamun, SA: Sabbir Ahmed, NM: Nur
Mohammad Molla, NH: Md. NaeemHossain, RB: Md. RafayelBishal, RH:Md. RownakHossain, AR: AfzalurRahman, MH: MobarakHossain, GM: GolamMostafa, MOH: Mohammad Obaidul Haque, NF: Nishat
Farzana, IK: Imran Khan, LA: Lovna Akter

Md. SalimRaza
Head, Dept. of EEE

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