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Suggested answers to Self test

b X: oxygen
Chapter 7 (p. 1-40) Y: carbo n
cent rauon of Y is lower in P,
ii The con
when the blood mQ reaches
Section A (1 mark l'.ach)
because 5001c of the gas Y diffuses
1 C 2 A the lungs,
· sacs.
into the air
Section B
3 a C ilium
11 Structure X beats to sweep mucus with
Chapter 9 (p. 9-2B)
trappL·d bacteria towards the pharynx. 1
n,ark each)
The mucus with ti1c trapped bacteria 1s Section A (1
then coughed up. 1 2 A
1 13
o r swal\owt'd into the stomach where
most of the trapped bacteria arc killed by Section B
the spongy m esophyll cells are
hydrochlo ric acid. 1 In t11c leaf,
3 a ked. In the lung, there are 111any
1 loosely pac
b It destroys structure X.
air sacs. l
c The build-up of mucus narrows the trachea , more air spaces for gas
This provides
reducing the airflow to and away from the and more surf"ace area for exchan
diffusion ge
lungs . 1 l
of gases.
The concenn·ation gradient of respirato r')' The wall of air sacs in the
The leaf is thin.
gases benvcen the air sacs and the capillaries lung is only one-cell 面ck. l
is less steep. 1 ho rt d 昫 s i on distance for gas
This offers a s
The diffusio n of respiratory gases slows
exchange. 1
down and thus gas exchange is less effi cient.
1 b .In the daytime, the rate of photosynthesis is
higher th;m that of resp1ra t1o n. 1
More carbon dioxide is ta ken in for
Chapter 8 <p. 旦9) photosynthesis than is released in
respiratio n. Therefore, the carbo n dioxide
Section A (1 mark each) content in the air spaces is lower. /
1 A 2 D More oxygen is released in photosynthesis
than is taken in for r.: 、 riratio n. Therefore,
Section B the oxygen cont~m 111· , ,1r spaces 1s
P (vein) has a larger lumen. higher.
3 a
At night. phorosyn tl •?S. T he plant
Q (artCI)') has a thicker wall.
carries ou t rcspirn l ,, t )xygcn is
ii T he large lumen of P reduces the
taken in and carb0· is released in
resistance to the blood fl ow inside P. 1
respiratio n. T hereft 1 ,1rbo n dioxide
T he thick wall of Q allows it to , . 1crh er.
content u1 the a ir s~
withstai1d a high blood pressure d ue to 。

the pumping action of the heart. 1


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