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Radnja pocinje ispred kapije Orgrimarra, jedan ork okuplja razlicite hordine rase I priprema se za

govor, tu se nalaze nasa dva protagonista

Ork: Alright everyone ,gather up. Today is the day your fight for the Horde begins! When you will give
blood and sweat for our races! We are the Horde!
Ork 2: Thank yu (orks name) , that was very … speech. As you all know, heroes aren’t born over night.
Adventure awaits you, some of you may die, but it’s for the better cause. You can’t go on alone so we
gathered you all up so you can choose your party. The longer you venture together the stronger a bond
between you will grow.

Svi gledaju oko sebe trazeci sebi grupu ili para, Ella ne uspeva da nalazi para ali vidi dva Trolla.
Dotrcava do njih

Ella: Um, hey! Could I please join your group, everyone seems to have already found one.
A: Oh, hey there ! Actually this is my brother, he just wanted to keep me a company, but seems like
both of us are in the same shoes.
E: I see. Well, my name is Ella and I am a mage apprentice.
A: Hah! I am a mage as well. Not much synergy but I can see this work winks
E: A womanizer. I see
A: Haha don’t get it the wrong way, I was just tryna be nice
A: Name is Alador by the way
E: In that case, Alador I hope we will get along

Thrull(ork 2) : I see you all paired up, in that case bathe in my power new adventurers! (shoots
lightning from his hands) Today marks the day heroes were born. FOR THE HORDE

(everyone cheers)

Postoji praznik koji prica o tome kako su 4 heroja (ovde razmisljam da dodam protivnicki par kasnije u
prici) oterali demone sa ove zemlje. U njihovu cast sve rase su napokon mogle da se nastale na mestu
koje se zove (IME MESTA) I na zadnjem da nu pre nego sto su 4 heroja otisla da istrazuju svet demona
zasadila su drvo koje ce vekovima moci da stiti narod od napada demona (eternal tree). Na zalost drvo
je postalo koruptirano od spoljasnjih sila koje polusavaju da uzmu drvetove moci za sebicne razloge
nasli su otrov sto salje drvo polako ali u sigurnu smrt decendents of the eternal tree (manja drveca) koja
ispustaju wisp za svakog adventurera da bi im pomogao da nadjem svoju grupu, ali svake godine sve
manje ljudi dolazi na proslavu u strahu da postanu adventureri zbog svog zivota

Wisps help you find a perfect match for adventure

Nasa dva protagonista prilaze manjim drvecima I pricaju sa wisps koji ih vode jedno do drugog(paneli
su paralalelni ella/alador) soulbound shit happens

Epizoda 1 ennde
Epizoda 2
E and A: Oh you’re a arcanist as well?
A: Haha I can already see why wisp guided me to you (smirks slightly)
E: My name is Ella, I am arcanist apprentice and so are you I see..
A: Name is Alador, and you guessed it! Well I hope we will get along just fine! (bows and takes her
hand to kiss it)

E: No need for such formalities, now let’s get started.

Ella I Alador gledaju u mapu

e: Hmm, where should we head towards

A: Why don’t we head here, I heard there some timey demonic anomalies or something needed to be
fixed, should be easy enough
E: Yeah let’s get going

Odlaze ka tom mestu gde srecu par ljudi koji ih usmeravaju

random: I heard there was that demon who hungers for human blood! He is nearby that cave (points)
A: Don’t worry sir! We are on it!
Random: Thank you so much… you must be two new heroes.
A: Yup ! And we are certainly a pair made in heaven (winks at ella)
E: (rolls her eyes) So you said they only hunger for human blood?
R: Y-yes!
E: Alright we will go now and see what we can do.
R: thank you really…

they head towards the cave and see a big demon munching on something spilling red juice everywhere

They slowly approach the cave ready for a fighting

E: (whispering) alright I will chain him to the ground and you should just aim for the head, got it?
A: Sounds easy enough!
E: (chains the demon)
D: (looks confused)
A: (fires a arcane missle which wounds demon heavely)
E: (cast a arcane fireball to the demon)
A: (looks shocked)
D:(burns and left the necklace (emblem) demon world)

Epizoda 2 ENDE
Epizoda 3
E: (picks it up and incpects it)
A: What spell was that?! I haven’t seen it before!
E: Oh that was a spell I taught myself
A: Woaaah really!? I didn’t expect nothing less from my soulmate (winks)
E: We are not soulmates, just soulbounded by the oath of the wisps
A: Come on I am just teasing you, why so serious?
E: … Let’s head back (starts walking)
A: Alright!
Vracaju se do iste kolibe gse su sreli onog lika

R: Ah you are back my heroes! Did you suceed?

A: Of course we did! We are the best bound you wil lever meet
R: ah yes yes but did you bring back anything as a proof?
A: Oh… about that… we actually burnt him to the death
E: !!!
E: But we have this, some kind of necklace
R: (pretends to not know) Oh… I saw those on demons … (dissapears)
r: but once the demon is dead they disappear, but since you did a great job Why don’t you stay for the

A: sounds good to me!

E: !!
E: Come here Alador I need t oask you something.

Odmacinju se od coveka
E: (whisper ) I don’t like this idea, for the first time we left the safety of eternal tree how can we trust
A: Come on Ells, he is a little old man, what harm can he really bring, besides would you rather stay in
the open at night?
E:… alright but let’s still be cautious
A: Don’t worry so much, it makes you age faster

ulaze u kucu tog lika I na zadnjoj paneli vidi se da lik ima na kaisu cudan noz (demonski)

(depending on the demon’s strength emblem dissapears afte rcertain time (weak demon = 30 min)
(strong demons (several days to several weeks))
Each demon has an emblem which has a crest on it representing their covenant and their name (if they
have one)

(taj random ispada da je demon I predlaze da oni ostanu kod njega kuci da prespavaju (on je
Epizoda 3 ende
Epizoda 4
========== (stari deo)
A: It’s already night? How the time flies…
E: Yeah we should head back it’s already hard to see.

Odlaze u INN I uzimaju sobu

e: One room with two beds please

A: What’s wrong with one bed (says it in a flirty way) ?
E: Haha you’re so funny
A: Come on I’m just kidding,... or am I?
E: …

ulaze u sobu I raspremaju se

E: Im gonna go change so don’t look

A: Waaaaay ahead of ya (lays on bed with underwear only)
E: (rolls eyes)
A: So Ella, why are you always so serious ?
E: I am serious because I was raised to achieve one purpose only, and that is to become the greatest
mage of Whole Azeroth
A: That’s shooting a little too high, eh?
E: Mock me all you want but you will see (takes off the robe leaving her in shirt and underwear) you
are in luck you paired up with me
A: (Blushes and turns away)
E: (leand ini his face)You’re not the only one confident here you know ? (smirks)
A: (looks at her flushed and shocked) (gets relaxed and smirks) I think we will get along
E: you are damn right we will, I like your style
A: It’s late enough already and it has been an exhausting first day don’t ya think?
E: Alright (lays in other bed)
A: Good night Elly
E: please don’t call me that…
A: sure thing Ells
E: …

Svice I Alador se budi kasnije

A: (yawns and his hair is tangled ) good morning Ella (stretches)

E: (is already ready just adding finishing touches) good morning princess
A: Why didn’t you wake me up sooner? It’s already past dawn
E: You think I didn’t try? You sleep tighter than the bear.
A: Because you were probably to orough
E: Yeah yeah sure(rolls her eyes) Anyways I have a whoel day planned out so we better start grinding
those sweet items
A: (takes the paper with plan on it) Isn’t this a little too much for one day?
E: Not if we start right now, come on
A: (hesitantly gets out of bed and groans)
Jos grindovanja

A: (sweating and getting tiredy) Mannn how more of these humans must we kill?
E: We just need few more stuff until we are done, also we need to kill their boss
A: Boss? Should be easy enough
E: I think you should take a rest
A: You think it’s easy to take on me? Pfft bring it on
E: I relaly think you should-
A:(charges in)
E: (sighs and groans and starts runnning after him)
A: (already fighting him and few more mobs as well)
E: Alador you were already exhausted what were you thinking ?! (shouting)
A: Don’t worry ma’am I have got this
E: (starts shooting them and notices Alador trembling and being wounded)
A: (falls on one knee)
E: !!! drink this ! (tosses potion of minor healing)
A: (just as he is about to drink it he agroes one of the foes which stops him from drinking)
E: (comes in and barely blocks the attack) Drink it fast!
A: he does so and stands up
enemy: is this all you got? (smirks)
A: ( sees Ella huffing and almost out of strength)(enters berserking mode)
E: (stays shocked for few seconds and then helps him)

After the fight

A: Man that was scary

E: (comes up to him yelling) What were you thinking back there???
A: Calm down, everything turned out okay
E: (sighs and walks away a bit)
A: Look I am sorry I won’t do it again I promise
E: You better not (pouts)
A: let’s take a break huh what do you say Ells? (puts hand around her shoulder)
E: (she brushes it off) Okay but make it quick

time skip I ella je distancirana vidno od Aladora

A: Crazy day, but good job on planning it, we actually managed to do everything by dusk
E: …
A: Cat got your tongue, hey why are you ignoring me all day?
E: I am giving you a silent treatment to teach you a lesson
A: Well, that’s just plain rude
E: It was also rude of you to jump in like that. What I hate the most is recklesness.
A: Alright, alright noted already, when are you going to forgive me Ells ? Did I really make a mistake
that big to deserve all this?
E: (sighs) Okay, I am forgiving you but on two condiitions
A: Shoot your shots
E: First: one more recklesness and I won’t help you anymore, and second stop calling me names
A: Whaaaaaaaa?? But Els is pretty cute nickname
E: Stop it.
A: Okay you presued me, I am agreeing to both conditions
E: In that case we are done for today
A: Man I can’t wait to lay down!

Dosli su u INN sobu I presvlace se

A: Pheww! We got some great stuff today! Those quests we did today really paid off
E: I must admit today was a big upgrade for us
A: I know right?? And it’s only the second day!
A: (lays in bed) Ahh how I missed this! Aren’t you gonna go to bed.
E: I have to make plan for tomorrow and also some bandaids
A: Whatever suits you! Good night Ella!
E:… Good night

posle nekog vremena Ella zaspi za stolom I onda ima nocnu moru
Blood elf 1: (yelling) Are you out of your mind ?! Make that mistake again and you will rot in streets ?
Little ell: I am sorry I dnd’t mean to I-
Blood elf 2: He is just looking out for you-
Big ell: I know I am sorry I won’t-
Opposite ell: Your life is a mistake

Ella se budi vristuci I tresuci se I plakajuci sa cebetom preko sebe koji je alador dao dok je spavala,
okrece se I gleda u Aladora koji na izgled spava I ona izdise
ella izlazi napolje da procisti misli I gleda u zvezde nesto prica sebi u bradu da se smiri a to Alador
prisluskuje jer mu je krevet kra jprozora
Ella se vraca u sobu I leze da spava, Alador zabrinuto gleda I zaspi

Jutro je I svice Alador se budi a Ella se tek sprema

E: Someone woke up earlier

A: Huh yeah I guess (notices Ellas eye bags) Woah! Someone didn’t sleep much last night
E: Bed was uncomfortable, once we finish more quests we will be able to afford a better room, now
let’s get ready and go
A: … alright

spremaju se I izlaze ella u pocetku izgleda kao da moze da izdrzi ali ubrzo posustaje I lako se umara
dani su prolazili I alador primecuje da je Ella svakim danom sve slabija I slabija da jedva moze da stoji

A: We should take this day off to rest

E: Nonsense I can endure at least two more pulls
A: How the tables have turned
E: Look, unlike you I know my body’s limits (barely can cast a spell)
A:(stops her from casting) Ella, I heard what happened the other night, something happened that night
that obviously unsettled you
E: I simply had a nightmare and were startled I don’t see what youre getting at (continues trying to
A: (stops her again) You cried Ella , something has been clearly bothering you for the past two weeks
E: (looks shocked to see him know that) As I said I got scared
A: Ella, look at me while we are talking you are obviously hiding something from me . We may know
each other for only a few weeks but that was enough for me to just picture your personality in my
mind, on the outside you can be as cold as Nortyhrend ice but deep down I know you are fragile
E:… (looks to the side)
A: Listen, let’s call it a day. You don’t have to tell me anything but if you change your mind I will be
here to listen. (walks away a bit and stops) You may see me as just a companion but I see you as a
friend, a friend who is in pain(walks away)
E: (falls to the ground in desperate need of rest)
(another nightmare)
scena je poljana sa drvetom I dva blood elfa deca su na njoj

Little el: LOOK at how tall I can climb this tree

blood elf : be carefulll you may fall and hurt yourself
E: don’t worry I am a pro (catches a splinter) Ow!
Blood elf: Are you ok?! What happened?!
E: I just- (on verge oftearrs) it’s a splinter
Blood elf: Climb down I know how to pull it out!
E: will it hurt?
B: only a bit, but it will be much better I promise!
E: No! I know it’s gonna hurt!
B: (sighs ) Please El trust me (smiles warmly)
E: (sniffles and climbs down slowly)
B: Aaand done! See? It wasn’t that bad.
E: Wow! You are amazing! You would make the best healer!
B: Pfft don’t be ridiculous I am not allowed to know any spell yet.
E: Mark my words you will be the best one.
(transition the same face but bigger el during a combat)

E: (name is mumbled) WHERE ARE YOU? (an undead attacks her)

B: (strikes the undead with smite) El are you okay?!
E: (with tears in her eyes) Oh thank god you’re safe! I thought I lost you… (hugs him)
B: You haven’t lost me yet… (someone striked from behind him) (transitions to dead Alador)

back to present

E: ( wakes up in cold sweat) AAA

A: Ella what’s wrong?! (Alador wakes up from the chair beside her bad obviosly tired from aiding her
all day, it’s already night)
E: (grabs her arms and tries to catcha breath)
A: Hey hey! Look at me ! Look at me Ella. It was a another nightmare, you’re back to reality.
E: Alador what is this (holding a cold wet cloth in her hand)
A: You had a very high fever, I didn’t even know it was possible to be that high…
E: What time is it?! I have to continue.
A: (Alador mad stops her)Listen, I may not be the best companion but still you are not alone in this,
back there at orgrimarr everyone made an oath to stay with their party. We are soulbounded whether
you like it or not, and at least we should compromise and listen to each other. And when I say you are
nowhere near in shape to walk let alone fight you have to believe me. It looks like to me you’re only
using me to achieve some of your sick goals but I am also a person Ella, I have feelings.

E: (holding her head because of headache) Look Alador, of course you’re a person, I am not using you
for any of my ‘sick reasons’, I promise, I am just not ready to confess.
A: (even more mad) That’s what I thought you would say, I really thought we were a team.
E: Wait! Listen, back then when you made that reckless move-
A: Not this again! I said I am sorry!!-
E: Listen to me! You have unlocked some of my memories I thought were destroyed.
A: What..?
E: Yes! I have practically no memory since like a year ago.
A: You mean.. you don’t remember any of your childhood?
E: Yes exactly that!
A: And oyu say they were destroyed? How exactly?
E: I am not sure yet but I wanna find out.
A: … I am sorry for yelling (sits beside her)
E: And I am sorry for not telling you…
A: Let’s not end this day on the sad note. We will fight through this together, I promise, but do you trust
me ?
E: Alright… I trust you. (smiles slightly)
A: Ayy that’s a nice beginning. You should smile more you really have a pretty smile
(transition to that bloodelf who healed her for a sec)
E: (looks a bit shocked but puts her head on alador without saying a word)
A: (Flushed and shocked looks down on her)
E: Thank you I think you are a good friend… (smiles and closes eyes)
A: (smiles and thinks to himself “Silly girl” and closes eyes to sleep)

svice zora

Ella se budi cim je svanulo I budi se dok grli Aladora dok je gore go a nogama mu je zagrlila noge,
pocrveni na tren od sramote I vidi kako Alador nema izrazene misice na stomaku
Ella pakuje sve stvari iz sobe I priprema se da predju u novu zonu

Alador se budi I gleda unaokolo I skapira da su spavali zajedno smirkuje na tren a onda Ella ulazi u

E: Okay I found next place where we can quest, get ready to move
A: (laying on his side looking at Ella with smirk)
E: Um, what’s up?
A: I am just glad my friend is looking more lively than yesterday. Also I woke up in your bed.
E: (faking cocughing ) Last night nothing happened so I don’t see a problem.
A: I didn’t say there was a problem, also it was a nice for a change to have someone to cuddle with
while sleeping
E: (remembers that she was hugging him thightly that same morning and gets flushed and emabrassed)
Alright pack we have to move !
A: (thinking to hmself “HEHE gottcha”)

Putovali su peske do most akoji spaja durotar sa Barenss, tamno su streli ljude koji su ih usmerili kuda
da se krecu I usput radili kvestove od tih istih likova
Nakon par sati stizu u crossroads gde srecu ljude sa toplim dobrodoslicama, nastanjuju se u istoimeni
INN ali sada mogu malo bolju sobu da priuste

Nakon uradjenih jos desetka questova spusta se sunce I ella I alador su veoma umorni

A: I must say these beds are much more comfortable than the last one.
E: (groans ) It’s still the same to me
A: Maybe the bed from last night was more comfortable ( winks)
E: Haha very funny(flustered)
A: So what’s the plan for tomorrow?
E: Well believe it or not I am planning for us to go to our very first dungeon.
A: I only heard story about those… They say they are tough.
E: Could be, but can’t guarantee until we try
A: I am sure two of us can handle anything
E: Dungeons are not meant to be cleare dby only two people, you need five
A: Where are we going to find 3 more members
E: I have a plan
A: Hmm I trust your plan Ella, we should rest now, sleep well
E: you too Alador
A: You can call me Al, it’s a nickname reserved for friends only
E: … good night Al
A: (smiles but Ella couldn’t see it because he was lying facing the wall)

posle nekog vremena Ella opet ima isti kosmar kao od preksinoc I budi se malo smirenija ali opet u

E: (“I am not going to have enough sleep again damn it, but I slept so soundly last night with… “ she
faces the Alador’s way and flushes)(“I really have no choice”)(she decides to sleep alone ready for
another nightmare and bad quality sleep)

in the morning

A: Good morning princess! (sees Ella watching the ceiling blankly with eyebags) Don’t tell me it was a
all nighter again…
E:It was…
A: Alright then, no dungeons for today.
E: B-but!-
A: No buts Ella, you know how this ended last time how are we going to fix this? But you slept the
night before very-…
E: (ella looks with fear in her eyes because of his realization)
A: (he smirks at her ) I know you know the reason already! Say it!
E: NO WAY (looks the other way flushed but keeping her calm)
A: Come on Ella, you obviously need me and there’s no shame in that!
E: No I obviously feel lonely and that triggers the bad dreams
A: Ooooor maybe I am the only cure! (scoops next to her )
E: I am not gonna fall for your dirty tricks again!
A: Dirty tricks ? I haven’t touched you in any way!
E: Don’t lie to me I woke up with my hands around your body!
A: Ahhh that, well you see I got so stiff at night cuz I couldn’t move of certain someone, but I didn’t
want to risk to wake you up because you relaly needed that rest
E: You are saying it was all me ?!
A: Yup! So I am the real victim here (smirks)
E: (flushed covering her face “I cant believe it! Since hwen did I get so perverted!? “ )
A: All jokes aside, if you rest now we may be able to attend the dungeon. (he pats his lap while sitting
on the bed) Come on I won’t bite. (smiles)
E: Okay! But so you know I am doing this because I am really tired and I also want to do dungeon
A: (smiles softly) I know I know I won’t judge ya you know. I was only joking moments before
E:(she lays her head on his lap while he is caressing her hair) (she asmrs)
A: This is how my mother always made me calm down and sleep, she would braid my hair so it
wouldn’t get all tangled up in the morning
E: (she feels so calm and trusting) Thank you Alador(she whispers softly)
A: Hmm?

But before she could repeat what she said she fell asleep

A: Sleep tight my little mage

nekoliko sati je proslo

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